Deep Development 1×3 (H)

Chapter 12.2

Chapter 12.2

Wang Zihe was naked, looking at the two obvious red bite marks on his white and tender buttocks in the mirror with his brows furrowed.

Last night, Mo Jian had cum inside him three times. Not only that, in the morning, he had gotten hard again but because of the sorry state of his swollen chrysanthemum, he climaxed between his thighs and legs one more time.

It wasn’t only when he slept until 9 o’clock at night that he finally regained some energy. That damn guy was like a wild beast, completely lacking in self-restraint and he made Wang Zihe wonder if he was really going to be fucked to death.

Looking at his body covered in various marks in the mirror, Wang Zihe let out a deep sigh.

He felt like he had been a walking desire machine for the past month, like a calm lake suddenly hit by a huge rock, causing uncontrollable waves. He felt like he would have any desire to have sex or a long time.. This time really exhausted him, making him feel like he had done a decade’s worth of work he in just a month.

Rubbing his temples, Wang Zihe put on his clothes and lay down on the bed, falling asleep once again.

Mo Jian looked at the messy, empty bed and a disappointed look crossed his face. At the same time, he felt very annoyed. Just as he was about to sit on the bed, his eyes lit up when he saw the car key on the bedside table. Then, he grabbed the car key and rushed out of the room.

It was already midnight when Mo Jian returned to the villa in the cool red sports car. As he expected, the lights on the third floor were still on. He took a deep breath and calmly walked to his brother’s door.

“Knock, knock.”

He looked at the dark door in front of him, feeling complicated.

“The door’s not locked, come in.”

At this time, Mo Yi was lying in bed reading the newspaper.


Mo Jian pushed the door open and looked at his brother’s face, which resembled his own, and he couldn’t help but recall the scene that happened on this bed, where that person was on top his brother.

“What’s tge matter?” Mo Yi looked at Mo Jian standing at the door.

“I…I’m planning to come back and live here,” Mo Jian stared at Mo Yi’s bed and said after a moment.

“What are you looking for?” Mo Yi’s sharp eyes looked at Mo Jian.

“Nothing…I’ll go first.”

After speaking, Mo Jian quickly closed the door and disappeared from Mo Yi’s sight.

Mo Yi looked at his insincere younger brother and couldn’t help but frown. He turned his head to look at the pillow on his right. Just now, he could clearly feel that his younger brother’s gaze seemed to be searching for something…

Mo Yi, who turned his head back to continue reading the newspaper, had a mysterious smile on his expressionless face.


The golden sunlight shone through the white curtains and onto Wang Zhihe’s bed. In a daze, he rubbed his eyes and looked at the sunlight that had already spread to the foot of the bed. Even though he was in an air-conditioned room, he could still feel the scorching heat of the summer evening.

He rubbed his hair and looked at his phone. It was already 7 o’clock in the evening and perhaps because he overslept, he felt even more drowsy. Combined with the soreness in his muscles, his eyebrows furrowed deeper. But he knew he couldn’t go back to sleep, as the hunger in his stomach was protesting.

“Mom? Are you there?” Wang Zihe came out in hus pajamas.

“Are you awake? Your mother went to dance in the square. Are you hungry? I’ll heat up the food for you,” his father, Wang Yangming, answered.

“Okay, thanks, Dad.” After speaking, Wang Zihe sat on the sofa in the living room and looked at the messages on his phone.

Many of the messages on WeChat were from groups. After checking them one by one, he suddenly saw a message sent by a gray sky avatar and he paused.

[Come to my office tonight.] The message showed it was sent at 8 o’clock this morning.

At this moment, Wang Zihe’s mood was very complicated. He had just been with this guy’s younger brother the day before yesterday so he didn’t know how to face Mo Yi now. Of course, he was angry. After all, he was forced by his younger brother. But Mo Yi probably had no idea about this so he had no reason to blame him. What’s more important was that he felt like he had betrayed Mo Yi…

No, they were just friends with benefits, not lovers. Who he had sex with had nothing to do with Mo Yi, but Wang Zihe was very conflicted inside.

But in the end, he still replied to the message.

[What’s the matter?]

[Come over now.]

After Wang Zihe didn’t expect that the other party would reply immediately, so he answered.

[Wait for me to finish my meal.]

Wang Zihe didn’t really want to see him and after seeing his commanding message, his mood became even worse. After sending the message, he threw his phone on the coffee table. He’ll think about it later.

After he finished his meal, he took a slow shower but after seeing the obvious teeth marks on his butt, Wang Zihe’s mood became even worse. He frowned and dried his body, sighing as he looked ag his very depressed face in the mirror.

He didn’t want to show his weak and decadent side to Mo Yi, so he not only did he wear a tie but he also put on a pair of dark gray suit pants. Afterwards, he carefully styled his hair with hair wax, even the slightly dark circles under his eyes were covered with makeup.

