Dark Blood Age

Chapter 181

Chapter 181: Chapter 181 The Most Difficult Night

Soon, the fiery rain disappeared again, so did the sword Qi. The world outside the building was once again covered by the darkness. They did not know if the cloaked man was still alive or not, but they could still hear the insects’ screech.

Everyone in the building was looking at each other. ‘Finally over!’ They thought. And almost at the same time, they all let out long sighs of relief.

‘Probably the insects will leave soon.’ They thought…

Suddenly, the light beam once again appeared in everyone’s eyesight.

Liu Tiesheng instantly jumped up. The beam penetrated layers and layers of insects and reached the outside of the pile of insects. It seemed like the cloaked man had been buried by the swarm of insects once again.

But even that, he still didn’t die!

How could a dark warrior be this powerful.

Everyone’s nerves were stretched to their limits.

But when a “monster” appeared, they lost their hope instantly.

“Purple… purple… purple flame monster!” Wang Qishun was so scared that he instantly sat on the ground. He couldn’t stop his teeth from chattering and his voice from constantly shaking. His face also turned as pale as a dead body.

The purple flame monster was a type of monster that they never had a chance to see personally. They only had heard of its existence – a powerful monster with flaming antennas and scaly armour.

It was said that no one was able to kill this type of monster. Although some of the rumours said that there was a man in the Western district who killed the monster single-handedly, at that time, all kinds of rumours had been going around inside the city, so no one truly believed it. Some even said there was a man who had some kind of deal with the king of the insects…

How ridiculous was that…

All the people in this building were the lowest-class people in Jin ling city. Liu Tiesheng, Yang Dong and Wang Qishun only had a gun for less than a month; Edgar and other “researchers” were just some contractors. They were not really the formal researchers, so there was no way they could get access to the secret research file, let alone the research about the purple flame monster.

So when they confirmed that it was the purple flame monster, they all stayed away from the windows. They were so scared that the monster would spot them. Some people even lay on the floor and curled up their bodies. No one dared to ask more questions now, no one even cared about if the cloaked man could survive or not.

Even Wang Qishun who had asked so many questions before also kept his mouth shut.

It seemed like they already had answers. It was just the ways they react to the answers were different.


No one knew how long they had stayed in silence because no one was watching the time. All they could think of was to stay as quiet as possible until the swarm left.

In fact, it has already been a while since the purple flame monster appeared. There were not many noises outside the building now compared to before. All they could hear were just a few insects running past the building from time to time.

“Old Yang, are we still going to kick people out?” Liu Tiesheng was the first one who tried to break the awkward silence.

He seemed to have forgotten that he had been trying to avoid this topic earlier. When he realised what he said, it was already too late. He regretted it. He shouldn’t have said those words. However, he was also both confused and surprised why he would say something that was supposed to be said by Yang Dong.

“Ah!” Yang Dong reacted reflexively. Then he murmured, “Wa… wait… Let’s wait until we confirm the man is dead.”

What if… Although it was one in millions of chances, what if the cloaked man was still alive. Then the people they kicked out might tell the cloaked man that they had food, and if the cloaked man wanted to take their food? Just with their three trash guns, there was no way they could kill him.

“Old Yang are you joking, right!? You were the one who kept saying that he would not make it!” Wang Qishun seemed to be a little bit agitated by Yang Dong’s words. Maybe he was too nervous.

Almost another half hour passed in silence…

Chu Yunsheng was hiding in the gap of a broken wall. His throat was dry and he was breathing heavily. The cold air went through his windpipe like a knife slicing through his throat, it was extremely painful.

He had already reached his limit. If he had not summoned the purple flame monster, and temporarily scared away those insects, he would not have been able to crawl out the mountain of the insects and hide inside this small town, which had already been destroyed by the artillery bombardment.

Letting out a short grunt, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in this stomach. He could not see what exactly caused it, because it was too dark around him. However, he could tell that he was bleeding. Feeling that something had penetrated his stomach, Chu Yunsheng quickly took out a pile of clothing from the storage talisman and ripped them into some long strips.

After he stuffed a piece of clothing into this mouth and bit it tightly, he deactivated his armour and started to check his wound in the dark.

It seemed like something sharp had pierced through his three layers of protection. Presumably, it was the insect’s sharp leg.

He was sitting on the ground with his back against one side of the broken wall, and his feet against the other side of the broken wall. He used a piece of clothing to wrap the slippery sharp leg and then took a few quick breaths.

