Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know

Chapter 41 –

Chapter 41 – The second book

Zhongli Qian could only awkwardly explain, “It’s Zhongli Wenzun and Zhongli Yinjiang[1] of the Zhongli clan, who were members of a branch family two hundred years ago, later joining the clan as guest cultivators and becoming my advisors. After hearing about the volcano, I sent word to them, hoping they could lend a hand. Could they be permitted to enter?”

He was courteous and as a Mahayana cultivator, his words held weight. The Pavilion’s disciples took him to see the Pavilion Master, to report the news.

“Zhongli Wenzun and Zhongli Yinjiang? Those names are…” The Pavilion Master rested his forehead on his fist as he read the greeting slips Zhongli Qian had written.

Zhongli Qian had offered his apologies that the two guest cultivators had neglected to give greeting slips, and thus he had written some up with their names on them, hoping for the Pavilion Master’s forgiveness.

The Violet Spirit Pavilion Master’s eyes were stuck on those two words “Wenzun” and “Yinjiang”, so Zhongli Qian stepped in and said with a faint smile, “The Pavilion Master may not know that the Zhongli clan cultivates the path of sages. Each disciple chooses a branch of learning as their foundation. Each of the six arts of gentlemen—rites, music, archery, charioteering, literature, and arithmetic—are included. Zhongli Wenzun cultivates rites, while Zhongli Yinjiang cultivates music. These two have some scholarly whims and wanted to make sure others knew what they studied, so took the courtesy names Wenzun[2] and Yinjiang[3]. Their birth names are Zhongli Wen and Zhongli Yin.

“As their manner of greeting truly was improper, Qian would like to apologize in their stead.”

He cupped his hands before him, his arms extended straight as he bent at the waist, manner extremely proper and polite.

The Pavilion Master straightened up and, after glancing at Zhongli Qian, said, “For these thirty years, news has been flying that the Zhongli clan embarrassed themselves and passed up on a great treasure when expelling Zhongli Qian. I thought it was an exaggerated rumor, but after meeting the Crane-Haired Wanderer in person, I have realized what a true gentleman should be.”

“The Pavilion Master is overstating,” Zhongli Qian said with a faint smile.

“The Violet Spirit Pavilion has always secluded itself from the outside world, and today we have received too many guests. Since the volcano has erupted with no warning, I originally wished to seal the mountain and allow no other outsiders, but at Young Master Zhongli’s request, they can be allowed to stay a few days.”

“Many thanks to the Pavilion Master.” Seeing the Pavilion Master put down the greeting slips, a weight vanished from Zhongli Qian’s chest.

He went to the Misty Dawn Bell with a few other Pavilion disciples. The group of female disciples had blushed upon seeing Zhongli Qian and bombarded him with questions along the way, asking why his hair was white and what relationship he had with Baili Qingmiao. Zhongli Qian answered straightforwardly, and when he said that he and Baili Qingmiao had only treated each other as siblings over these past thirty years, the girls’ eyes brightened.

Within the Violet Spirit Pavilion’s array, no one could fly except using the Pavilion Master’s carriage and flying boats, and the boats traveled much slower than Zhongli Qian could. Sitting with a group of beautiful women, Zhongli Qian was uncomfortable the whole way, and at last managed to make it to the Misty Dawn Bell. As the disciples opened the barrier, Zhongli Qian sensed Wenren È and Yin Hanjiang enter. He made sure to speak first. “It’s been a while, brothers.”

He rushed before the disciples to grab the two’s hands, trying to signal to them. The moment he touched Wenren È’s hand, he hesitated.

He turned toward Wenren È, and though his eyes were blindfolded, confusion was clear on his face.

“Thanks for your greeting, Young Master Zhongli,” Wenren È said coldly. “Why don’t we talk inside?”

Wenren È hadn’t predicted that Zhongli Qian would rush over to grab his hand and wasn’t able to avoid him in time. Zhongli Qian, touching his fake arm, had instantly sensed something was off about it.

Zhongli Qian also knew they couldn’t discuss this right now and quickly introduced Wenren È and Yin Hanjiang to the rest of the disciples. Seeing the two looked plain and unremarkable, incomparable to Zhongli Qian, and they also acted rather uncaring, the girls stuck by Zhongli Qian the entire way back.

Upon returning to their rooms, Zhongli Qian immediately transmitted, “Sect Master Wenren, what happened to your arm?”

“We can discuss that later. Tell me about the Pavilion Master,” Wenren È replied just as quickly.

Zhongli Qian could only let the subject drop. Seeing that Yin Hanjiang had already put up a soundproofing array, he spoke without concern. “I have three doubts about the Pavilion Master. First, each disciple of the Violet Spirit Pavilion is female, except for the Pavilion Master.

“Second, the eruption was completely unpredictable, and the Pavilion Master appeared too quickly. He arrived when the flames had barely subsided. Considering the speed of his carriage, he must’ve set out before the eruption. According to my calculations, if he had started preparing to set off for the crater from the time of Baili Qingmiao’s arrival, then the timing would be perfect.

“Third, our guest arrangements.”

