Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 103

Chapter 103

The ring in front of him was full of spring scenery. The delicate branches intertwined to form a finger-sized loop. It was a spontaneous creation. Sheng Yuan fair fingers held it and raised it before Yu Zoujin.

He wanted to slide this novel ring onto Yu Zoujin’s finger.

Yu Zoujin’s cold, stern face remained unmoved, but his eyes were red.

The external device of his cochlear implant was functioning. The suction cups on the side of his skull were partially concealed in his hair, and a black connecting wire wrapped around his ear. He had a perfect and handsome figure. At first glance, he appeared to be a cool and aloof guy, but just a moment ago, tears had welled up in his eyes because the person he liked refused to marry him.

At this moment, an unexpected wave of happiness struck him.

His expression didn’t show much excitement, but his movements were swift as he put on the ring.

Wearing the ring on his well-defined finger joints, Yu Zoujin dared not even make a fist, fearing that the delicate branch would loosen and the ring would slip off.

“Are you happy?”

Sheng Yuan leaned forward in front of him.

Yu Zoujin turned his head bashfully, and Sheng Yuan looked at his reddened eyes.

“You cried because I disagreed with the marriage just now?”

Yu Zoujin’s voice was hoarse. “No.”

Sheng Yuan didn’t believe him and insisted on looking into his eyes, but Yu Zoujin avoided his gaze.

[System: Let me also check.]

Truly Ambitious also stretched it’s neck, joining in.

When it came to Yu Zoujin crying, both Sheng Yuan and Truly Ambitious found it astonishing. The two of them circled under the shade of a tree.

Sheng Yuan still clearly remembered the impact Yu Zoujin had on him when he first arrived in this world. He was like a fierce and brutal lion on the grassland, ready to launch a fierce attack at the slightest displeasure. Initially, Yu Zoujin’s temper remained volatile after they met, but gradually, Sheng Yuan discovered that he was different from the negative rumors and stereotypes. Others might not have noticed any changes in Yu Zoujin upon interaction, other than the sudden cessation of brawls and the newfound dedication to studying. But in Sheng Yuan’s impression, it was a completely different story.

Yu Zoujin exuded a strong sense of aggression and aloofness, striking fear into the hearts of this city’s residents as a notorious delinquent. But privately, he was clingy.

Sheng Yuan: “If you didn’t cry, why are your eyes so red?”

Not to mention his eyes, even his ears were turning red now.


He truly loved him.

Yu Zoujin’s heart beat wildly in his chest, every day he spent with Sheng Yuan was filled with love.

Looking at the vibrant young man before him, Yu Zoujin blushed and pulled him closer. On his ring finger was the ring that Sheng Yuan had specially made for him.

In a soft and innocent voice, Yu Zoujin whispered in his ear:

“I will treasure you.”

Sheng Yuan ears instantly felt like they were burning, and he leaned back, a blush appearing on his face.

Yu Zoujin looked at his shy expression, cupped his face, and passionately kissed him, causing Sheng Yuan face to crumple.

Afterward, fearing that Sheng Yuan might have second thoughts about the marriage, Yu Zoujin immediately returned to the Yu family home.

When Sheng Yuan returned home alone, Sheng Chenggong was surprised and he asked, “Where is that brat?”

Sheng Yuan: “He went home.”

Sheng Chenggong, who suddenly had one less child, plopped back onto the sofa happily. “Why did he go back?”

Sheng Yuan: “To prepare the marriage application and marriage agreement.”

The smile instantly disappeared from Sheng Chenggong’s face.

“You quickly make that brat come back!”

Sheng Yuan: “…”

He knew there was no peace without trouble; the birds were chirping everywhere!

He had been wondering why Yu Zoujin suddenly went back, thinking that he wanted to have some peace. Little did he know that he was being robbed!

Yu Zoujin returned on the third day. Amidst Sheng Chenggong’s wailing and screaming, the marriage application and marriage agreement were signed under the witness of a lawyer.

