Dark Moon Era

Chapter 153 - After The Battle (2 in 1)

Chapter 153: After The Battle (2 in 1)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was understandable that Tang Ling could not accept that fact.

Even Fei Long could not accept it when he first heard that the planet was hiding another civilization underground.

After the shift in the era, they appeared out of nowhere with vicious ambition and wanted to take over the surface.

He tapped Tang Ling’s shoulder and said, “Of course, this matter is far from reaching its final conclusion, but it will eventually be revealed. Being able to think is great, but the ability to think doesn’t mean the right to deny everything. If our planet is an apple, the old civilization might have only scratched the skin of the apple in terms of knowledge. They haven’t gone into the flesh yet, so it’s understandable that they didn’t know about the underground.”

Tang Ling nodded, acknowledging what Fei Long said, especially the statement that the ability to think did not translate into the right to deny everything.

“Nevertheless, they are underground while we are on the surface. They lived under us like rats trying to breathe. If the era didn’t go through such a drastic shift, they would never have revealed their existence.” Fei Long stabbed his cigarette out. He then pointed at the body of the dead underground creature and said, “Look carefully. Doesn’t it look like a rat?”

As resentment filled his heart, Tang Ling glanced over at the body. It really did look like half-human, half-rodent.

With a sharp snout, small ears, eyes as big as peas and maroon fur all over its body, its limbs may have resembled a human’s, but its claws and fangs were sharp.

“You’re right. It does look like a rat,” Tang Ling agreed with Fei Long.

“That’s why we must beat them down so that they will never show up on the surface,” said Fei Long seriously.

“But you…” Tang Ling looked asquint at Fei Long.

Fei Long coughed vehemently, pulling Tang Ling aside to whisper into his ear, “As a New Moon Warrior, you will become a Purple Moon Warrior in the future. As a Purple Moon Warrior-to-be, shouldn’t you protect the captain’s image, my image?”

“Er…” Tang Ling was a little lost for words.

“Do you still want to get beaten up?” Fei Long raised a threatening brow.

Tang Ling did not look at Fei Long. Instead, he gazed down and said softly in a tone of extreme grievance, “Then, you can just beat me to death. Beat your life savior to death! That’s right. Beat me to death and you won’t have this burden anymore. Treat your life savior with such cruelty!”

Fei Long had the urge to skin Tang Ling alive. Why had he liked this kid so much back then? This kid is literally a rascal!*

“What do you want?” Fei Long responded with gnashing teeth.

“Hope credits. I can barely eat fill my stomach every day.” Tang Ling’s eyes were round and innocent as his sincerity was overflowing, and technically speaking, he was not lying.

Fei Long slightly heaved a breath of relief. If it was something Hope credits could solve, it would not be a problem. He was still the great leader of the Purple Moon Warrior, so he still had some Hope credits in his pocket.

Nonetheless, he was by no means wealthy. As a Purple Moon Warrior, the cost of cultivating was astonishing. Otherwise, Lionel, who was also a Purple Moon Warrior himself, would not be so greedy for Tang Ling’s Level 3 vicious meat.

Fei Long did not reject his request, so the two of them quickly came to a deal for 100 Hope credits.

Of course, Tang Ling requested that he openly give him the Hope credits with a righteous reason. Otherwise, giving him Hope credits under the table would bring a lot of trouble for him when it came to spending.

Since the price was fixed, it must come with a perfect excuse. With that in mind, Fei Long suddenly asked Tang Ling, “Tell me, kid, why are you here? Is it because of a mission?”

Fei Long had appeared right after the battle ended, so he did not know what happened to the Hope Barrier and how serious it was.

Tang Ling did not want to keep it from him either since he would be able to find out by himself after he returned to the Hope Barrier.

Nonetheless, of course, as for how he appeared coincidentally beside the crevice, Tang Ling would never tell Fei Long the truth because he still did not want to reveal his secret.

He purposely obscured out several key points and made his appearance beside the crevice sound very reasonable.

After Tang Ling finished explaining the situation to Fei Long with a string of simple words, Fei Long looked very dismal. He was quiet and did not speak for a while.

Further away, a group of warriors from the Hope Barrier was walking towards them.

As Tang Ling expected, the unusual situation after the major battle would definitely attract the Hope Barrier’s attention, so they would certainly send someone over to check it out.

“Even after Safety Sector No. 17 is safe, things will continue to brew in the dark and be fiercer than ever. Try to grow stronger as quickly as possible. If you run into any problems next time, come find me, but you must have evidence to support your argument and reasons,” Fei Long said to Tang Ling when he noticed the warriors heading their way.

