Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know

Chapter 39 –

Chapter 39 – Rod of Heartbreak

Wenren È couldn’t leave Xuanyuan Sect without a word to anyone. Appropriately speaking, if the Sect Master wasn’t around, the new Deputy Sect Leader, Yin Hanjiang, who had been in his position for just thirty years, should handle his duties in his place.

Wenren È was planning to leave Yin Hanjiang at Xuanyuan Sect and set off for the Violet Spirit Pavilion alone. Xuanyuan Sect didn’t have any important affairs he needed to manage, and it hardly mattered if his subordinates rebelled after he left, since they’d surrender when he returned anyway. Yin Hanjiang was always too close to Wenren È, and his power was at the peak of Void Boundary. He never showed any wariness toward Wenren È. If Wenren È were to say to him, “This Venerable needs to consume souls”, he was afraid Yin Hanjiang might offer his own up in a heartbeat.

It was too dangerous to travel together with him. He would have more ease in restraining himself if he was alone.

Thus, before departing, Wenren È called over Yin Hanjiang and told him he was heading to True Yin Mountain.

Yin Hanjiang completely failed to clue in onto the fact that Wenren È was trying to ditch him. He quietly followed behind, ready to leave with him.

Seeing his behavior, Wenren È stopped walking, carefully considering what he was about to say. He slowly opened his mouth. “Sect Leader Yin, about the sect leadership while this Venerable is gone, and the search for the traitor…”

Yin Hanjiang’s expression turned blank. He stared silently at Wenren È, seeming to think nothing of his own, simply awaiting his Venerable’s next order.

If Wenren È commanded it, Yin Hanjiang would carry it out to perfection, even if he was unwilling.

Wenren È couldn’t continue. Yin Hanjiang maintained his attentive posture, waiting for his Venerable to finish his command.

“…it can be left to Protector Shu. She’s gotten a lot of practice, anyway. Since the other Altar Masters were overcome by her before, they’ll be more wary and less willing to disturb the peace. The matter of the traitor isn’t urgent. We don’t even have any clues now, but it’s possible that if we both leave, Cen Zhengqi will let something slip.” Looking at Yin Hanjiang’s expression, Wenren È finally completed his sentence this way.

Yin Hanjiang’s face finally gained some life. He dipped his head low and said, “Your subordinate understands.”

Wenren È furrowed his brows. It wasn’t like he and Yin Hanjiang had never left each other’s sides before. The Lord of Demons came and went when he pleased, and he hardly needed to report it all to Yin Hanjiang. Yin Hanjiang had never asked, either. It was just that after reading Abusive Romance, Wenren È was worried about Yin Hanjiang’s psyche and tried to avoid leaving him alone. Now he wanted to leave him, but felt misgivings.

This wasn’t right.

He had originally hoped to settle Yin Hanjiang down and avoid him taking some actions that would displease him if he died, so he paid more attention to him. But now he felt less comfortable about leaving Yin Hanjiang alone.

When Wenren È wanted to go somewhere, since when had he paid attention to how dejected Yin Hanjiang looked? And since when had it softened his heart?

“Yin Hanjiang,” Wenren È said, switching to using his name. “This Venerable is not a god. He is the same as you, just another cultivator journeying on the path to divinity.”

“This subordinate understands,” Yin Hanjiang said, still bowing his head.

“Admiration is all well and good, but you need to walk your own path. Do you understand this?” Wenren È took a step closer. He put a hand on the back of Yin Hanjiang’s neck, his thumb by his ear, applying pressure and forcing him to raise his head.

The distance tinged both their faces slightly red. Wenren È sensed the essence of a sword cultivator that surrounded Yin Hanjiang, which was top-quality spiritual essence to a blood cultivator. Wenren È had not been able to absorb spiritual energy for thirty years, and he felt dizzy. The pressure of his hand on Yin Hanjiang’s neck strengthened, as the incantation for absorbing blood surfaced in his mind. With just slightly more force from his hand, he could dissolve Yin Hanjiang into blood, and his soul and all his spiritual essence would belong to Wenren È.

