Dark Blood Age

Chapter 319

Chapter 319: Chapter 319 A Worthless Bow

Chu Yunsheng admired Xiao Qingshan and other soldiers’ perseverance. With their ordinary human bodies, they could get to the bottom of the cave and even get to the levels that below the cave and then came back to the lakeside several times through a narrow crack.

What they did also teach Chu Yunsheng that having no power did not mean that human beings could not survive.

The broken notebook did not tell Chu Yunsheng what Xiao Qingshan saw on the third level below the ground, and Chu Yunsheng also was not interested in learning anything about it. He just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

According to the rough map Xiao Qingshan drew, the route they chose would lead them to the place they landed after they fell into the crack. Because of the earthquake, the crack collapsed right after they fell into it. But Chu Yunsheng was not worried, there was an insect “excavator” in his team, so there wouldn’t be any problem for them to dig out of the crack.

Because Chu Yunsheng wanted to leave the place as soon as possible, so he didn’t ask the rest of the insects to take a break. He urged Old Golden to dig as fast as it could.

It was possible to dig straight upwards. However, it would only consume them too much energy to do it. Moreover, they still needed to save energy in case of any accidents on the ground.

So they dug slantingly up to the ground. However, Chu Yunsheng didn’t expect that the place mentioned on the map was very deep below the ground. They had been digging for quite a while now, but there was no sign of them going to dig out of the ground any time soon…

Location: Hong Kong

Lee Taidou didn’t like his name. His father wanted him to become a knowledgeable man in Chinese literature, so he named him Taidou.

However, he, who was a muscular man, became a policeman in Hong Kong, after graduating from a police school.

Not only that, with his outstanding physical fitness and great fortitudinous character, he even got into the Special Duties Unit – SDU.

He liked adventures and extreme challenges. Dancing on the edge of death always made him excited. It was like drugs, since the first day he touched it, he became obsessed with it. That was why during every mission, he would always choose the most dangerous task.

It was also because of this, he and his father Lee Hongchi argued constantly. His father Lee Hongchi had threatened him more than once that if he didn’t follow the path that he had planned for him, he would not be able to inherit anything from him.

In fact, Lee Hongchi’s original name was Lee Dafa. Although it meant ‘a great fortune’, it was a typical villager’s name. When Lee Hongchi was young, he didn’t go to school. Although he became rich later on, he always felt that he was lower than other people in the city. It was part of the reason why he paid a fortune teller to think of a new name for him.

He tried very hard to arrange his son to meet with a few girls that came from the upper class. However, every time when those girls heard what his son’s job was, they would immediately reject him.

He felt ashamed every time when someone talked about his son, and every time when he asked his son to quit his job, it would worsen the relationship between them.

It wasn’t until the start of the apocalypse, the relationship between him and his son changed dramatically. He would never forget that day, his only son, who he considered unfilial, would risk his life to protect him and his wife. He would never forget that even though his son was bleeding a lot, he was still trying to stop the monster…

During those days, the entire Hong Kong was like hell. The military forces and the police units were defeated every time during the defense. At that time, almost everyone in the city hoped that the southern Chinese army would be able to provide support.

When the news about the fallen of Wu Yang city and Peng city came to Hong Kong,

The first reaction of the people, who were living in Hong Kong, was actually not to sympathize with the people who were living in the fallen cities.

Instead, all the people inside Hong Kong, whether they were regular citizens or the high ranking officials, tried to find out where the southern Chinese army might want to move to next.

At that time, there was only one rumor going around in the city. It was that The Southern Chinese Army was going to come to Hong Kong. It was, in fact, the only rumor that most people choose to believe.

The residents of Hong Kong were living in fear every day, the sound of violent bombardment coming from a distance made them both worried and excited at the same time.

It wasn’t until a young soldier who was in a severely broken military uniform tumbled into the ruined city street while holding a bright red flag, the whole city was astir. Everyone came out of their hideouts to embrace the young soldier, kiss him, and follow him while their faces were covered in tears.

Soon, many heavily armed and seemingly exhausted troops hurriedly marched into the Hong Kong one batch after another batch.

The streets of Hong Kong were filled with people, everyone was there to welcome the soldiers. There were no flags, no flowers or confetti poppers, but everyone was waving their hands as high and as fast as they could.

There was no special propaganda, no sound of disagreement, no sign of any protests, everyone was willing or even could be described as ‘longed’ for soldiers to take over the defense of Hong Kong. They had already stopped hoping for Great Britain, which was on the other side of the planet to help them. There was no way that they would send a military division to save them.

