Condemning the Heavens

Chapter 590: The Past is Gone

Chapter 590: The Past is Gone

Bai Tianyi's life had always been the search for something better. As a human, he had constantly aimed towards immortality, and did not care much for the consequences such direct approach could have.

It had been impossible for him to become satisfied after his failed attempt to become a spirit, and during his time as an artificial spirit, he had often thought back to the time when he was still a free human being.

Although he had not managed to find immortality, he still had the slightest chance to succeed in ascending the realm one day, but after becoming an artificial spirit, all his dreams had been extinguished.

This, alongside with the many years of being sealed up, had given him many years to think, and he had often thought back upon his life where he roamed free. The nostalgia and the yearning had made him wish to return to back then and not make such a great mistake.

It was also this yearning and unwillingness to accept reality, that had caused him a constant wish to return to his adult form.

However, the past was never going to return, and it was not possible for him to become a human being once more. Even if he did succeed, he would not be satisfied, as the immortality that he had pursued would be further away from him by then.

The time he had spent alongside Xue Wei and their companions had made him aware that although things did not go according to plan, it was still possible to get the best result.

As soon as he managed to become a true spirit, his years of yearning made his figure take on the form that he had been longing for, but after experiencing this appearance once more, he suddenly felt bored.

All his life, he had been chasing something weird. He had gained much knowledge about cultivation and the world, but the cost was unimaginable.

The obsession with immortality was not beneficial for his cultivation and had even pushed him to change who he was. He had forsaken many things, but ended up with nothing more than a cold seal and thousands of years locked up.

Now that he had a chance to redo many things, he had decided that it was not his past that should determine his future.

To him, the sudden transformation he had undergone now was no longer just another step towards immortality, but instead the birth of a new spirit.

He was leaving behind the Bai Tianyi who had been obsessed with being undying, and instead focused on all the things that brought color to the world. He was going to live wantonly and happily, and while he would still pursue strength, it would no longer be at any cost.

To him, the moment he finally managed to become a true spirit, he gave up his past. He was no longer going to be chained down by obsessions or regrets, but instead experience the process of living.

This was also why he had regained his childish figure. To him, this was now who he was. Although he could change it at will, he would never return to the mature adult he once was, and even if he had to become mature at some point, he would choose another personality.

It was not that he loathed or hated his past. This past was part of who he was and had ultimately shaped whom he had become, but he still felt that it was an ended chapter in his life, and he no longer needed to return to there.

He would never abandon or refuse to admit his past, but now he was much more than the obsession.

This sudden change in his personality made the aura surrounding the young man shine with a sense of tranquility that had been lacking before.

He stood in front of them, clearly the body of a child, but the mature aura and the calm outlook on life was in sharp contrast to the immature figure.

His changes were earthshattering for he himself, but the other companions clearly noticed a great change that had happened within him, and they also felt that he had found his own path in life.

Such an enlightenment was truly important for any kind of cultivator, and when they noticed his success, they did not feel envious but grateful. Bai Tianyi was their friend, and he had finally found the way in life that he wished to pursue.

"Well then, Tianyi has succeeded in becoming a true spirit, and Wei has turned into a weird hybrid beast, so now I would assume that it is my turn to mutate?"

The jovial voice of Hei Gou suddenly sounded and brought all out of the awe they felt after looking at Bai Tianyi. Their feelings, however, turned complex right away, as they thought of the risk that Hei Gou was about to undertake.

Xue Wei walked in front of his friend.

"You are sure that this is what you want?"

Although they were all eager to gain strength, they had to remember that their lives were the most important. Hei Gou was Xue Wei's very first companion and an important friend. If he was not completely certain that this risk was worth taking, then Xue Wei would not let him endanger his life.

Hei Gou could sense the worry that they all held for him, and his smile turned warm.

"I was abandoned by my pack, but found that blood-related relatives are not the most important. To me, you are all my important family, and I am not willing to fall behind. I believe in myself and I believe in the faith you all have for me. I will not let myself die while mutating my bloodline."

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