Condemning the Heavens

Chapter 626 - Can Flames Get Corrupted?

Chapter 626 - Can Flames Get Corrupted?

Xue Wei and the others were on the path of changing their bodies to become immortals, but they had not truly reached the deity level yet, and thus this extreme heat had an influence on their bodies.

Also, when surveying around, Xue Wei's face turned solemn, and his brows could not help but furrow.

"This flame is wrong." After he finished coughing, Xue Wei could not help but force out a sentence through his painful voice as his eyes focused on the lava that was ever present in their current zone.

After having managed to rouse the bloodline of the Vermillion Bird, Xue Wei had gotten a good affinity with the fire element, but even he felt his hairs stand up whenever he looked at the lava as he could sense that a very domineering and destructive flame was running rampant within the molten rocks in front of them.

"Some of the more powerful flames will gain a certain degree of spirituality but not become genuine spirits." Luoluo's voice sounded from the side as she also looked around. She was truly a living encyclopedia on anything that had to do with spirits, and having her around helped them a lot.

"The flame is fierce and evil. It is destructive and domineering, but it also feels as if it is corrupted, much like how Tianyi was before." Xue Wei did no longer have his spiritual energy, but he could sense that something was wrong with the flame at first glance, and looking at the current situation, he could not help but feel that it was somewhat similar to Bai Tianyi and the description of corruption that Luoluo had mentioned before.

"Do these flames with spirituality have a chance of being corrupted?" Xue Wei was not aware of many details when it came to spirits and corruption, but when considering his strange feelings and how Luoluo had said that it had a spirituality, he feared that there was a possibility of the flame being corrupted. He could not help but shudder at that thought.

Luoluo's eyes also somewhat flashed uncomfortably. "Although they are not genuine spirits, it should be possible to become corrupted. However, since it is not a spirit like us, their flame does not have an actual core, and thus the corruption will influence it, but it will not be in the same way as it is with genuine spirits." Although she had never seen a flame being corrupted, it should be possible, and thus she spoke based on her theoretical knowledge.

"These flames are very much like treasures and pills. Although they can get spirituality, they do not become actual spirits.

"The main difference can be explained if you look at Tianyi. He is a weapon spirit, but he is now much more than just a weapon. The sword was his origin and his core, but he is no longer a sword himself.

"These flames are the flames themselves. They do not become more than that, nor can they shed their flames and change their forms. Unless they manage to break through and gain so much spirituality that their flame turns into their spirit core, they will forever remain the flames they are now."

As Luoluo tried to explain, Xue Wei and the others listened intently. They could not help but feel that the world of spirits was truly peculiar since they could have spirituality without being actual spirits, but when he remembered that there were even artificial spirits, he eventually decided to just accept the explanation and not try to think too much about why or how.

"So far, the previous zones have not had much to do with one another, and it might just be me who is thinking too much into this and making comparisons with the previous area without reason." Xue Wei could not help but frown as he became slightly doubtful.

Although he had a theory that there was a corrupted flame within the area, he had no proof to base his assumptions on, and he also felt that it might be too much of a coincidence if two areas in a row would have something to do with corrupted spirits.

Luoluo heard his words and hesitated slightly as she looked around the cracked, burning ground.

"I cannot sense any corrupted spiritual energy around here, but the flames are not spirits after all. What kind of emotion is making you feel apprehensive?" Luoluo had searched the area but had not sensed anything out of the ordinary.

Xue Wei took a deep breath and tried to figure out what his true feelings were. It was hard to separate the various emotions that filled him, and it took a moment before he had succeeded in finding the best way to explain the difference.

"After merging with my Vermillion Bird bloodline, I have been very sensitive towards various flames and fires. Usually, I will not feel uncomfortable when I am close to fire, and instead want to absorb the good stuff for myself, but whenever I sense the fire energy within this zone, I feel as if I am currently placed in the middle of a bowl of rotten food and forced to eat it.

"It is truly disgusting and it makes me feel as if the flame itself has become dirty and different from its intended nature. Hence I compared it to the corruption which ruined the purity of the spirits. Here it feels more like the flame has been ruined instead, though."

Xue Wei did not know how to best describe the strange sensation that this entire area gave him, but he knew that even if the flame was not corrupted, it was definitely not a good thing either.. The entire aura and atmosphere was making him feel sick.

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