Deep Development 1×3 (H)

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Two days later at noon, Wang Zihe boarded the plane leaving S city as he had said that night. He looked at the “compensation” Mo Yi had given him – a bank card with 50 million yuan and a property certificate for a high-end residential area in the center of S city, and he couldn’t help but show a slightly bitter smile.

He didn’t know how Mo Yi managed to do it, but both the bank card and the property certificate had his own name and identity, indicating that there seemed to be nothing in this world that money couldn’t buy.

The combined value of these two items was something he would never be able to earn in his lifetime, yet they were obtained so easily by merely accompanying Mo Yi for a few times. It further highlighted the vast distance between the two of them, as if there was an insurmountable gap between them.

After putting the two items into his backpack, Wang Zihe looked out at the blue sky and gradually lost his focus.

When he arrived in B city, he went straight back to his rented house and was relieved to see that the numerous potted plants in his house were still alive. The plants’ survival abilities were much stronger than he had anticipated. After unpacking and changing clothes, he began to water and prune the plants.

After taking care of the plants, he continued to clean the house, which had not been lived in for almost half a month and had accumulated some dust.

The sun had completely set, and the scorching temperature had also subsided. Of course, Wang Zihe, who was staying indoors with the air conditioning on, could not feel the temperature change. It took him nearly three hours to clean the room spotlessly. Looking at the clean room, a satisfied smile appeared on his face. At this moment, his expression seemed to have regained the vitality and energy from half a month ago, as if the crazy things that had happened in between had never occurred.

Life returned to its original track again. After taking a shower and lying on the soft and comfortable bed, Wang Zihe rubbed his pillow and revealed a contented smile. Indeed, only returning to his own little nest could make him completely relaxed. His heart was filled with a warm feeling at this moment.

The next day, Wang Zhihe stretched lazily, got up to brush his teeth, and looked at himself in the mirror. He was full of vitality and confidence. He smiled brightly, revealing his white and neat teeth.

When Wang Zhihe appeared in the company holding a coffee cup, he was met with lively greetings from everyone in the company. Looking at the energetic smiling faces of his colleagues, he felt an indescribable sense of belonging. This was indeed his world.

“Finally decided to come back?” Bai Xiyun was still wearing a sharp OL suit, and she smiled as she reached out and pinched Wang Zhihe’s face.

“Of course, this is my second home.” Wang Zhihe smiled and tried to avoid her hand but failed.

After greeting everyone, he returned to his own office area.

Although he had a separate office in the company, he preferred the feeling of working with everyone else. Wang Zhihe looked at the pile of Adobe software on his computer screen, which he both loved and hated, and couldn’t help but smile with happiness.

This routine of working nine to five continued for a month.

On this day, Wang Zhihe was lying in his bed as he looked at his phone, which showed that it was Saturday morning at 8 o’clock.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at the small tent that had formed under him due to a physical reaction. He sighed helplessly and then opened the thin blanket and reached out to touch his erect desire.

He laid back on the pillow as he used his right hand to vigorously stroke it back and forth. Ten minutes passed, and with a wave of stimulating pleasure, his desire still stood proudly without any intention of ejaculating, except for a little transparent fluid at the tip.

Accompanied by this abnormal feeling of dissatisfaction, Wang Zihe’s hand continued to move downward. While his right hand continued to rub back and forth on his meat stick, his left hand squeezed the balls below with force, causing the surface of the two testicles to become even more reddish-pink.

However, after several minutes, although he could feel the pleasure brought by self-stimulation, he felt that there was still a long way to go before ejaculation. Wang Zihe looked at the sticky transparent liquid on his hand and couldn’t help but frown. He took a deep breath as if he had resigned himself to his fate, and continued to reach down.

When his slightly cold fingers touched the continuously contracting hole, the delicate pink opening suddenly contracted even more sensitively. What shocked Wang Zihe even more was that his fingers felt a bit damp when they touched the soft place they had entered. In other words, when he was stroking his neat stick and testicles earlier, the hole behind them had secreted some fluids due to the stimulation of pleasure. Wang Zihe was stunned to come to this conclusion, and his eyes widened in fear. He looked at the liquid shimmering on his fingers, and a huge sense of shame instantly invaded his heart, making his face blush instantly.

However, his unsatisfied desire still betrayed his brain and stood straight in the air. He forcibly suppressed the feeling of shame in his heart and constantly hypnotized himself, ‘This is a normal physical phenomenon, don’t panic, you should face it calmly…’

Finally, under the dual stimulation of his meat stick and twitching hole, the stubbornly erect rod in his already reddened palm spurted out clusters of lewd white fluid. As he looked at the desire that had finally been released, he closed his eyes and breathed heavily, his handsome and delicate face looking especially sensual and licentious.

He wiped the turbid fluid off his body with tissue, but for some reason, a restless and indescribable emptiness emerged from deep within his heart.

He buried his face in the pillow with his eyes closed, his fingers touching his lips. Scenes of Mo Yi’s hot and thick object rapidly thrusting inside him involuntarily appeared in his mind. The pleasure that made one feel as if they were dying and ascending to heaven lingered in his body. He extended his tongue to lick his fingers, his legs tightly clenched and constantly rubbed against each other, and it seemed that the lewd fluid from behind was flowing out again. The meat stick that had already calmed down unexpectedly began to rise slowly again.

He was immersed in the fantasy sexual scene and couldn’t extricate himself. When his hand skipped the erect desire at the front and unconsciously touched the back orifice, Wang Zihe was suddenly startled, as if he had received a terrible shock, and quickly retracted his hand…

“Ah… so annoying…” He groaned, grabbing his hair with both hands, his expression becoming fierce.

Wang Zihe ruffled his hair in frustration. He picked up his phone, looked at last month’s chat record, and couldn’t help but fall into thought. Then he ruthlessly added Mo Yi’s account to his blacklist and logged out of WeChat.

His fingers slid over the screen, almost as if possessed, and he clicked on the Taobao app icon. He typed in “sex toys” in the search bar, and countless adult products popped up on the screen.

He stared at the screen, looking at the various types and styles of adult products, and gulped, scrolling back and forth to check the information on these products.

With time, the things in his shopping cart gradually increased before Wang Zihe woke up from his trance. With trembling fingers, he clicked on the checkout page and paid for everything in the shopping cart.

The total amount paid was 2567 yuan.

Wang Zihe looked at the deducted amount, and inexplicably felt thirsty. Then he quickly logged out of the Taobao interface, and of course, he did not forget to delete his search history.

After doing all this, Wang Zihe looked at his still vigorous desire and couldn’t help but smile bitterly. He helplessly touched himself again, and the images of him intertwined with Mo Yi surfaced in his mind once again.

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