[System: Your father is quite something.]

Sheng Yuan:?

[System: I even added background music when you signed the agreement.]

He glanced at Sheng Chenggong who was crying over there.

What an embarrassing yet sweet fatherly love.

After the two signed the agreement, Yu Zuojin’s restless heart fell silent.

He was now truly happy.

According to the law of energy conservation, when he is happy, Sheng Chenggong was must be unhappy.

Sheng Chenggong looked at the marriage agreement with sadness. His thigh was about to break from slapping.

Taking advantage of Sheng Yuan’s absence, the old father gestured and pointed at Yu Zoujin who was sitting on the sofa.

“I took pity on you and let you move in initially, and this is how you treat me, extending your claws toward my eldest son.”

“You, you…” Sheng Chenggong’s finger trembled. “How dare you!”

What’s the difference between this and trying to infuriate him?

“Do you know what you and I are like now?”

“Mr. Dongguo and the wolf!”

“The farmer and the snake!”

Yu Zoujin calmly looked at the infuriated Sheng Chenggong, as if all the clamor and anger had nothing to do with him.

Sheng Chenggong was fuming. “Don’t you have anything to say to me?”

Yu Zoujin glanced at him, pondered for a moment, and said, “Dad.”


Shengcheng covered his mouth with a sharp rebuke.

Shut up.

Sheng Chenggong: “I want you to feel genuine guilt before you speak. Think carefully.”

Yu Zoujin nodded.

Sheng Chenggong released his grip.

“In my next life…”


Sheng Chenggong: “…”

What a disaster.

But the marriage agreement has been signed, officially notarized overseas. They were now a family. No matter how hard Sheng Chenggong tried, his eldest son had been captivated by the brat in front of him.

Soon, it was time for Yu Zoujin to leave the country. The Yu family had properties in many places overseas, and his luggage had already been shipped. Yu Zoujin didn’t need to bring much with him. However, the Sheng family voluntarily helped him pack his belongings.

Yu Zoujin wore the clothes that Sheng Yuan bought for him and even the accessories. His outfit consisted of a red and black graffiti jacket, complemented by the cool metallic accessories Sheng Yuan had chosen.

Each piece was explosively stylish when taken separately, but when combined, they harmonized remarkably well. Feng Juan knocked on the door and entered.

“Have you packed everything?”

Seeing her hesitant expression, Sheng Yuan asked, “Is there anything else to bring?”

Feng Juan took out a small porcelain bowl from behind her, “Little Yu, take this with you.”

Sheng Yuan: “…”

Yu Zoujin: “…”

It was the big bowl that Yu Zuojin usually eats in at home.

“What if there is no such bowl abroad? I saw the plates they use for dinner.”

Yu Zoujin was afraid of the bowl breaking, so he specially put it in the orange sports bag that Sheng Yuan bought for him.

After arriving at the airport, Sheng Yuan met Yu Zoujin’s father, Yu Fengren, for the first time. He heard that Yu Fengren had given up his candidacy for mayor before the election and recommended his own disciple to take his place. He claimed that the country needed young people more, but in reality, it was to accompany Yu Zoujin for treatment abroad.

Sheng Yuan glanced at him from a distance, and both of them remained silent. Sheng Yuan accepted Yu Zoujin’s terrible family situation, and Yu Fengren accepted the fact that his son was gay.

After getting the plane tickets, they couldn’t see each other after going through security.

Yu Zoujin watched Sheng Yuan hesitating to leave.

[System: I feel like he wants to say something weird.]

Sure enough, Yu Zoujin spoke the next second.

“Will you still love me when I come back?”

“Will you be interested in someone else?”

“We’re married now, you can’t cheat.”

Sheng Yuan: “…”

[System: The system is always spot-on.]

After Sheng Yuan reassured him multiple times that he would still love him when he came back, Yu Zoujin reluctantly headed towards the security checkpoint.

