Deep Development 1×3 (H)

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

When Mo Yi returned home promptly at 5 o’clock after work, it was already after 6 in the evening. He walked calmly to the dining hall and saw his father Mo Xijue having dinner, but did not see Wang Zihe.

“Where is Wang Zihe?” Mo Yi asked as he sat down not far from Mo Xijue and spread the napkin on his lap.

“Fischer’s team has arrived, and he went to greet them.” Mo Xijue drank a sip of wine, still with a faint smile on his face.

“Is that so?” Mo Yi’s expressionless face suddenly curved up into a faint smile.

“Of course, he said he has to go to the construction site for surveying these coming days and won’t be staying here for the time being.” Mo Xijue cut the delicious beef in the plate while looking at Mo Yi with his charming eyes.

“If that’s the case, then it couldn’t be better.” Mo Yi looked at the exquisite food on the plate in front of him.

Afterwards, Mo Yi silently ate the delicious food. His expression returned to a cold and emotionless look, making it difficult for people to guess his thoughts.

“Enjoy your meal.” Mo Xijue wiped his mouth after finishing his meal and left the dining table.

Mo Yi remained focused on his food and did not look at him throughout the meal. After Mo Xijue left completely, Mo Yi put down his cutlery with a frown, and drank the red wine on the table in one gulp.

He looked at the goblet still containing some red residue, frowned, then grabbed the napkin over his lap and fiercely threw it on the unfinished food on the table. Then he pushed back his chair, turned around, and left the dining hall.

He was well aware that everything his father had said was a lie, but he had no way to confront Mo Xijue about Wang Zihe’s arrival and departure. There was no need, no benefit, and no reason.

However, he still had uncontrollable anger in his heart, which did not come from Wang Zihe or Mo Xijue, but from himself.

It was not the feeling of helplessness that came from pressure from all sides, but his own attitude towards emotions.

As the heir to such a huge business empire, he had lived in a kind of pre-set program since he was a child. As he grew older, he began to gradually break away from the established program. However, when he became an adult, he suddenly realized that he was still living under the influence of the program. He had only become accustomed to it… just like a grafted plant. This terrifying genetic code had permeated his body and soul, growing together perfectly and becoming inseparable, unalterable, and irremovable.

He was now a young man, he had begun to get used and learned to control the predetermined rules that would accompany him throughout his life. He had become indifferent and apathetic towards everything around him, discovering that the only person he had ever loved was himself, and could only be himself.

He was confused about the emotions he felt towards Wang Zihe. He loved Wang Zihe’s looks, his body, and his personality because they were so similar to his own. At the same time, he was constantly warning himself that no one else in the world, except for himself, deserved his affection and love.

It was an extremely contradictory yet fascinating feeling.

As he lay in the bathtub on the fourth floor, Mo Yi couldn’t help but let out a bitter laugh as he looked at the clear bottom of the water. He then closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. Right now, he just wanted to be alone in silence.

As for Wang Zihe… Why should he interfere when his father, Mo Xijue, was so rarely interested in someone? (P.S. This is just how the world of adults – its selfish.)

It was already after nine in the evening when Wang Zihe slowly woke up, and he stared at the white ceiling in astonishment. He quickly turned his head to look around, and in the dim light of the bedside lamp, he realized he seemed to be in a room.

He noticed medical equipment nearby and looked down at the syringe in his arm and the incredibly soft bed beneath him, feeling puzzled.

Gradually, he began to recall what had happened in Mo Xijue’s study, and wondered if he had sent him to the hospital. He lifted his head and looked at the nearly-empty drip bag, then quickly checked the wound on his left arm. Seeing that it had already been properly bandaged, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Zihe rubbed his forehead and wanted to get out of bed and use the bathroom, but when he lifted the covers, he suddenly realized that he was completely naked. Just then, the door opened, causing him to hastily pull the covers back up and pretend to be asleep.

A young nurse in uniform walked in, and their eyes met awkwardly. “Mr. Wang, you’re awake? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?” she asked, quickly recovering from her surprise and approaching him.

“I’m fine,” Wang Zihe nodded.

The nurse smiled gently. “That’s good to hear. Let me change your medication and adjust your pillow so you can sit up a bit.” As she helped him, Wang Zihe felt extremely uncomfortable being naked.

“Excuse me,” he began, just as the nurse handed him a glass of warm water.

“Are you asking about Mr. Mo? He’ll be here soon,” the nurse said, showing great understanding.

Wang Zihe was interrupted and he frowned helplessly as he took the water. He had wanted to ask if there were any clothes for him to wear, but never mind, he was also thirsty.

“I won’t disturb your rest anymore. If you need anything, just press the call button next to the bed,” the nurse smiled softly and left, closing the door behind her.

Not long after, the door opened again, and Wang Zihe stared at the person who walked in with wide eyes. Mo Xijue, dressed in a white silk shirt and black pants, stood at the door with a gentle smile on his face. He locked the door and slowly walked towards the bed, looking at Wang Zihe with his deep and mysterious amber eyes.

Wang Zihe looked at Mo Xijue and couldn’t help but fell into tension and fear. He kept hinting in his heart not to be afraid and be normal, but the effect was minimal.

“Mr. Mo, what exactly do you want?” He immediately thought of the best and safest way – that is to go straight to the point and try to control the conversation as much as possible.

“Well… shouldn’t I be the one asking you that question, Mr. Wang Zihe? What exactly do you want?” Mo Xijue’s lips gradually curved upward at his words, tossing the question back to him.

“… “ Wang Zihe was no match for him. He now realized his current position and understood that getting involved with this family put him in the worst position possible. He was at a disadvantage and had no right to question Mo Xijue.

With that in mind, Wang Zihe stared straight at Mo Xijue without flinching, and his bright peach blossom eyes looked particularly spirited under the warm yellow light. Then he lifted the blanket covering his body and exposed himself to the air, before quickly throwing himself into Mo Xijue’s arms, resting his head on the broad chest.

“Hold me, Mr. Mo Xijue,” Wang Zihe murmured in his ear, blowing a warm breath onto Mo Xijue’s fair and delicate earlobe.

“Ha~ Once a decision is made, there is no chance for regret,” Mo Xijue said with a smile, reaching out to touch Wang Zihe’s hair.

Wang Zihe’s gentle eyes showed a hint of coldness as he embraced Mo Xijue’s neck. He looked at the gunshot wound on his left arm indifferently, and suddenly revealed a mysterious smile.

He suddenly reached out his right hand and pulled out the needle that was still injecting medicine into his left arm, then he pressed his naked body tightly against Mo Xijue’s, turned his head and lightly licked his earlobe before slowly kissing the neck.

This was his answer.

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