Chaos' Heir

Chapter 1046: Box

Chapter 1046: Box

Lightning bolts kept falling on the forest, hitting random spots and luckily avoiding where Miss Christen and the others were. Of course, that wasn't by chance at all, and Miss Christen simply waited while watching her cloaking ability crumble apart.

Eventually, multiple big gaps opened in Miss Christen's ability, allowing the almost-entirety of the forest's symphony to echo in its surroundings. At that point, Miss Christen stepped back, retreating meters away, and a different figure gracefully landed on her previous spot.

Major General Arngan and Colonel Norrett didn't need to think too hard to understand what was happening. The first flash of purple-red light had been enough to tell them everything, so the newcomer's sudden appearance didn't bring any shock or surprise.

Khan had materialized next to Major General Arngan in full Thilku attire. The distant fires caused by his attack sparkled on his silver crown while his eyes shone on the area, filling it with a chilling, suffocating light.

"Took you long enough, brat," Major General Arngan cursed before crouching forward again. His artificial arm had burst with another wave of pain, less bearable than the previous.

Khan followed Major General Arngan's gesture. His act of squeezing his artificial arm's base already highlighted the problem, but Khan saw far more than that. Somehow, the Fuveall had managed to make the Major General's mana flow in the silver limb, but a rejection had sparked now.

The rejection showed no sign of calming down. The silver alloy altered Major General Arngan's mana, becoming poisonous once it flowed back into his actual flesh. That contamination risked affecting his entire body, so Khan crouched toward him.

Major General Arngan saw blue light shining past his closed eyelids, prompting him to open his eyes. It took him some time to adjust to the radiance, but he eventually spotted Khan's hand resting on his artificial limb.

Khan didn't say anything. His hand exerted no pressure nor sent any energy forward. However, Major General Arngan felt something. His artificial arm experienced a strange, vague sensation, which was overwhelmed by a sharp burst of pain.

Major General Arngan had to summon the entirety of his self-control to turn the imminent scream into a grunt. Cracks suddenly appeared on his artificial arm, expanding into a spiderweb that spread deep inside it.

The artificial arm didn't try to oppose the event at all. Once all the cracks connected, it fell into a rain of silver shards, exposing Major General Arngan's bleeding stump to Baoway's cozy air.

The Fuveall limb replicated most sensations to perfection, so Major General Arngan felt as if his arm had been crushed to bits. Yet, once the initial burst of pain subsided, his mind began to clear, revealing that his condition was improving.

Khan briefly inspected Major General Arngan again before teleporting next to Colonel Norrett and crouching toward him. The latter smiled, but Khan ignored his expression and placed a hand on his back to check his condition.

Miss Christen had healed Colonel Norrett's ugliest injuries, but his condition remained poor. He was somewhat stable for now, but that couldn't last, especially since some of his wounds kept losing blood.

"The Nognes family sent her to spy on you," Colonel Norrett hoarsely said, ignoring his condition. "She called herself a contingency."

Khan nodded but didn't say anything. Colonel Norrett could last on his own a little longer, so Khan stood up, deciding to focus on the issue's core.

Miss Christen didn't dare to move after Khan's landing, and the arrival of his blue glow on her vouched for her decision. Her existence seemed to shrink under Khan's intense gaze. The thinner blades of grass directly exploded under his pressure, and the atmosphere grew heavier with each additional second in that exchange of stares.

"Prince Khan," Miss Christen eventually called, showing no fear, "Lord Blue Shaman. I'm here under the order of the Nognes family. Please know that I mean no harm."

Those words sounded ludicrous due to Colonel Norrett and Major General Arngan's conditions, but Miss Christen had spoken the truth. She had never tried to kill the two warriors, and her orders truly lacked battle-related purposes, for now, at least.

Khan remained expressionless, but his intensity didn't diminish at all. Miss Christen could almost swear she heard faint thunders in her ears under his fixed stare, but fear still didn't arrive. Khan had transformed since their last meeting, but Miss Christen remained an evolved warrior from a noble family.

Colonel Norrett and Miss Christen had revealed much in their few lines. Khan only needed to add his knowledge to the equation to understand what was happening.

Miss Christen had called him "Lord Blue Shaman", so she had to be aware of his change in status. The Nognes Excellencies had to have given the order after their meeting, which didn't do enough to reassure them.

The foreign energy in Colonel Norrett's body also confirmed that Miss Christen had helped him. She could have easily killed him, especially in that state, but didn't, confirming her relatively peaceful intentions.

Still, did any of that matter? For Khan, it surely didn't.

"While the Excellencies didn't warn you, Prince Khan," Miss Christen continued, "I believe you must have expected a similar security measure. Everyone knows you still are the faction's leader, and the Excellencies need better reassurances."

Miss Christen had spoken the truth once again. Khan had abdicated in favor of his Uncle, but his word remained absolute. He was merely delegating his political duties to others to focus on his main goal, but his authority didn't change.

"Also," Miss Christen added. "I'm the sole evolved warrior in this mission. As per your directive, Mister Bruno departed with the Excellencies."

That could easily be a lie, especially due to Miss Christen's wording, but Khan decided to believe her. She sounded honest, and Khan knew his next move would end that stupid and annoying conflict once and for all.

"May I ask your opinion on this matter, Prince Khan?" Miss Christen asked. "I would prefer to continue my task unhindered, but we can confer with the Excellencies to negotiate details."

"I'll contact the Excellencies," Khan finally spoke, seemingly agreeing while drawing his cursed knife. "I'll send them a box with your head in it. That should convey my opinion."

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