Deep Development 1×3 (H)

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The room was partially covered by curtains that blocked out the sunlight, but it was not overly dim due to the strong lighting. It resembled a small library, with bookshelves filled with books and in the middle of the room was a large desk piled with various sheets of paper, books, and two computers.

A young man in a white T-shirt and gray shorts sat in front of the desk, typing rapidly on the keyboard as he looked at the computer screen. He glanced at the time on the computer and realized it was already past noon, so he stopped working and stretched his body in a long yawn. His handsome face showed a hint of fatigue, and there were dark circles under his eyes.

He lazily got up from the chair and walked barefoot to the other side of the desk, looking at the messy pile of books on top. He casually picked up one and started reading.

He opened the book titled ”Little-known Secrets of Zodiac Signs” and began reading it with great interest. Despite knowing that it was a dubious genre of trashy books just from the title, he was unexpectedly engrossed in it, even taking notes.

“The behavior of a Leo man in a romantic relationship…” Most of the book’s content was about love, and although most people who enjoyed studying zodiac signs were female, he seemed genuinely interested.

Just then, the phone rang suddenly.

“Hello, Sister Bai, is there something you need?”

“Wang Zihe, are you not planning to come to the company today again? I specifically called to tell you some good news. We won the project for the five-star hotel for Dips in S city! Oh my god! I never thought we would win this bid. It’s all thanks to you!” The female voice on the other end of the phone said excitedly.

“Oh, not at all. It’s thanks to everyone’s hard work that we have this success now. I’ll take over the follow-up work for the project.” The young man put down the book in his hand and stood up from his chair. His lips curved up slightly, even though he was trying hard to contain his excitement, it was still evident that he was in a joyful mood at the moment.

“Of course, the rest of the team in the studio is already preparing. You also need to prepare!”

“I understand. I’ll prepare some documents and go to the company tomorrow.” The young man said as he paced around the room.

“Alright, see you at ten tomorrow.” The woman hung up the phone with excitement.

The young man put down his phone and left the study directly. He went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, frowning when he saw it was empty. There were only a few Snickers bars left, so he took one and started eating.

‘Sigh, it’s been a week since I last went out.’

He had been staying at home for a week, surviving on home-cooked meals and high-calorie snacks. Fortunately, he was the type who could eat anything without gaining weight as long as he satisfied his body’s energy needs during meals.

Just after finishing one Snickers bar, he felt hungry again. Wang Zihe sighed and while putting on his shoes, decided to tidy up the details of the design for this project that he hadn’t sorted out yet while eating. So he took off the shoes that he had just put on, grabbed his iPad from the study, put it in his backpack, and then carefully checked himself in the hallway mirror. The dark circles under his eyes didn’t seem too prominent, so he calmly put on his shoes and headed out.

He searched on his phone and found a popular Western restaurant not far from his residential area. The quiet atmosphere was very suitable for the needs of office workers, so they could continue to work after eating. Wang Zihe picked up his car from the underground parking lot and set off. It was around 3 o’clock in the afternoon, so the restaurant should not be too crowded.

After passing two intersections, he arrived at the restaurant where he randomly chose a double seat at the recommendation of the waiter and ordered the popular set meal. While eating, he browsed through information on his iPad and felt quite relaxed.

Suddenly, the empty seat in front of him was filled with a shadow that blocked his light. “Oh, it’s Xiao He! What a coincidence to see you here today,” said a middle-aged man in a black suit and burgundy tie. The man had neatly combed short hair, gentle eyebrows, and eyes, and a surprisingly well-maintained physique without the greasy feeling of middle-aged men.

Wang Zihe looked up, recognizing the person in front of him immediately and smiling in response. He then saw a tall man in a dark blue suit standing next to Mr. Li. This man was about 1.85 meters tall with chestnut-colored short hair that was smoothly combed back, revealing a full forehead. He had deep-set eyebrows, amber eyes, a high-bridged nose, and thin lips. He appeared to be of mixed race and looked like a model, handsome and full of strength. He exuded a strong presence and made a significant impression.

“Oh, let me introduce you. This is Mo Yi, the president of Dips China Branch,” Mr. Li said with a smile.

“Hello, I am Wang Zihe, the chief designer of WIO Architectural Design Firm,” he said, standing up and extending his hand with a slight smile.

Wang Zihe didn’t expect to meet the president of Dips here! Although his company had done designs for this company before, he didn’t know much about it. After all, the person who usually dealt with the company representatives was Sister Bai. The design fee for this kind of commercial building was usually high, so establishing a relationship with this big boss today would be very helpful for tomorrow’s handover.

“Hello, I’m Mo Yi,” the powerful-looking man said, shaking his hand. There was no expression on his face, neither warm nor cold.

“Speaking of which, it’s really fate. I just won the bid for your company’s X Branch office building recently. I’m very grateful for your recognition,” Wang Zihe said with more enthusiasm than usual.

“Wow, that’s indeed fate. Xiao He, why don’t you get to know each other more,” the middle-aged man said politely, pulling a chair for Mo Yi, who then sat opposite Wang Zihe. He then gestured with his hand for both of them to continue talking and jokingly teased Wang Zihe.

