Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 563

Chapter 563: Chapter 103

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Although Sui Xiong traveled very slowly, he still arrived at the Orc Empire rather quickly.

His first destination was the famous western wilderness.

The western wilderness was the farthest part of the western Orc Empire. Various races lived there, so it had a terrible public order. Since there were some rare but expensive special minerals in this area, many people who wanted to make a fortune had come here to try their luck. Many others who served them or wanted to take advantage of them also came. Over time, more and more adventurers gathered here. They came from different ranks and formed into a powerful force.

The Orc Empire’s rule in the western wilderness was unstable because of that messy group of adventurers. Those adventurers were not scared of the Orc Empire. If they broke up with the Orc Empire, these adventurers could cross the desert into the Four Towns of the Northwest, now the Republic of Northwest, or go south to the Commonwealth of Gold Coins. In short, there was always a way out for them.

However, the local officials of the Orc Empire had a much more embarrassing position. They dared not use fierce means to attack the adventurers because that would provoke a strong resistance among the adventurers—the officials might even be killed accidentally. Decades ago, the supreme ruler of the Orc Empire in the western wilderness, Belem Syrah, also known as the Raging Iron Arm, lost his life accidentally and died for nothing. He was a senior master who was almost 500 years old, and the fourth number of the Bishop Group of the master god of the Orc God System.

It was said that he had died of excessive sex. Nobody had grabbed his soul away or cursed him, and he had just played around too much and died of exhaustion.

Of course, no one believed that. How could a Legendary Master who could tear down a wall with his bare hands die of exhaustion!

However, both the priests and the forensic experts insisted on that statement, and that eventually became a stain on the Orc Empire. Every time someone was dissatisfied with the Empire, they would bring up that topic.

For example, almost every low-ranking officer of the Empire in the western wilderness had heard of something like, “The Empire is so amazing that even a Legendary Master can die on a woman’s belly.”

At first, they were naturally very angry upon hearing that. But over time, they became accustomed to it. They even thought that Belem Syrah had died in a quite unique way.

At least it was very sexy and romantic to die on the bellies of women. He was much better than those who died on the battlefield, because their dead bodies had been cut into pieces by their enemies. The enemies did this to gain a reward from their leaders.

People always said that from the first small beginning one could see how things would develop. Thus, since the officials of the Empire could take such things carelessly, what else couldn’t they understand and tolerate?

In that case, naturally, the officials would not spend too much effort on the intensity of their rule. They just fooled around day by day.

People knew that the owner of the Empire was His Majesty, but the owner of their lives was them. Even if these low-ranking officials were sacrificed for the Empire, what benefit could they get? Instead, if they died, their families would lose a source of income. Maybe their wives and children would die of hunger quickly. Was there anyone on earth who wanted to regroup with their families in hell?

It was absolutely impossible for those rebellious ideas and remarks to be spread to the mainland of the Empire, but in the western wilderness, people could talk about that frankly. Even the most loyal officials could just sigh at that.

It was easy to see the decline of the rule of the Orc Empire in the western wilderness from that.

Actually, that had a great deal to do with Sui Xiong. At the beginning, the woman who killed the most powerful master in the western wilderness of the Orc Empire in bed was no one else but Steele Geerteng; she was Sui Xiong’s subordinate, the head of the medical team.

Of course, neither Steele nor Sui Xiong would admit that. Belem died in a muddle, and even he did not know who killed him. Thus, nobody else would know the reason for his death.

Theoretically speaking, a big event like the death of a Legendary Master was worthy of the Orc Empire using a Divination Spell to track down the murderer. But Steele was a subordinate of Sui Xiong, so he could shield her from tracking spells. Thus, even the spell cast by the Orc gods would never find her.

Eventually, Belem Syrah’s death became an unsolved case. Until Sui Xiong entered the capital of the western wilderness, the task of tracking down the murderer who assassinated Lord Belem Syrah was still attached to the top of the message board beside the city gate.

