Dark Moon Era

Chapter 387 - Breakthrough! Opening The Strength Of Two Tigers

Chapter 387: Breakthrough! Opening The Strength Of Two Tigers

In order to break through to the strength of two tigers, one must clearly understand what exactly was the strength of two tigers.

Boss Huang’s answer did not provide the definition because, according to him, while everyone’s strength of two tigers differed slightly from one another, the direction must be correct.

What exactly was the correct direction?

Tang Ling dodged the attacks of the red-robed bishop whilst scenes of a tiger fighting in a battle popped up in his mind. Agility, nimbleness, flexible body, and strength…how could the body structure of a tiger utilize all these attributes to their maximum?

Even though a bull was naturally stronger than a tiger in terms of raw strength, it was never a match for a tiger because the tiger coupled its strength with agility, hence producing an outstanding hunting effect. The true essence of the strength of two tigers was the combination of strength and agility!

A tinge of realization appeared in Tang Ling’s eyes as he believed that his answer was correct. He also thought that this was the right direction for him.

If so, the strength of two tigers in his heart should be ahead of his correct direction. What exactly was the strength of two tigers to Tang Ling?

It would be mastering the dodging techniques and applying them in his attacks.

In simple words, it was a microsenses attack!

Tang Ling had actually never heard of the term microsenses before, but he was in the correct direction.

If he had not met Boss Huang but some other masters who preferred to speak clearly, the master would surely have told his disciple precisely, “In the later stage of a pre-Purple Moon Warrior, in order to pursue the path of the strength of two tigers, you must understand all the basic attributes comprehensively. You must understand that they don’t work as a single independent entity.

“Stamina, strength, speed, reflex speed, spirit…every one of them can be mixed and matched. The combination is endless, and even after becoming a Purple Moon Warrior, you will still spend a lot of time thinking about combining all kinds of basic attributes.

“The easiest combination would be speed and strength. You might think that you have combined speed and strength by punching very fast, but it doesn’t work like that. When a bull charges at a tiger at an accelerating speed, the tiger can also dodge it under normal circumstances. Yes, of course, the tiger’s reflex speed is involved, but the main reason is that the tiger combines strength and speed together.

“That’s all I can tell you, for now. You’ll have to find out the truth for yourself because it’s a subtle feeling.”

Indeed, it was a subtle feeling, yet Tang Ling relied on his own thoughts to move in the right direction. His definition of the strength of two tigers would be the microsenses state as an offensive means.

It was shocking because it was not only correct, but it was certainly the highest tier among all the different variations of strength of two tigers.

The state of microsenses was the epitome of agility. A pre-Purple Moon Warrior could never achieve the state of microsenses without breaking the shackles of speed within the human body.

Applying microsenses in an offensive situation would be combining speed and strength together. That was definitely one of the highest tiered variations among the strength of two tigers.

Moreover, Tang Ling had Precise Instinct, so his attacks were unusually fierce and precise, to begin with.

A minute later, he found himself in a difficult position. He had to face the red-robed bishop, whose body was a walking weapon, and the bishop’s speed triumphed him by a mile. Even with Tang Ling’s entry-level microsenses, he had to fight to the extreme.

The extreme battle could not guarantee him a 100% dodge rate, hence his difficult position.

The fight had started for only a minute, but Tang Ling was already covered in cuts and wounds. Despite not being lethal, as the bloody wounds widened and deepened, once the injuries accumulated to a certain point, he would still lose his life.

However, it was the extremities that made Tang Ling’s body movements improve. Despite only being a minute in, his dodging movements already looked a lot more fluid.

If Tang Ling had only taken on the form of water before, which was similar to the wind blowing the surface of a lake to create ripples, his movements now possessed the true form of water. His movements came alive and were as fluid as water that no longer relied on the wind to move.

If Fatty had been around, he would have been shocked. The state of microsenses actually had several levels, but Tang Ling’s improvement was ridiculously fast.

Norden started to get anxious. He was the one injured. Although it seemed like he had the upper hand, in fact, every effective attack of his failed to kill the kid.

On top of that, the longer the fight went on, he noticed that the kid was getting better at dodging his attacks while the frequency of him missing the attacks was getting higher and higher. If the fight continued, would he eventually lose?

Norden could not accept the outcome. He was the prestigious red-robed bishop and he was in his transformed state! With that in mind, he decided to disregard his injuries and go all out with his attacks.

The pressure that Tang Ling had to face skyrocketed instantly.

Just imagine deadly whips that could attack him like two venomous vipers, body movements followed by lethal attacks because of the thorns at the joints, and on top of that, the six appendages were ridiculously nimble.

