Dark Moon Era

Chapter 371 - Are You Also A Dream Seed?

Chapter 371: Are You Also A Dream Seed?

Standing in front of a window, Tang Ling lifted up the curtain slightly and peeked outside.

He had finally escaped from the prison and was currently hiding in Tonnies’ office. The office was slightly messy after a search, but thankfully, all of Tang Ling’s belongings were still there.

Bick was unconscious and Fat Finn was hiding in the corner, clasping his hands together and seeming to be praying.

Outside the window, several spots in the city had been set ablaze.

More and more squads of knights were gathering outside the building. In less than 5 minutes, they would be making their way up to Tang Ling.

Tang Ling did not take the Fallen Knights seriously. He even wished that he could kill more of them to recover his strength, but it was not just the knights that bothered him. His excellent sight spotted several black-robed figures hiding subtly among the group of knights. Before he fully recovered his strength, these figures were not something that he would want to fight.

Back at the prison, Tang Ling had the urge to try and fight that black-robed figure, but he had managed to suppress the impulsive thought. Then, he moved away from the window.

Right after Tang Ling sat down, Finn strode to Tang Ling and accused him, “What should we do? What should we do, bro?! You really messed up this time!”

Tang Ling looked at Finn with a twitching face and asked, “What did I do?”

“You released those monsters and killed the church knights. Isn’t that bad enough?” Finn looked like a terrified kitten, but he was fat, so he looked funny.

Tang Ling stood up and walked to Bick. He raised the lamp and carefully sized up the unconscious man.

Finn jumped over anxiously and tried to take the lamp away from him. “Are you mad, bro?! Why are you lighting up the lamp?”

Tang Ling turned around and blinked as he said to Finn, “Oh, I’m sorry. I lit the lamp. Oh, what shall I do?”

“What else can you do?! Kill it!” Finn answered instinctively.

Right after that, he was stunned as he looked at Tang Ling with slightly dull eyes. In the next moment, Finn dashed towards the window with unbelievable agility.

Tang Ling was faster as he appeared in front of the window and grabbed Finn by the collar.

“You did this. The difficulty of this mission is yours, not mine! Don’t drag me into your mess!” Finn struggled desperately as he complained. He and Tang Ling shoved each other several times.

“You got out because of me too! Shouldn’t we go through thick and thin together? How can you enjoy the perks alone while I take on all the trouble? Isn’t it unreasonable?”

After killing several Fallen Knights and consuming some vicious beast meat, Tang Ling was stronger, thus he grabbed Finn by the neck and winked meaningfully. “Am I right, bro?” He purposely used a unique slang in the Huaxianese language to pronounce ‘bro’, and when Finn heard it, he sighed and stopped struggling.

At that very moment, Finn realized that he must have blown his cover.

This world was a special one. The Dream Domain did not purposely alter the Dream Seed’s language. In short, the people in this world could understand everything that a Dream Seed said. On the other hand, whatever the people in this world said would be translated into a familiar language to the Dream Seed’s ears.

However, Tang Ling was a rather special one since he knew several languages, so if someone spoke in a language that he understood, he would hear the original language instead of the Dream Domain’s translation.

Fat Finn thought his unique accent had given him away, but it was actually the first word that he spoke. Who else had the markings of a Light Continent native and signature golden hair while speaking in the Huaxianese language of Dongsheng Continent?

The only explanation was that Fat Finn was also a Dream Seed.

Tang Ling did not plan on explaining this while Fat Finn was very frustrated that he had blown his cover.

What else could he do? His accent was rather magical. Ever since he picked it up, he could not drop it. Even if he intentionally avoided it, the slang would escape his mouth once in a while.

“Work together?” Tang Ling voiced his request, not bothering about the fatty’s frustration.

“What else can I do? I guess I’ll have to work with you.” Fat Finn nodded.

As a matter of fact, Fat Finn was not at a disadvantage because Tang Ling had recovered a bit of his strength and had a better chance of surviving this world than Fat Finn did.

The two of them came to an agreement quickly since the situation did not provide them with much leisure time either. More than a hundred knights had gathered outside and there were around 10 black-robed figures among them.

“Did you do this?” Tang Ling would never believe that he alone could have caused such a commotion. Was it Fat Finn’s fault for attracting unwanted attention?

Fat Finn shrugged and said, “It ain’t my problem. Didn’t you notice? I thought it was you who did this.”

Tang Ling tightened his lips in silence. He walked to Bick and punched his cheek. It was an effective way of waking Bick up. After a few groans, the man slowly woke up.

