Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 869: The Unstoppable Force

Chapter 869: The Unstoppable Force

When the woman revealed what clan she was from, Scar had raised an eyebrow. Thinking back to his previous thoughts, a Deleter was meant to be powerful, and yet this woman had claimed she was from a clan he had never even heard of before.

On top of that, she said she was the last member of a clan he had never heard of, which meant right now she was most likely a wanderer.

It would be a different thing if she had said she was from the Crimson Crane, a more reputable wandering clan.

When Shay had returned to her position, she glanced at the uneasy look on Scar's face.

"Although you are not from Pagna, I thought my clan would have warranted a better reaction than that," Shay said. "You should do some research, it might help you when you get into tricky situations in the future."

"I mean, didn't you have a wife from Pagna?"

Shay noticed the clenching of Scar's fist.

"If you want, I'm happy to prove to you why I was selected as a Deleter."

After everything that Scar had been through to reach one of the most respected positions in Alter, he thought he would be treated better than this.

But he knew he was the new member of the group, and he would just have to prove himself.

After the initial first meeting, Scar had gone on to complete every mission given to him perfectly, and he was ruthless in the methods he used.

After learning what he had done, the others no longer teased him anymore.

In the Dark Faction Academy, Scar was floating through the air, and these thoughts had resurfaced in his mind at this moment.

Then he could see the courtyard and the person in question he was going up against.

'Right, he gives off a similar feeling to that man. Now I know why he annoys me so much,' Scar thought.

Before reaching the ground, Scar had green and metallic grenades appear in his hands, and he quickly started to drop them to the ground.

As soon as one dropped from his hand, more would appear, and he continued to drop them from above.

They landed right where Zon was, some of them exploding and shooting out shrapnel in multiple directions.

Others exploded into flames as incendiaries were being used. Others were letting out strong fumes.

So many objects were dropped from above that none of the students could even see Zon anymore.

Eventually, before reaching the ground, Scar had teleported himself so he wouldn't crash into the floor and now was looking at the mess in front of him.

Eventually, though, heavy footsteps could be heard, and stepping out of the smoke, Zon had appeared unscathed.

However, his chef's clothing that he wore had completely burnt off, revealing a black tight skin suit.

It was a strange thing to see in the world of Pagna, as it didn't look like any current material they had.

On top of that, there were strange red circles on the suit glowing with energy. Strange lines ran down the suit, glowing with energy.

Amir, looking with a keen eye from the side, could see there was next to no gap between the suit on Zon's body and his skin. It seamlessly went from his neck to the natural skin on his face.

'That doesn't look like clothing or armor, is that part of his skin?'

Right on the fine edges of his neck, small parts could be seen flicking between his natural skin color and the black of his suit, as if the suit itself was alive.

"He did warn me about meeting someone like you," Scar mumbled to himself.

"You must be someone from that Red Fortis Army."

Zon's eyes had widened at that point. Although at times Zon's words were spoken as if they would be with anger, Zon always spoke in a calm voice, even when talking about his noodle shop.

It was the first time that a genuine reaction on his face could be seen through the fight. "That name, how do you know that name? Who told you that!"

Zon was aware of Anna's existence, that there was someone from his world who was part of Alter, but she was the only one he knew of.

When speaking to Anna, she had claimed she had never met anyone else from the same world as them, on her journeys or in the organization of Alter.

On top of that, the only ones that should know the name of the Red Fortis Army weren't even those from their world.

As it was a secret organization within the army itself. Only those that were told or those part of the army would know about it.

"Haha, why would I tell you anything when I'm about to blow your brains out!" Scar claimed.

"I am a Deleter, and I have never failed my task."

"I'll show them that he was wrong!"

Handguns didn't work, sniper rifles didn't work, RPGs didn't work, and even grenades and chemical warfare didn't work.

Right now, he expected Zon to be on the floor, his eyes in pain, or struggling to breathe, but none of that was working.

Little did Scar know the system had already warned Zon of everything, and the machines inside his body had gotten rid of any substance that would try to do harm to his body.

'There are plenty more things that I can try, and I always complete my missions!' Scar now had switched weapons in his hands again, and this time he had an assault rifle.

The shots were fast and more powerful than a handgun. Making sure that it was perfectly placed, he started to fire away.

The bullets came out fiercely, hitting Zon's body. As they hit the black part of his suit, it rippled, changing slightly silver in color, and the bullets dropped to the floor.

The black suit extended past Zon's neck and went over his entire head. The bullets continued to hit Zon, having no effect at all; they just continued to ripple off his body as they hit him

again and again.

Then lifting his hand up with his thumb and index finger, he caught a bullet and instantly swung his arm out.

It happened so fast, bullets were even still hitting Zon, that Scar had no idea until he felt his

leg jolt, and he fell to the floor on one knee.

"Arghh!" Scar screamed, and looking at his leg, he could see a bullet wound.

'Did he just throw that... and it moved even faster than a gun could fire!'

"I'm going to do everything in my power to learn where you heard that name," Zon said as he moved forward, an unstoppable force.

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