Deep Development 1×3 (H)

Chapter 5

**There is no chapter 4. Probably an error during numbering in raws.

After finishing his meal, Wang Zihe contacted Tian Yunzhi. They, along with the other members, then proceeded to attend the meeting together.

In the conference room of a subsidiary building of Dips in S City, Mo Yi, as the representative of one group and Wang Zihe, as the representative of another, sat facing each other. After a brief introduction, Wang Zihe, dressed in a dark blue suit, stood by the screen and detailed the plans for the entire project with the changing of the PowerPoint slides.

Mo Yi supported his chin with crossed hands, watching Wang Zihe’s mature and confident demeanor in front of him, a stark contrast to his flirtatious expression from the previous night. Of course, his impressive ability to fall asleep immediately after finishing was also memorable.

“That’s the entire content of this plan. Do you have any questions?” Wang Zihe’s handsome face was filled with a confident smile, easily instilling a sense of trust.

As this proposal had already gone through a global bidding process and was selected layer by layer, it indicated the feasibility of the plan. Apart from some details, there weren’t many areas that needed to be debated, except for the overall budget. Everyone was well aware of this issue, and as soon as Wang Zihe finished speaking, the representatives of Dips Corporation at the conference table began to discuss.

“I’ll add another 3 billion to the budget, but I demand high standards of construction and materials to achieve absolute perfection. So, this portion of money will be heavily invested in construction and material procurement,” Mo Yi spoke up.

“I agree with President Mo’s investment. A five-star hotel cannot afford to have any issues with materials and construction,” said the middle-aged man sitting to the right of Mo Yi.

“Should we still use Fisher Corporation as the construction company? But since they are based in the U.S., would it be inconvenient?” A female executive sitting next to the middle-aged man asked.

“For the high-level command, we will use Fisher Corporation, as they have been cooperating with Dips for over a decade and have a good understanding. For the low-level workers, we will hire local labor, as it is more cost-effective,” Mo Yi proposed the most reasonable plan, which was unanimously approved by the other executives. Construction was a major undertaking, and the experience and advanced technology of U.S. construction companies far surpassed that of local companies, making it a wise choice.

An Investment of 3 billion was used on construction and materials! The Fischer company was also well-known in the industry, especially in construction, and Wang Zihe had to admit this was the best choice when money is not an issue. But was the promise of one billion last night just a lie? Wang Zihe’s anger burned inside him, but he had to keep it in as he was still in the meeting.

He sat I his chair, watching the people discussing Dips’ matter with a faint smile on his face.

“As for the materials…”

Since the construction aspect has been confirmed, only the materials are left. The middle-aged man sitting on Mo Yi’s right continued to speak.

“As for the materials, I think it’s more appropriate to entrust them to WIO. As you all saw earlier, the materials were already determined in the original design, but the source of the goods hasn’t been finalized yet,” answered Wang Zihe in a gentle and magnetic voice.

Mo Yi looked at Wang Zihe, who was smiling at him, and raised his eyebrows. “Alright, but when it comes to the source of goods, Dips has many small companies under its umbrella, so we can directly use them. I believe that these small companies’ production standards should meet your requirements.”

This not only reduces costs, but also improves efficiency, which is indeed a very advantageous plan for Dips. However, for WIO, it means a sharp decline in profits.

The original total Investment was 5 billion, plus this additional 3 billion, making it a total of 8 billion. This means that the design fee was extracted from the total investment of 8 billion, but if this additional 3 billion comes entirely from the other cooperative parties found by the client (Dips), this money is not included in the total investment, and it has nothing to do with the designers from start to finish, only serving the interests of the client (Dips) in their operations.

In general, for other uninformed members of WIO, it’s irrelevant as long as the original 4 billion investment remains unchanged. But for Wang Zihe, it feels like being slapped hard in the face… This made him realize even more clearly that Mo Yi is not someone he can afford to provoke. It’s better to keep their relationship strictly professional in the future. Last night was like finding a formidable opponent, he had a good time and although he didn’t get the money, he didn’t lose anything either.

It was only at the end of the meeting that he finally relaxed his highly concentrated nerves. In fact, for Wang Zihe, building a five-star hotel was not difficult at all. Compared to previous designs, this one was even simpler. First, the bidding for this project was successful, and the design was already very refined. As for the investment, it was needless to say that funds were not lacking. The construction company was also a well-known large corporation, and the materials were provided by the project owner, saving the need to look for other companies to customize them.

However, for some reason, his heart was always hanging in the air. He still felt unwilling because he had been deceived. He had already told himself to be more open-minded, but it was still difficult.

He walked out of the building while discussing the content mentioned in the meeting with Tian Yunzhi. Just then, the beautiful lady at the front desk in the lobby suddenly walked out and called out to Wang Zihe and his team.

“Hello, are you Mr. Wang Zihe?” The front desk receptionist smiled politely.

“Yes, I am. What can I do for you?” Wang Zihe asked with a slight frown.

“Mr. Mo, the president invites you to the reception room on the 23rd floor.”

“Okay, I understand.” With that, Wang Zihe looked at Tian Yunzhi and the others, and said, “You guys go back first, don’t worry about me. Tonight is free, and it’s rare to come to S city, so have fun.”

“Wow! Mr. Wang is the best!”

“Then we’ll leave first.”

“See you tomorrow, Mr. Wang.”

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone bid farewell to Wang Zihe and left.

Wang Zihe looked at the front desk receptionist who hadn’t returned to her post yet with some doubt.

“In fact, Mr. Mo asked Mr. Wang Zihe to go to his office on the 37th floor.” The front desk receptionist said again after seeing that everyone had left, her face still wearing the same formal smile.

“Okay, thank you.”

‘What does Mo Yi mean?’ Wang Zihe frowned.

Wang Zihe reached the 37th floor and followed the signs to the door of the president’s office, then stood at the door and knocked twice.

To be honest, if he was furious after hearing what Mo Yi said in the meeting earlier, Wang Zihe’s mood now was very calm. He was well aware of the gap in identity and even social status between him and Mo Yi. This gap was like a moat, so he fully understood that all he could do with someone like Mo Yi was to agree and comply. He couldn’t afford to have any other inappropriate thoughts, otherwise he wouldn’t even know how he died, or when his body would be sinking into Tokyo Bay.

“Come in.”

After hearing the words, Wang Zihe pushed the door open and entered.

As soon as he entered, he saw Mo Yi standing in front of him with a faint smile. Before he could react, Mo Yi grabbed his hand and led him to the bookcase. As expected, after Mo Yi removed three books from the middle of the bookcase, a fingerprint lock was revealed.

Then the bookcase automatically opened to reveal a heavy black iron door with a password and iris lock. After Mo Yi skillfully operated it, the black iron door opened automatically, revealing a simple yet luxurious bedroom in cool colors. Upon seeing the king-size navy blue bed, Wang Zihe guessed that Mo Yi probably wanted to have some fun again.

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