“Sure, I won’t hold back. I’d be wasting your goodwill if I do so, Captain Fei Long.” Tang Ling feigned gratitude although, with his swollen face, he looked like a pig who was moved.

Fei Long wanted to slap himself. Why would he be so sentimental all of a sudden? Why did he care about this kid so much?

Embarrassed, Fei Long said to Tang Ling, “There’s a cost for me to look after you! You must announce that I saved you today and bravely killed this underground monster.”

“Huh?” Tang Ling blinked in confusion.

“You must say it!” Fei Long’s embarrassment turned into anger. He then pretended like nothing happened and said, “Now, let us go over the details again. Hurry up. They are coming.”


At the First Reserved Camp in the Hope Barrier.

Amidst the festive cheers with a hint of drunken laughter, the rest of the Fierce Dragon Squad felt out of place. They simply could not fit into the joyful atmosphere.

They also got their share of free alcoholic beverages, and it was a rare sight since no seniors were there to loot their share because everyone knew that the glutton of the Fierce Dragon Squad had sacrificed himself.

Sacrifice on the battlefield was considered something glorious, so disturbing those who mourned for their brother-in-arms was a shameful thing to do.

Therefore, Orston was able to drink as much as he liked. As the one who closed the door, he could not escape the trauma. Although it had been a while since they returned to the Hope Barrier, the scene was repeating itself in Orston’s mind over and over again.

“If…I had stood by Tang Ling when I closed the door…” Orston poured more alcohol into his mouth.

Before he could finish the bottle, Vian snatched it from him. The girl, who had been crying on the way back to the cave, finally lost it. She needed something that would allow her to vent her sorrow.

Alcohol was no doubt the best option at the moment.

The spiciness of the liquor coupled with a tinge of fruitiness flowed into her throat, but the hard nature of the beverage choked her and brought tears to her eyes again.

In her blurry state, she looked up. She thought she could see Tang Ling’s carefree figure sitting in his little cave. She could distinguish his smile, his occasional depressed gaze, and his short, black hair. Every detail was unforgettable.

The last interaction she had with him was her gaze of his back on top of the roof. That very moment presented her with an unknown sense of safety and it became nostalgia for her.

Who could have believed that such an extraordinary young man had died like that?

“Vian.” Christina took the bottle away from Vian and hugged her.

Although she was only 15 years of age, the first love would always be the sweetest. Tang Ling’s image would probably be forever carved into Vian’s heart.

Christina was a sentimental girl. She could feel the sorrow, and Tang Ling was indeed a likable person, especially since he was reliable. Needless to say, she was also saddened by Tang Ling’s sacrifice She could not find words of comfort for her friend, so all she could do was hug Vian tight and shed a silent tear.

Yu grabbed the bottle from Vian and drained it to its last drop in silence. He was still awake and could still think. He was thinking about how much Tang Ling would have grown if he was not dead.

Unbeknownst to them, Tang Ling had grown into everyone’s core. As the person everyone would rely on during critical situations, he was a leader. In fact, he should be their leader.

According to the tradition of Safety Sector No. 17, if they were able to graduate from the First Reserved Camp without any hindrance, they would become Purple Moon Warriors, and it was natural for them to continue to be in the same squad. Tang Ling would have become a squad captain or a unit captain.

The Fierce Dragon Squad was an unusual batch whereby seven of them were accepted into the First Reserved Camp at once. There were never that many recruits in the past.

Did Hank purposely form his Summit Squad because he did not want to become a captain right after graduation?

“Captain.” Yu shook the bottle of alcohol. It was empty and they were out of alcohol!

Orston grumbled loudly and claimed that he wanted to snatch another bottle from the others.

Andy’s eyes were dull and gloomy. From the moment they came back, he was wrapped in sorrow and a sense of loss without saying a word.

What a terrible atmosphere! It was probably the worst! No one expected Tang Ling’s death to be this sour and unbearable.

“It’s time to rest,” Amir said, stepping up to drink some alcohol. His emotions had always been complicated and profound.

Although the battle ended abruptly and strangely with the castellan’s intervention and the Hope Barrier celebrating the victory, Amir’s logic told him that everything would return to normal tomorrow, so rest time was still precious.

“I’m going out to get more alcohol.” Orston pushed Amir away.

The quiet and introverted Amir suddenly held Orston back. “Don’t cause any trouble. Everyone should be sleeping. Why are you doing this now?”

“Huh? Why do you have to order me around? Do you think you are Tang Ling, leading everyone during critical moments and sacrificing himself for us?” Orston looked askance at Amir, obviously drunk.