Blood qi tinged Wenren È’s face red, but for some reason, Yin Hanjiang was blushing too. He struggled out of Wenren È’s grab and said, cupping his hands, “This subordinate understands. This subordinate will put every effort toward ascending to Mahayana to help his Venerable.”

Yin Hanjiang backing away returned some control to Wenren È. He suppressed his surging blood qi and turned away. “Message Shu Yanyan and tell her she’s the acting sect leader.”

After Yin Hanjiang sent the message talisman, Wenren È didn’t turn around, just departing in a streak of light. Yin Hanjiang frantically brought out his sword to chase him.

He gnawed on his lip. What did his Venerable mean by those words? Did he notice Yin Hanjiang’s intentions? While they were talking, had Yin Hanjiang let something show in his expression?

Yin Hanjiang continually berated himself that in the future, he had to be more vigilant around his Venerable. He was the Deputy Sect Leader, and ought to manage Xuanyuan Sect in the Sect Master’s absence. He should not be disheartened because he couldn’t follow his Venerable around. Even if he felt pained, he couldn’t let any of it show.

The two arrived at True Yin Mountain, both dwelling on their own problems. Wenren È landed outside the Pavilion’s array, avoiding the patrolling disciples, and opened his book to check on how events had developed. He would be deciding right now whether to barge directly into the Violet Spirit Pavilion, or order their gates open for him.

Baili Qingmiao’s group had arrived at True Yin Mountain three days ago. Baili Qingmiao had paced back and forth in front of their Misty Dawn Bell, unsure of whether or not she should ring it.

From what Elder Qingrong had said, the Violet Spirit Pavilion had told Hè Wenzhao that since they only had one stalk of the Lockheart Herb, it truly was difficult for them to give it to him. They could only let him have it if he could find a way to make a new stalk mature. The Lockheart sprouts needed the lava of True Yin Mountain in order to grow, but the eruption could not be such that it destroyed the Violet Spirit Pavilion. He had to make the mountain erupt while keeping it in check. This was an unreasonable task.

Hè Wenzhao’s party had been staying at the Violet Spirit Pavilion all this time, hanging around the crater and trying to come up with a way to make a volcano that had erupted only once in the last three thousand years do so again. Over half a month had passed, and they had made no progress.

Elder Qingrong hadn’t contacted Baili Qingmiao hoping that she could complete this impossible task. She had wanted Baili Qingmiao to convince Immortal Qingxue and the Crane-Haired Wanderer to act. Qingxue was an honorary elder of Shangqing Sect and ought to help in sect business anyway, just her personality was a bit problematic. It was said that the Nanguo clan was still after her life. Shangqing Sect knew Qingxue favored Baili Qingmiao, so they hoped Baili Qingmiao could bring her around.

Also, in these few years, the name of the Crane-Haired Wanderer had already become renowned across the cultivation world, filling the Zhongli clan with regret for passing him up. The Shangqing Sect knew that Baili Qingmiao and the Crane-Haired Wanderer had a heart-linking parasite, so thought she could convince him.

With the Crane-Haired Wanderer’s help, they were sure they could satisfy the Violet Spirit Pavilion’s demands.

As for Su Huai, he was just a Core Formation disciple. No one expected him to do anything, and Baili Qingmiao just brought him along so he could go new places and gain experience.

The gloomy and brooding Su Huai was actually the wildest one in the group. He had originally planned to kill Baili Qingmiao in revenge for once having been exorcised by her. If there hadn’t happened to be a stillborn which he could hide in, he would’ve been destroyed that day, so he truly had it out for her.

Therefore, when Baili Qingmiao returned to the village and decided to take him as disciple, he instantly agreed. He planned to be a good and obedient disciple, to put Baili Qingmiao on a pedestal and make her think of him as unfailingly loyal and considerate. That way, when he betrayed her later on, he would get to witness her expression twisted in shock and heartbreak.

