Condemning the Heavens

Chapter 183: The Legacy

Xue Wei was not aware of how terrible the cultivation talents of the Moon Prince's era had been, so he was not sure what was considered strong enough, but he was confident in one thing – that no Sky Warrior from his own era could compare to himself.

"Well, wondering about what his expectations are will get me nowhere. I just need to try it out!" Xue Wei finally decided and snickered as he stood in front of the big stone pillar.

Taking in a deep breath, Xue Wei transformed into his humanoid dragon form; azure scales protruded out of his skin and covered his entire body, including his face, his hands and feet turned into claws, and a tail slowly folded out behind him .

At this point, Xue Wei felt his entire body bursting with energy. He was many times stronger than the usual; he could feel every cell in his body trembling with energy, which he gathered in his palm.

Xue Wei was eager to test his strength. In fact, he was certain that he could output damage far beyond the realms of a Sky Warrior. Furthermore, he had attained the ability to unleash everything at once, which he did.

He looked expectantly at the pillar's gems, eager to see how much they would shine.

He did not expect himself to light up the deepest of colors, but he did expect it to at least reach the middle.

Unfortunately, he was sorely disappointed. The crystals did shine. However, although all of them were lit, it was the lightest color, and it was so dim that it could almost not be seen.

Seeing the result, Xue Wei was dumbstruck. Was that really all he could do after releasing all of his power in one move? The strength of someone unrivaled amongst Sky Warriors amounted to this little?

"Let me try again!" Xue Wei said, unwilling to accept that he was at the lowest possible threshold. However before he had the chance to try, the last door opened, and the pillar sunk into the floor.

"Congratulations, you are the first person to enter the heart of my tomb," the Moon Prince's voice sounded out. Although he had barely qualified, he had still qualified. "Enter and see if the inheritance will suit you!"

Xue Wei suddenly forgot all about grievances related to his sloppy results, and a smile flittered on his lips.

"Seems like I will be able to gain something anyway." He smiled and entered the final room.

All the earlier rooms in the trials had been dark and only slightly illuminated by the light orb in Xue Wei's hands, but this room was aflame with an eternal fire that was imbued into specific gems.

Looking at them, Xue Wei could not help but make a note of robbing them later. They were many times more beneficial than the light orbs he had because they never ran out of energy.

The eternal fire was a flame encased in a crystal, but it was sustained by the heaven-and-earth essence in the air. As long as there was heaven-and-earth essence, then it would continue to shine, and there was plenty of heaven-and-earth essence in their world.

After having drooled a little over the eternal fire, Xue Wei looked at the rest of the room. The room was around a hundred square meters, and there was only one door into it. Xue Wei closed it after himself, in the hopes that Bai Tianyi or someone else would make it into the tomb itself later.

There was a podium in the middle with a coffin made of transparent snow jade on top. Although Snow Jade was made to keep things alive, Xue Wei knew that this person was dead. However, the Snow Jade kept the corpse intact, even after millennia had passed.

The wall of the room was filled with bookshelves where books and scrolls were laying on the shelves in random fashion.

"Hum, I do want to take all these things with me," Xue Wei muttered, "but I am afraid that I would need an even bigger storage ring to do that."

Looking around, he tried to see if he could find a storage ring, but there was nothing of the sorts.

"I wonder," he muttered while glancing at the coffin. "Could it be he is wearing his ring? Also, where is the inheritance he mentioned? This place is empty."

Stepping up next to the coffin, Xue Wei opened the lid and looked down. The Moon Prince looked almost alive and well as he laid in the coffin; his hair was silver like the moonlight, his eyes were closed, and his skin was pearl-like and fair.

Xue Wei's eyes landed on his hand and saw a ring. It was a silver ring and resembled a dragon that coiled around his finger.

"Sorry, senior," Xue Wei said as he bowed to the late Moon Prince, "but I need this ring. I hope you don't mind."

He then reached out and took the ring off the finger. The body felt cool to touch, and it still felt like it was a living being. Frowning, Xue Wei took the ring and pushed the lid back over the coffin again.

After sitting down on the floor, he examined the ring in his hand. Without much hesitation, he bit his finger and let a drop of blood land on the ring. The moment the blood landed on the ring, it sept into it without leaving a trace behind. The instant afterward, Xue Wei felt a connection with the ring.