Wang Zihe looked at himself in the mirror and his mood improved slightly. Be seemed like a completely different person from earlier.

After putting on his watch, he sprayed some perfume that had been sitting at home unused for a long time. A refreshing bamboo scent surrounded his body, and taking on a deep breath, the cool fragrance seemed to offset some of the summer heat, causing Wang Zhihe’s mood to completely relax.

If his guess was correct, Mo Jian probably didn’t tell his brother about what happened between them. The two brothers had completely opposite personalities, not to mention the nearly seven-year age gap. They probably found it difficult to talk to each other normally, and besides, with Mo Jian’s youthful mindset, the best person to share this kind of thing with would never be his own family. At most, he would boast to his friends about how strong and long lasting he was in bed… Just thinking about Mo Jian made Wang Zhihe feel a headache.

Although he didn’t know what Mo Yi wanted to talk to him about, as long as he didn’t say anything, Mo Yi would never know about his relationship with his younger brother. So, this matter wasn’t that complicated after all.

By the time Wang Zhihe put on his shoes and stood at the entrance, it was already 9 o’clock in the evening. He didn’t know if Mo Yi was still waiting for him at the company, and at this point, Wang Zhihe felt that the careful grooming he had spent a lot of time on was probably useless.

“Be careful on the way, and remember to contact your family if anything happens,” said Wang Yangming, who was wiping the table as he watched Wang Zhihe leave.

“Okay, Dad, don’t worry,” Wang Zhihe replied before closing the door.

He looked at the messages on his phone, and found that Mo Yi hadn’t replied since he said he wanted to finish eating.

[Are you still there?] Wang Zhihe sent another message.

[Yes,] Mo Yi replied almost instantly.

Wang Zhihe couldn’t help but smile at this.

When he arrived at the Dips office building, it was already 10 o’clock in the evening. Most of the employees had already gone home, and the lights on many floors had been turned off. The security guard at the entrance did not stop Wang Zhihe after seeing him, but instead nodded at him, indicating that Mo Yi had already informed him in advance.

Wang Zihe stepped into the elevator, and when he saw the numbers jump from 36 to 37, he thought of the non-existent floor and couldn’t help but find it amusing.

He pushed the slightly ajar office door and walked in.

“You’re here,” Mo Yi , who was sitting in the office and looking at his computer said.

“Sorry for keeping you waiting,” Wang Zihe said apologetically, walking up to the desk with his long legs.

“Follow me,” Mo Yi said, closing his computer and standing up.

He walked past Wang Zihe and approached the bookshelf. Just like last time, after he unlocked it, the hidden door behind the bookshelf was exposed again. After using his iris and password to unlock it, the iron door automatically opened.

Mo Yi took Wang Zihe’s hand and led him into the secret room.

The two went down the circular tunnel from the bathtub together. Even though this was their second time here, Wang Zihe couldn’t help but be amazed by the fleeting deep blue sea and the brightly lit city skyline in the distance. It all felt fresh and unforgettable.

After they arrived at the “non-existent floor”, Mo Yi continued to lead Wang Zihe by the hand to the restaurant.

When Wang Zihe saw the carefully prepared candlelight dinner on the circular table next to the glass curtain wall, he showed a surprised expression.

“Too bad I already ate,” he said to Mo Yi.

“Too bad it’s already cold,” but Mo Yi didn’t show any disappointment on his face.

He still took Wang Zihe to sit opposite him at the table and picked up his knife and fork to eat the now cold steak.

Wang Zihe sat across from him and watched him gradually finish the steak, only hearing the faint clinking of cutlery and plates.

“Want some wine?” Mo Yi asked after finishing the steak and wiping his mouth.

“No, what did you want to see me for today?” The silent atmosphere made Wang Zihe a bit uncomfortable.

Mo Yi didn’t answer, but instead took the champagne that had been soaking in melted ice cubes on the table. He skillfully wiped off the water stains on the bottle with a cloth, and then used a corkscrew to remove the cork. He was elegant and experienced in his movements, and not a single drop of foam spilled from the opened champagne.

He poured champagne into the tall glasses in front of both of them and placed the bottle back on the table without saying a word from beginning to end.

When he picked up the wine glass and took a sip, he said, “Take off your clothes.”

Wang Zihe was stunned upon hearing Mo Yi ’s words. He had rehearsed and guessed many things in his mind, but he did not expect Mo Yi to be so direct and sudden.

“I don’t want to do it today,” he said with a frown as he looked directly into Mo Yi ’s eyes.

“Why?” Mo Yi propped his chin with his left hand and stared at Wang Zihe, suddenly showing a hint of a smile.

“I’m tired.” Mo Yi ’s eyes seemed to see through his skin and into his heart. Under such eyes, Wang Zihe had to lower his eyelids and not look at him anymore.

“Why are you tired?” Two consecutive “why” questions made Wang Zihe even more anxious. Did he already know? He couldn’t help but guess the worst result.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the still bubbling wine in the glass on the table and didn’t know how to respond.

