Dark Blood Age

Chapter 160

Chapter 160: Chapter 160 Sonic Interference Weapons

Chu Yunsheng was sitting inside the car that was heading towards GRD. Seeing the flickering and dim street lights quickly flashed by the window, his thought was drifting away slowly.

The GRD’s car had waited outside the office building for quite a while. The people from GRD came to the office building shortly after Zheng Weibo left. Originally he did not want to go, because he thought that professor Sun was probably chasing him for the new food research’s progress. However, Chu Yunsheng was busy dealing with the insects in the front line, so he did not have time to look into the food research.

As if no one wanted to give him a break after he woke up, he met with the people that came from all three departments. The first one was GCH, then GRD, and the last one was DWH. The reason why DWH came to the office was that they wanted to reevaluate his rank.

But Chu Yunsheng did not think it was necessary now. Once he wore the armour, everyone would know it was him, so the badge from DWH was kind of dispensable to him.

Professor Sun’s assistant was very earnest and sincere. The assistant said that the professor was stuck in the lab with the latest research result, and he wanted to show Chu Yunsheng the research result.

Chu Yunsheng also wanted to take this opportunity to take a look at the monolith. That thing was very strange; he had heard from Ding Yan say that in the last three days, the monolith did not have any movements at all. Nothing strange happened after the insects retreated. It was said that when the green-shelled insects reached the monolith, they seemed to want to take it away. However, their sharp feet could not make a single scratch on the surface of the monolith!

The insect’s crazy push definitely had something to do with this Monolith.

‘What is that monolith? Why would the insect want it so much?’ Chu Yunsheng was confused.

He has been to the insect’s world through the golden-shelled he sealed. But in that world, there were not any monoliths!

It was a shame that he could not retrieve more information. But it seemed like the golden-shelled insect’s brain could not sustain the pressure, and exploded when the book tried to help him to obtain the memory of “Min”. It might also be that that “min” wanted to protect itself, so it sacrificed the golden-shelled insect, this communication medium.

If he could retrieve more memory, he might be able to find out what the monolith was.

When Chu Yunsheng thought of “Min”, he started to have a headache. That “thing” could regain control of the monster he sealed!

Maybe it was because his seal mark was too weak. Probably when he reached Yuan Tian stage three, then “Min” would not be able to take over his control.

He really needed to push lecturer Tang and other professors to speed up the deciphering process. There were only a few symbols left in the cultivation method of Yuan Tian stage two he could not understand. Soon he would be able to resume his cultivation practice.

When he reached Yuan Tian stage three, would he need to be scared of the cloaked man?

Suddenly, the car stopped, Chu Yunsheng also stopped thinking. Looking outside the car, he noticed that they had already arrived at GRD, which was originally the Jin Ling city university’s campus.

It seemed like they had increased the security level around the buildings in GRD. They could even encounter the patrols that were equipped with type I dark energy guns sometimes.

After they got through the main entrance gate, the car drove into the campus and stopped at a white building that looked like a lab. The building was heavily guarded by the soldiers. Even if Chu Yunsheng was wearing the junior researcher’s badge, the soldiers still did not allow him to get through.

The professor’s assistant could get through, but the soldiers did not allow him to bring anyone inside, so Chu Yunsheng had to wait inside the car and waited for professor Sun to come out.

Soon, Chu Yunsheng saw professor Sun. Unlike this old man’s age, he ran out of the lab like a gust of wind.

“Xiao Chu, you recovered?” Apart from Chu Han, professor Sun was probably the only person in Jin Ling city dared to call Chu Yunsheng “Xiao Chu” now.

Chu Yunsheng smiled and nodded his head.

“Quick, come in, you will be surprised to find out what we have discovered!” professor Sun was very excited.

As he walked with the professor into the lab, a group of researchers also followed behind. Amongst them, only Chu Yunsheng was wearing a junior researcher badge, so it seemed very awkward.

“Let me show you the result first.” The professor led Chu Yunsheng into a room that was reinforced by the green-shelled insect’s shells.

Inside the room, there were three cages, which were also made by the shells of the green-shelled insects. Inside the cages, three red-shelled insects were tightly tied up.

“Those three red-shelled insects were captured alive by the military special force. The special forces tried all kinds of methods and finally managed to bring them back. Their legs and claws were destroyed, otherwise, we will not be able to restrain them.” professor Sun explained.

Chu Yunsheng looked around the cage; not only their legs and claws were broken, but their mouths were also stuffed by the green-shelled insect’s legs in order to prevent them from spitting the corrosive liquid.

“Based on our research, the red-shelled insect – the lowest-level creature in the swarm, has, at least, three ways of communicating with other insects,” professor Sun walked towards a cage and carry on, “the first one is the sound they made, we have recorded and analyzed a lot of voice samples. We have found that different sound pitches and frequencies can cause them to act differently.”

This information, Chu Yunsheng already knew about it way back in the horror city. So it was not new to him.

“The second one is the scent, they can detect the energy movement and all kinds of smells.”

“The last one is just an assumption. Based on how they attacked the city in the past, it seems like they had received the same command during the push. But the way they pass the command throughout the swarm, we still have not figured it out. But our biologists suggested that the third one definitely exists, and it is their main way of communicating with each other.” Professor Sun walked towards a machine and said, “let me show it to you.”

After Professor Sun pressed down a red button on the machine, the machine instantly played out an ear-piercing insect’s screech. The red-shelled insects inside the cage were originally very quiet, once they heard the sound, they immediately started to look around cautiously.

“This is the warning sound that those insects make. We have tried it in the battle, but it was not very effective, it only confused a small number of insects. That’s why we suspected that the sound is not the only way they communicate with each other,” said professor Sun as he turned off the machine.

Chu Yunsheng was surprised, Although it was not very effective, at least, it could still confuse a small number of insects.

“We have also sent people to collect all kinds of sounds that the insect makes. At the moment, this is one of our research directions, we called it the sonic interference weapon project! Also, we have tried all kinds of poisonous gas weapons on the live insects, but it was not very effective as well,” professor Sun sighed.

Chu Yunsheng didn’t know why professor Sun would want to show him this. He did not think that he would be able to help them in this project in any way.

“Did you remember the purple flame monster you killed the other day, I’ve heard that you kept the body.” Professor Sun laughed in a strange tone.

Chu Yunsheng nodded his head. He didn’t lie.

“It’s okay, we have already recorded the one you took in the document. From now on, you have a right to keep the body for GRD!” Then he carried on, “the purple flame monster seems to be the leader of the red-shelled insects, the green-shelled insects, and the golden-shelled insects. It’s a shame that they came out all of sudden, so we couldn’t collect the sound it made.

Xiao Chu, we have sent an audio collection machine to the western district defence headquarters. In the future, if you encountered any one of them, could you help us to collect the sound?”

“I’ll try, but no guarantee. That monster is too powerful, the longer it stays alive, the more damage it will cause!” Chu Yunsheng said directly.

“Of course, safety first!” Professor Sun nodded his head, “let me take you upstairs, there is something else I want to show you.”

When Chu Yunsheng got in the lab on the third floor, it instantly caused a commotion in a group of people in the lab. Probably, it was because Chu Yunsheng was wearing the badge of a junior researcher and this place had too many secrets.

“This is a fragment of the tombs you destroyed! After the insects retreated, the military sent some soldiers to collect it from the other side of the river,” said professor Sun while pointing at a bloody-coloured organism in a big glass jar.

“These are the photos of the internal structure of the tombs. It is very unique. We have constructed a model based on the partially destroyed tombs, the result was astonishing. If we completely decrypt the secret behind the tombs, our technology will have a tremendous improvement!”

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