Close Combat Mage

Chapter 368 – Preparing to Head Out Pt.1

Chapter 368 – Preparing to Head Out Pt.1

“Wait!” Suo Jia suddenly opened his eyes and looked over at the drab crown. There seemed to be something wrong!

Upon closer inspection, he realized that while the Atlantis’ Wisdom no longer radiated bright rays, there was still a faint rainbow halo around it that could be seen if he looked extremely closely at a distance of about ten centimeters away!

Suo Jia impatiently opened the enhancement room door and whisked out the Atlantis’ Wisdom. Indeed…floating in the air behind the crown was a ring of light about a meter in diameter and as broad as a rainbow!

When he placed the crown on his head…an indescribably refreshing feeling swept through his mind wave after wave. Suo Jia could feel himself enter a state he had never experienced before; he was extremely clear-headed, his mind was completely full, and it felt like it had become sharper as well.

Suo Jia swiftly turned around to look at a mirror in the workroom…and his jaw dropped dumbly in shock for a moment before he started laughing in glee to himself.

Behind Suo Jia’s head was a mysterious rainbow-colored halo. Its color was extremely faint, but was still distinct. Suo Jia had seen such a sight before, but that was only for the gods that appeared in old history books. In the legends, this phenomenon was called Divine Light. However, this Divine Light was much brighter and more colorful than Suo Jia’s halo, on an entirely different level that couldn’t even be compared. Only the shape and the color range were similar.

The crown had been restored to its natural state. Suo Jia was beyond shocked at this realization. When an equipment reached rank ten, it was equivalent to a Mage Saint’s rank. At this stage, the exterior appearance wasn’t as dazzling anymore, but its power was much, much greater.

Suo Jia proudly wore the Atlantis’ Wisdom. Now that he’d already used up all his money, he naturally stopped working. Even if he wanted to continue, he had no way of purchasing any more Illusion Gems.

Based on the rule of six, enhancing one equipment to rank ten needed at least 5 billion. Suo Jia still had six more equipment to enhance, which meant that he still needed 30 billion to enhance his entire equipment set to rank ten. In addition, this was all assuming that the rule of six stood true.

He covered his head with the hood of the cloak to hide the crown on his head. Fortunately…the halo was only on the back of his head, so the cloak completely blocked it from sight. If it was still rank eight or rank nine, anyone would be able to see the powerful glow it emitted unless he covered his entire face.

When he left his workroom, the area outside was packed with people. Everyone was waiting for Suo Jia to enhance their equipment. Typically speaking, a 20% success rate was already pretty decent, plus Suo Jia was accepting fees as if he had a 50% success rate. This kind of amazing opportunity was one that even idiots wouldn’t pass on.

Although Suo Jia saw everyone’s longing gazes, he couldn’t help but announce, “Everyone, I no longer have any more money, I used it all just now. If you all give me addresses, I will definitely come back and help you enhance your equipment once I’ve gathered enough money again!”

Although everyone was disappointed, they still left behind a method of contact. After all…this chance was better than none at all. As long as there was hope, they would continue striving for prospects.

After handling everything, Suo Jia finally left the auction house and stretched his stiff body. As he looked up at the sky under the warm sunlight, he felt an unprecedented feeling of contentment.

Suo Jia was just about to let out a relaxed sigh before he suddenly froze, his body in mid-stretch. He abruptly glanced back at the sun once more…and then let out a shocked exclaim and started running wildly. Judging from the sun’s position, it was already past noon. To be more precise, it was already past 3pm, meaning that it was already 3 hours past the designated meeting time with his companions!

Within 20 or so minutes, Suo Jia raced back to the inn and anxiously looked all around, but he couldn’t find any sign of his companions!

Just then, he felt a pressure on his shoulder as a soft and smooth hand clapped on. Before Suo Jia had even turned around, Nicole said, “You rascal, why are you so late? You scared us to death, we thought something might’ve happened to you!”

Suo Jia turned around in surprise to look at Nicole and apologetically replied, “Don’t ask. I was so busy just now that I completely forgot the time. Also…where are Xiang Yun and Roger?”

