Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know

Chapter 30 –

Chapter 30 – Deep in its clutches

After Zhongli Qian watched Zhongli Kuang’s soul and puppeted body depart, his tense expression relaxed slightly.

The fact that he didn’t like his younger brother had nothing to do with his parentage, but was purely because of his behavior. Now that he was returned, whether the Zhongli clan wanted to save him or send him on to his next life was no longer Zhongli Qian’s business.

“Seeing as you’re a magnanimous person, this Venerable won’t try to deceive you,” said Wenren È. “This Venerable is Wenren È of Xuanyuan Sect.”

“So it is Sir Wenren,” Zhongli Qian said in shock, and quickly cupped his hands in greeting. “After Sir Wenren’s battle with twenty-one experts of the righteous sects twelve years ago, you can be considered the strongest in the cultivation world. Though we walk different paths, I have deep admiration for you, and wish to offer thanks on the behalf of all mortal lives.”

The Zhongli clan wasn’t sided with the righteous or demonic sects and was considered a neutral party. A major event like the Great Sect War had of course been much talked about among the four great cultivation clans. Those who understood the ways of heaven naturally realized that both the righteous and demonic side’s goal was to avoid a ten-thousand-year great calamity. And the ease with which the demonic cultivators had broken the Spirit Severing Array two years ago allowed many to guess Wenren È’s true intentions.

The rise of the cultivation clans was related to Wenren È’s actions, and since they weren’t affiliated with the righteous sects, they were grateful to him.

Zhongli Qian spoke with sincerity, not a hint of pretense in his words, and Shu Yanyan couldn’t help but glance at Wenren È. She couldn’t understand why he was interested in Zhongli Qian. Xuanyuan Sect had no connections to the cultivation clans, nor any grudge, and Wenren È wasn’t someone who would mistreat innocents. He may not be intending to kill Zhongli Qian, but holding some deeper intentions.

“You have a good character, and this Venerable doesn’t intend to harm you,” Wenren È said. “This Venerable just wants to keep you as a guest at Xuanyuan Sect for a few days. I am a reasonable man, who does not wish to pressure others. You can choose to be our guest standing up, or lying down.”

Zhongli Qian stared for a moment. Knowing that the three before him were demonic cultivators, and seeing how mercilessly they had treated Zhongli Kuang, he had never expected he would be allowed to live. If there was even a single ray of hope, Zhongli Qian would fight with all his strength, but facing Wenren È, the combined strength of the Zhongli clan might not be enough, let alone Zhongli Qian himself.

“This one of course hopes to be Xuanyuan Sect’s guest in good health,” Zhongli Qian answered.

“Mm, well spoken.” Wenren È nodded, satisfied. “Come then. Right Protector, watch over Young Master Zhongli along the way. If he isn’t the one who arrives to Xuanyuan Sect, this Venerable will feed your Nascent Soul to the beasts living on the mountain.”

He spoke without a hint of jest, then left with Yin Hanjiang to Xuanyuan Sect, not concerned at all about Zhongli Qian escaping.

Tears flowed down Shu Yanyan’s face as she spoke to Zhongli Qian. “Young Master Zhongli, you don’t need to worry. I’m still the Xuanyuan Sect’s Right Protector. Even if there are mountains of people who can replace me, the Venerable… he might not necessarily turn me into dog food.”

She cried like a rain-drenched flower, as she continued, “I’m also reluctant to bring an upstanding young man like you to Xuanyuan Sect to be tormented by that devil. If you were to escape along the way, I’ll make sure to turn a blind eye. Even if he feeds me to dogs later, you mustn’t blame yourself.”

Zhongli Qian: …

He was a gentleman, not a stupid man. Wenren È had spoken to Shu Yanyan for his benefit, to prevent him from escaping. He also understood that Wenren È wouldn’t speak empty words. The Lord of Demons held no mercy in his eyes, and though he looked upon his Left Protector Yin Hanjiang with endless lenience, he really would feed Shu Yanyan to beasts.

