Dark Blood Age

Chapter 137

Chapter 137: Chapter 137 Illegal Siege

‘Who is this guy, why do so many people want to help him? Why has no one heard of him before?’ Shi Qiying and Zeng Xingrui were completely baffled. They did not know how to carry on with this search. All they could do right now was wait. They could only hope that they would be able to get out of this office building safe.

Chu Yunsheng’s group was also very confused.

They understood why the 9th division was here, because it was the division that Zhu Lingdie wanted them to join. But that military special force? Chu Yunsheng had no idea why they were here. Moreover, how did professor Sun know he was living here.

When he was trying to think of any possible answers, a man walked out of the special force team. The man took off the helmet then said, “Mr. Chu, it really is you! You are alive! When I saw the report, I almost couldn’t believe what I saw!” The man was very excited.

Chu Yunsheng found the person very familiar, but he couldn’t remember exactly where he had met the person before. Yao Xiang walked towards him and said, “brother Chu, he was Du Qishan’s man, a company commander, Ban Shijun!”

Chu Yunsheng finally remembered who he was. However, he still knitted his brows. He did not want to deal with the military, especially Du Qishan, that bastard.

If he could choose, he would rather work with the 9th division than work with Du Qishan!

Ban Shijun knew why Chu Yunsheng wasn’t happy, he apologized, “Mr. Chu I’m very happy that you are still alive. At least, I can apologize to you in person, that day…”

Chu Yunsheng deactivated the armor and interrupted him, “Captain Ban, we fought side by side with each other before. I remembered that in the end, you were still trying to save me, so I don’t blame you. You don’t need to apologize to me. But Du Qishan that motherfucker…!”

“Commander… him… him…” Ban Shijun pressed his lips together very hard. It seemed that he was trying to say something. But then he was interrupted by Chu Yunsheng once again.

“If you are trying to put in a good word for him. Then we can stop the conversation now.” Chu Yunsheng said coldly.

“Mr. Chu, Commander, he died!” Ban Shijun took a deep breath and finally let it out.

“What!?” Chu Yunsheng felt like he was struck by a lightning bolt. He hated Du Qishan for lying to him, he almost died because of Du Qishan’s lie. He always cursed him secretly, and he always wanted to punish him in person. But he didn’t expect that Du Qishan would die!

“After we re-assembled with our division, we were trapped by a swarm of insects. Commander blamed himself for leading the wrong way and causing so many brothers’ deaths. After he handed the scientists over to the division. He insisted on staying behind to delay the swarm’s push.

Before we left, he told Staff officer Tao that he had nothing left in this world, his wife died, and his son also died. He could not bear to see brothers die for him anymore…” Ban Shijun paused for a second. He was trying to hold back his feelings. Then he carried on saying, “then, after we left, he detonated the entire division’s explosives…”

Hearing what Ban Shijun said, Chu Yunsheng started to breathe rapidly. He didn’t expect it would end up like this!

Suddenly, he felt how ridiculous and how pathetic he was. How could he even hate a dead man so much and for so long!

Du Qishang once told him that he would do anything to finish the mission. This time he even sacrificed himself.

Chu Yunsheng suddenly burst out hollow laughs. ‘This motherfucker won again.’

In the end, he let out a long sigh. He lost. Not only did he lose to Du Qishang, but he also lost to himself.

“Fuck the fucking insects!” He suddenly cursed.

“I wanted to tell you when we were in the lab, but I couldn’t,” said Professor Sun.

“The man was already dead, it’s meaningless now.” Chu Yunsheng shook his head. “by the way, how did you know I am here?” said Chu Yunsheng.

“I informed him. When the new order was approved, we had the priority to go through the records first. Then, we found out that you are still alive.” Then he said to professor Sun, “professor Sun, if you knew Mr. Chu is alive, why didn’t you tell me.”

“You military special force always comes and goes without telling anyone, and also Xiao Chu just arrived in Jin Ling city. How could I tell you earlier?” professor Sun replied.

Chu Yunsheng unintentionally glanced at Lu Yaming, who was hiding on the side. It was him who provided his information to GCH.

“All the conflicts between all the gangs needed to be reported to the headquarters by the district area commissioners. I saw the information that you had a conflict with the ice king’s men, and I was worried that I would not be able to get the third division under control, so I informed the professor about what happened to you.” Ban Shijun explained.