However, at that very moment, the excitement that Tang Ling buried in his heart erupted and reached its boiling point.

In his mind, he already knew what his strength of two tigers was. He used his Precise Instinct and simulated how his attacks would be if he combined them with microsenses.

While the attacks would feel natural and smooth, his dodging would form the next opportunity to attack.

Why was the tiger considered a ferocious animal? It was because it could dodge, attack, sweep with its tail, and so on. In short, it could dodge and attack almost at the same time!

When it attacked, its body would naturally move into a position whereby it could dodge the incoming attack, and when it dodged, it would not forget to ferociously attack! More importantly, the nimbleness became part of its muscle memory!

Yes, this had to be the way! It might be sloppy at first, but if the movements became part of the muscle memory and battle consciousness, it would be the true formation of the strength of two tigers!

Tang Ling started to divide his attention three-ways. Spirit visualization did not just allow him to monitor his opponent and himself, but he even used it extensively to deduce and simulate the flow of movements!

Deducing the flow of movements would be useful when he dodged an incoming attack. He could find out what was the smoothest and most effective way to deliver a counterattack like how a tiger jumped away from a frontal charge but was still able to dish out its claws, leaving a ferocious claw mark on the rear of the bull.

Precise Instinct lived up to its name for being a ridiculously powerful talent. After all, deducing and simulating were Precise Instinct’s forte. When the matter that was deemed impossible to complete in an instant and could only be achieved by forming the consciousness or instinct through more than a million trials and errors, Precise Instinct could easily do it smoothly with its precision and was able to provide several variations of attack options.

Tang Ling’s palms started to sweat. It was not because of nerves but because of an indescribable excitement that rose due to the battle.

As he started to dodge, his body slanted slightly and dodged the thrust from one of the appendages. He lifted his right leg and avoided one of the tentacles’ lashes.

His next movement was to lean his body to the right and launch a right kick along with the motion. At the same time, he raised his arms to block the second appendage attack.

Next, he twisted his hand holding the Blood Bulrush Sword for slashing and moved downward immediately.

He completed a double dodge and formed a double attack within a moment. This would be the true microsensing attack with the fusion of dodging and attacking as his agility was utilizing his strength to its maximum effectiveness.

Norden was struck with pain all of a sudden because Tang Ling’s kick landed on his wound. Then, the powerful knife that Tang Ling held slashed off one of his appendages.

Norden did not know about microsenses, so he failed to dodge all of Tang Ling’s double attacks. He managed to duck the kick, but he suffered a slash on his appendage. Immediately, the crust was cut open and his red flesh was exposed.

How did he do it? He is fast and tricky. His attacks are so difficult to dodge!

While Norden was baffled by what was happening, Tang Ling frowned when he felt a bizarre change in his body. It felt as if something within him was broken and he could feel his body yearning for more energy!

Could it be that after touching the minimal threshold for the strength of two tigers, his body could once again absorb energy and not just store the energy in his dantian anymore?

On top of that, after a successful fusion of his agility and strength, he felt like a part of his body had reached a new frontier, and the rest of his body was quickly adapting to the new changes.

The new frontier should be the strength of two tigers despite it being extremely vague. He could feel the subtle change because of his Precise Instinct. This subtle change would be able to trigger an entirely new form!

In simple words, it was like a strength user mastering a new battle from of a speed user like how a bull learned the ways of the tiger.

As a thorough change, it also corresponded with Boss Huang’s teachings which Tang Ling had to understand every essence by himself.

Tang Ling felt successful with his achievements. However, something in the Dream Domain seemed to have held him down and suppressed him. His strength did not even recover fully, let alone absorb the energy that he stored, so he did not officially reach the strength of nine bulls and one tiger.

Nevertheless, it no longer mattered! Tang Ling had mastered new powers, and his attacks toward the red-robed bishop grew even fiercer. The accomplishment of the strength of two tigers indirectly boosted his mastery of microsenses as well, so it became richer and more mature.

Therefore, the tide of the battle turned drastically in a matter of seconds.

Tang Ling’s rate of dodging and attacking increased gradually, and he was becoming more and more threatening. Conversely, Norden looked like he was in bad shape and was gradually falling into a disadvantageous position.

Even so, it was impossible for Tang Ling to kill Norden within 2 minutes. Norden was only pushed into a disadvantageous position, but even if Tang Ling had three full minutes, he still could not kill Norden.

Tang Ling, however, was not in a hurry. He would not be Tang Ling if he did not have a plan in his mind. That moment was a chance for him. He could unleash an attack that Norden could not dodge and follow up with a final blow.

Tang Ling’s spirit strongly concentrated on the Blood Bulrush Sword. He was going to unleash his sword intent!

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