Nicole rolled her eyes in exasperation and muttered, “Where else? They’re obviously at the Adventurer Union, trying to issue a request to search for you. Let’s hurry up and go after them…”

Suo Jia scratched his head in embarrassment, and the two headed towards the Adventurer Union, finding Xiang Yun and Roger without incident. After canceling the request, the four of them walked back towards the inn.

The next few hours were spent sharing what they’d all been doing the past half a year, and it was soon dinnertime. After finishing his food, Suo Jia lazily sat in a chair and began the first formal conference after meeting.

Suo Jia looked around and asked, “How are everyone’s preparations? I’ve already obtained ten trust certificates, so if there are no problems, we can cross the checkpoint tomorrow!”

Roger’s eyebrows knit together and he hesitantly asked, “Boss, have you ever thought about what would happen if we encountered that adventurer?”

“Hm?” Suo Jia was confused at first, but soon realized that Roger was referring to that merciless homicidal maniac!

When they had first entered the Greater Trade Routes, over a hundred groups had been stuck at the first relay station because of the Thorn Mice. The reason they had wanted to leave the Greater Trade Routes was because they said that past the second checkpoint, there was a merciless murderer!

Although Suo Jia was confident in his and his companions’ abilities, he knew that his current state was only better than that of people first entering the Greater Trade Routes. If he really encountered someone that was able to single-handedly wipe out hundreds of groups, he’d definitely experience a tragic death!

However, the only thing Suo Jia had heard from the people were that an attack from all sides by thousands of people couldn’t phase the opposite party, and that the people were instead killed and scared out of their wits, to the point of losing their courage to continue onwards in the Greater Trade Routes.

Suo Jia suddenly realized that he’d been overconfident in his abilities this whole time, to the point where he’d never considered losing to this guy. He hadn’t really tried to collect more information on him, and had completely forgotten about this crazy killer!

Xiang Yun opened his mouth, “Captain, I’ve recently heard a lot of adventurers discussing this homicidal maniac. Because of him, only 14 groups have successfully reached the third checkpoint in the past two years, and the other thousands of groups have been stuck at the second checkpoint. I definitely think we cannot underestimate this monster since we clearly can’t do what he can!”

“Mmm…” Nicole nodded and seriously added, “Young Master, I think they’re right. I’ve also heard some top secret information; it’s said that this mysterious killer doesn’t even need to move to cause his enemies to die tragically. His enemies basically can’t even get near him! No matter how many people are present, they are nothing to him!”

Suo Jia dumbly stared at his companions in shock. This whole time, he’d been focusing entirely on improving his strength and had completely forgotten about gathering and organizing intelligence. Although they were about to head out, he had absolutely no information on the opposite party. This time, he had really failed as a boss!

Suo Jia knew that there was no longer any way he could retreat. If he admitted his mistake now, he’d lose everyone’s faith. Thus, no matter whether they survived or not, no matter what happened, he had to charge forwards to the third checkpoint!

Suo Jia firmly replied, “No matter how powerful this guy is, we must continue forwards. Our objective won’t change. It’s not like we can just keep retreating whenever our opponents are extremely strong, right?”

Xiang Yun wholeheartedly agreed. “That’s right, it doesn’t matter how powerful he is, we still have to challenge him. Even if we die, we can’t just keep shrinking back from everything!”

“Agreed!” Suo Jia resolutely nodded. “Although the enemy is very strong, maybe even more than we think, I refuse to shy away without even trying. No matter what, we have to at least make an attempt first!”

“Alright…” Roger reluctantly nodded and cautiously answered, “I admit what you guys have said makes sense. In that case, we should rest up early and make sure we’re in top condition to scout around tomorrow!”

Xiang Yun and Roger walked out of the room, leaving only Nicole and Suo Jia together.

There was a long silence before Nicole let out a sigh. “Young Master, you must be completely prepared before we head out this time. That guy really is another level of powerful. Any carelessness will lead to our group’s destruction!”

Nicole took out a blue scroll from her interspatial ring. “Young Master, this is a scroll I found from some historical remains. Judging from its color, it should be related to the ice element.”

“Oh?” Suo Jia raised his head to look at the scroll in Nicole’s hands and accepted it. At the same time, Nicole turned around and walked out the door.

Suo Jia inspected the scroll a bit more closely before returning to his own room. After flipping it around his hands a bit more, he finally pulled off the string tying the scroll together and the blue scroll slowly unrolled open.

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