Suddenly, his eyes were wide open. His hands were constantly shaking in pains, but he was still trying his best to pull out the sharp leg from his stomach a bit by bit. He bit on the piece of clothing very hard and his face was filled with blood vessels and sweat. In the process of pulling the sharp leg out, he never stopped grunting in pain.

Chu Yunsheng did not know how deep the wound was, he also could not tell how much blood he had lost. All he could remember was the cracking sounds the armour made when he was still fighting the way out of the swarm.

The shield was instantly destroyed by the sharp leg, and when he tried to block the leg, it was already too late. The leg had already stabbed into his body. At that time, all he could do was to cut it off to prevent the insect from pulling it out.

He was extremely weak now. It even took him several attempts to pull out the piece of clothes in his mouth. But when he tried to clean his wound, he suddenly lost his consciousness.

Luckily, he was woken up by the pain just a few seconds later. He quickly took out the clean bandages and medicine from the storage talisman, attempting to stop the bleeding.

The severe pain caused his body to shake uncontrollably. It took him a while to finally wrap the wound with the bandages. Qian Bi sword was stabbed on the ground next to him. He also took out the gun and held it in his arms. After he finished, he felt like he could not move anymore, and his consciousness slowly started to fade away…

It was already midnight.

The small town and again restored its creepy silence. Suddenly, a human figure was kicked out of the entrance of a tall building. The person tumbled over on the ground, and then quickly got up and attempted to run back in panic. But then a clear gun cocking sound made the person stop immediately. It seemed like the person was struggling to make the decision. But eventually, the person still crawled into the darkness reluctantly.

The person was tied up with a rope, and the other end of the rope was from inside the building where the person was kicked out. It seemed like the rope was constantly extending as the person crawling deeper and deeper into the darkness.

The rope was constantly extending until a loud scream suddenly appeared at the end of the street. Then the rope was instantly stretched tightly. A few seconds later, the rope became loose again.

The people in the building immediately closed the door and held their breath to listen to the movements outside the building.

A lone red-shelled insect was holding the half of a man’s body and screeching loudly before it ran into the darkness and headed towards a tomb….

One hour passed in the silence again. The people inside the building started to whisper.

“Have all the insects left?”

“Should we send another person out?”


“That black man! Sooner or later, he will get us killed!”

“What if he leads the insects towards us?”

“Are you stupid… We have done it so many times now, and you just start to worry?….”


The rope was slowly pulled back. At the end of the rope, it was only left with a bloody half human body and some sticky internal organs.

Chu Yunsheng was once again woken up by the human scream. Slowly sitting up against the wall, the wound he had still hurt, but it had stopped bleeding. Rong Yuan Body has already started to heal the wound by itself.

Quickly looking around, he attempted to find the direction where the sound came from. But he could not hear anything.

‘Probably I was dreaming again… Everyone has already disappeared, who else would stay here apart from me.’ Chu Yunsheng thought.

He took out an absorption talisman, and tried to recover his energy slowly. He had finished all the offensive talismans. Even the golden-shelled insect was instantly killed by the swarm. He only had a purple flame monster but it was on the verge of dying. If the swarm came back, there was no way that the purple flame monster would be able to defend him.

He needed to find a place to hide and recover himself as soon as possible. And he had a strange feeling that when the hazy shimmer appeared again, he would be able to find it. He just needed to get through this evening, then everything would get better.

So tonight was going to be the most difficult night ever…

“Oh, god! Liu, please! You can’t do this to me, please! I am begging you…” Edgar was on his knees and constantly begging. It was not that he did not want to resist, but when a gun was pointed at him, resisting was useless.

“Shut the fuck up, Xiao Wang tie him up… Xiao Wang!… Xiao Wang?” Yang Dong was irritated by Edgar’s constantly begging. But when he tried to ask Wang Qishun to tie him up, he could not find him.

He looked around and what he saw instantly pissed him off, “are you fucking kidding me, Xiao Wang, it is just a half human body, why the fuck you are so scared. How long are you going to untie the body? Come here, watch this black man! Let me untie it.”

Wang Qishun was instantly relieved. He quickly ran back like a gust of wind as if he was scared that Yang Dong was going to change his mind.

Yang Dong put the gun on his back and spat on the floor, and then walked towards the body.

Seeing his begging did not change three people’s minds, Edgar looked at other researchers on the side, hoping that those people would help him.

But almost everyone was avoiding to have eye contact with him.

He lost his hope completely.

Knowing there was no way to escape, he bowed his head down and murmured,

“First, they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me…..(1)”


Footnote 1


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