The flight lasted twelve hours, and out of the three members of the Yu family, only Yu Zoujin had to go to the baggage claim to retrieve his luggage.

Yu Fengren and Tang Jing wanted to accompany him, but he refused and arranged to meet them at the exit. The driver had already brought the car.

Yu Zoujin had also strengthened his language skills before coming abroad, so he had no problem communicating with others.

He stood on the edge, waiting for his suitcase to be delivered. The waiting area was bustling with people, mostly foreigners with blonde hair, or blue eyes. Yu Zoujin, with his distinctly Eastern appearance, stood out in the crowd. What attracted the most attention to him were his physique and figure, as well as his external cochlear implant.

When the suitcase came out on the conveyor belt, Yu Zoujin approached and picked it up. Just as he was about to leave, his shoulder was lightly tapped.

Fluent English with a British accent echoed in his ear.

“Pardon the intrusion, but are you a model?”

Yu Zoujin turned back with a frown, looking at the foreigner behind him. He didn’t like being touched by others.

Without saying anything, he planned to leave.

But the foreigner persisted. He wore a suit, had just gotten off the plane, and seemed to be in a hurry, as if there were still urgent matters waiting for him to handle, yet he lingered here.

“Are you interested in becoming a model? Your appearance is perfect.”

Then he looked at Yu Zoujin’s attire.

“You also have a unique dressing style.”

“If you’re willing, I can make you a supermodel!”

Yu Zoujin felt puzzled and ignored him. But the foreigner persisted and handed him a business card.

It belonged to a luxury brand.

“Models make a lot of money. If your career goes smoothly, your value can reach millions. By then, mansions, cars, beautiful women, and jewelry will all be yours.”

Yu Zoujin had no interest in that. He already had most of those things now.

But when he heard “jewelry,” he hesitated. He didn’t want to use his family’s money to buy things for Sheng Yuan, and he even had resistance and rebellion against his biological family. However, he hadn’t given Sheng Yuan a wedding ring yet.

Yu Zoujin stared at him for a few seconds and took the business card.

The man was overjoyed, “Make sure to contact me!”

Then he hurried away.

During Yu Zoujin’s first month abroad, his days were very fulfilling. The thing he did most during the day was to share his life with Sheng Yuan.

Amidst his busyness, he also made time to embark on his modeling career. His aura and style were rare, and here his defect became his advantage. The cochlear implant and the suction cups blended into his brand. The designer took him as inspiration, and designed the main style for the next quarter’s fashion show.

Just as the man who contacted him had said, his career went smoothly. Of course, his arrival also attracted much dissatisfaction and jealousy, but this time he no longer chose to endure it like when he was young.

On the phone was a message from Sheng Yuan.

“Yu Zoujin, crush them.”

His beloved partner, his courage to go all out, and the belated affection became his support in this industry.

Soon, Yu Zoujin appeared in one of the top fashion magazines. Although he wasn’t on the cover, his fame had already spread within the industry.

The company assigned him a personal agent and assistant. While changing clothes and waiting for the shoot, Yu Zoujin sat in the shadows and exchanged messages with Sheng Yuan.

A colleague from the industry approached him and started a conversation.

“Your bone structure and appearance are very advantageous here.”

Yu Zoujin responded perfunctorily.

The colleague was also a male model with blonde hair and blue eyes.

“If it wasn’t for this job, we could have also made a fortune by becoming ducks given our looks.”

Yu Zuojin said in a hoarse voice, “Ducks?”

“Ah, it’s men who sleep with rich women and sisters, or even rich men.”

Yu Zoujin’s expression turned cold.

His slender fingers typed.

“What are you doing?”

Sheng Yuan glanced at the river. “Watching ducks.”

Yu Zoujin stood up abruptly.

He wanted to return to home!

Author’s Note:

Boss Yu: I’ve only been gone for a few days, and he’s already going to see ducks!

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