Deep Development 1×3 (H)

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Wang Zihe woke up in a daze and found that the sun was almost setting, painting the sky a rosy hue. He stretched lazily, enjoying the view, but on turning his head, he saw Mo Yi sitting across from him. A warm, sunny smile lit up his face as he asked, “When did you arrive?”

He was not surprised by the sudden appearance of someone beside him, and acted as naturally and calmly as if Mo Yi was his lover or friend.

Mo Yi looked at his expression and movements, suddenly feeling as if he had returned to the scene of their first meeting at the hotel. At that time, he had the same relaxed and casual attitude, as if he was just interacting with an ordinary person. However, at some point, their relationship became increasingly complicated and strange, as if a thick wall suddenly appeared between them, separating them.

“The tea has gone cold…” Mo Yi said in a soft voice as he moved his gaze away from Wang Zihe’s and looked at the exquisite tea set on the round table.

Wang Zihe heard his abruptly change the topic, and suddenly found it amusing. Perhaps Mo Yi himself had not noticed that when he didn’t want to answer a question, he would look away with a straight face.

Wang Zihe reached out and picked up the already cold red tea, tilting his head back to drink it all in one gulp. Then, the smile on his face disappeared without a trace.

He put down the delicate porcelain cup, looked at Mo Yi expressionlessly and asked, “Mo Yi, did I offend you in any way?” His voice had a hint of weakness and a tremble, even though his words were questioning and forceful.

Mo Yi was surprised upon hearing his question. He didn’t expect Wang Zihe to ask such an inexplicable question. He frowned and looked at the person opposite him and didn’t know how to answer for a while.

“That secret room was just a cover-up, right? The son tasted it and thought the flavor was good, so he offered it to his father as a filial act. Is it amusing to toy with me?” Wang Zihe became increasingly agitated as he fired off three questions in a row. After speaking, he even began lifting up his clothes.

He quickly took off his suit jacket and then his shirt, revealing the gunshot wound that was still bandaged. He then tore off the bandage fiercely, exposing the not-yet-fully-healed wound to the air.

His bright peach blossom eyes shimmered with a hint of pink and misty water, like a lake reflecting the sunset in the distance, shimmering with ripples.

“But… I can feel pain too…” Wang Zihe trembled as he looked at Mo Yi’s face, his eyes blinking rapidly as if he was struggling to hold back tears.

“I’m sorry…” Mo Yi stood up and walked to Wang Zihe with a frown. He crouched down, and grabbed his arm, looking at the terrifying wound on it.

He raised his head slightly, looking at Wang Zihe’s face. His tear-filled eyes were like broken gems that stabbed at his heart, causing a faint pain, he then lowered his head and kissed his hand with regret and pity.

Mo Yi had never thought that Wang Zihe had this side to him. Even when his younger brother wronged him, he had never looked so sad and desperate. Of course, Mo Xijue’s terror was understandable.

Of course, everything was not as Wang Zihe thought. First of all, he had never thought that his father would take a liking to Wang Zihe. When he learned that Wang Zihe might have a relationship with Mo Xijue, he was very angry. Therefore, there was no deception from the beginning…but sometimes fate just liked to play tricks on people.

Everything had gone off track, and everything had gone out of control. Even Mo Yi was helpless at times. He was not omniscient or omnipotent.

Sometimes he even contradicted himself, rejecting Wang Zihe on one hand, while wanting to be with him on the other.

It was funny, even he himself was unsure how scared he was of falling in love. Love is like a poison, once one is infected, it would make person’s love life worse than death.

Sometimes, even the strongest people can be so fragile and small in the face of love.

Wang Zihe looked at the kiss Mo Yi placed on his hand and couldn’t help but tremble. In an instant, tears fell from his crimson eyes like scattered pearls.

He suddenly knelt down in front of Mo Yi, resting his head on Mo Yi’s shoulder, tightly embracing him and absorbing the comforting warmth emanating from him.

“Maybe you won’t believe it even if I tell you, but I didn’t plan any of this. I never thought things would turn out this way,” Mo Yi comforted him, one hand caressing his head, the other holding his waist.