“There’s no need for Protector Shu to worry,” said Zhongli Qian. “I won’t try to escape. Since Sir Wenren genuinely wishes for me to be his guest, escaping could bring trouble to the entire Five Willow Manor. As he doesn’t intend to kill me immediately, I imagine he needs me to do something.”

As for what it was, or whether it would violate Zhongli Qian’s principles, he decided to not think about it for now and deal with everything as it came.

Shu Yanyan’s tears stopped at once. She wiped them away with a handkerchief and said seriously, “I thought scholars were all brain-dead, but you’re actually pretty sharp.”

Zhongli Qian bowed and said, “This one also thanks Protector Shu for her trust.”

“Huh? What for?” Shu Yanyan raised an eyebrow.

“Protector Shu may have been putting on an act, but you didn’t try to hide it. The fact that you trusted I wouldn’t try to escape meant you trusted my character. Naturally, this one should thank you.”

Shu Yanyan stared at him, and shook her head with a sigh. “Best I can’t get you.”

Zhongli Qian: …

After their conversation, they made their way smoothly back to Xuanyuan Sect. Currently, all the workers at the main hall were Shu Yanyan’s subordinates, and all manner of beautiful men were tidying up around the place, not allowed to use spiritual energy. Upon seeing Shu Yanyan bringing home an even-better looking man, and not a type she’d ever had dealings with before, they were all anxious.

Helian approached and threw an arm around her waist, gazing at her tenderly. “Protector, it’s been so long. Your subordinate has missed you.”

Shu Yanyan took a book from her lapel and pressed it to his chest. “Go read some books and cultivate your character.”

After bringing Zhongli Qian to a guest room, she went to see Wenren È. By now, Wenren È had explained Zhongli Qian’s relationship to Baili Qingmiao in the book to Yin Hanjiang.

He explained, “This Venerable was thinking of, after having Baili Qingmiao owe enough debts of gratitude to Zhongli Qian to cancel out the karma from her divine tribulation, killing her, then having Zhongli Qian find her reincarnation and raise her. That way, she should forget about Hè Wenzhao for good.”

Yin Hanjiang didn’t think there was anything wrong with this plan, and praised, “The Venerable is wise.”

It wasn’t his idea, and Wenren È didn’t like taking credit for other people’s work. He waved a hand and said, “This Venerable thought of it from Altar Masters Yuan and Qiu’s words. Altar Master Yuan wanted to change the object of her affections, and Altar Master Qiu once told Baili Qingmiao to kill Hè Wenzhao and wait for his reincarnation. This Venerable believes Baili Qingmiao may be beyond saving in this life, so we’ll just put our hopes on the next one.”

Hearing “change the object of her affections” gave Yin Hanjiang pause, and after some thought, he said, “Affections that run deep enough can persist after reincarnation. It’s possible even Meng Po’s soup[1] won’t be able to erase Baili Qingmiao’s obsession.”

“Is that true?” Wenren È glanced at Yin Hanjiang.

“It would be for me,” Yin Hanjiang said resolutely.

After some thought, Wenren È said, “Well, this is troublesome. But we should still try it. Let’s start from planning out Zhongli Qian and Baili Qingmiao’s meeting.”

Yin Hanjiang was still doing all he could to make Wenren È’s job easier. In order to confirm the plan with him, he asked, “Because of the Venerable’s actions, Baili Qingmiao and Zhongli Qian’s first meeting will now be far different than what was destined. Will Zhongli Qian really fall for her again?”

An awkward silence suddenly fell over the room.

After some time, Wenren È slowly spoke, “This Venerable seems to have overlooked that.”

Right then, Shu Yanyan arrived to ask what she should do with the newly settled-in Zhongli Qian.

Wenren È ordered her to come to the meeting room and immediately asked upon seeing her, “Protector Shu is well versed in matters of love. Do you know how to make a man fall in love with a woman?”

