Deep Development 1×3 (H)

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Wang Zihe lay in bed, staring at the large patch of green around the needle mark on the back of his left hand. He couldn’t help but smile bitterly at the thought of the intense lovemaking from the night before.

For the first time, he realized that such things could be so wild. The thought of losing control and wetting himself made him feel both ashamed and incredulous. He had only heard of such things before and always thought they were just fabricated by others. However, this time it was real and it had happened to him…

Wrapped in his blanket, Wang Zihe buried his head completely and couldn’t imagine facing Mo Xijue again. It was just too shameful.

“The doctor said you can leave the hospital anytime.” Mo Xijue, who was dressed in a white suit, opened the door and walked to Wang Zihe’s bedside.

“But I don’t want to go out.” Wang Zihe murmured from under the covers.

“Suit yourself.” After speaking, Mo Xijue had the nurse behind him place the food tray on the table next to him.

After a long period of silence, Wang Zihe thought Mo Xijue had left, but when he lifted the blanket off his body, he found the person was still in the room.


Their gazes met and Wang Zihe didn’t know what to say for a moment. He silently sat up, straightened out the wrinkles on his pajamas, and walked to the table.

Looking at the delicious food on the table, Wang Zihe didn’t care if Mo Xijue was still in the room or not, and just sat down to eat.

Meanwhile, Mo Xijue sat next to him, watching him eat with a gentle smile.

Because of his injured left arm, Wang Zihe could only use his right hand, but fortunately, the service here was very considerate and all the food could be easily handled with a spoon and fork.

Wang Zihe paid no attention to Mo Xijue’s gaze and quickly filled his already hungry stomach.

After a while, he finished all the food on the plate, and after taking a sip of water, he asked Mo Xijue, “Does Mo Yi know I am here?”

“It seems that once you’ve had sex with someone, your courage grows bigger and bigger,” Mo Xijue said, gazing at him with amber eyes and a slight smile.

“I apologize. I was rude,” Wang Zihe’s previously relaxed expression became nervous after hearing these words.

“ I wanted to tell you that you don’t have to go to the underwater secret room anymore,” Mo Xijue suddenly stood up and looked down at Wang Zihe.

“What? But…” Wang Zihe couldn’t believe it. What was the point of all the work he had done over the past few months, getting closer to Mo Yi, and then being manipulated by Mo Xijue last night, not to mention that he had spent almost a month coming up with the design. You mean it was all for nothing?

“Don’t worry, I’ll still give you that one hundred million, but I need you to do something else for me,” Mo Xijue looked at Wang Zihe’s surprised and worried expression, knowing exactly what he was thinking. He reached out and gently smoothed out the wrinkles on his collar, looking at his face with lowered eyes.

“What do you want me to do?” Wang Zihe was taken aback. Although he was not used to Mo Xijue’s ambiguous closeness, he did not move away.

“How about I buy a year of your time?” Mo Xijue moved his hand to his neck and stroked it gently.

“Why? What if I refuse?” Wang Zihe’s face turned cold, and the hands on his neck were unusually cold.

“I’m not the type of person who likes to threaten others like a villain in a movie,” Mo Xijue said with a slightly narrowed eyes, exuding a terrifying aura.

“Okay, but I demand a signed agreement,” Wang Zihe nodded with a furrowed brow. This situation was not something he could refuse. The word “threat” was a double entendre, referring not only to himself, but possibly to his parents as well. For the sake of his family’s safety and his own, he had no choice but to agree.

Wang Zihe couldn’t help but regret participating in the bidding. Otherwise, none of these things would have happened. However, there was no medicine for regret in this world.

“Of course,” Mo Xijue said, and then made a call to his secretary on his phone.

Shortly after, the door opened, and a burly man in a black suit walked in holding a folder.

Wang Zihe’s pupils shrank once he saw the clearly prepared contract on the table. He had underestimated Mo Xijue. He didn’t expect that everything had already been prepared, and he was the only missing piece.

He examined the detailed clauses in the contract and could not find any loopholes. It was a fair and straightforward monetary transaction for both him and Mo Xijue. Seeing this, Wang Zihe could only pick up the pen on the table and sign his name.