Amir grabbed Orston’s sleeve and tightened his grip further although his hand was shaking a little as he looked down.

“Orston,” Christina could not help but chide Orston since he was being rude and hurtful. Would the close friendship and bond that they had forged through the hardship die with Tang Ling?

“What? Am I wrong now? He…he’s always been so logical and serious! Are you so eager to take over Tang Ling’s place now that he’s…he’s…gone!?” Orston suddenly cried. He was in pain because he was the one who had closed the door, and the scene would probably haunt him for life.

“I-I am not! I am not!” Amir suddenly looked up with a terrifyingly gloomy expression and his eyes were red with rage as he shouted in denial and grabbed Orston by his collar. He emanated a chilly presence and demanded, “What did you say just now?”

“Pfft, do you want to beat me up now? Come on, come on! This goddamned battle ended without a reason! I still want to fight! Come on, dammit!” Orston also shouted his lungs out to the point that the veins on his forehead popped out. His rage was at its peak.

“Stop it!” Vian shouted painstakingly with her hand over her mouth. She missed Tang Ling more than anyone. If he were here, he might be able to do something about this, would he not?

Yu tapped Andy’s shoulder before he walked up to the quarreling duo quietly. He pulled Orston aside and punched him to the floor, followed by Amir, who also received a strong punch.


Fei Long carried the ‘weak’ Tang Ling on his back while dragging the body of the dead underground being that he tied up tightly with his uniform and said to the group of elite warriors, “That’s what happened. We need to immediately return to the Hope Barrier. I have something important to see the castellan about.”

The leader of the elite warriors was still a little confounded. Were these two pig-like people the extraordinary and powerful Captain Fei Long and the New Moon Warrior of the Hope Barrier?

What was with the thick smoke around the area?

It seemed like the giant body that melted away did not leave a single trace behind. As a mere elite warrior, it was impossible for him to know about the underground race.

“What are you standing here for? We need to return to the Hope Barrier immediately!” Fei Long was irritated by the unit leader’s attitude since there was obvious suspicion in his blinking eyes.

“Yes, Lord Fei Long, we will return to the Hope Barrier immediately.” The elite warrior leader dared not delay further. Although he was heavily suspicious of Fei Long and Tang Ling with their strange appearances, the badge was not something that anyone could fake, and he could not bear the consequences of offending the general captain of the Purple Moon Warrior and a New Moon Warrior with a bright future.

Fei Long grunted and carried Tang Ling forward.

The group of elite warriors nervously followed him with complicated feelings.

How should they put it? They arrived at the scene and looked around, but before they even said a thing or asked anything, the general captain of the Purple Moon Warrior spilled everything in one go, not giving them the chance to even speak.

In short, the general captain defeated a very troublesome enemy in a tough battle and saved a New Moon Warrior who achieved some meritorious deeds on the battlefield but failed to retreat in time along the way.

The general captain was very powerful, almost as powerful as the hero castellan, but his image was a little lackluster.

The elite warrior leader was a smart person. He said softly to his squad but was loud enough for Fei Long to hear, “Lord Fei Long is hurt in a battle. Don’t be busybodies and ask how badly hurt he is. We need to avoid people with ill intentions from exploiting the facts. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” the other elite warriors answered in a single voice.

Fei Long turned around and flashed a satisfied gaze, but Tang Ling twitched awkwardly. He could not help but cough to attract attention.

“You little prick, do you still want your 100 Hope credits? Can you pretend that you are weak?” Fei Long walked even faster and warned Tang Ling softly.

“How am I supposed to fake it? Should I punch myself so hard that I bleed?” Tang Ling argued in a whisper as well.

“Don’t you try to act smart, you little bastard, or I’ll pretend that I slipped and throw you away,” Fei Long said with gritted teeth.

Why did he agree to carry Tang Ling for the sake of credibility in the first place?

“Do you think I wanted to? Isn’t this for the sake of your image? Uncle Su Yao once said a good man shouldn’t be carried by another man.” Tang Ling dragged Su Yao into the conversation.

“Did Su Yao really say that?” Fei Long somehow felt it made sense.

They were already beneath the Hope Barrier since Fei Long was not exactly slow at walking.

Tang Ling did not answer because Su Yao said nothing like that.

After going through all that, he finally came back to the Hope Barrier. Deep inside, Tang Ling was a little excited. Would everyone in the Fierce Dragon Squad be surprised by his glorious return? Would they be exalted to see him?

He was eager to return to the First Reserved Camp.

However, at the same time, Fei Long suddenly said, “You must come with me first since you saw what happened today with your own eyes.”

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