Chapter 3239 Short
Chapter 3239 Short
The bow forming in Leonel's hand looked more illusion than reality, almost like he was still dreaming up what structure to give it.
But then, the veins of violet that covered him pulsed and surged into it.
The bow exploded into existence as though a star crashing into the world. A blinding light filled the air and soon, the bow made its presence known.
A resonating light pulsed out in all directions from it.
The bow had an exaggeratedly narrow handle compared to the rest of its body. The arcs of its body were far thicker, looking like metal plates of silver etched with amethysts and gold.
Its bowstring was so thin that it couldn't even be seen with the naked eye. A single touch might cause a weaker person's fingers to be sliced off entirely, let alone if you were pulling back with your full strength.
However, Leonel knew that this bow wasn't complete. That was because I was still missing one thing...
But he would get it very soon.
Leonel hadn't used his bow a single time since he exited. In fact, he hadn't used his bow in years now. It should have felt foreign to the touch, especially since it was a new weapon that he had never used before. And yet, instead...
He felt right at home.
He didn't say any words after he finished speaking the first time. The word "Regret" just continued to echo in the air until he pulled back his bowstring and trained it on the Regulator.
The heart of the Regulator skipped a beat as he experienced something he never thought he would.
What was that feeling?
Why did it feel so uncomfortable?
Not liking what it was experiencing, the Regulator attacked first. Chains lashed out at the air with a momentum even more furious than his earlier palm, slashing out at the air again, and then again, and then again.
Soon, the skies were filled with snaking lines of black chains that clattered and whipped with the air of Whip Force, and yet something far more constraining at the same time.
It was deeper than Anarchic Force, but it was very clearly related at the same time. It was an evolved Force, one likely unique to this Regulator... or maybe it was just that Leonel's senses were good enough now that he could feel the minor differences that he had never been able to before.
Leonel's fingers began to pluck at his bowstring as though he was playing a zither, his arm blurred and arcs of arrows that manifested from thin air bent and twisted.
The skies were split in two by a silvery light and endless blackness, the cascading destruction akin to the end of the world. ...
At that moment, down below, Aina held Leah's little hand in one of her own and Leo's in the other. She watched the scene above calmly, comforting her children.
But it seemed that she didn't need to comfort them very much at all. Despite how they teased their father, they were looking up into the skies with their large, blinking eyes filled with awe.
It was like the two couldn't believe that it was their dad in the skies like that. Aina couldn't help but smile a warm smile. She had wanted nothing more than this for a long time, and yet it was still beyond her expectations just how much contentment and joy she would feel from it. It was almost to the point that she wanted to blame Leonel for taking so long to put a baby in her.
Of course she had to have two, who knew when the next time she would be able to trick Leonel would be?
Aina looked down from the skies, feeling several gazes land on her. But her smile didn't fade. Instead, her eyes shifted, landing on the Battle Ax monument.
She couldn't really see anyone of note there.
Well, maybe that was because she never paid much attention to such things in the first place. Though, it also didn't help that Leonel had killed too many of the geniuses around here already, not leaving much room for anything else. "Get out of my way" "This is my battle, not yours."
At that moment, the voices of two women echoed and Aina only now seemed to realize that Anya and Minerva had appeared before the Spear monument. Without the restrictions in the way, movement was far more fluid now than ever before. It was only natural that they come to settle scores.
However, the two of them couldn't seem to decide which of them should be allowed to attack Aina first, and this led to the current situation.
Sparks flew. "I don't think they're interested, Milan." James called out. "They're missing out. Don't I look like a great cuddle buddy?" "That's one way to look at your fat gut." "What's that chiseled jaw ever gotten you outside of STDs?" "Fuck you."
The banter of the two men was drowned out by a sudden cacophonous boom.
Aina's two children hid behind her skirt as a battle ax with a polearm of over two meters long crashed into the ground.
She held the ax lightly with one hand as her hair danced in the air. "Do you think mom is scary too?" Leo whispered to his little sister, thinking their mom couldn't hear him.
Leah blinked her large eyes and grabbed onto her brother's arm. "No. Mommy is very cool." She said, her eyes brightening up. Suddenly, she wanted to leave the bow behind for a battle ax. ra
Leo shuddered as he looked up to find his mom smiling down at him. He coughed, hurriedly hiding behind his little sister.
Aina ruffled her son's hair with a light laugh, looking forward to the two women before her. "I'm not sure why the two of you want to fight me so eagerly, but I don't mind obliging.
My children are waiting for me, so we'll keep this short. "Come together."