Zhongli Qian drew a map of the Violet Spirit Pavilion on the table out of spilled tea. He tapped one of the rooms and said, “This is where Baili Qingmiao is staying.”

“They have a guest house right next to the Pavilion Master’s residence?” Wenren È said. He squinted at the map and felt reminded of someone[4].

“I suspect that his goal is Miss Baili,” said Zhongli Qian. “Has Sir Wenren also noticed that Miss Baili has particularly good luck?”

“This Venerable knows.” Wenren È waved a hand and had the tea traces on the table evaporate without a trace. “Not only me, but one other person.”

He quickly went over his encounter with the Violet Spirit Pavilion Supreme Elder in the Thousand Mile Ice Plains over forty years back. After some thought, Zhongli Qian said, “This makes sense. I suspect the Pavilion Master is a woman disguised as a man.”

“…If she’s the wandering immortal this Venerable defeated forty years ago, why would she possess a man?” Wenren È said.

“I believe we’ll find out over the next few days,” Zhongli Qian said, his bamboo scroll in hand.

Only two days had passed when the Pavilion Master took out his precious Lockheart Herb, gathering the Shangqing Sect disciples and the three Zhongli clan visitors and announcing, “I’ve already brought out the herb and am willing to give it to Shangqing Sect, under one condition.”

“If it doesn’t violate our principles, the Shangqing Sect will gladly accept,” said Hè Wenzhao, standing.

These lines were exactly the same as the book. In the book, what followed would be the Pavilion Master demanding Hè Wenzhao’s hand in marriage. Now that she was a man, what would happen? Wenren È watched intently.

“It’s very simple. I just want Baili Qingmiao to marry into the Violet Spirit Pavilion.” The Pavilion Master looked at Baili Qingmiao, seated the nearest to him, and smiled warmly with a tender look in his eyes.

“No way!”


Two voices spoke at once, belonging to Hè Wenzhao and Liu Xinye.

Naturally, Hè Wenzhao had said “no way”. Hearing his wife say “okay”, he glared at her. He couldn’t squabble with her in public though, and after only a glance, suppressed his anger and turned to the Pavilion Master. “Even if this doesn’t violate common principles, it is a major decision in my shimei’s life. I cannot make it for her.”

“I don’t believe the decision is yours.” The Pavilion Master ignored Hè Wenzhao, only looking toward Baili Qingmiao. He extended the Lockheart Herb to her and said, “If you just agree and form a soul bond with me, this can be yours.”

Marry him and also form a soul bond! Cultivation partners rarely made soul bonds. With a soul bond, they would truly be together in life and death, as if one died, so would the other. Even Hè Wenzhao and Liu Xinye hadn’t taken one. At the end of Abusive Romance, Hè Wenzhao hadn’t formed one with Baili Qingmiao either. In God of Annihilation, the Blood Demon Elder had warned Hè Wenzhao to never make a soul bond and let his life depend on another person. This was nothing more than a burden.

“Shixiong, this is for master’s life,” Liu Xinye said word by word, staring at her husband. “The Pavilion Master is a Mahayana stage cultivator, so Baili Qingmiao will only be benefitted by forming a soul bond with him. And with a soul bond, they won’t be able to betray each other. Since the Pavilion Master made this request, he’s certainly not planning to steal Baili-shimei’s essence. His intent must be genuine. Shimei hasn’t refused, so why are you so agitated?”

“You!” Hè Wenzhao pointed a finger at his wife. He nearly slapped her across the face.

He forcefully pushed down his anger and ran to Baili Qingmiao’s side. “Shimei, think clearly! Don’t dishonor yourself!”

In the original story, Baili Qingmiao was heartbroken upon hearing the Pavilion Master wanted to marry Hè Wenzhao, begging him to reconsider in tears.

Hè Wenzhao had said pretty much the same thing Liu Xinye did. “Shimei, this is master’s life!”

Now that the Pavilion Master had swapped genders, Hè Wenzhao was saying the complete opposite.

Wenren È had already figured out most everything. He didn’t speak, just narrowed his eyes at Baili Qingmiao and waited for her decision.

Su Huai was a junior and it wasn’t his place to speak in this situation. He knew his master was an idiot. When he broke through to the Core Formation stage, because he was a ghost cultivator, he had gotten a Deity Transformation stage tribulation and sustained serious injuries. His master had carried him to Reminiscence Valley in search of a wandering immortal healer. The healer put her through all sorts of trouble, separating her from Zhongli Qian and Immortal Qingxue with an array, then demanding her Nascent Soul as payment. Su Huai’s idiot master really offered up her Nascent Soul.

Fortunately, Zhongli Qian was sharp and broke the array in time. Master Qingxue gave the wandering immortal a beating, then threatened to turn him into a ghost and eat him. The healer finally agreed to treat Su Huai.

That was when Su Huai truly recognized Baili Qingmiao as his master. It was also for his master’s sake that he let Qingxue mess with his bonded weapon. Otherwise, what cultivator would want to use a weapon like that? But he was willing to for his master.

