Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 459 - Rush to Assist in the Border

Chapter 459: Rush to Assist in the Border

A spacious warehouse was filled up with bulging bags of black crystal coins in the blink of an eye.

Even General George who had always been calm couldn’t help but be dumbfounded at the sight of this. Then his expression changed to ecstatic. He didn’t know what space magic or means that Chen Rui used to take out so many black crystal coins, and he didn’t know how his son-in-law had such a huge sum of money, but he was certain that with this sum of money, his biggest problem at the moment could be successfully solved.

George’s surprise was still to come. In addition to funding, Chen Rui also provided a complete set of defensive magic circle drawings. It was said that it could triple the defense of the entire fortress with various traps too. At the same time, he promised George that after returning to the Dark Moon this time, he would send people to secretly transport a large number of sophisticated weapons, armors and the most advanced magic weapons. This would greatly enhance the overall combat effectiveness of Warlock Fortress’ Red Dragon Legion.

There was also another purpose. In case the capital had any actions or changes, he could also launch a corresponding military action to support the Dark Moon.

Chen Rui’s gift was not only for the entire legion, but it was also his father-in-law individually. There was no resurrection potion in the last 5 bottles of potion, so Chen Rui deliberately exchanged 2 bottles and gave them to George this time just in case. There was also a set of legendary grade equipment.

George was very satisfied. Compared with these materials, he was more satisfied with Chen Rui’s ability. With such a man to take care of Athena, he could really rest assured.

At this moment, a person barged into the command center without notification. Chen Rui didn’t even have time to activate [Camouflage]. However, George prevented him from hiding because only one person could “barge in” like this here.

It was a beautiful woman with short red hair. She was wearing auburn leather armor. Her hairstyle and attire were actually very similar to Athena, but with a little more mature charm.

“George!” In this kind of barrack, the women’s address was actually quite casual.

Comprehensive Strength Assessment: A +

Strength: A+ ; Physique: A + ; Spirit: A – ; Speed: A.

[Analysis]: Fire attribute.

Chen Rui thought of what Athena said before about her “aunty” who was closest to her, and he suddenly understood.

General George smiled slightly, “Come on, Gloria. Meet our guest.”

“Guest?” Gloria looked at Chen Rui a few times. She made no secret of her disdain, “Just this weak guy?” “Gloria, a dragon. The Red Dragon Legion deputy legion leader. My 13th wife, and Athena’s favorite aunty.”

George introduced both parties to each other, “Chen Rui, our daughter’s most beloved man. The famous Dark Moon Estate’s financial officer and the capable officer of the Demon Realm… Uh, at least it’s just like that on the surface.”

“Are you the human?” Gloria showed an unexpected look. She looked at Chen Rui, and she suddenly said coldly, “A weak and feeble guy. I really don’t understand why our little princess would like a man like you?! What if one day, an intimate hug can accidentally cause this guy to break his muscles, let alone… Hehe!” The hint of boldness of this passage made Chen Rui a little sweaty, but George laughed without saying anything. He didn’t intend to help his son-in-law at all. It seems like I need to pass my mother-in-law’s level by myself.

“Beautiful Madam Gloria, Athena once said that you are her favorite and most respected woman. She is even imitating you in many ways. Then, please accept a small gift from me.”

Chen Rui’s eyes rolled, and there was a fist-sized fiery red gem in his hand. The flawless edges reflected the magnificent light.

“This is… Is it the legendary Eye of the Scarlet Emperor?” Gloria was obviously a dragon who knew how to distinguish quality goods. Her red eyes suddenly glowed with fiery light. After receiving the gem, she praised him for a while, then she made a decision. With a certain determination, she reluctantly handed the gem to General George, “The soldier’s salary should not be a problem with this.”

This action made Chen Rui in awe. As dragons, this madam indeed made an unimaginable and difficult decision. George smiled and shook his head, “This weak fellow that you mentioned has successfully solved our biggest problem. This is a personal gift he gave you, so you can safely accept it.”

“The biggest problem has been successfully solved?” Gloria showed a pleasant surprise. She quickly clenched the Eye of the Scarlet Emperor and changed her tone, “It seems that our little princess still has a good taste. At least you are a little capable and not a stingy guy.”

As expected, dragons are still dragons. Their benchmark for judging likes and dislikes is a bit biased. Chen Rui was secretly amused. George asked, “By the way, you rushed here like this. Is there any special situation?” When George mentioned this, Gloria immediately kept the ruby. She said solemnly, “There is probably something wrong with Francis. I can’t get in touch with him until now.”