They even had a big welcoming party on the square in front of The General Administration Department. The celebrities that were lucky to survive to this day, all came out to perform the famous patriotic song – My Chinese Heart, to welcome the highest commander of The Southern Chinese Army.

Their performance magically pushed the welcoming party to a new climax!

However, Lee Hongchi, who attended the welcoming party as one of the wealthy people, noticed the faint cold grin on the highest commander’s face.

Moreover, the woman who was standing next to the highest commander while carrying a strange bow made him inexplicably frightened. Although she just stood there coldly, she seemed to have a strange and powerful imposing aura around her. It made him feel like everything in front of her was as worthless as ants.

After Lee Hongchi went back home, the strange inexplicable feeling still haunted him. It wasn’t until he woke up in panic in the late evening did he finally remember when and where he had seen the girl and the bow.

A few years ago, he had participated in a secret auction that auctioned this ancient bow. In fact, he did not understand those antiques at all. However, it was the type of activity that most upper-class people would attend. So in order to pretend that he was also an upper-class person, he accepted the invitation.

Although It was only just a few years ago, the great disaster made him exhausted physically and mentally. Therefore, his memory, which he used to be proud of, did not work as well as before. That was why he only remembered it after he went to sleep.

He remembered that at that time, this bow was not the focus of the auction. It was just a peripheral auction item. The auctioneer clearly and honestly stated that they could not find out the age of the bow, and there was no historical data to prove the origin of the bow. The material that the bow was made of was also unknown, However, they were sure that it was definitely a type of high-quality material. With its simple but elegant shape, the auctioneer said that it was not bad for a display item. In terms of the person who provided the bow, they did not disclose it, due to the standard security procedures.

The starting price of the bow was even less than half a million. So there were only a few people interested in it. At the time, Lee Hongchi did not know why he felt a faint and mysterious connection between the bow and him. During the auction, that mysterious connection made him push the price of the bow from less than half a million to more than 30 million.

In the end, there was only one person that was still competing with him!

It was a girl who had just turned 18, and she also seemed to be obsessed with the bow!

At first, he didn’t know who the girl was, only when he asked the people around him did he realize that he had actually met with the girl’s father on several business occasions. They even had dinner together once. But still, they were not very close.

Compared to the girl’s family, which was at least a centuries old, big wealthy family, Lee Hongchi, who grew up in a village and suddenly became rich, was nothing to them.

It was at that moment, the fear of something might happen to his family overcome the mysterious force that came from the bow and made him give up increasing the price.

This incident also caused quite a stir in the upper-class circle. A peripheral auction item with unknown origin and the unprovable value was actually auctioned at 60 million Hong Kong dollars, which was the highest auction price of that day.

And Lee Hongchi, who competed with a little girl for her birthday “toy” became a joke in the upper-class circle.

But a joke was a joke. It was just for a moment of pleasure. No one would want to intentionally remember it. As time passed, many people had also gradually forgotten about it, even the bow as well.

However, Lee Hongchi was still confused as to why he would suddenly become obsessed with the bow.

It was only until he saw the girl again did he finally realize why.

The girl had already grown up. Although she was still her and the bow was still that bow, she was nothing like her and the bow was nothing like that bow.

After The Southern Chinese Army retreated to Hong Kong, insects initiated several pushes, attempting to take over Hong Kong.

There was once, he had seen with his own eyes that the girl, who he had met when she was still young, killed a dozen insects with just that bow.

Later on, the power of the girl had increased rapidly. The last time Lee Hongchi heard about the girl was from his son, and it was just several days ago. His son told him that the girl was now able to kill the insect that was covered with purple flame easily.

Lee Hongchi secretly regretted what he did in the auction. If he bought that bow, the person who stood next to the highest commander of The Southern Chinese Army would be his son.

Although Lee Taidou was also an excellent Energy Practitioner in SDU, he and his unit were now commanded by The Southern Chinese Army…

“Dad. Quick! Take mom with you and run! Insects have dug into the city! They are coming here!” Lee Taidou ran past by home hurriedly and shouted from outside.

“What insects? Didn’t we already invent the energy field and use it under the ground to block the insects away? How did they dig in?” Lee Hongchi jumped up from a sofa, rushed to the door and opened the door immediately. However, his son, who was still on the mission of evacuating the citizens, had already left.

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