Dark Blood Age

Chapter 164

Chapter 164: Chapter 164 Whoever Offends The Office Building, Kill!

The night was dark as usual. In the vast land, there was only one city shining the dim light in the darkness, and it was struggling to survive.

The beautiful night scenes of Jin Ling city were long gone. Every day there were people dying of all kinds of reasons, and people didn’t seem to have any reactions to it at all.

Compared to the bright city central, the Western district was a lot darker.

Most of the streets were pitch black, but they were not empty, because people would often try to look for mice in the dark places.


Mo Wuluo just had his 16th birthday, but no one apart from his cousin’s three years old daughter was there to celebrate his birthday.

He was a dark warrior, but the sad thing was that his ability couldn’t even reach Rank-1.

If it wasn’t for the fact that his ability was the wood elemental ability, he would have probably died already.

He had already joined many gangs, and it was so many that he had already lost count. The reason why he changed so frequently was very simple. It was because he was kicked out.

Many people thought that he had potential because he was very young. So they all treated him very well at the beginning. But after he joined the gang for a while, they all found out that he couldn’t increase his strength at all. What was worse was that his ability couldn’t heal any injuries.

Since the insects surrounded the city, most of the food in the city was controlled by GCH. Most of the gangs didn’t have any spare food to give out. So after they discovered that he couldn’t increase his strength, they all kicked him out.

Mo Wuluo was just a kid. He was not strong enough to join the military, nor was he a handsome young man that people would want to keep for their own pleasures. In the end, he had to lie, in order to get into other gangs, and then tried to survive in those gangs as long as he could.

But there were not many gangs he could lie to. Eventually, everyone knew about him, and no one believed him anymore.

Mo Wuluo had tried every method he could think of to get the food, joining the refugee crowd to beg for food, or looking for some small animals he could eat. Many refugees suggested that he should get rid of his “little sister” and just get food for himself. But he refused. Every time when there was food, he would let his “little sister” eat first.

He was living like that until he and his “little sister” had nothing to eat for a long time. He felt that if he couldn’t find any food soon, he and his “little sister” would die from starvation. Some of the dark warriors he knew told him that he should go to an office building in the Western District. There was a new gang over there, and he should give it a try. It seemed like he had no other choices now.

So the 16 years old Mo Wuluo carried his “little sister” and moved to the Western District from the Northern district.

However, on the way to the office building, he made a naive decision that he was going to regret for the rest of his life. He thought that if the gang noticed that he was carrying an infant, they definitely would not take him in. If they thought that he was alone, he might be able to stay in that gang for some time. Then he could just sneak out to feed his “little sister”.

So he found a dark place and hid his “little sister” inside before he went to the office building.

However, unfortunately, he was immediately recognized by a fat dark warrior. Then he was kicked out. When he lost all his hope, and thought about ending his own life. A middle-aged skinny man stopped him. The man looked at him coldly for a very long time; it made Mo Wuluo shake uncontrollably constantly.

But then he was shocked. Because he was told that he could stay in the gang, and he could bring his family member as well!

Mo Wuluo instantly turned around and started to run. It was not that he ran away from the offer, it was that he wanted to tell his “little sister” what happened. He wanted to share the happiness with his “little sister”. Although his “little sister” was just a three years old kid, she was the only person he could talk to.

However, when he returned to the place where he kept his “little sister”, his mind instantly went blank!

His “little sister” was gone!

He went to all the places he could think of like a crazy person, but he still could not find anything. At that moment, he burst into tears. He realised that his “little sister” was the only thing that kept him survive this long. His “little sister” was the only person that could help him to live through the days in this cruel and bloody city.

He knew what would happen to the “little sister”. Because he had heard of people say that some starving people enjoyed the flesh of… He was filled with remorse and shame. He could not stop thinking about what was going to happen to her.

He tried to break his own fingers to stop himself from losing his mind. But it still did not help him much.

“Miǎo Miǎo, where are you… Where are you…” He was constantly shouting his little sister’s name on the cold and heartless dark street, but no one responded.

The more he shouted, the more miserable and desperate his voice was.

The refugees on the side of the street were woken up by his shout, but all they did was to look at him and then sigh in silence.

Suddenly, Mo Wuluo heard a kid crying. His body started to shake violently. He did not remember exactly how he still had the strength to run. But when he heard the kid cry, he lost his mind completely!

The voice came from a residential building. Mo Wuluo climbed up the building at an incredible speed. When he faced the cold door, he gathered all his strength and broke open the door.

There were around 5 people inside the room. They panicked when they saw someone broke in. But when they noticed that it was just a kid, they were immediately relieved. Then everyone looked at Mo Wuluo with their ghostly faces and greedy eyes.

Mo Wuluo had already forgotten about the bloody scenes he saw in the room, because his eyes were fixed on a kid – his “little sister” Miao Miao!

Happy, excited, fear, worried… All kinds of feelings appeared in his mind in a split second. He charged forward without any single moment of hesitations. He pushed over a man and a woman, but then his back was stabbed. Despite the pain, he held the crying “little sister” in his arms tightly.

“I am from the office building!” Mo Wuluo tried to scare them away. But those people did not believe it at all.

“Kill this kid, don’t let him runway!” A tall man said coldly.

Instantly, three men and two women blocked the exit and started to surround Mo Wuluo. They were slowly approaching him with the knives that were still dripping blood.

Mo Wuluo gritted his teeth, ran to the balcony, and jumped off from the third floor!

Although he tried to use his ability to protect himself, his left leg was still broken!

‘Run! I have to run! If they caught me, then we would be dead!’ Mo Wuluo was shouting in his mind!

This place was not far from the office building, once he got there, he would be safe. Those people at the office building would definitely protect him.

He was holding his “little sister”, dragging his broken left leg and trying his best to move towards the office building while he himself was still bleeding.

“FUCK!” shouted a man from the third floor. Then three men and two women all looked down from the balcony on the third floor. They immediately went back in, but they did not give up. From the cursing sounds they made, Mo Wuluo could hear that they were running down the stairs.

“HELP! HELP!” Mo Wuluo was shouting while running. It shocked many refugees. However, there were not any police.

A man who ran the fastest quickly caught up with Mo Wuluo and stabbed him several times.

Mo Wuluo was about to collapse. But with his half-closed eye, he could see the office building’s entrance was right in front of him.

“HELP, HELP, I am Mo Wuluo, from the office building!…” He used the last bit of his energy to shout it out.

“Brother, why did you stop chasing!” A shorter guy, who ran slower than the others asked breathlessly.

“Fuck, he is really from the office building, Run!” the tall man shouted in panic. Everyone in the Western district knew exactly who lived in this building.

But it was too late for them to run away. Two red shadows suddenly flew out of the entrance, with a gust of burning wind. Both men were wearing the red armours, and they caught them in a split second.

The tall man was eventually stabbed by one of the armoured men with a long spear.

“Whoever offends the office building, KILL!” Coldly said the armoured man as he held the man up high in the air with the long spear.

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