George frowned, “Although he did not bring much manpower this time, they are all elite. Could it be the other party…” “According to the latest intel, the Bloody Empire’s Rage Flame Legion seems to have a newly transferred commander. The previous tricks were all designed by this person. Francis’ set up this time would probably be self-defeating.”

It turned out that the border conflict between the Bloody Empire and the Fallen Angel Empire had never stopped. The most common one was the border problem. The border monument that represented the border had been moved back and forth by both sides numerous times. They were really fighting for every inch of land.

Because of this, small-scale battles often occur between both sides, but the 2 countries were “friendly neighbors.” This kind of battle was carried out in the name of bandit groups. Of course, this kind of bandits group had a tacit understanding that was to never rob merchants or civilians. It was just a deadly fight between each other, and the losing party would not publicly criticize in the name of the empire. This was equivalent to a kind of “unwritten rule.”

Recently, the Rage Flame Legion on the opposite side had a lot of actions and battles were more frequent. Lieutenant Francis personally led a team to set up an ambush to ambush the opponent. However, after setting off in the morning, there was still no news. He was likely to be in danger.

“I think I know who the new commander is.” Chen Rui thought of the Bloody Empire people’s intel provided by Dark Demon not long ago. He interjected, “Bubowa.”

George didn’t question the accuracy of this intel. He frowned even more tightly, “The deputy leader of the original Bloodwave Legion’s leader, Gordon? Although I have never fought against this person, I heard that he is a difficult opponent. Since this is the case, it seems that we must support Francis immediately. ”

Francis was one of George’s most powerful assistants. He possessed the strength of the early stage of the Demon Emperor. He was extremely prestigious in the army. If he encountered any unexpected events, it would be an immeasurable loss for both Red Dragon Legion and Warlock Fortress.

“The place where Francis set up ambush is in Weiju Valley. I will go and save him now.”

Gloria said without hesitation. She explained the deployment of scout and intel in detail.

George thought for a moment and shook his head, “Your previous injury has not recovered. It is probably Bubowa’s trick this time. If you rush rashly, there may be even greater danger. I decided to go there myself. The enemy didn’t know that I have reached the Demon Overlord level. It can also have unexpected effects.”

“No!” Gloria immediately raised an objection, “You’re the highest commander of legion. How can you take the risk personally! If there is a danger or accident, the legion simply cannot afford this loss! It’s better for me to go. With my flying speed, I should be able to get there as fast as possible. ”

During the dispute, a voice sounded, “I’ll go.”

The voice was from Chen Rui who was observing the magic sand table. George and Gloria were both taken aback. Gloria said irritatingly, “Stop giving me more troubles! This is the border where everywhere is the battlefield. It is not a safe amusement park like the Dark Moon.”

Chen Rui said lightly, “General, I have a proposal. Our strategy needs to be redeployed.”

Gloria was about to speak, but the disdain on her face suddenly turned into surprise. She saw Chen Rui’s face changing rapidly, instantly turning into a strange face. The breath on his body began to change. Even Gloria felt a threat that couldn’t be ignored.

“Madam Gloria, please accept these potions. Although they can’t fully heal your injuries, they can play a role that ordinary potions cannot. At the same time, this operation needs to rely on your strength. At least, when madam is the main attacker on the surface, it can attract most of the enemy’s attention.”

Chen Rui had heard the intel narrated by Gloria just now, and he found the location and coordinates on the magic sand table.

Before he could finish talking, George’s eyes brightened, “Decoy tactic?” “Yes.” Chen Rui praised the old man’s quick response. “I think I still need something that can prove that I’m the enemy.”

George pulled out the sword from his waist, “This lion tooth sword is for you. You can use it to order Francis and his people if… they are still alive.”

Chen Rui took the lion tooth sword and kept it in the storage space, “Without further delay, I will set off now.”

George nodded, and he suddenly asked, “Did you defeat Josh and Rus?” Chen Rui smiled slightly, but he did not answer. He turned and left the command center.

George stared at Chen Rui’s distant figure, “How is Athena’s taste?” Gloria nodded appreciatively. She suddenly revealed a hint of wisdom, “Much better than me.”

“…” The father-in-law made a rare choke.

After Chen Rui left Warlock Fortress, he headed toward the Weiju Valley.