With these thoughts, Su Huai accepted her as master, then felt a gaze on him that made his hair stand on end.

He followed the gaze and found his nominal marital ancestor licking her lips while looking at him. He broke out in a cold sweat.

That night, while Baili Qingmiao meditated, Immortal Qingxue kidnapped Su Huai into her hut. Su Huai was unable to resist the power of a wandering immortal, and the array she casually set  up was impossible for him to break. Even if he screamed, no one outside would hear him.

“Help!” the eighteen-year-old boy cried, pounding on the door, but the woman behind him heartlessly yanked him back.

“Stop moving. Let me take a look at you,” Immortal Qingxue said, her eyes gleaming. She held Su Huai down against the ground and put a hand against his chest. Her eyes brightened. “A heartbeat! You’re a living ghost cultivator!”

“You know I’m a ghost cultivator?” Su Huai exclaimed.

He thought his disguise was perfect! He had tricked Baili Qingmiao, but didn’t expect Immortal Qingxue to see through him at a glance.

“How did you manage to cultivate the hungry ghost path while retaining a body?” Qingxue fixed her eyes on Su Huai’s chest. “If I removed your heart, would you survive?”

“I don’t know!” Su Huai cried, crumbling under Qingxue’s predatory gaze. “When my spirit was about to dissipate, I sensed a stillborn being born. It was a rare kind of infant, where the soul that should’ve occupied it had left but it was still breathing. I possessed it, and that’s how I became like this, between a living person and a ghost cultivator.”

Su Huai had reached Qi Refining stage without any instruction because he ate the ghosts around the village. Only a ghost cultivator should be able to consume ghosts, but with Su Huai’s unique constitution, he could do it while still alive and increase his spiritual essence.

Hearing his explanation, Qingxue fell into deep thought and finally said, “It seems it’s the matter of this body of yours. If I devoured your soul and took your body, I could probably go back to being a ghost cultivator!”

She seemed like such an enlightened master! After thinking for a whole night, all she came up with was this? Was her head for decoration?

Su Huai tried pitifully to escape. When Immortal Qingxue had him pinned down and was about to eat his soul, Baili Qingmiao’s voice came from outside the hut. “Master Qingxue? Disciple? Where are you guys? The sun’s up, so it’s about time to head out.”

“Probably inside that hut,” came the man in the blindfold’s warm voice. “It seems Immortal Qingxue is helping you discipline your new disciple.”

“Really? I’ll go check.” Baili Qingmiao opened the door with a smile.

In that moment, Qingxue let go of Su Huai and took down her array, so that Baili Qingmiao instantly caught sight of them.

“Master!” For the first time, Su Huai realized that Baili Qingmiao was truly a kind and righteous person. He leapt at her and threw his arms around her waist, swearing to himself that he would treat Baili Qingmiao good in the future and never leave his master’s side. He had to make sure he was never alone with Immortal Qingxue.

“Elder Qingxue must’ve felt this child was rebellious and took the opportunity to teach him to obey his masters, eh?” Zhongli Qian put weight into that last word, and Su Huai and Qingxue both shuddered.

Qingxue may have been stronger than Zhongli Qian, but every time she met his blindfolded gaze, she felt uneasy. Unlike Wenren È’s direct and oppressive manner, Zhongli Qian was gentle and never forced anyone, putting everyone around him at ease instead. Yet something about his perceptive gaze that seemed to see through everything made him intimidating.

After that experience, Su Huai discarded his grudge and dedicated himself to Baili Qingmiao, treating her sincerely and considerately.

Seeing Baili Qingmiao pace in front of the bell at this moment, Su Huai squinted and said, “Master, are you nervous?”

Baili Qingmiao flushed. “It’s not like I’ll fall for shixiong again. Shixiong is married to Liu-shijie, and I couldn’t come between them. I’m just worried that since we haven’t seen each other in thirty years, my emotions will be stirred and I’ll affect Brother Zhongli.”

