Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 480 - Her Sentiment

Chapter 480: Her Sentiment

The outer courtyard of the palace; Master Aldas’ exclusive laboratory.

The dark elf master stared at the cloaked man in front of him in amazement. This cloaked man was the famous powerhouse of the Dark Moon Estate, the Red Blood Legion’s deputy legion commander, the palace guard deputy commander, and the Cloak Gang’s leader, Aguile. However, when “Aguile” took off the mask in front of him, the true face that had been kept secret was actually…

“Chen Rui!” Aldas’ facial expression was a mixture of shock, utter disbelief, and stunned. They finally turned into a wry smile, “Unexpected! Really unexpected! No wonder Aguile’ helped me and Lisa like that! What should I call you? Demon Emperor powerhouse, Sir Aguile? Or Sir Sheriff Chen Rui?”

“Master, you have a sense of humor. All of this is due to the inheritance from the grand master. No matter what I become and what power I gain, I will always be your friend, Chen Rui.”

Aldas looked at him for a long time and nodded, “I have to say that meeting a friend like you is the greatest luck in my life. Whether it is the reunion with my sister, Lisa, or the progress of pharmaceutics, it’s all thanks to you. Haha, grand master’s inheritance is so wonderful. Even as a friend, I can’t help but be jealous.”

When Chen Rui heard the rare joke at the end, he knew that the dark elf master’s mood had gradually calmed down. He smiled and said, “Don’t be jealous of me, now there is a great opportunity in front of you that can let you get the inheritance from a quasi-grand master potioneer, but it may be life-threatening. Are you willing to…”

“Of course I do!” Aldas’s calm heart suddenly became enthusiastic again. He looked at him with shiny eyes, “Tell me quickly!”

Even if Chen Rui’s strength could easily kill Aldas in seconds, he was still a little spooked by his fanatic eyes, “Actually… not inheritance, but I found a quasi-grand master to be a teacher for both of us…”

“It turns out that there are such secrets about the death of Grand Master Lolo back then.” After listening to the story told by Chen Rui, Aldas appeared in a daze and pulled him, “Then what are we waiting for? Bring me to be his apprentice immediately!”

Damn, everyone is so anxious. It seems that I’m the laziest… Chen Rui quickly grabbed the excited dark elf master, “It’s so late already. That quasi-grand master has already rested. I will bring you to him again tomorrow morning.”

“Okay! Okay!” Aldas rubbed his hands excitedly. Since he was cheated by a potioneer and ran away from home, he never had a real teacher. He self-studied and stole knowledge from the others; he took many detours. He finally became a master with the help of Shea, but his level was just the lower level of masters. If it weren’t for the high-purity potions and black potions provided by Chen Rui, it was likely that he would stop there for his entire life. Having a quasi-grand master as a teacher now was like a glimpse of hope in the dark. How could he not feel euphoric.

Chen Rui looked at the super excited dark elf master and shook his head secretly. This brother is going to be so excited that he will not be able to sleep tonight. He came to Aldas’ laboratory after coming out of the inner courtyard of the palace. He had reported the Tetenis incident to Princess Royal Shea. When Shea heard about this, she was quite surprised. She knew very well what a dual-quasi-grand master meant to the Dark Moon Estate, even if he was just staying here for a year.

Shea had received the gift from the little loli ahead of time. She was currently absorbing the power in that light and dark crystal. If she completely digested the massive power in it, reaching Demon Overlord level was not a dream. Of course, reaching the Demon Overlord level of power was not enough, it was also necessary to realize the real territory, but in any case, this was a very rare opportunity.

In fact, the main contributor of this gift was Chen Rui. If it were not for his help to the earth elementals, the little loli would not have obtained this crystal. Shea understood this very well. Princess Royal Highness was even secretly delighted in Chen Rui’s parting words.

“I will give you an unforgettable gift for your birthday at the beginning of next month.”

After bidding farewell to the excited dark elf master, Chen Rui put on the mask again and walked out of the palace.

Just as he was about to return to the house, he suddenly remembered the threat of the secret intelligence boss at the ball last time. After hesitating for a long time, he finally did not dare to take any risks and walked toward the remote alley in the northeast block.

Turning into the alley and arriving in front of a secluded house, Chen Rui hesitated in front of the door for a while. After mustering the courage to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened with a creak. A slim figure appeared before his eyes.

“Hmph! I have been waiting for you for a long time. Finally, you have made the right choice and did not miss our appointment.”