Before he had the chance to check how spacious the ring was and what it contained, he heard a chuckle from behind. It seemed the Moon Prince was not done with him yet.

"Well done, young one!" the Moon Prince's voice sounded throughout the entire room. "I have been dead for many years by the time you come here, so you taking my storage ring has no meaning to me any longer. Taking it means that you are bold enough, and the fact that you made it here means that you can be considered outstanding in the younger generation, I have no doubt about this."

"These books are my legacy. Although I have scribbled down everything I know in these books, I have also placed a jade slip within each one that will allow you to learn entire formations related to every chapter into your mind."

"I have written down many martial arts and techniques, but the majority of my legacy is related to formations. My dream was to create formations that could run forever on the heaven-and-earth essence, just like the eternal flame does. That way, a formation would forever be able to run, without needing a source of power, which would make it much simpler to use formations in the future."

"Unfortunately, I never succeeded. The closest I got to that is the age-restricting formation, which is fueled by my soul power alongside the heaven-and-earth essence."

Xue Wei was stunned, but then he felt elated. He had expected some sort of fancy process before he could understand the legacy, but all he actually had to do was place some jade slips on his forehead and learn everything pretty much instantly.

"Let’s take every book, then," Xue Wei said and went towards the first bookshelf, where he picked a random book. As expected, there was a jade slip on the first page. He placed it on his forehead.

This book was about formations; it was about a specific formation known as the Rainbow Flow Formation. It was not incredibly useful but allowed one to create a rainbow as they pleased. It was a beautiful formation and sold quite well back in the days. It could also be used to blind people, or disorientate them.

The next book was about the Moon Prince’s theoretics and experiments on self-running formations, but it was far too complex for Xue Wei at his current level.

Xue Wei went from one book to the other and absorbed all the knowledge he could get. After that, he threw the books into the storage ring. So far, he had still not checked how spacious it was, but he felt that it would be a waste if it was so small that it could not accommodate all the books in the tomb.

"Oh, you are here," a voice suddenly sounded out from behind Xue Wei. He turned to see Bai Tianyi standing behind him. His appearance was as unruffled as always, eternally carefree and casual.

"That last test was annoying," Bai Tianyi complained. "I thought I could pass it easily, but not only did I fail the first attempt, I even failed the second one. I had to use up some of my trump cards to pass."

"Honestly, I am quite surprised that you made it," he said with praise. Xue Wei felt a little better after hearing that he was not alone in having difficulties with the final test.

"Oh well, I guess it is time for me to eat some soul energy from this corpse! If he has no soul energy left, then I have truly lost a lot this time." Bai Tianyi grumbled as he went towards the coffin.

Seeing the dissatisfied Bai Tianyi, Xue Wei could not help but smile and shake his head before he continued to absorb all the knowledge left in the books.

Like this, a few days went by. Xue Wei busily spent his time digesting the knowledge he had received, and Bai Tianyi sat next to the tomb to convert the soul power of the Moon Prince’s corpse into spiritual energy.

Xue Wei was the first to finish. His head was hurting after processing so much information at once, and he knew that it would take him time to sort it all out and figure out what was useable for him.

There were some martial art techniques of high rank that he was eager to try out, but he was not sure as to whether he had fully understood the packets of information in his head.

While he had been doing that, Bai Tianyi was shrouded by a large blanket of light. The light covered him and the coffin with the Moon Prince’s corpse inside.

Xue Wei did not feel bad about what Bai Tianyi was doing; in fact, the Moon Prince had said that he was using his own soul power to fuel the formation, so the soul energy would have gone to waste either way when the formation dissolves at some point.

Since he had finished looking at all the books, Xue Wei decided to examine the ring and its contents.

He had yet to fully examine it, so he was curious as to what might be inside.

When he poured his consciousness into the ring, he found that the ring had an amazing capacity to hold various treasures. It was at least as big as the inheritance room.

There were books scattered everywhere inside the ring, which was Xue Wei’s handiwork, but he also found a lot of jade bottles and boxes that contained various things.

He found purses filled to the brim with essence stones, which made his eyes light up with excitement.

They were different from the essence stones he had taken from the Crimson Sunshine Sect's disciple. These were deeper in color and seemed much more profound. They were definitely of a higher quality.

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