“Well, I’ve heard about that. I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation in the upcoming work,” Mo Yi’s response was still indifferent and straightforward.

‘This person is really… at least be a little more polite. Why did he kill the conversation so directly?’ Wang Zihe couldn’t help but complain inwardly.

However, he had dealt with all sorts of client personalities before and wasn’t bothered by it. Besides, this person would officially become his client starting tomorrow, so Wang Zihe didn’t take it to heart.

“In fact, Mr. Mo has just arrived in China not long ago, and I happened to be showing him around. I didn’t expect to run into you. Since you and Mr. Mo are about the same age, how about you do me a favor and take him around?” the middle-aged man said with a smile. He had come up with this idea after seeing Wang Zihe.

“Oh? Is that really okay?” Wang Zihe asked, slightly surprised by Mr. Li’s words.

Wang Zihe was taken aback; he was worrying about not being able to get to know the big boss of Dips, and this Mr. Li gave him some timely help. He felt a sense of joy in his heart.

“Mr. Mo, what do you think? Despite his youth, he is definitely trustworthy in terms of design and character,” Mr. Li said to Mo Yu with a smile, seeming to be very familiar and trusting towards Wang Zihe.

“Well, it’s fine,” Mo Yi nodded, and at this moment, he finally carefully observed the young man sitting opposite him. Fair skin, well-defined facial features, large and bright peach blossom eyes that were full of spirit. The clean and tidy white shirt made him look very energetic and Mo Yi felt that this person was quite presentable.

“By the way, Mr. Mo, do you have a WeChat account?” Wang Zihe picked up his phone and asked.

“Don’t worry about that, a mobile number, WeChat, and Alipay, he has them all. You just have to teach him how to use them,” Mr. Li said enthusiastically.

Wang Zihe stood beside Mo Yi with great enthusiasm, teaching him how to use these apps. He was only thirty centimeters away from Mo Yi, and he could smell a special fragrance on him, like the scent of pomegranate but with a spicy hint, gentle yet stimulating, perfectly matching his temperament.

When he opened Mo Yi’s Weibo on his phone, he was surprised to find that Mo Yi already had a gold V account with a foreign name—Mercer, with the remark “President of Dips China Division, USA”. He already had nearly a million followers, but there were very few posts on his Weibo. Among them, the most recent one caught Wang Zihe’s attention.

“First time coming to China, please guide me more.” And it was accompanied by a picture of Mo Yi being picked up. In the photo, he was accompanied by a group of bodyguards in black suits, wearing sunglasses, striding with long and straight legs and full of momentum. This strong lineup was not inferior to international A-list stars. The 200,000 reposts were also astonishing. Unexpectedly, this person was so popular in China.

Mo Yi saw the content on his Weibo account and was also stunned. He had no idea that he had posted these things.

“Wow, I didn’t expect Mr. Mo to be so popular on Weibo. Let’s follow each other.” After seeing the awkwardness flash across Mo Yi’s face, Wang Zihe had already guessed that Mo Yi didn’t post these things. It was probably someone else who had been managing this account.

“Okay,” Mo Yi nodded.

He also saw Wang Zihe’s account, with 900,000 followers, labeled as a design blogger, and all the content on Weibo was about architectural design, without even a single selfie. It was very low-key.

In fact, Mo Yi’s account only followed three people in total, and now with Wang Zihe, it would be four. Seeing this, Wang Zihe was indeed a little happy. He had befriended a big shot, how could he not be happy?

Mr. Li’s heart finally relaxed as he watched their interaction, realizing that it was easier for people of the same age to talk with each other.

“You guys chat, I’ll leave first. I’m leaving Mr. Mo to you, Xiao He. Remember to treat him to a good meal and let him taste the specialties of our city, and don’t forget to send him home!” Mr. Li stood up, patted Wang Zihe’s shoulder, appearing particularly affectionate, and then left with a smiling face.

“Huh? Wait!” Wang Zihe was a little confused, why did it suddenly become his responsibility? Treat him to a meal and send him home? Is this a one-day babysitting job?

Well, Mr. Li was one of his important wealthy clients, so he had to give him face and help him out for further interactions.

“Speaking of which, does Mr. Mo have any favorite food?” Wang Zihe dared not express any dissatisfaction. He immediately turned around and asked with a smile.

Mo Yi, who saw the chairman of Yufei Group leaving confidently, was somewhat displeased.

“No need,” Mo Yi said, picking up his phone and walked away without looking back.

“……?????” He just left like that?! Now, only Wang Zihe was left standing by the chair, and the chance to cling to the big shot was gone… He sighed helplessly and sat back in his original seat, continuing to organize his documents.

‘It’s not easy to cling to the thighs of the big boss…’

Perhaps it was an illusion, he felt a familiar aura from Mo Yi. If his guess was right, it would be easy to handle. Wang Zihe caressed his lips with his hands, curled up the corners of his mouth, and showed a smile with a completely different temperament from before, as if he was calculating something.

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