Chaos' Heir

Chapter 946: Ants

Chapter 946: Ants

A wave of cries reached Bruno's ears. The battle had ended, but the area had only grown louder due to the Scalqa army chanting Prince Khan's name. He was nothing short of a deity in those war-driven, primitive minds, and Bruno couldn't blame them. As much as Prince Khan tried to walk that narrow line, he was indeed a superior existence.

Bruno knew that more than most. He understood the immense gap between Prince Khan and his soldiers better than anyone else. After all, Bruno was an old evolved warrior. He had seen much throughout his long life, granting him unique insights into Prince Khan's situation.

'How sad,' Bruno thought, gazing at a random spot on the battlefield but keeping his attention on Prince Khan. He didn't need to look in his direction to see him. He didn't even require questions to understand his mental state.

Prince Khan gazed at the empty horizon from atop his mountain of corpses. His bright, alien eyes looked lost in the environment, but Bruno knew they pierced those material aspects, delving into deeper topics.

The army's chants couldn't distract the young Prince from his thoughts. He appeared unfazed by the noise, only focused on the next battle. Of course, that impression was wrong, too, but Bruno didn't need to go around correcting it.

'Ah, youth,' Bruno sighed internally. 'The Prince should realize it's already too late.'

Prince Khan had tried to hide it, but Bruno wasn't easily tricked. Bruno knew the Prince had achieved some breakthroughs since his arrival to Baoway. The young Prince's steps alone confirmed that. Many would ignore that small detail, but Bruno saw a hidden world behind it. 'That's good,' Bruno concluded. 'The Nognes family's future will be bright with the addition of the Prince.'

Prince Khan eventually jumped off the pile of charred corpses, walking through the fervent army. The Scalqa followed his steady march with their eyes, seemingly revitalized by his mere presence. Some even fell to their knees, announcing their worship.

Prince Khan paid the Scalqa no heed, marching through the mass of muscles and corpses as if it were no different than a peaceful park. His bright eyes never wavered, either, unfazed by the gory spectacle.

Bruno felt sad once again. He saw past Prince Khan's stern face, noticing his internal conflict. His army had nothing but cheers and reverence for him, but he couldn't address it. Mere ants couldn't reach his ears.

Because that was what the Scalqa were. Bruno wasn't trying to sound arrogant with that remark. His thought didn't even account for the political difference between the Prince and his army. Those aliens simply were flies before Prince Khan's power.

That issue didn't stop at the Scalqa. Bruno had seen it happen many times. Soon, even Prince Khan's dear people would look no different than ants in his eyes. That beautiful Fiancée of his might last longer than the others, but her fate was sealed, too.

It was a sad but unavoidable development, which Bruno knew very well. Power granted many benefits, but its price was steep. Transforming into something that existed beyond

humankind would make Prince Khan unbeatable but would also erect a barrier between those he left behind.

Of course, people could try to follow Prince Khan into that superior realm, but few would succeed. Also, the young Prince was a unique existence even among evolved warriors. Bruno had seen that in their first sparring session. That result boded well for the Nognes family but would surely curse Prince Khan's personal life.

'You see that, don't you?' Bruno wondered, finally eyeing the departing Prince Khan. 'Young Prince, you have already crossed the threshold, and there's no turning back now.'

A trace of anger seeped through the Prince's aura. He seemed to have sensed Bruno's gaze and its meaning, making the evolved warrior smile. That reaction only confirmed Bruno's idea, adding fuel to the sad situation.

'You'll be fine, young Prince,' Bruno thought. 'The Nognes family will give you what the world can't.'

Prince Khan's figure eventually disappeared. Everyone lost track of him, but Bruno followed his movements, almost leading to a sigh. The Prince wasn't returning to the headquarters. He was flying past the perimeter, probably planning to kill time alone in the wilderness.

'To be young,' Bruno commented as his figure also disappeared. He strolled through the battlefield and wilderness past it unnoticed, the world in his eyes almost frozen. Eventually, he found himself atop a distant hill, standing next to the sitting Prince.

"Another extraordinary victory, Prince Khan," Bruno commented. "My congratulations."

The Prince didn't turn, and Bruno knew he had noticed his arrival. He almost thought his comment would lead to a sparring session, but Prince Khan simply ignored it. Something weighed on his mind. Also, Bruno knew he was holding back on showing the result of his training.

"The campaign should be almost over," Bruno continued, gazing at the white horizon. "I believe you'll end it in no longer than three months."

Prince Khan reacted to those words, picking up his phone to check something. He quickly stored it back in his dirty trousers, nodding as calculations happened in his mind.

"Three months should be good," Khan uttered. "We'd return in time for my Fiancée's birthday."

"You also failed to celebrate your birthday, Prince Khan," Bruno pointed out. "You turn twenty-four only once."

"It's already in the past," Khan commented. "I don't care much about it in the first place."

"You should, Prince Khan," Bruno said, almost scolding Khan. "You won't get these years back. People should enjoy their youth."

The Prince finally glanced at Bruno, a hint of mockery conveyed in his bright eyes. Enjoyment had never been in Prince Khan's cards. His whole life had been a series of seemingly never- ending battles with the sole purpose of reaffirming and defending his existence.

"I missed our anniversary," Prince Khan revealed, bringing his gaze back to the horizon. "Right, the marriage will happen once we return. You'll have to inform the other Excellencies."

"It's happening, then," Bruno announced. "I'll gladly relay the happy news, Prince Khan. Allow me to congratulate you on your choice of partner. She'll make an excellent bride."

"She chose me," Prince Khan corrected, standing up, "Back when I was nothing more than a


"She made an excellent choice, too, Prince Khan," Bruno praised.

"Even if she didn't," Prince Khan voiced, "I'll make it excellent."

"I'm sure you will, Prince Khan," Bruno stated.

"Leave now," Khan ordered. "I have an appointment with that pack."

The Prince didn't nod in any specific direction, but Bruno didn't need that gesture to sense the incoming threat. A small pack was converging in their position and would be upon them in a matter of minutes.

"Do you want a hand, Prince Khan?" Bruno wondered. "This old man needs to stretch his joints."

"I won't show you my power," Prince Khan declared. "I might have to kill you one day."

"I'm merely a servant of the Nognes family, Prince Khan," Bruno tried to reassure, but the Prince didn't bother with words anymore. He stepped forward, disappearing in the distance toward the incoming pack.

Soon, explosions resounded in the distance, and Bruno politely retracted his senses, leaving the Prince to his privacy. Still, an honest smile appeared on his face as he turned to leave.

'I wonder if you'll change your mind after your reunion, young Prince,' Bruno thought. 'No matter how beautiful, creatures like us don't marry ants. Ah, to be young.'


Author's notes: Merry Christmas!

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