This sentence made Chen Rui secretly grateful. Is it right to just be here?

While thinking, he had already walked through the door unknowingly.

This house was also full of Dragon Inscriptions and magic circles, which was completed by Ms. Betty for her best friend by forcing the dead duck dragon. The Devil’s Snare Flower had a group of maids in the Fallen Angel Capital, but there was no maid due to the need for her confidential work. Therefore, this place looked… somewhat messy inside and out.

Ms. Yini didn’t wear a veil this time. Her beautiful complexion seemed a bit dim even under the purple moonlight .

Chen Rui forced himself to say, “Madam Isabella…”

“Call me Isabella.” Ms. Yini interrupted him with a dissatisfied tone.

A woman’s heart is really hard to understand. Didn’t she forbid me to call her like this last time? Chen Rui was speechless for a while.

“Why are you just standing there? Help me clean up this place first.”

What? It turns out I’m just here to be a housework cleaner?

Chen Rui heaved a sigh of relief. Under Isabella’s threatening gaze, he began to be a handyman. He had a lot of experience of “working” in the Rainbow Valley, so he quickly cleaned up the yard. Even the 2 dim flame plants also glowed with bright flames again.

“Clean up the room too! And the bedroom!”


After finally finishing the bedroom, the supervising lady who had been staring at him said, “Sit down.”

Chen Rui glanced at the bedroom. Here? There is only a bed here. I can only… lie down.

But he didn’t dare to say these words, so he had to sit on the side of the bed for a long time which made him look super awkward.

“You very nervous?”


“Hmph, why don’t you pretend to be honest when you lie to girls?” Looking at Chen Rui’s almost dumb appearance, Isabella’s anger flared out of nowhere.

At that time, “Charles” was so romantic and suave, so elegant, courteous and considerate. Due to the “plot needs”, he had frequent contacts with the flower of the capital, Isabella, and established an intimate relationship. They were described as an ideal couple which made those guys who coveted the beauty of Isabella jealous. Someone even ambushed Chen Rui.

In fact, whether it was “Charles” or Isabella, they were just pretending and scheming. Even when Isabella was somewhat truly invested, she still mercilessly poisoned “Charles”.

It was not until the two teamed up to deal with Broc that Chen Rui’s heart had an unprecedented feeling for the poisonous flower when Isabella took a fatal blow for him. He still clearly remembered that tingling feeling of blood flowing on his body after the dagger passed through her body. If he had been acting previously, then at the last moment, especially after hearing her unfinished confession, he finally couldn’t help being too involved in the play.

Therefore, he used the resurrection potion. He hoped that after she was reborn, she could completely get rid of the grief and hatred.

Even before leaving, he left her a note to give her a little hope.

This should have been a relatively happy ending.

However, man’s plan was inferior to God’s. Isabella came to the Dark Moon by accident and became a member of it. Coincidentally, she also discovered his secret.

The ‘see you again’ promised at that time was now realized.

But what about other promises?

Am I really just a liar?

Thinking of this, the sir liar became more and more guilty. He was afraid to look at Isabella, let alone saying a word.

He didn’t dare to think further from the vague line: Will the altar of the harem use the corpse of the main character to perform a blood sacrifice again ?

Isabella looked at this guy with a cold face, seemingly full of hatred.

Speaking of it, she did not succeed in murdering this man several times, but she later “died” for this man. In the end, he gave her a second life and hope. He gave her the courage and motivation to live again. His words, “Both owe nothing to each other”, was not too over, but if it was just a simple scheming between them, why would she hate him?

This kind of hatred, just like another kind of emotion, was formed involuntarily blue. Perhaps it was the manifestation of another kind of emotion.

It was just that the form of expression was different.

“Hmph! Don’t pretend to be pitiful. I still have an important intel to tell you.”

Chen Rui finally found a topic to divert the attention, “What’s intel?”

“A beautiful girl came to the base in the capital, Walong Hotel. She held the internal contact crystal stone of the Dark Demon and said that she was looking for a guy named Simon, and she wouldn’t leave. This must be a girl that you hook up outside again, right? You must solve this matter as soon as possible, otherwise the base’s resources will be devoured by her!”

A beautiful girl looking for “Simon”? And she can devour all the resources of a base? Chen Rui was taken aback. The only person to fulfil this criteria is… Ms. Black Dragon Olypheus from Mountain Sacred!

