Deep Development 1×3 (H)

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

When Wang Zihe woke up, he turned his head and looked at the tightly covered window not far away, frowned and sat up with difficulty. He shook his drowsy head, lifted the quilt, and entered the bathroom naked. Soon, the sound of hot water splashing on the floor reached the dim and quiet room, carrying an unusual distance.

He leaned his back against the cold tiles, and the comforting chill woke him from his daze. He looked at the scar on his left forearm, now completely healed, and gently rubbed it with his right hand, a touch of compassion in his actions. Then he clenched his hand tightly around the scar, feeling a slight sting that made him frown.

Suddenly, he stared at his whitened finger joints due to the force exerted, and frowned even more. With a burst of laughter, he released his grip and looked at the red marks on the scar, a self-mocking sneer appearing. Indeed, only the weak would seek revenge through self-inflicted pain…

Wang Zihe finished his shower and returned to his room naked. After rummaging through the cabinet, he finally put on a light gray casual outfit. Having worn suits for nearly a month, he found this change incredibly comfortable.

He opened his long-unused wallet and looked at the card Mo Xijue had give. Who would have thought it contained one hundred million?! He then organized the things he needed and left with a backpack.

Glancing at his watch, it showed three in the afternoon.

According to the usual routine, Mo Xijue should be in the study at this time, with no pressing matters.

Wang Zihe arrived at the basement parking lot of the villa and chose the most inconspicuous BMW before driving towards the city center.

According to his plan, he arrived at the prearranged insurance company. He directly used his card to purchase a valuable accidental death insurance policy, including his own and his parents’ shares. Afterwards, he went to a luxury home sales office in City S and bought a villa. Thus, two-thirds of the one hundred million had already been spent. He then went to the bank to purchase gold bars with the remaining portion and stored them in a private safe deposit box.

In fact, he hadn’t even spent the fifty million Mo Yi gave him a few months ago. The unexpected arrival of another one hundred million astonished Wang Zihe. In just two to three months, he had “earned” such a substantial amount of money, faster and in greater quantity than winning the lottery.

He could truly call himself an overnight millionaire. Having never possessed such a large sum of money before, he had made many plans in advance because the money was too hot to handle. So, his goal for today was to convert as much of this money as possible into fixed assets.

By the time he finished all of this, it was already completely dark outside. Looking at the time on his watch, it was only around six o’clock. Wang Zihe stood on the street, watching the neon lights and bustling traffic passing by him. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of detachment, like an unknown creature floating outside the realm of fireworks.

He watched the people briskly walking past him on the sidewalk, a sense of solitude and indescribable weariness emanating from his heart. For a moment, he felt dazed, and then a cool breeze blew, causing him to shiver and button up his coat.

Unbeknownst to him, City S had already fully entered autumn. His mood had become as desolate as this season. He let out a deep sigh and suddenly revealed a clean, cheerful, and warm smile, like the scattered golden specks of light that penetrated the leaves on a cold autumn day, spreading a warm current from his heart throughout his body.

Wang Zihe arrived at an exquisite French restaurant alone, his satisfied smile reflecting the joy of experiencing an exclusive moment alone, something he hadn’t had for a long time.

The high-end restaurant was typically reserved for couples, so Wang Zihe who was dining alone naturally attracted attention. His handsome appearance and casual attire successfully captured the interest of many.

At that moment, a well-dressed and mature woman approached Wang Zihe’s table and unabashedly sat opposite him. With delicate makeup and captivating eyes, she smiled faintly and remarked, “Chateau Latour 1959, an excellent choice.”

Wang Zihe, amused by the woman’s blatant approach, couldn’t help but curl his lips in response. “Thank you for the compliment,” he replied, before resuming his focus on the premium beef on his plate, indicating his lack of interest in engaging in conversation.

Rather than becoming angered by being completely ignored, the woman smiled and raised an eyebrow.

She then confidently reached for the red wine bottle on the table, poured herself a glass, and professionally swirled it to aerate the wine. After taking a delicate sip, she commented, “Chateau Latour 1959 remains exceptional as ever, with its complex flavor profile, robust body, and enduring finish.”

As she savored the wine, she subtly raised her leg, concealed beneath the tablecloth, and lightly grazed Wang Zihe’s leg, the implications implicit.

To her surprise, Wang Zihe’s face showed no reaction. He continued to wear a perfectly polite smile, setting down his cutlery after wiping the corners of his mouth. “I prefer men,” he calmly stated.

Upon hearing his words, the glamorous woman displayed an extremely astonished expression, as if she had been petrified. Even the leg that she had provocatively maneuvered suddenly stopped. After a moment, seemingly realizing her impropriety, she smiled awkwardly, maintaining her politeness. She slowly set down her wine glass and apologized, “I apologize for my rudeness. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Why would I mind? You’re beautiful and seductive. If I were attracted to women, I would probably be aroused already,” Wang Zihe quipped, raising his glass to clink with the woman’s before taking a sip of his drink, all the while smiling.

“Really? It’s strange, but being complimented by a gay man makes me even happier than usual,” the woman responded, lifting her glass once more and taking a sip. Her eyes narrowed into joyful slits, exuding an exceptionally delightful and adorable charm.

“I never lie,” Wang Zihe declared, locking eyes with her, his sincerity shining through.

“Apologies for interrupting you. Let me treat you to this bottle of wine,” the woman generously offered, clearly pleased by Wang Zihe’s praise.

Just as Wang Zihe was about to decline her offer, an male unexpected voice reached their ears.

“What a coincidence, Mr. Wang. Long time no see.”

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