Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 612

Chapter 612: Chapter 152

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Kabbalah, a man of 24 years of age, was a mid-ranked priest with no talent when it came to battles. He specialized in writing leaflets and sermons.

Originally, he was an ordinary priest with the commonplace role of logistical personnel within the Church of the God of Knowledge. After Sui Xiong invented the god’s summoning technique, he had participated in a test related to spells and surprisingly discovered that he seemed to be especially lucky when he was in the “Major Building.” On average, he was able to summon an elite Oracle one out of every five times.

This type of luck was so overwhelmingly formidable that it quickly gained him the title of “Little White Face of Europe.” For the great battle between the Church of the God of Knowledge and the Church of the God of Aristocracy this time around, Madam Geerteng, an elector, had specifically brought him along. He was not required to do anything other than focus on summoning Oracles.

However, his average success rate of one out of every five did not guarantee that he would able to summon an elite Oracle every time.

Kabbalah had utilized all sorts of methods he knew of to boost his luck—including, but not limited to, spells, equipment, potions, etc. He had tried using all these, yet until now, out of the nine summons he had made, he merely managed to summon nine mass produced Oracles. There was not a single elite Oracle.

Today, my luck is quite bad… No, I should say, such luck is normal. Normally, my luck just seems to be overly good.

Kabbalah was sighing inwardly. His hands did not stop, not even for a moment, as he continued to pile resources onto the altar after sorting them out into the four respective categories.

Because this was a major battle, each summoning would require a tremendous amount of resources, and each time he summoned an Oracle, even if it was not an elite Oracle, it would still be a relatively stronger one than a mass-produced Oracle. There were those at the battleship level, aircraft carrier level, and many others. All of these were in abundance and could be found everywhere.

Honestly speaking, there is something I just can’t seem to understand, even up till now. The so-called ‘battleship level,”light aircraft level,”light cruiser level…” What do all of these actually mean?

Due to geographical reasons and the type of species found on the Main Plane, the maritime industry was not developed nor did it have a good navy. Oh, there was a navy, but they were all directly swimming in the ocean waters and not aboard a ship…

For this reason, be it battleship or cruiser, aircraft carrier or destroyer, nothing was developed at all. There were only two kinds of ships in this world—fishing boats and merchant ships.

However, within the Oracles” that Sui Xiong created, there were none at the level of fishing boats and merchant ships. At most, one would be at the level of “Fish-Farming Operations.”

By the way, there were only two vessels at the level of Fish-Farming Operations, which, with negligible combat power, were usually responsible for miscellaneous matters and logistics…

The altar was once again piled with resources. Kabbalah stepped aside to wash his hands and face with clean, cold water. Then he used a piece of white cloth that was specially prepared for him to wipe himself clean before smearing some white paint onto his hands and face. Thereafter, he made his way back to the front of the altar.

Such methods were concluded by the clergymen, perhaps these were ways that could possibly boost their luck during the summoning of Oracles.

Speaking of which, there were indeed spells and equipment in this world with the ability to boost luck, but it seemed like all of these were not much help to the “Major Building” summoning technique. Also, the kind of luck that the Major Building summoning technique sought to enhance was not really known.

With a deep breath, Kabbalah composed himself and began to recite an incantation.

The incantation was not long. Kabbalah finished it within a short moment. Then he nervously and uneasily cast the spell.

The four piles of resources rapidly turned transparent. Then they transformed into countless light spots that flew up and remained hovering in the air. Gradually, these light spots disappeared, and then the altar began to glow.

According to the rules, when light rays were observed, the person carrying out the summoning would roughly know the level of the Oracle he had summoned.

White light rays would be the lowest level. This was often seen when the minimal amount of resources was used to carry out the summoning. In this case, the Oracle that was summoned would be from the weakest group of Oracles or even be among the mass-produced Oracles. Even a mid-ranked priest like Kabbalah would not be able to render much help.

Green light rays were of a slightly higher level. The Oracles being summoned might be mass-produced Oracles, but at least they were slightly stronger than those with white light rays and could be of some help.

Blue light rays indicated an even higher level. This color represented the standard of the so-called “Main Force level,” and the few Oracles that Kabbalah had summoned today were all of this level.

Further up, the color of the light rays would be gold, and this represented the rare elite Oracles. This category of Oracles might not be particularly powerful, yet they all had excellent wisdom and were able to command the mass-produced Oracles in battles. With their lead, even the combat power of the mass-produced Oracles would be greatly enhanced.

It was just that this time around, the light rays seemed a little different from how they were. They weren’t white, but neither were they green or blue, and they most certainly were not gold.

It was a colorful glow.

Kabbalah was a little dazed as he watched the colorful glow gradually fade away. He asked, “What level is this?”

Donning a long, white skirt which was heavily trimmed with lace, a young maiden with a small, golden-red crown and a gem-studded scepter in her hand appeared before him.

The assemblage of dress and skirt that this young maiden wore was definitely modest and civilized, yet she wore it in quite a bold and uninhibited manner. The front of the dress was completely omitted, and the silk stockings with black straps were attached to the short, body-hugging vest she was wearing, fully displaying the beautiful silhouette of her body. The long skirt was visible in its entirety, yet by right, it should have been concealed. The materials used to put this outfit together, whether top or bottom, were so economically chosen that her fair skin was revealed in large areas. Coupled with her breathing, the clothing swayed ever so gently. She was simply a sight that could tempt one into committing a crime.

This outfit… reminds me of the singers in those entertainment places in the Void City…

Kabbalah looked on, still in a dazed state. He was completely oblivious to the fact that he was having a nosebleed.

The young maiden opened her eyes to look at him with a slightly surprised, yet delighted expression.

She said, “Although I would like to say, ‘Please take a look at how beautiful I am,’ it seems like you have already seen that for yourself.”

Kabbalah was in shock. Subconsciously, he touched his face, causing the white paint and the blood from his nose to blend together. All of a sudden, he seemed to become a male character in a Beijing Opera with a painted face.

Recovering from his dazed state, he laughed wryly and hastened to stop the nosebleed with a spell.

He managed to stutter, “That is…” He hesitated for a while before asking curiously, “What level Oracle are you at?”

“I’m a fantasy type Oracle, at the battleship level. I’m Lion,” the young maiden replied. Then she added one more line, “I am completely different from the shame of other fantasy type Oracles.”

“The shame of fantasy type Oracles? Who do you mean?”

The young maiden, known as “Lion,” said, “Please don’t ask, I will not acknowledge that someone as frivolous as a comedian is…” She stopped midway and turned to look at the Divine Positions on the other side from her.

“Are those our enemies?” she asked.

Kabbalah was aware that that was a topic this particular Oracle did not want to talk about, so he played it smart by not pressing further. Instead, he went along with her attempt to change the topic, “That’s right, we are now waging war against the Church of the God of Aristocracy. This time in summoning you, we are hoping to enlist your help in dealing with the Legendary Masters of our opponent.”

“How many are there?” Lion asked.

“There should be about nine.”

“Nine? Even for me, I won’t be able to handle nine Legendary Masters all at once…”

“Which is why there will be other helpers,” Kabbalah said with a smile as he pointed to the side. “We have already summoned nine Oracles. Although they are all mass-produced Oracles, that shouldn’t be a problem with you in command, right?”

Looking in the direction he was pointing at, Lion saw the other nine mass-produced Oracles who were all standing in line with solemn expressions as they awaited orders.

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