“Mm…I believe you…but…I…” Wang Zihe couldn’t cry out loud, as a man, he couldn’t allow himself to show too much weakness.

“Thank you for believing me…” Mo Yi lowered his head and kissed his hair. The warmth and strength that radiated from him, seemed like the strongest fortress in the world, allowing you to entrust yourself with no reservations, to trust that he could provide you with the safest protection.

Wang Zihe buried his head in Mo Yi’s neck, feeling the heat emanating from his body. For a moment, his heart felt sour. He never thought Mo Yi would have such a side to him. Instead of saying he never thought about it, it was more like he never wanted to delve deeper into it.

He knew himself too well. He could never face love directly, which is why he never dated anyone after his two failed relationships in college.

As one grows older, the concept of “love” becomes increasingly diluted. It is not a necessity in life. From an unknown point in time, everything began to revolve around self-interest. Useful and useless things are clearly demarcated. When it comes to things that are hard to obtain, the first consideration is the benefit. Things without value have no purpose. One sees everything too clearly, and self-preservation instincts are excessive. Gradually, life loses much of its joy and beauty… Perhaps this is what it means to grow up.

“Thank you for understanding me,” Wang Zihe replied softly.

Of course, all of this was an act. He only exposed the pain he suffered, and once Mo Yi felt pity and self-blame, it meant that his plan was gradually on track.

The two of them knelt before the chair, cuddling each other.

“Hiss… It’s so cold…” A gust of wind blew by. In the autumn night, the temperature difference between day and night was inevitable, and Wang Zihe, who was looking at the distant sunset, suddenly broke the peaceful atmosphere.

“Let’s go back.” Mo Yi looked at Wang Zihe’s bare upper body and gently spoke while laughing.

Mo Yi hugged Wang Zihe’s waist and helped him up. After dressing him, the two of them walked into the warm villa together.

Mo Yi did not take Wang Zihe to the dining room but to the third floor.

Wang Zihe followed behind Mo Yi and arrived in front of a room. At this point, Mo Yi suddenly turned around and smiled at him before opening the door, revealing the candlelit dinner that was already prepared inside. The dark carpet was covered with rose petals, and the surrounding table was decorated with shiny and beautiful decorations and flowers. The entire room looked like a top-level meal in a luxurious hotel, full of luxury, extravagance, and romance.

“Do you remember that day in my office building?” Mo Yi pulled out a chair for Wang Zihe and asked.

“Of course, what happened that day has been on my mind for a long time.” Wang Zihe sat down and looked up at Mo Yi with a smile.

“All the dishes this time are hot.” Of course Mo Yi knew that he was referring to the day when he ordered him to take off his clothes.

“Thank you.” Wang Zihe propped up his chin with his hand and looked at Mo Yi with an unconcerned smile.


“Please eat. I hope you like it.” Mo Yi was momentarily speechless upon hearing his words of thanks. With that, he uncovered the lid of the dish.

Wang Zihe stared at the food in the dish, his eyes widening in shock. He thought it would be some French cuisine, but it turned out to be his favorite, spicy crayfish…

He looked up at Mo Yi, who still had a cold expression on his face. He never thought that Mo Yi knew his preferences, and the key was that he had never shown them in front of him before.

“I really like it.” Wang Zihe looked at the delicious and spicy crayfish in the dish, his voice suddenly choked with emotion.

“Then eat it.” Upon hearing his response, Mo Yi’s lips curled slightly upwards, and he handed him a pair of plastic gloves.

“Um, I hope you like it too.” Wang Zihe took the gloves and a warm and cheerful smile appeared on his face. It might be an illusion, but this smile seemed to come from his heart, becoming real.

As he ate the crayfish, Wang Zihe couldn’t help but laugh at the romantic decorations around him. It was extremely out of place to eat crayfish in such a luxurious and exquisite room.

However, this scene full of dissonance moved Wang Zihe beyond words. No one had ever done this for him before, and he never thought that the first person to do such a thing would be Mo Yi, the heir of the Mo family, who always had a serious and solemn expression on his face.

How incredible everything was…

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