Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Chapter 77

Translator: Sigma Editor: Sigma

Sui Xiong was not sure that the red dragon who was sleeping in the lava was the super-villain Uherskreider. But if so, as a decent man, or as a decent jellyfish, he felt he had a responsibility to do the job of God: crack the head of this villain, pull out the soul and put it in the blue icy fire of his own supernatural power, and give it a punishment for a century.

But if not, it was a different story.

“We cannot let the bad guys go, but we must not wrong good people first, and ‘innocent until proven guilty’ is one of the hallmarks of the progress of the rule of law,” Sui Xiong murmured secretly and began searching around the crater.

To convict someone, you needed witnesses and material evidence.

He quickly found the goal: a small underground forest located at the end of the stream, beside an abyss that no one knew where it led to.

Because of the lack of sunshine, the trees here were bizarre. They were neither tall nor lush and gave off a sickly weird feeling. In the woods, a group of ragged, wretched, embarrassed elves that looked like Somali refugees were lying one by one in a disorderly way.

“Well, I have witnesses and material evidence.” Watching these apparently captive elves, Sui Xiong noticed a lot of burns on them and nodded slightly.

These burns could be considered fairly reliable material evidence, and the next thing to do was to find a witness to ask them in detail.

Of course, these elves were not as careless as to be fast asleep beside the evil dragon, but they had been hypnotized by the power of magic. A huge magical formation shrouded the entire forest, and all the elves were covered inside. Sweeping his eyes over it, Sui Xiong found that this magic formation was not sophisticated, and nothing more than a hypnotic magic. But a series of special structures enhanced the magical effect of it, so that elves who under normal circumstances should not be affected by the hypnotic magic were actually beaten down by it, and not even a single elf managed to resist its effect.

If the red dragon designed this magic formation, then it could be really versatile.

Of course, the dragon community was full of versatile dragons. In fact, as long as dragons lived long enough, it was difficult for them not to be versatile. When the growth of strength relied on the passage of time to accumulate slowly, nothing else could be a pastime except learning a variety of skills to pass the time.

Oh, the giant dragons had other ways too like sleeping a lot. They could sleep for three or five years on end, so that time naturally passed in this way.

In order to be able to increase strength while sleeping, the giant dragons would choose areas that suited their own attributes. For example, the red dragon would choose to sleep in the lava; the white dragon would choose to sleep in the ice cave; the rock dragon would choose to sleep inside a heap of stones, the ice dragon would choose to sleep in the ice…

The red dragon that might be Uherskreider in front Sui’s eyes was a good example.

Sui Xiong observed for a while, raised a few tentacles, quickly drew a few magic symbols in the air, and then made the magic flow and create a tiny formation firmly embedded in the original magic formation. As if it just dug a hole in it, a blue smoke wound its way in. It, like a tentacle, wrapped an elf that obviously had relatively strong life energy and pulled him out.

Sui Xiong wrapped his tentacle around that elf and fixed the elf on his own back. Then he withdrew his spell, carrying the elf quickly out of the underground cave and back to the ground.

Then, he cast a magic spell to wake the elf.

The communication between a jellyfish and an elf, honestly speaking, was not very happy because the elf was already frightened and unusually panicked. If not for Sui Xiong’s strong suppression, maybe he would have already panicked and escaped to tell his tribe.

However, in the face of the strange jellyfish which was abominably strong, he found his resistance ineffective and could only cooperate obediently.

When he learned that Sui Xiong came to cause trouble for the evil red dragon and was verifying whether he had committed a real crime, he was extremely excited and even he gestured with his hands and feet to express the resentment in his heart.

According to the elf, the red dragon came without warning. Until then, there had been no communication between the village and the dragon, let alone conflicts. As they lived in a village located in the depths of the Forest of Remote Antiquity, they had lived a peaceful life with little contact with the outside world except for caravans that passed by regularly.

The elf emphasized the word “little” several times, which showed that he was very concerned about the attack that was launched for no reason, and he also felt very indignant— unexpected disasters were the most unacceptable.

Then, the red dragon attacked them. It attacked in the same way as that of the legendary “Brutal Burner” Uherskreider: it first indiscriminately breathed fire that burned the village into a sea of flames; then it lied beside the sea of fire, and caught a few young elves and ate them alive while enjoying the tragic scene in which villagers struggled in the sea of fire.

At that time, this elf with good strength luckily escaped from the sea of fire. Seeing this scene, he desperately rushed toward the dragon, wanting at least to leave a wound on the cruel behemoth.

Then, he was battered unconscious and he had been unconscious until just now.

As the elf said these things, he became sadder and angrier. His fists were tightly held; his nails pierced his palm with excessive force, and blood dripped drop by drop. However, he did not notice it.

