Dark Moon Era

Chapter 385 - Caught Up In Some Huge Troubles

Chapter 385: Caught Up In Some Huge Troubles

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Tang Ling’s terrifying battle consciousness was on full display again. He used his Precise Instinct to chart the route so that he could effectively lure the enemies with the highest threat level into within a 20-meter range of the thermal grenade.

He even tossed the thermal grenade in the smartest way possible. He did not directly throw it at the red-robed bishop’s face or aim at any of the white-robed apologists. Instead, he decided to land his grenade 10 meters behind the bishop because any living being would instinctively dodge projectiles that were incoming straight at them.

Even though the thermal grenade was claimed to explode immediately after being thrown, it actually had to hit a surface first, be it the ground or the target’s body, before going off.

Tang Ling’s current targets were in some sort of superhuman form. They were not just powerful, but their reflexes were also fast, so they could probably escape the thermal grenade’s explosion range before it went off.

However, if the grenade was thrown behind them, their most natural reaction would be a quick glance before deciding whether to ignore or dodge.

Tang Ling was aiming for that split second of their decision which would be enough for the thermal grenade to go off.

On top of that, he wisely moved to the left immediately after the throw as though he was careening forward and trying to escape his enemies. It was actually not an evasion but a trick to confuse his enemy.

Tang Ling’s battle consciousness was always top-notch as he would always calculate to his limit and carry out his plan with the utmost effort.

Therefore, the thermal grenade went off as expected. At that very moment, a blinding light exploded at the spot 10 meters behind the red-robed bishop and it covered the range of a 20-meter radius.

Even though Tang Ling was approximately 100 meters away from the epicenter, he could still feel the powerful heatwave.

Despite his strong body, it felt like a pot of hot water had splashed on him, scalding him. Furthermore, he was already wearing the battle uniform he had gotten from Boss Huang as well as the black gloves!

The man with the blonde hair moaned painfully, lying on his back.

The destructive power of the thermal grenade was self-explanatory!

‘That motherf*cking Fatty didn’t even explain how powerful the grenade is!’ Tang Ling criticized Fatty amidst the concerto of painful wails.

Fatty had merely warned that the grenade could create a high-heat environment of 1,000°C in a 20-meter radius within an instant, but he did not say anything about getting caught by the heatwave outside the 20-meter range! The heatwave was no joke either!

The thermal grenade is crazily powerful! How rich is Fatty actually? How did he get his hands on all these killer weapons?

If Tang Ling knew how powerful the grenade was, he would have put it to better use! Thankfully, he had one more with him.

In less than a second, several thoughts popped up in his mind, but it did not slow him down from transforming. He charged towards the enemies behind him the moment the thermal grenade went off.

At the same time, the painful wails behind Tang Ling got stronger, but he did not receive any notification from the Dream Domain that he had killed the white-robed apologists or the red-robed bishop.

He did, however, receive several notifications about killing some black-robed clergies. The notifications popped up suddenly in his head and he did not get the chance to have a clearer look.

Until he charged into the group of Fallen Knights, the waterfall of notifications stopped at the last one.

‘Black-robed clergies eliminated: 20/20. Reward: 5 Dream Coins.”

Tang Ling was bathing in joy. What else could be happier than receiving Dream Coins?

Unfortunately, it also meant that killing black-robed clergies would not help his strength recover anymore. Even though the heatwave killed some of the black-robed clergies, which was a bargain for him, he was too caught up with running and could not strip them of their gloves.

The five-second duration ended and the terrifying heat cooled down. The three white-robed apologists and the red-robed bishop were caught in the range of the explosion.

However, when Tang Ling turned around for a glance, to his shock, he realized that the red-robed bishop did not suffer as much damage as he expected. There was a layer of black metallic crust with complicated patterns covering his body.

Yes, it should have been a layer of crust. Even though it looked metallic, it was certainly not metal. Due to the high temperature, the crust was blanketed with cracks and seemed like it could shatter at any moment.

The white-robed apologists also had mysterious leather armor on their bodies, but the material looked similar to the gloves of the black-robed clergies. They did not provide much protection from the heat.

Under the blistering temperature of 1,000°C, the leather armor started to melt. Even though the apologists had transformed, their bodies were severely burned. They were rolling on the ground, groaning in pain, as they seemed temporarily disabled.

“Damn it!” Tang Ling had completed his transformation, but he could not help but curse at his tough enemies.

He viewed everything his enemies owned as his own spoils and resources, but to his dismay, because of Fatty’s thermal grenade, the red-robed bishop’s crust, and the leather armor of the apologists were all destroyed. He got nothing at all!

More importantly, all three of the white-robed apologists were heavily injured, and if he had the chance to kill them, it would have been great! However, he could not!