“Very good,” Mo Xijue said, nodding in satisfaction.

Then the burly man in the black suit took all the things on the table and left the room.

“Can I still go out to work?” Wang Zihe asked Mo Xijue.

“Sorry, the next year belongs to me,” Mo Xijue said with a smile, hooking his chin with his hand. He was very pleased with Wang Zihe’s obedience in signing the contract and agreeing to his request, and he was in a very good mood.

“I understand,” Wang Zihe said softly, with his eyes downcast.

Wang Zihe was full of fear and worry for his future year. He did not know what he would encounter or how Mo Xijue would treat him. Everything was uncertain.

“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything illegal like imprisoning you,” Mo Xijue said, as if he had sensed what Wang Zihe was thinking. He caressed the smooth chin as he spoke.

“…” The guess was so accurate that Wang Zihe was too exasperated to complain.

“Then what do I need to do next?” He propped up his chin and suddenly revealed a mysterious smile, as if he had changed his face from the worried and fearful expression he had just had.

Seeing Wang Zihe suddenly smile, Mo Xijue’s smile grew wider and his lips curved upward.

“How about I give you a two-month probation period? If you don’t pass, I think you know the consequences.” After saying that, Mo Xijue gently stroked Wang Zihe’s soft hair. With his gentle smile, he looked extremely amiable.

Looking up at Mo Xijue’s handsome and delicate face, Wang Zihe said, “Then, I will rely on your kind care during the next period of time, Mr. Mo.” He then gently moved the hand that was on his head to in front of him, closed his eyes, and kissed it with an extremely pious attitude.

“I look forward to it,” said Mo Xijue, feeling the soft and delicate sensation in his hand. His face did not change, but he continued to smile.

The next few days were spent in the hospital. When Wang Zihe’s wounds began to heal gradually, he felt bored and asked Mo Xijue to take him back to the villa. Mo Xijue naturally did not refuse, and the next day, the two returned to the villa under the escort of many bodyguards.

As he looked at the familiar surroundings, Wang Zihe felt a wave of annoyance.

All the things that should not have happened took place in this luxurious building, like a sketch comedy, both amusing and unbelievable. However, reality often surpasses the exaggeration of drama, and strange and incredible events are far more abundant than those in novels and plays.

After saying goodbye to Mo Xijue, Wang Zihe returned to his current room located on the fifth floor and not far from Mo Xijue’s room, a space that belonged completely to him.

He lay on the luxurious and soft bed, staring at the ceiling above and pondering incessantly.

Clearly, the agreement he signed with Mo Xijue two days ago was just a trick used by wealthy people. In their eyes, there is probably nothing that cannot be bought with money, and to them, he was merely a toy bought with money. He carefully recalled the last words that Mo Xijue said to him on the day he was shot, “cunning yet without a bottom line.” Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but show a cold smile, while his bright peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, exuding a calculating sharpness.

From the beginning, his relationship with Mo Yi was consensual. Except for Mo Jian’s forced actions, Wang Zihe had enjoyed having Mo Yi as a sex friend or lover. He even had thoughts of developing a long-term relationship with Mo Yi. However, Mo Xijue’s appearance shattered all his beautiful fantasies.

Mo Xijue’s smiling tiger-like character undoubtedly left a strong impression on Wang Zihe’s heart.

He was shot mercilessly with a gun, forced to give him oral sex and swallow, and then humiliated. Although he was indeed unscrupulous, it did not mean that he lacked self-respect, shame, or anger.

Even rabbits will bite when they are desperate, let alone humans. He was not a weak and easy-to-bully female protagonist in a TV drama. He could not tolerate such insults and revenge had always been a basic principle of human survival.

Undoubtedly, he was vastly different from Mo Xijue in terms of identity. However, once the two of them start to interact and have intimate contact, many things that were beyond his control would be easier to obtain. Sometimes, money and power could not completely ensure a person’s invincibility. As for Wang Zihe himself, he was not really at a disadvantage and completely hopeless.

Naturally, he also had his own weapons.

Wang Zihe looked up at the immaculate ceiling, a calculating smile on his face.

If you want me to obey you, then I shall fully oblige you…

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