His body trembled constantly not because of fear but because of grief and anger that was difficult to suppress.

If at the moment he had been in front of the dragon, he would have certainly not hesitated in rushing toward it and fighting against the villain!

Sui Xiong, while listening silently, suppressed the anger in his mind, and forced himself to be calm. He carefully watched the mind of the elf, vigilant against possible lies. But the elf’s heart was full of anger and pain without any conspiracies or lies.

The brutal scenes reflected in the elf’s mind were also very similar to what Sui Xiong saw in the brawny aristocrat’s mind in the territory of Geerteng. They were just clearer, crueler, and more evil.

Sui Xiong repeatedly looked at them, and finally closed his eyes, throwing a ball of ice fog on his head.

That brutal scene made him angry. He might have been frantic if he hadn’t calmed himself down.

This could not work. One must be calm and then one can fight!

“Great, now I am sure it would not be an unjust mistake,” the floating jellyfish sneered and raised his tentacles.

A blue light blinked, and the elf immediately felt a deep fatigue in his heart. He could not have even resisted for a moment before he became fast asleep again.

Sui Xiong rolled his tentacles and held the elf that almost fell to the ground. Thinking for a moment, Sui gave the elf a memory-weaving spell, then made a temporary small shelter in the tree next to him, and put him in the tree.

“Have a good sleep, and when you wake up, your nightmare will end.”

He was very confident of his own spell. The elf definitely couldn’t wake up within two or three hours, and even if it did wake up, it would also lose the memory from that period of time.

In this way, the whole thing could be done quietly and would not be noticed by anyone.

“I am doing a good thing by not leaving my name, so I really deserve to be considered a good person that had grown up singing the song, ‘Follow the good example of Lei Feng’!”

After coming to the cave for the second time, Sui Xiong no longer hesitated in flying straight towards the red dragon that was fast asleep in the lava.

“Uherskreider, you have done all kinds of evils, and today you will reap what you have sown!”

The last time he did not really come close to the crater because obviously several magic formations were operating beside the huge dragon’s body so as to provide plenty of early warning and defense. If he had rashly gone close to it, he would have triggered the magic formation and woken the giant dragon.

Awakened from sleep, the giant dragon had a bad temper. Graupel could prove that. Unless Snow Flake was present, she would be furious when awakened even if it was her brother that awakened her.

Before Sui Xiong was not sure whether this red dragon was a bad guy, so of course he did not want to accidentally provoke the dragon.

But this time it was different, as he came to provoke it!

No, he didn’t come to provoke it, but he came to get rid of this villain and uphold justice on behalf of God!

The floating jellyfish’s hat-sized body trembled and suddenly expanded and now was hundreds of times bigger than before. It immediately turned into a monster that was more than ten meters wide. If its tentacles were fully extended, they would provide sufficient force for it to firmly wrap the dragon.

Although a hand-to-hand battle might not be necessary, it was always better to be prepared in advance.

Sure enough, when he was still some distance away from the crater, magic lights suddenly lit up the ground, and a fantastic magic formation appeared around him.

Glancing at them briefly, Sui Xiong knew how they worked— they had a triple effect: alert, bind, and curse. They were able to wake up the originally sleeping dragon and provide it with absolutely favorable conditions to launch an attack.

The magic lights turned into black chains and stretched toward Sui Xiong, attempting to wrap him. These chains were dark black and revealed a dangerous and heart-throbbing feeling. From the first look, you would know they were not a good thing.

However, Sui Xiong waved his tentacles without any fear. They turned into blade-like blue lights that hit against the chains made of magic. With clear sounds, the chains suddenly all fell apart along with the magic formation. They did not have the slightest effect.

No, they had made an effect, for at least they accomplished the task of alarming the dragon.

The sleeping dragon that was sitting and floating in the lava was awakened!

The giant red dragon suddenly opened its eyes with magic lights shining on its body.

Circle after circle of light continuously emerged, and several layers of magic armor immediately appeared on the dragon’s body. Moreover, several glittering magic light balls circled it like satellites.

“These are magic spells of triggering, but there are so many of them… This guy is not only a villain but also a powerful caster!” Sui Xiong secretly felt surprised and alert.

As we all know, the casters were the most terrible enemy. They had a strong instantaneous explosiveness, excellent field control and support, and the ability to escape that was beyond anyone’s imagination. Those who were advanced casters must have one or two pre-scheduled magic spells, mostly spells of transmission, which would be triggered as long as a certain condition was met. They would immediately take effect without anyone chanting spells. And in their magical tower, the number of spells that could be triggered would increase by a few times.

At the moment, what Sui Xiong saw was an incredible scene.

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