“It depends on the man,” Shu Yanyan replied.

Wenren È didn’t beat around the bush. “Zhongli Qian.”

Since Shu Yanyan was going to be involved in the whole plan, there was no point hiding anything from her.

Hearing his name, Shu Yanyan brightened up and raised her head. “Venerable, Zhongli Qian is a rare man with brains, even sharper than I assumed. Tricks won’t work against him, so we can only be overt. Have him know very well what he’s getting into, but have no other choice. For example, if the Venerable were to have this subordinate seduce him, and also let him know I would be punished if I failed, that could work as long as he doesn’t already have a person in his heart. He wouldn’t fall in love with me, though. And if he does already have someone, then no plots are going to work.”

“This Venerable didn’t say you were the woman,” Wenren È said coldly.

Shu Yanyan lost interest in a flash. She said lazily, “This subordinate has never wished for love, only for pleasure. This subordinate doesn’t understand that kind of deep-seated emotion.”

“Does anyone in Xuanyuan Sect?” asked Wenren È.

He got no answer. Very few in Xuanyuan Sect cared for matters of love.

After dismissing Shu Yanyan, Wenren È opened Abusive Romance and reread Baili Qingmiao’s meeting with Zhongli Qian several times, hoping to find some inspiration. Yin Hanjiang stood quietly behind him, not looking at the book’s contents, instead focusing all his attention on Wenren È.

Yin Hanjiang didn’t understand love either. The only strong emotions he’d felt in his life were for Wenren È. It wasn’t just because Wenren È had once saved him, but that Wenren È represented all of Yin Hanjiang’s hopes and dreams.

“Venerable, does the book say what love is?” Yin Hanjiang asked.

“It mentions a few things,” Wenren È said, flipping through the pages to find the part where Baili Qingmiao analyzed her feelings for Hè Wenzhao.

It was when Zhongli Qian had told Baili Qingmiao of his wishes, asking her to abandon Shangqing Sect and stay by his side. She had said—

“I don’t know what’s so good about shixiong. I just know that if he was in a crowd, my eyes would pick him out instantly. If he’s happy, I’m happy. If he’s unhappy, then I can’t bear it. I would be willing to give up everything for him to live a blissful life. I don’t know when I started liking him either. I suppose… it’s one of those loves that takes you unawares, and before you know it, you’re deep in its clutches.”

Baili Qingmiao smiled bitterly. “I’ve tried to forget shixiong before. If I didn’t love him, then I wouldn’t need to suffer. But I couldn’t do it. This is probably just my fate.”

Wenren È pointed out the passage to Yin Hanjiang. “This is what we need. If we can accomplish these three things, Zhongli Qian should fall in love with her.”

He wrote them down and carefully considered each of them.

The first was to pick the other person instantly out of a crowd. He could put the tracking spell on Zhongli Qian and Baili Qingmiao. If each had the other’s blood dripped into their eyes, they would only be able to see each other.

The second was being happy when the other person was happy, and sad when they were sad. He could have Altar Master Miao put heart-linking parasites in them, so that wherever they were, they would always feel each other’s emotions.

The third one—love takes you unawares, and before you know it, you’re deep in its clutches—was a bit harder. He wasn’t quite clear on the meaning. For now, he decided to focus on the first two, and consider the third some other time.

Having finally come up with a plan, Wenren È let out a breath. After doing this, the rest was up to heaven’s will. If Baili Qingmiao still couldn’t change, then he could always kill her and try again in her next life.

He sent word to Altar Masters Shi and Miao to tell them to prepare the spell and parasite, then messaged Qiu Congxue, telling her to get Baili Qingmiao to Xuanyuan Sect sometime soon.

Yin Hanjiang picked up the piece of paper with Wenren È’s notes, and after reading it, his fingertips began to tremble.

He stole a glance at Wenren È’s back and read to himself the final line—”love takes you unawares, and before you know it, you’re deep in its clutches.”

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