Condemning the Heavens

Chapter 624: Teleportation Array

Chapter 624: Teleportation Array

Xue Wei looked at the nurturing ground in front of him. This area was different from the rest of the zone, and it was clear that no matter how powerful the illusion might be, it would not be able to completely mask the true horror that was hidden beneath the surface.

"Don't you all find this entire No Man's Land quite weird?" Xue Wei could suddenly not help but frown slightly.

"The first area in which we arrived, the scorpions seemed to hunt the humans for food, and in turn, they got eaten by the giant beast. The sheer amount of humans needed to sustain that horde of smaller scorpions cannot be low, and from their habit of living in groups, I doubt they are cannibals."

Xue Wei looked around and his brows furrowed deeper.

"Then, as we arrived at that strange forest, the entire ground was turned to mud from the amount of blood that had been shed, not to mention the many beast puppets that had lost their souls.

"This area is not less troublesome, as each of these plants would need a corpse to grow, but the numerous plants are already making it clear that corpses keep arriving here to let new plants grow."

Xue Wei looked around and felt that he had started to realize something amiss.

"Not just this zone, but all the other zones we have walked through so far depend on a significant number of lives to sustain themselves. The scorpions will likely die from hunger if they do not eat regularly, and the soil in the forest would not be so muddy if it was not constantly irrigated by blood.

"Just look at this area, the flowers keep growing, and we are nearing in on their nurturing grounds where more plants will grow. Each plant requires a corpse, but the corpses cannot be from any of the other zones as each zone needs the corpses for themselves.

"So, where do all these lives come from? No Man's Land is a dangerous area, and people from our world will not usually come here unless absolutely necessary. Even Tianyi said that it is almost unknown, and if so many corpses vanished here, more people would be familiar with this area."

Xue Wei's words were reasonable, but also opened up to a great mystery. Where could these corpses and creatures come from so that No Man's Land could keep existing the way it was now?

"These various zones seem to have been taken here from various locations, but we do not have anywhere even remotely similar in our world, so do you think that they might be from other planes or realms?" Hei Gou frowned slightly as he spoke.

"There are two possible situations; either these zones have been simply taken away from the various original locations and merged together to create this No Man's Land, but this is not very likely, considering the sheer amount of lives that are still lost.

"The second possibility is that we might not be in our own world any longer. Each of these zones are not, as we previously thought, an independant dimension of any kind. Instead, when we enter these zones, we have been teleported to the actual location where they are placed.

"For us, it seems as if they are part of No Man's Land, and we can only enter them through the various zones, but maybe, they are truly placed around the universe, and others can go there, if they live close by. That would explain why so many keep dying here."

Luoluo looked around as she spoke. She could not help but shudder as she was more inclined to believe the second possibility, but the sheer amount of power needed to make such teleportations possible, without the ones involved even realizing, was genuinely horrifying.

If this was done by the enemy hidden in the darkness, then Xue Wei was fighting a losing battle. To fight against someone who could teleport you from one world to another, without you even noticing, that was scary.

Even so, none of them said anything and instead took a deep breath to calm their restless emotions. Even if it was frightening and overwhelming, it was not impossible to fight back. For now, they had some freedom, and although their actions might be the same as entertainment in the eyes of their enemy, it was worth giving it their all, instead of just giving up.

"Actually, No Man's Land might be used as a passway by this guy to enter our world." Bai Tianyi was standing by the side and furrowed his brows as he looked around.

"The various zones are from vastly different environments, and it would make sense that they came from different worlds. The creator might be at the same level as Lan, so he can travel between the various worlds, but it might still be a bit troublesome to return to our world, so he made a teleportation array and placed it together in a specific location, which turned into No Man's Land.

"This is just my theory, but No Man's Land is likely a collection of dangerous zones from various worlds. He might have picked these zones since the majority of those who enter will end up dying, and thus he can keep his teleportation array a secret.

"The reason we are merely walking from zone to zone is that the areas themselves are part of the teleportation array.

"We are not actually transported to the other area itself, we are merely walking through the array, and have to cross them all to get to the other side?"

Bai Tianyi was not completely certain that his theory was correct, but he felt that it was more reasonable than if they were genuinely transported from one world to another, time and time again.

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