The strength of Olypheus is the intermediate stage of the Demon Overlord. Didn’t she say that she has to wait until becoming the peak stage of the Demon Overlord before leaving? Why did she suddenly appear in the capital’s base? According to her initial strength, I’m afraid it will take years to reach the peak stage.Could it be she had some miraculous encounter and advanced earlier?

In any case, I must definitely hire this cheap super bodyguard.

Chen Rui was no longer an emotional rookie in the past. From Isabella’s tone, he sensed an unpleasant feeling. It seems to be jealousy?

“You have to clean up the mess that you left behind!”

“Got it.” Chen Rui nodded quickly, and he couldn’t help adding, “Things are not what you think!”

He regretted this sentence as soon as he said it. Why did I explain it to her? Isn’t it messy enough?

Isabella’s eyes flashed, and her tone eased slightly, “I’m listening.”

Chen Rui had no choice but to say, “That… matter had to start from the time when I went to the Bloody Empire…”

Isabella listened for a while, then she asked, “When did you go to the Bloody Empire?”

“Just when I was accompanying Princess Royal to the Blue Lava Estate. It was announced to outsiders later that I was conducting experiments with Master Aldas…”

While Chen Rui explained, he was sweating profusely to deal with Isabella’s constant questioning of the loopholes. Almost all his old backgrounds were revealed.

After Isabella asked for a long time, she suddenly said indifferently, “Am I troublesome?”

Chen Rui knew that this question was difficult to answer. If he answered “no”, she would continue to mess with him. If he answered “yes”, perhaps the consequences would be more serious.

Isabella answered herself, “Women are troublesome. Men should be prepared for this when they provoke women. Do you regret it now?”

Chen Rui shook his head quickly. Isabella looked into his eyes, “Maybe you should regret an earlier decision.”

An earlier decision? Was it pretending to be “Charles” to lie to her? Regret for letting her take control of the Dark Demon? Chen Rui gathered his courage, raised his head and looked at her eyes. He suddenly understood that the “decision” she mentioned was the resurrection potion.

Under the soft magic lamp light in the bedroom, those beautiful blue eyes flashed like water with a hint of gentleness. This was not the temptation or intoxication of the Devil’s Snare, but the fragrance of the Snow Dallet.

Those words were echoing in his ears: I wished you were the one I met back then…

If only people could see their partners as their first love.

Chen Rui suddenly felt an inexplicable impulse and shook his head firmly, “I don’t regret it.”

Those blue eyes instantly became very bright. As if to hide some kind of joy, her face quickly became stern, “Hmph, you can go now.”

Chen Rui’s momentum suddenly plummeted, and he dared not look at her as he nodded, “Then I will leave.”

He stood up. Just as he walked to the entrance of the yard, a breeze came from behind, then his body was tightened. The figure that rushed out had hugged him tightly from behind.

“Do not move!”

Her warm body was close to his back, especially the two soft and plump jades, but Chen Rui felt more of the heartbeat of the two, and the faint moisture leaning against his neck.

With a slight tremble, the circle of moisture spread more and more.

Chen Rui stood stiff and did not dare to move. He was not afraid of any threats. He had a feeling that if he turned around and hugged the woman behind him, the subsequent actions would be further escalated. Both of them might go back to the bedroom… so he couldn’t move.

He was different from the playboy who played games. He either refuses it or truly accepts it by taking up the responsibility of a man.

This was one of the principles that Chen Rui adhered to in his heart. Before he was ready to take up the responsibility, he couldn’t simply move, even if he would be ridiculed as a coward.

Moreover, he didn’t know what Isabella was thinking now. Is it some kind of emotional sustenance? Or some kind of substitution?

Behind him, the warm body gradually moved away. As the night breeze blew, the wetness on the back of his clothes gave him a refreshing chill.

“You go back. Don’t tell anyone what happened today!”

Isn’t that what I wanted to say? Chen Rui smiled bitterly and walked out the door slowly.

The voice behind became cold again, “Next time, come earlier. Don’t try your luck.”

After the door closed automatically, Chen Rui glanced back. He felt that his mood was more complicated than ever.

When the beautiful woman hugged him tightly behind him, he let her tears drop silently. Although his body did not move, his heart finally moved a little.

Next time… should I come earlier?

Outside the gate, the man suddenly hit his head severely, “You’re playing with fire!”

In the courtyard, the woman’s beautiful blue eyes stared at a few moths flying toward the reignited flame plants at all costs. She was actually in a daze for a while.

He was toasted long ago… How could the bring back the ‘bodyguard’ without causing suspicion from the Governance Association?

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