By the way, the murderer was next to Sui Xiong now, but who would associate Miss Steele, the famous head of the medical team in the Republic of Northwest, with the female assassin? If there really was someone thinking of that, others might feel that there was something wrong with his brain.

Steele smiled upon seeing that notice but said nothing.

Decades had passed, and she was much more mature now. She would never act carelessly as she had done at a young age.

The reason why Sui Xiong brought her here this time was mainly because she might be useful. Despite Steele’s appearance as a weak woman, she was actually one of the best forensic experts, doctors, trackers, and negotiators in all of the Republic of Northwest. She could definitely be a top spy if she wanted to.

Although Sui Xiong didn’t think there would be any accidents, he still took her. Steele should be able to help in case there were any accidents.

Coming to the square in the center of the city, Sui Xiong looked around and found that many people were gathered there.

This time, instead of turning into a mini jellyfish, Sui Xiong showed up as a giant floating jellyfish that was at least the size of a house. Even those who were nearsighted could see such the huge jellyfish with his group of followers clearly.

Thus, many people had gathered in this direction long before they entered the city. There were also some bold people who came over to ask why they were here. The answer they got was that a public execution was going to be held in the central square of this city.

The news spread quickly, so more and more people came here.

Some of them came for excitement, some hoped to get some benefits from Sui Xiong, and some were hostile to the Isis organization and wanted to see with their own eyes how their enemies died.

Sui Xiong looked around at the crowd, nodded satisfactorily and said, “Here is okay.”

So his followers, under Steele’s command, began to lay out the guillotine for the executions.

Sui Xiong used the most classic guillotine in European history. The punished one would be tied to the wooden table, and then, on Sui Xiong’s order, the high-hanging blade would fall down along the chute and cut off the punished one’s head. The whole process would take less than a second.

That method of death was almost painless, so it was not suitable for those extremely guilty people. But Sui Xiong was going to execute too many people this time. If each of them were to be executed according to their crime, that would need as many executioners as an army, and it would also take more than half a year to do.

On one hand, Sui Xiong didn’t have that many executioners. On the other hand, he didn’t want to waste time. Thus, he had to deal with this as soon as possible.

Anyway, those evil guys had to die. Sui Xiong didn’t think they would complain about a faster death. As for the audience, wasn’t it enough for them to see the exciting scene and the death of their enemies?

After the guillotine was laid out, Sui Xiong took out the sorted name list and began to read the criminals’ names one by one.

Every time he announced a name, his tentacles would wave in the air, grabbing a person out of nowhere like magic.

Naturally, these people he grabbed here were all members of the Isis organization. Sui Xiong used his Divine Power to bind them so that they couldn’t run away or open their mouths.

Sui Xiong was going to say something like, “No one in the world can save you now,” but he lost interest as there were too many people to be sentenced.

He calmly brought these evil guys to the guillotine, and the executioners who followed him to assist the execution quickly fixed them on the wooden table. The only part that could move on the criminals’ bodies were their eyelids. Each time, ten of them would lay on the guillotine in a row with their heads hanging off one side. Not far from their necks hung a sharp blade glittering with cold light.

When they were well fixed, Sui Xiong temporarily stopped his sentencing. He began to introduce their charges. Most of them did so many evil things that Sui Xiong couldn’t finish saying all of them in a short while, so he just introduced the most serious crimes.

About ten minutes later, the charges were all introduced, and then he solemnly announced the trial results.

“The previously mentioned ten persons shall be sentenced to death for their crimes!” With that, his tentacles waved in the air. “Do it, now!”

The executioner let go of the rope in his hand, and the blade, which had lost its traction, fell down with a sharp whistle. With a slightly dull sound, the heads flew, and blood poured onto the ground.

Among the audience, some felt amazed, some sighed, and some wept with joy.

Sui Xiong looked at that scene calmly and took out the name list again.

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