The moment he saw Tang Ling, he shouted furiously, “Release me, you devil! You killed Tonnies! You will pay for your sins!”

Tang Ling did not want to talk nonsense with Bick. He clutched his lower jaw and stopped him from speaking. Then, he said, “I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you. First of all, I didn’t kill Tonnies. The black-robed guy killed him and it’s up to you whether you want to believe me or not.”

After listening to that, Bick’s gaze changed. It shifted between anger, sadness, and disbelief.

Tang Ling twisted Bick’s lower jaw aside and exposed his neck. He signaled Finn to bring the lamp over.

Under the dim light from the lamp, two inconspicuous small holes were revealed at Bick’s neck. Tang Ling sighed when he saw the holes. “I don’t know what happened, but I guess your days are numbered.”

“I’ll release you, but I need you to work with me. Tell me something that I need to know. I want you to know that before Tonnies died, he asked me to carry out his last wish.”

Tang Ling then fished out Tonnies’ pendant from his pocket and swung the copper key in front of Bick. Bick’s response changed again. At least, he was less angry and his eyes at Tang Ling were a lot warmer.

“You’re running out of time, and you know it. If you didn’t care about Tonnies so much, you would have died with your men back then as I would have killed you like I did to the Fallen Knights.” Tang Ling released Bick’s lower jaw.

“What? Why are you calling me a Fallen Knight?!” Bick was agitated.

“Calm down! Maybe you don’t know what’s going on either. Before Tonnies died, he left me with three words. The first one was ‘help’, the second one was ‘number’, and before he finished the third, he died. All he wrote for the third word was a ‘W’. I want to know what you think about these three words. Remember, this is Tonnies’ last wish.” Tang Ling once again stopped the agitated Bick and asked what concerned him the most.

Finn was keeping an eye on the situation outside the window. He cautioned loudly, “I’m telling you, man, these knights are swarming in here any minute! They’ve got us all surrounded in the front, back, left, and right! They even brought in the big guy! Get it? The big guy!”

What big guy? Tang Ling put another piece of vicious beast meat into his mouth and tossed a tiny strip to Finn who caught it and scrutinized it carefully.

Strangely, after agreeing to work with Tang Ling, Finn was able to see what he had been concealing! The blood-colored leaf that Tang Ling was holding was a knife whilst the little thing that he had tossed over to him was vicious beast meat.

As a Dream Seed, of course, Finn knew the meaning of vicious beast meat in the Dream Domain! As a matter of fact, he had also prepared some vicious beast meat for himself, but they had been confiscated when he was thrown into prison.

Without a second thought, Finn put the strip of vicious beast meat into his mouth. He also lifted the curtain of the window and pointed at the bottom.

Tang Ling looked at where he was pointing. It was bright outside and through the increased brightness, Tang Ling saw a guy in white robes and a mask among the group of black Fallen Knights.

The white-robed figure was riding a horse. While he did not look strong or tall, he reeked of a scary presence.

The countdown timers in Tang Ling’s head were still going.

One of them was the timer for the 24-hour survival game and the other one was for Tonnies’ sub-mission.

Tang Ling turned around to Bick to say, “What do you think about this? Are you still confused about whether you’re a Fallen Knight or not? As for Tonnies’ last words, the first word he wrote must be about saving lives, and if you are a Fallen Knight, saving you isn’t all that strange.”

Tang Ling’s explanation somehow stimulated Bick who looked at Tang Ling and said, “Can I trust you? I don’t even know who the devil is anymore!”

“It doesn’t matter whether you trust me or not! Who the devil is doesn’t matter to me either. I promised Tonnies I’d carry out his last wish and I intend to keep that promise.” Tang Ling did not want to lie to a dying person. As a matter of fact, he had been paying attention to Bick’s stomach.

“Tonnies and I are knights of Castellan Daniel. We are loyal to our lord, but one day, he made us swear allegiance to the church and made us knights of the church. However, the church that we swore allegiance to isn’t an orthodox church. They don’t worship the Lord. They…” Bick got even more upset.

As he got more agitated, his stomach started to expand.

Similar to Tonnies, Bick did not notice the condition of his body at first. It was Tang Ling who got nervous as he told Finn, “Close the window and block the door with whatever you can find.”

Tang Ling then turned to Bick and asked nervously, “What church? Where is it?”

Then, Bick’s stomach started to expand rapidly.

Right after Finn closed the window, a black figure jumped up and crashed into the office through the window.

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