Su Huai was originally scared of Qingxue, but after Zhongli Qian learned Wordless Child, Su Huai and Qingxue became close instead. Su Huai also learned that Immortal Qingxue was once a ghost cultivator, and the master of the Hellfire Pavilion at Xuanyuan Sect.

The Hellfire Pavilion! A small-time ghost cultivator like him didn’t have a hope of getting close to a place like that. From then on, Su Huai had started studying under Qingxue. Gradually, his actions became influenced by Qiu Congxue.

“Don’t worry, master. If you become muddleheaded again, I’ll knock you out and drag you away. Senior Zhongli won’t be affected at all,” Su Huai said. He rang the Misty Dawn Bell for Baili Qingmiao.

Baili Qingmiao: …

Were they kin of different generations? Her disciple was becoming more and more like Master Qingxue.

After the sounding of the bell, Baili Qingmiao showed the Violet Spirit Pavilion’s disciples a greeting slip that could only be created by the Shangqing Sect to verify her identity, and they invited her group in to meet Hè Wenzhao. There was no sign of the Pavilion Master.

Hè Wenzhao had come with Liu Xinye and a few other disciples he was friends with. Upon seeing his little shimei for the first time in thirty years, he stopped dead in his tracks. He gazed at her from afar, unable to look away, not even feeling Liu Xinye when she tugged on his arm.

Baili Qingmiao was the same. Over these past years, she had undergone two heavenly tribulations, for the Deity Transformation and Body Unity stages, and each time she had wanted to let go of her resolve and return to her shixiong’s side. She would be happy just looking at him from a distance.

If it weren’t for Zhongli Qian, who knew Baili Qingmiao’s emotions at all times and could quickly help her reconsider, and the much more powerful Immortal Qingxue keeping an eye on her, Baili Qingmiao would’ve already snuck off.

Now that she was looking at Hè Wenzhao, Zhongli Qian could feel his heart pound wildly. Even though he couldn’t see, he could sense how distinguished and tender that distant silhouette was.

The built-up emotions of thirty years were too intense, and for a moment, Zhongli Qian was unable to suppress Baili Qingmiao.

Fortunately, Baili Qingmiao had only taken half a step forward when she felt a cold gust at her back. She pulled her head out of the way, and, looking back, saw that Su Huai was swinging his bonded weapon at her—the Rod of Heartbreak.

The Rod of Heartbreak was forty meters long and as thick as Baili Qingmiao’s waist. Zhongli Qian and Qiu Congxue’s help had been needed to refine it. It was capable of changing size to the wielder’s will.

Su Huai had made it the maximum size, and though Baili Qingmiao managed to avoid it, Hè Wenzhao, who was standing in a daze thirty-nine meters away, took a blow right to the head. Even if he was a Void Boundary cultivator, he would feel a metal stick with the thickness of a human’s waist hitting him in the skull.

Su Huai, having missed Baili Qingmiao, spun the rod in his hand and transformed it into two thin sticks, about to whack her again. Baili Qingmiao was already calm with the help of Zhongli Qian, and quickly reached out to stop her disciple’s weapon. “Disciple, stop swinging that thing! I’m okay!”

Zhongli Qian showed a faint smile. “Su Huai sure has Immortal Qingxue to thank for his magic weapon. It was forged with the resentment of thousands of vengeful spirits before they were exorcised, all female ghosts who had been abandoned or harmed by men. It may not be a near-immortal artifact, but it has unique powers.

“If a woman is hit by it, her love will turn to hate. The more she loves someone, the more she’ll want to kill him. If a man were to be hit by it, his body would be invaded with yin energy[1], and he will lose capabilities in a certain area.” It wasn’t really convenient for Zhongli Qian to explain further, so Qiu Congxue gleefully continued for him. She was quite proud of what she’d made for her little disciple, after all.

Hè Wenzhao had been hit in the head, yet he felt agony in some other part of his body. He couldn’t check in front of a bunch of other disciples, so he could only grit his teeth and say, “Shimei, who is that kid behind you? Why is he trying to hit you?”

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