Su Huai was afraid his master would agree, so he seized Qingxue’s hand. She was the strongest and most senior person here, and the only one with the right to refuse for Baili Qingmiao.

“What are you grabbing me for?” Qingxue gave Su Huai a look. “If you want something, just say it.”

Su Huai: …

Fortunately, Zhongli Qian was long since familiar with his companions’ habits. He quickly rose and said, “Perhaps the Pavilion Master doesn’t know this, but Baili Qingmiao cannot become someone’s cultivation partner.”

“Huh? Why?” The Pavilion Master reclined on his chair, looking attentively at Zhongli Qian. His gaze was warmer than when he had looked at Baili Qingmiao.

Baili Qingmiao also rose. “Pavilion Master, because of a previous accident, Brother Zhongli and I have had heart-linking parasites placed in us. They are very powerful parasites, and though Brother Zhongli has reached Mahayana over these thirty years, he has not figured out how to remove them. To tell the truth, Young Master Zhongli is just a step away from ascending, yet he has been holding himself back because of me.”

Hearing Baili Qingmiao refuse, Su Huai sighed in relief.

“Oh? Let me see your parasites,” said the Pavilion Master.

He reached out and took their wrists in both hands, sending his spiritual essence into their meridians. He found there really were resonating gu insects inside them, which he was unable to eliminate with his power.

“This shouldn’t be,” he muttered. “How did this happen? It wasn’t like this.”

Wenren È heard these words and his expression froze. He watched him closely.

The man looked somewhat like the wandering immortal he had taught a lesson to years ago, but not exactly the same. And that wandering immortal had recognized Baili Qingmiao’s divinity over forty years ago, but never acted and stayed hidden until now. Had something changed?

After considering things over, Wenren È came up with a wild idea.

“Zhongli Wenzun” stretched languidly and, acting as if he was bored by the internal affairs of Shangqing Sect, took a book out of his sleeve.

Seeing him, the people around felt he was a bit rude, but weren’t in any position to criticize him. After all, he did have nothing to contribute to the matter of this wedding, and just watching the drama unfold wasn’t too proper either. The Zhongli clan’s members always had their noses in books, and Zhongli Qian’s bonded weapon was a bamboo scroll. Maybe this book was Zhongli Wenzun’s weapon.

It was quite an odd book. A young man was drawn on the cover, a colored picture as opposed to the ink wash paintings currently popular in the mortal world. The man’s facial proportions were a bit exaggerated, but he looked handsome nonetheless.

In large characters across the cover was God of Annihilation: Volume 1.

Seeing that book, the Pavilion Master immediately let go of Baili Qingmiao and Zhongli Qian and stood up, eyes pinned on the book in Wenren È’s hand.

“How did you get—” He cut himself off. Turning a cold look over the assembled group, he said, “If you won’t agree to this marriage, then we have nothing to discuss. Come to me when you change your mind.”

He turned and walked away, leaving everyone else looking at each other helplessly.

Wenren È transmitted separately to Zhongli Qian and Yin Hanjiang, who had both noticed something was odd, “Don’t come to my room later. Give him time to reveal his plan.”

Putting away the book, he returned alone to his room. After lying on the bed reading for a while, he heard a knock at the door. Opening it, he saw a girl on the other side, saying the Pavilion Master needed to meet with him, and requesting Sir Zhongli Wenzun go to the Pavilion Master’s quarters alone.

Without any hesitation, Wenren È took the book and set off alone.

After he entered the Pavilion Master’s room, the Pavilion Master locked the doors and set up several arrays. He finally said coldly, “Where’d you get the book? You brought it out on purpose, didn’t you? What did you figure out?”

“I seem to not understand what the Pavilion Master is asking,” Wenren È said. “I just picked up a book for idle reading, and its contents turned out to be rather intriguing. Since I was bored, I took it out to read.”

“Since you got this book, your name can’t be Zhongli Wenzun. Zhongli Kuang, Cen Zhengqi, Yao Jiaping… You’re Zhongli Kuang!” the Pavilion Master exclaimed. “I heard you were done away with by the Zhongli clan. Did you possess this Zhongli Wenzun’s body to come back to life? Right, since you have this book, you’ve probably learned techniques to revive yourself.”

“Since you think I’m Zhongli Kuang, let’s just say I am,” said Wenren È, flipping through the book. “However, there’s one part of this book that’s particularly intriguing. Right here, it says the Violet Spirit Pavilion Master is a renowned beauty, Hè Wenzhao’s wife, a gentle and dedicated woman. Upon coming to the Pavilion, I was rather surprised to find the Pavilion Master was a man.”

“Give me that book!” the Pavilion Master yelled, reaching for it.

Wenren È flashed away. “At this point, there’s no use in you hiding it. I’ve obtained Volume 1 of God of Annihilation. Have you obtained one of the other volumes? Why don’t we exchange reading material?”

Having been seen through, the Pavilion Master was silent for a moment. “I have the third volume, the end of the story. Do you want to know why this story is called God of Annihilation?[5] The third volume will tell you. If you want to know, then hand over the first volume to me.”

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