Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 893: A 9 Star Mage

Chapter 893: A 9 Star Mage

With Raze's breakthrough, although he was back to his old appearance, he wasn't quite sure what benefits it had brought him.

When looking at his Mana heart, he wasn't sure if he could believe it, but he could feel it- nine different star points could be located surrounding his heart.

Although it was more accurate to say these were artificial stars, because with every

breakthrough, it was a temporary form, and once the surge in power ended, for a period of time, Raze wouldn't be able to use any magic at all.

Now that he was a nine-star mage, he began to wonder if everything had reverted back to how it was when he was on Alterian.

The fancy display of magic wasn't to show Sha Mo what he could do; it was for Raze's own benefit. He had realized that he now had affinities with elements he hadn't before.

"If you are just going to mess around, then I will come for you!" Sha Mo shouted, spreading his arms apart. "In the world of warriors, old age is a sign that you are at your end!"

These words spoken by Sha Mo were true, as advancing to each stage would bring a longer lifespan.

Sha Mo could be close to two hundred, yet he didn't look a day over forty.

The hope was to reach the Divine stage before the end of one's life, but if one aged, it meant they had been unsuccessful in advancing as a warrior and had pretty much reached the peak of what they could achieve.

With his arms by his side, Sha Mo lifted them both and swung them down. The two large invisible Qi snakes were soon to land on Raze.

Raze gave two simple flicks of his fingers, and two large pillars of earth ascended.

It appeared as though two small mountains had risen. As Sha Mo's attack landed, the mounds of earth crumbled as if cut, and the giant pieces were seen falling.

They only flew a meter or so before they were blown away, scattering around Raze in the large crater.

"I'll just have to attack you closer!" Sha Mo claimed, hurling himself forward.

Raze extended his hand, and a tunnel of wind pressure shot forward, hitting Sha Mo square in the stomach.

It pushed against Sha Mo, and even with the might of his Qi, it appeared he was unable to


"You should have just left this business between me and you," Raze said as he brought his other hand close. "Burn."

Flames from one hand joined the tunnel of wind. The wind ignited quickly, and a giant whirlwind of fire was created.

It surrounded Sha Mo completely. Those watching weren't even able to see Sha Mo's body, but from where they stood, they could feel the intense heat.

The swirling flames continued around Sha Mo, and inside the tunnel of fire, fireballs appeared, striking Sha Mo's body.

They didn't burn through his skin, but with each hit, Sha Mo could feel the Qi protecting his body was withering away.

'If I stay in here any longer, the flames will eventually eat away at my body!' Sha Mo thought. Gathering both his hands together, Sha Mo drew Qi from his body into his hands and struck forward. When the Qi drained from his body, the flames attached to his skin, and the burning sensation could be felt through all of his nerves.

The burst of Qi created an opening, and Sha Mo leapt through. Some of his skin appeared slightly burnt, but he knew he needed to escape the tornado of fire.

'Now I just need to-'

Before Sha Mo could take another step, he felt a stinging pain through his leg, and right after, a jolt shot through his entire body.

Looking down at his leg, he saw a strange blue object glowing, piercing through and pinning him to the ground.

When Sha Mo looked at Raze, he saw several more of these objects coming straight for him.

'I can't move my body-it feels just like before, every one of my cells is in shock.' Several of these strange jagged blue objects pierced through Sha Mo's leg, arms, and even abdomen.

The shocking pain throughout his body intensified, and he felt like he was no longer in control of his body, no matter how much Qi he used.

For Raze, blue sparks twirled around his fingers slightly.

"There are many ways I could deal with you now," Raze said. "The power of water added with the pressure of wind is strong enough to cut diamonds and would be strong enough to go through your neck with ease."

"I could create a giant ball of fire to burn you into ashes. But you see, both of those methods would have been too painless," Raze said.

Raze lifted both his hands in the air, and magic started to surge out from his body.

Those watching felt a sickening sensation come over them once more.

"You see, I want you to scream, to shout so loud in pain that everyone will know what

happens when they try to deal with the Dark Magus."

"My name will be feared here just as much as it is in Alterian, and maybe then none of you

fools will try to take anything away from me again!"

In the air, there were small black balls floating-not just one, not just ten or a hundred-there were thousands of them, each the size of a marble.

It looked like black raindrops had frozen over the crater.

Everyone, having seen what Raze had just done, had almost forgotten that he was going against a top warrior in Pagna.

The fight they were witnessing was more like what they imagined it would be if a Divine warrior with full powers stepped onto the land of Pagna.

"I can't believe it," Lince said. "He's toying with Sha Mo... he's powerful enough to treat him

like this."

"Right now, I can't think of a single person more powerful than him..."

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