“Thank you, it’s okay now,” said Chu Yunsheng.

“Xiao Chu, you are welcome, without you, we would’ve probably died in the fog city already.” Professor Sun kept waving his hands, “Xiao Chu, come to the research department. I will use my life to guarantee your family’s safety!”

“I’m a warrior, I’m useless to your department.” Chu Yunsheng shook his head. Even though they helped him, he still couldn’t trust them.

“Xiao Chu you know, this gun…” professor Sun pointed at the Type I dark energy gun and said to him in a very low voice, “Do you still remember the model you constructed? It was because of that model, Lao Fang was able to build this gun!”

He stopped Chu Yunsheng, who was about to talk and carried on'”please let me finish first, I know you can fight, you may even be able to kill the flaming bird! But you are always alone. No matter how good you are in the fight, it doesn’t mean a lot to the entire city! Your ability is only useful in the research department. Please help us to develop even more powerful weapons to fight the monsters!”

“Professor Sun, you have overestimated my ability, it was really just a coincidence. I couldn’t even pass my exam paper back in university. Do you really think that I have the ability to write some kind of theories?” Chu Yunsheng wasn’t lying. He didn’t even know what he was doing at that time. All he felt was like a dream, he learned something in the “dream”, but he forgot it completely after he “woke up”.

The knowledge from the ancient book contained high-end technological theories. It totally surpassed any basic physics theories known to human beings. So even if he took them out, those scientists still wouldn’t be able to decipher those dark theories. It was just like if a monkey couldn’t do a simple addition such as 1+1, how would they be able to understand the more complicated mathematical theories?

Unless all the scientists were able to cultivate pure Yuan Qi like Chu Yunsheng. In that way, they did not need to understand the principles, they were still able to produce the weapons they needed!

But it was not realistic, because the multidimensional barriers were still there.

So even if Chu Yunsheng wished to help them, there were not many things he could do.

“Let’s do it this way. Professor Sun, I gained the most knowledge during the battle with the monsters. I’ll help you whenever I discover something. Do you have any particular research subjects that you want me to pay attention to.” This was all he could do, and he couldn’t even guarantee that if he could help them.

“This is probably the only way to do it, Xiao Chu, if you have time, please take a look at the new food research. We have failed so many times….” professor Sun was very disappointed. He knew Chu Yunsheng’s background. He knew that he was not suitable for a research job, but he had a glimmer of hope. However, that hope came from the harsh reality and the pressure that he didn’t want to face. Because everyone including the ordinary civilians was relying on them too much.

“Not weapons?” Chu Yunsheng was surprised.

“Xiao Chu, many people are dying every day in Jin Ling city, it is even more than the people that were killed by the monsters! As long as we are still alive, we will find a way to kill the monster, but if we all died… All died…” he sighed.

Just when Chu Yunsheng was just about to console him, he suddenly noticed that Shi Qiying was still there. “Let’s ask those people to leave first! we will talk about that later…” He immediately suggested.

“What do they want?” professor Sun instantly changed his expression and said sternly.

“They are accusing me of hiding 5 trucks of grains, and they want me to hand it in. I said that I didn’t have it. They then want to take me away and interrogate me!” Chu Yunsheng laughed.

“Shi Qiying! Are you above the law!? I’ll report it to your division commander. Chu Yunsheng is working for the research department. Even if he has the grains, it still belongs to our research department. If your commander still wants the food. Ask him to search our lab!” professor Sun was shouting at Shi Qiying. This was the first time for Chu Yunsheng to see the old man lose his temper. Although he knew that the old man was most likely acting it out.

“Misunderstanding, it is all just a misunderstanding, I am just following my order, I didn’t know that Mr. Chu was working for you. It was really a misunderstanding!” Shi Qiying didn’t dare to talk back. In order to get new weapons and equipment, his division commander made an immense effort. If he messed up their relationship with the research department, who knows what his commander would do to him.

“Even if he is not working for the research department, do you think you can mess with them!? Shi Qiying, I’m telling you, you are attacking my 9th division’s men without any reason. Just wait to be summoned to the court martial!” said a senior officer, who finally squeezed into the crowd.

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