Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 1107: The Pact Broken (Part 1)

Chapter 1107: The Pact Broken (Part 1)

Raze, along with his allies, weren't the only ones that knew something big was taking place, causing Alter and the Light Faction to make moves.

In particular, the Light Faction was starting to make moves and were making the biggest waves among those. An emergency meeting had been called between leaders of all of the Light Faction Clans.

As to who had called the meeting, it was Kawak and Cicle, the heads of the Aurora Clan and the Illumination Clan. Because these two powerhouses had called, every leader that covered their territory, every clan head that was located in a town or village had been called to the meeting


The clan heads were in a circular room with tiered seating that continued to swirl around. There were around sixty or so members present, and on the ground itself was Kawak and Cicle.

"I thank everyone for coming on such short notice," Kawak said. "Usually, we would be sitting in the judging seats, but that just goes to show you how important this meeting is, as I am down here, talking to all of you."

In the seating areas, there were three reserved seats for the top clans in the Light Faction. The three clans that contained the most power.

Right now, there was a single individual that was sat in one of those three seats, and that was Impress, who was part of the Dawnblade Clan.

The other Elders of the Dawnblade Clan were present, but with what had recently happened, she had been made head of the elders. Her arms were folded, with a sword rested against her lap as she sat down, listening to what was on display.

"We are at a turning point in history!" Kawak claimed. "It's quite clear that new powers beyond our understanding are at hand. The Demonic Faction and Dark Faction are coming closer day by day."

"But, a change is coming, and one that we are at the forefront of. If we don't do something to change the flow, then we will get sucked into all of this mess, so there is only one thing we can do, to either fight it, or get sucked into it!"

Hearing Kawak's speech, many of those nodded in agreement as they heard him speak. They were being troubled by matters for a long time now, and it certainly didn't feel like things were going in the way of the Light Faction.

"The Light Faction must do what it can to uphold its beliefs, and we need to make sure that everyone is on the same page, and uphold the same beliefs as us... right now, if I asked you, who are closest to us, that don't uphold the same beliefs as us, what is your answer?"

The leaders looked at each other as they thought about it. Their continent bordered both the Demonic and Dark Factions. Which one was closer?

"Maybe the Dark Faction... we've had more trouble with them, is that what you mean?" One of the leaders asked.

"No, and it is exactly that thinking which is why we are falling behind," Kawak said. "The people who are closest to us, that don't follow our ways, are the local people."

"The local people?" The leaders asked, and there was much murmur between them when they heard these words. They couldn't quite believe what might be suggested and the way this was going, but they would listen out for now.

"The local people do not follow our way or our beliefs," Cicle added. "They are not part of the Light Faction that we have built up and have their own goals."

"It's quite easy to see, if they are swayed that it would be a wreck for us. Yet, they have a large number of resources, hundreds of thousands of people ready to risk their lives for them."

"However, it is not the fault of the people themselves, but those above them."

"Exactly!" Kawak enthusiastically said. "How can we fight together as one, how can we proceed, when we have even those closest to us not following us? Not supporting us fully from behind. We need to be united, and small pain must be made for us to ultimately achieve our utopia!"

The murmur continued among the leaders. "Are you telling us to go against the local citizens, to break the pact that was made between Pagna warriors and them? If that is to take place, disaster will strike us all."

"It will not," Cicle said. "I'm sure you have heard, the Dark Magus had defeated a kingdom and even slayed its king, yet nothing had befallen him."

"So you wish for us to use the same methods as the Dark Faction. To give up on our core values, then that will just make us worse than them!" Another leader shouted, and it sounded as if many in the room agreed.

"We will strive our best to take as few lives as possible. To replace only those that are needed to be replaced, and to force our values down upon them for the better."

"Remember what I said, a large change is coming, and if we don't do this, everything will fade. Our utopia, our ideals, and the land will be filled with nothing but demons and thieves.... It is all of our failure that we have let it get this far."

"And I would say that it is now our punishment that we have to resort to this. That we have to bear the sins ourselves so that the future can enjoy the utopia that we will build for them."

Inwardly, Cicle was smiling as he could see the nods across the room. If there was one thing Kawak had always been good at, it was his persuasive tongue, knowing what to say to the people. Knowing what to say at the right time, to make sure that their lives were lost.

"So just spell it out, what are you suggesting?" Another leader asked.

"The task at hand?" Kawak asked. "The elimination of the Empire, and the integration of the people to be united."


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