Tang Ling still could not forget about his spoils even at such a critical moment. It was at that moment that the red-robed bishop was infuriated to his boiling point. He growled furiously as the crust on his body shattered into pieces. He started to float up from the pieces of crust and the silver black crust at his back opened, forming a pair of wings! He swiftly glided towards Tang Ling.

“I will kill you!” the red-robed bishop shouted in rage.

Tang Ling was instantly frightened, and he had goosebumps all over his back.

Holy sh*t! He can fly?!

He simply grabbed something from his backpack and tossed it out without looking as he shouted, “You can have this back! Stop chasing me!”

He did not stop as he shouted, relying on his transformed body, and going on a rampage among the Fallen Knights. He did not slow down at all, but the unfortunate Fallen Knights suffered a great loss as many of them were either knocked away or trampled on the ground.

The red-robed bishop was enraged, but when he saw Tang Ling toss over a tiny black item, he quickly slowed down and extended two of his appendages to take it. He could not believe it. Had Tang Ling simply returned the Demon Infant?

However, when he had a closer look at the item his appendages picked up, he cussed out loud. He disregarded his temperament as a red-robed bishop and swore, “You little piece of sh*t, I will rip you into a thousand pieces when I get my hands on you!”

The thing that Tang Ling had tossed over to him was not the Demon Infant but just a common Demon Seed.

After all, Tang Ling was a thrifty person who did not want to waste the tough crusts and appendages of the Demon Seeds. He collected everything that he could get his hands on.

The Demon Infant shared similarities with the Demon Seeds. Tang Ling even cunningly snapped two of the appendages off from the Demon Seed when he tossed it out, so it really looked like the Demon Infant at first glance.

He had to use this lousy trick to draw distance from the red-robed bishop. He could not help it since the bishop could fly!

Even though it was a little cheap and cunning, it worked. The tiny delay allowed the transformed Tang Ling to dash out of the Fallen Knights and run towards a smaller alleyway.

He and Fatty had agreed to rendezvous at a crossroads. As long as Tang Ling crossed the alleyway plus two more streets, he would reach the crossroads surrounded by other buildings. He had told Fatty to wait for him in one of the buildings and only come out when he saw Tang Ling.

However, it had only been less than 10 minutes since Fatty left. Had he completed his task?

Tang Ling was covered in a sheen of nervous sweat. The red-robed bishop was ridiculously fast with his gliding wings, and if Fatty failed his task, Tang Ling would be dead meat.

The red-robed bishop tossed away the fake Demon Infant and hastened his gliding, determined to chase Tang Ling down.

Tang Ling wanted to cry so badly, but he failed to shed a tear. He took out another black item and flung it hard at the red-robed bishop. “I swear this is the real one!”

The red-robed bishop responded with gnashing teeth, but he had to stop and check on what Tang Ling tossed over. What if it was the real one?

However, there were no “ifs” in the world. Tang Ling was a Scrooge who would never return the dead Demon Infant, so the red-robed bishop was tricked once again.

By the time the red-robed bishop furiously slammed the fake onto the ground again, Tang Ling’s large, speedy figure had hopped into the alleyway like a rabbit, disappearing from sight.

Nevertheless, the red-robed bishop was not going to give up either. He grunted furiously and continued chasing.

Fatty was waiting nervously at the crossroads.

He had completed this mission perfectly. Not only did he get the horses, but since he had a better understanding of this world, he even got the support that he relied on.

However, if Tang Ling had some powerful enemies chasing him, the horses would not be much use. Fatty hated to admit it, but he and Tang Ling could run faster than the horses in a straight line, so he did not understand why Tang Ling wanted the horses in his plan.

Fatty also got the news that the reinforcements sent to Tribunal No. 3 included the one and only red-robed bishop of the Fallen Star Church in this city.

Tell me! If the bishop is chasing you, what on earth can the horses do?!

Fatty had a feeling that the 24-hour survival game would not be a pleasant one.

With all that in mind, he had the urge to slap himself a hundred times again. Why did he stay back and not withdraw from the Dream Domain like he always did?

Whenever you were unlucky, anything could go wrong.

Just as Fatty was wondering why Tang Ling wanted the horses, he heard a familiar voice screaming for help. “Fatty! Horse! Where are the horses?!”

Fatty looked up and he almost got scared out of his soul.

This motherf*cking Tang Ling!

Tang Ling appeared as promised, but he had a man with golden hair on his back trailing him. Fatty was fine with that, but further away, there was a huge monstrous figure gliding towards him.

What the f*ck is that? What the f*ck?

No horse could help him or Tang Ling now. Not even the ‘horses’ from the old civilization, the Ferraris, could do sh*t.

It was then that a group of knights in armor carved with roses appeared behind Fatty, and the leader yelled, “It’s the red-robed bishop! He’s coming!”

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