The border conflict between the Bloody Empire Army and the Fallen Angel Empire Army generally occured in remote areas far away from the main road. The Weiju Valley was a remote valley with dangerous terrain.

Somewhere hidden.

“General Pamir! The people of the Red Dragon Legion have been hit hard by the magic submerged mine and are now trapped in the cave. Francis is there too. Why didn’t you concentrate on destroying these guys? See what happened now, the Flying Squadrons are all urgently transferred away. Once these guys become desperate, it will be difficult to wipe them out!” A general of the Mammon Royal Family on the side screamed, “Rochester, you hot-headed fellow, what are you worried about? Francis is just a small fish, our goal this time is a big fish… At least the deputy legion leader of the Red Dragon Legion! Can you see the magic circle in front? It was meticulously designed by General Bubowa. It consumes a lot of materials and effort. General Bubowa has already accurately foreseen that the enemy will play tricks in this area long ago. After the submerged mine explodes, the magic circle has automatically turned on, waiting for the big fish to be hooked.

The magic circle can only be activated once. If we use it against Francis now, what should we do when the big fish will come? Now we can just besiege Francis. Furthermore, if the big fish doesn’t come, isn’t Francis still there? At that time, we can use him to trigger the magic circle. Even if they are not dead, can’t we deal with a group of severely injured trash?” Rochester chuckled, “I see! General Bubowa is really cunning… Uh, well planned! “At this moment, there was a faintly dense and irregular voice in the distance. Some soldiers exclaimed, “General Pamir! Look, what is that?” “It’s demonic beasts!” Pamir had a bad feeling about it.

A group of demonic beasts rushed toward them hurriedly. Many actually consciously slam into several key trigger points of the magic circle.

Pamir saw it clearly, and he was taken aback, “Damn it! Stop those demonic beasts! Shoot them with bows and arrows!” However, it was too late, the powerful magic circle had triggered all its power. There were electric sparks and explosions suddenly. There was one after another tremendous shake. The power of the magic circle was extraordinary. The eruption lasted for more than 10 minutes. The surrounding soldiers of the Bloody Empire laid down and hid themselves in the shelter to avoid being affected.

No one saw that when a figure with a light blue mask flying at high speed rose and dived in an instant, he had appeared in the cave behind the magic circle.

After a long time, when the smoke was cleared, the ground was full of the bodies of demonic beasts. A few survivors had already escaped.

Pamir was furious. He didn’t expect that the careful planning would actually be destroyed by a group of sudden demonic beasts. Without this magic circle, and the Flying Squadrons were urgently transferred away just now, even if the enemy’s “big fish” came, they would be helpless.

At this moment, there was clamor amongst the soldiers. It turned out that a group of enemies suddenly appeared nearby. All of them were covered in dirt. The leader was the old opponent Francis. What Pamir noticed was that there was an unfamiliar face with a distinctive attire, and there was no dust on his body. He looked particularly eye-catching in the crowd.

This was not the first time Pamir and Francis had fought against each other. Now that the magic circle had been broken and their own power had been transferred away, the “big fish” who came here would likely become reinforcements. Therefore, the two sides started the fight directly without any nonsense.

Although Pamir did not have the strongest Flying Squadrons, Pamir himself was the early stage of the Demon Emperor powerhouse. Besides, the number and status of the Bloody Empire Army were better more than Francis’ side who were severely damaged by magic mines which resulted in a plunge in combat power. Pamir was confident that he would wipe out all of the opponents.

At this moment, a faint red light appeared at the feet of all the Fallen Angel Empire soldiers. Their speed and attack power suddenly increased. Especially the speed, which was improved by folds.

This was exactly the role of Mystic Jade Armor’s [Hot Blood Halo] as well as Bestow fruit + Stridebug’s Potent function. The situation changed drastically for a while. The soldiers of the Red Dragon Legion actually suppressed the enemies of the Rage Flame Legion with outnumbered enemies. Under Francis’ leadership, they slayed the enemy, and the Rage Flame Legion’s casualties increased rapidly.

Pamir wanted to get rid of Francis himself, but Francis didn’t plan to battle one-on-one with him at all. Instead, he rushed directly to the Rage Flame soldiers with weak strength levels. He was killing them with a breeze.

Pamir was furious. As he was about to intercept Francis, a voice sounded, “Your opponent is me, General Pamir.”

He finally could show how powerful was he in front of his father-in-law…

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