Deep Development 1×3 (H)

Chapter 11

This chapter contains slight explicit content, clink the link below for the full chapter.

As Mo Jian looked beyond the girl and at the people dancing around them, a figure suddenly appeared before his eyes. That person was… Mo Jian only felt that the person was very familiar, but he didn’t know many Asian faces. Soon, he thought of the scene he had glimpsed in his brother’s room a few nights ago.

His heart skipped a beat and after talking to the girl opposite him, he pushed through the crowd to where he had just seen the person.

However, when he searched through the crowd, the person’s figure had disappeared. As he looked around, he saw the person sitting on the other side of the sofa, drinking. When he walked closer and saw the man’s face, he became even more certain. There was no mistake, he was the one who had made him have spring dreams all night that night.

Although he had found the person, Mo Jian didn’t know what to do for a moment. In the past, he had always been approached by others, and he had never taken the initiative.

But as the music around him grew louder, Mo Jian’s courage also grew. The person didn’t know who he was anyway, so with this in mind, he pushed through the crowd again and approached the person.

“May I ask you to dance?” The noisy music effectively covered up Mo Jian’s slightly trembling voice due to nervousness.

Wang Zihe looked at the handsome and tall boy in front of him and was stunned, not because he was invited to dance, but because this boy was very similar to Mo Yi. He suspected that this person had some relationship with Mo Yi and as if to confirm this, Wang Zihe put down his drink and stood up, leaning in close to Mo Jian to look at his face carefully.

Under the dim and chaotic lighting, Wang Zihe looked into the other party’s eyes. They were indeed amber eyes very similar to Mo Yi’s, but for some reason, perhaps because of the lighting, the color of this boy’s eyes was slightly greenish.

Wang Zihe’s sudden proximity stunned Mo Jian. He looked at the handsome and delicate face in front of him, his breathing stuttering. At this distance, he seemed to feel the heat emanating from the other person’s breath, and a refreshing scent belonging to this man rushed into his nostrils.

“What’s your relationship with Mo Yi?” Wang Zihe asked without any restraint.

“If I’m not mistaken, you must be his younger brother who was studying in the United States,right?” He continued without waiting for Mo Jian’s answer.

“How did you know about me?” Mo Jian was a bit incoherent.

“Of course, he told me,” Wang Zihe said with a slight smile.

“Want to have a drink together?” With that, Wang Zihe took a glass of wine from the table and handed it to Mo Jian, gesturing for him to sit on the sofa behind him.

“Do you guys know each other?” Yang Wei, who was sitting on the other side of Wang Zihe, asked.

“Oh, he’s a client’s younger brother,” Wang Zihe said as he clinked glasses with Mo Jian.

“Hi, I’m Mo Jian,” Mo Jian said, realizing he hadn’t introduced himself after taking a sip of wine.

“I’m Wang Zihe, and he’s Yang Wei, a busy programmer,” Wang Zihe said with a mischievous grin, emphasizing the words “busy programmer.”

“Hey, no need to emphasize that,” Yang Wei said with a n unhappy frown.

At that moment, his phone vibrated, but because the bar was too noisy, he directly went to WeChat. Then, Yang Wei sighed helplessly, scratched his head apologetically, and said to Wang Zihe, “I have to go back and fix the programs again. Alright, you guys have fun.” With that, he hurriedly left.

Wang Zihe looked at the rapidly disappearing Yang Wei and was momentarily speechless. Why be a programmer when you could have been anything else…

“Uh…I…” At this point, only Mo Jian and Wang Zihe were left on the sofa.

“Wanna go dance?” Wang Zihe stood up.

“Huh?” Mo Jian was stunned, then Wang Zihe pulled him onto the dance floor.

As he watched Wang Zihe laugh and dance in front of him, Mo Jian couldn’t help but have a flurry of thoughts. There was no doubt that he was curious about Wang Zihe. When he peeped that day, he only watched from afar, but now this person was only twenty centimeters away from him. He could even see the pores on his face. His skin was fair and delicate, and his handsome face had a delicate beauty that was different from that of Westerners. His peach blossom eyes seemed to be emitting a current at all times, and his thin lips were neither big nor small, and he looked really attractive when he smiled.

This was probably the first time that Mo Jian had stared at a man’s face for such a long time. Thinking back to the introduction “client’s younger brother,” this perfectly explained that his relationship with his brother Mo Yi was probably not close. Of course, this was just a guess, but Mo Jian’s subjective bias tended towards this guess.

“I’m a little thirsty, so I’ll go back first,” Wang Zihe said after dancing for a while.

“I’ll go back with you,” Mo Jian replied.

Wang Zihe casually picked up the glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp.

“Cough…cough…cough.” A sharp, spicy taste rushed to his head, and Wang Zihe, who was not good at drinking, couldn’t help but cough violently.

“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Mo Jian patted his shoulder as he watched Wang Zihe bend over and cough intensely.

“Damn, this is Yang Wei’s drink.” Wang Zihe looked at the wine glass in his hand and lay on the sofa.

“Are you okay?” Mo Jian asked with a furrowed brow, watching Wang Zihe’s face quickly turn red.

“…” Yang Wei’s alcohol tolerance has always been very good. This time, he probably ordered 40% whiskey. Poor Wang Zihe, who usually drinks 5% alcohol at most, would basically feel uncomfortable after drinking two small cups of a 20 % alcoholic drink. The alcohol was not difficult to drink, but due to its high alcohol content, Wang Zihe’s head was very dizzy, and his face was also very red, looking as if he was already drunk.

“Are you drunk?” Mo Jian directly touched Wang Zihe’s hot face with his hand.

“Um…probably…forget it, let’s go…”

“Can you help me?” Wang Zihe was still clear-headed at this time. He reached out his hand and placed it on Mo Jian’s shoulder.

“I don’t know where you live. Why don’t you come back with me first?” Mo Jian asked as he looked at Wang Zihe, who was leaning completely on him and seemed a bit dazed.

“Um…okay…” This time, Wang Zihe directly rested his head on Mo Jian’s neck, and his hot breath sprayed on Mo Jian’s neck, making him feel a warmth in his heart.

Looking at the person completely leaning on him, Mo Jian couldn’t help but have many evil thoughts, and he had to shake his head to clear his mind.

After he helped Wang Zihe out of the bar, he saw the fancy red sports car. Wasn’t this the one he had specially asked his brother for? Mo Jian raised his eyebrows, took out the keys from Wang Zihe’s pocket, unlocked the car, and then placed him in the passenger seat.

Then he sent a message to Jiang Yunze before driving to the luxury hotel where he had been staying for the past two days.

After a while, Mo Jian arrived at the hotel, and when he helped Wang Zihe out of the car, the latter was completely asleep, leaning on Mo Jian’s shoulder without moving.





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