“We haven’t seen each other for five days. Why are you ‘tired’?” Mo Yi said with a smile, crossing his legs and rubbing the tip of his leather shoes back and forth on Wang Zihe’s calf.

Although he said it with a smile, the emphasis on the word “tired” gave rise to an inexplicable chill.

At this point, Wang Zihe felt itchy on his calf. He lifted the tablecloth and saw the black leather shoes that kept teasing him.

“Being tired or not doesn’t seem to have anything to do with whether we meet or not,” Wang Zihe pulled his leg back to the side.

“Well… it’s true that there’s not much connection,” Mo Yi suddenly stood up and walked to Wang Zihe’s side, looking down at him and saying, “Take off your clothes. I don’t want to say it a third time.”

His amber eyes shone crystal clear in the reflection of the candlelight, revealing a scorching heat like that of the sun.

Wang Zihe lifted his head and looked at Mo Yi’s handsome facial features. His smile had suddenly turned cold, making his heart to beat violently like a war drum.

He couldn’t help but swallow when he looked at Mo Yi’s cold and handsome face, suddenly feeling very thirsty. His hands started moving, as if controlled by Mo Yi as he obediently undid his tie.

With slightly trembling hands, Wang Zihe slowly pulled off the black tie that was tied around his neck. The contrast between his fair fingers and the black tie created a striking effect, and the seemingly simple action created an illusion of being seduced.

As he unbuttoned his shirt after taking off the tie, Wang Zihe raised his head and looked at Mo Yi without blinking, with his clear black and white eyes seemingly containing a smile. His movements were like a silent play of seduction.

Watching Wang Zihe go from unwillingness to compliance, and then from compliance to silent seduction, Mo Yi suddenly felt that this person grew more and more interesting each day.

He looked at Wang Zihe who was constantly unbuttoning his shirt, and his originally cold expression gradually relaxed. He crossed his arms and watched with interest as Wang Zihe’s slow and tempting movements unfolded.

By this time, Wang Zihe had unbuttoned all the buttons of his shirt and began to unbuckle his belt. As he slowly pulled the belt off his pants, he stood up. At this point, he was very close to Mo Yi, and his lips were almost about to touch Mo Yi’s chin.

As if in silent protest, Wang Zihe undressed completely, even taking off his socks.

He stood before Mo Yi, completely naked. His slender and fair body was not overly thin, and the reflection on the glass curtain wall behind him did not appear overly licentious. Instead, it exuded a sense of cleanliness and purity.

There was a mysterious and tempting feeling as the bright candlelight shone on his smooth and fair skin.

Mo Yi looked at Wang Zihe, who was naked from head to toe, and stared at the obvious love marks on his fair skin – several visible bruises on his wrists, several kiss marks on his neck, and bite marks on his chest… Seeing all these, Mo Yi felt as if there was a burning anger in his heart.

“Turn around,” Mo Yi commanded, his eyes becoming sharper.

Wang Zihe silently obeyed the order as he watched Mo Yi ’s eyes become increasingly piercing. When he turned around and saw the city’s night view through the glass curtain wall, a wordless sense of shame corroded his heart. He held back his trembling body and unconsciously took a deep breath.

Mo Yi suddenly laughed angrily when he saw the deep tooth marks on Wang Zihe’s back and the almost symmetrical tooth marks on his ass.

The unrestrained laughter shook Wang Zihe’s heart, but just as he was about to turn around, Mo Yi embraced his waist from behind and pushed him forward until he had to lie on the glass.

“Did my little brother do it?” Mo Yi stopped laughing and whispered softly in his ear as he tightly hugged Wang Zihe from behind. He looked at his reflected face on the glass wall from behind, as if wanting to see his expression clearly.

“You told your brother about me, right?” To his surprise, Wang Zihe’s face did not show a surprised expression, but a calm one.

“No. To be honest, when I saw the marks on your body, I could only tell that you had done it with someone else, but I didn’t know who the person was. However…when I saw the bite marks on your ass, I guessed it was probably Mo Jian.” Mo Yi buried his head in Wang Zihe’s neck and took a deep breath, as if savoring the scent on his body.

“… “ Wang Zihe was momentarily speechless.

At this moment, the two bodies were tightly pressed together, Wang Zihe felt the fabric on Mo Yi ’s body rubbing against his bare skin and he took a deep breath. He quickly turned his head, leaned against Mo Yi , and opened his shirt collar, biting him fiercely between his neck and shoulder.

“Then you can pay for your brother’s actions.”

After a slightly painful sensation came from the base of his neck, and seeing Wang Zihe’s face turn slightly red with embarrassment, Mo Yi laughed again.

“I will definitely make it up to you.” After speaking, he pushed Wang Zihe against the glass wall with one hand and held his neck with the other, pressing him against the glass wall as he fiercely kissed his lips.

**It was a “wall dong”!

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