Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

“Do you know what he looks like?”

“I can’t describe it, but I’ll recognize him when I see him.” Sheng Yuan pointed his finger and exclaimed, “That person over there looks like Sheng Yuan!”

The delinquent teenager looked up.

A sea of people stretched out before them.

“Which one?”

“That one.”


“Over there.”


‘Damn it, how is anyone supposed to know who’s where in this crowd!’

Observing the frustrated expressions on everyone’s faces, Sheng Yuan narrowed his eyes behind his sunglasses and spoke in a teasing tone, “How about this? Shall I go and find him for you?”

The delinquent teenager responded, “You’re quite generous.”

Sheng Yuan smiled, “I’ve always had a kind heart.”

[System: …]

Damn it, here we go again.

The delinquent teenager glanced at him approvingly, “You sure know how to handle things. Go ahead.”

Sheng Yuan was pushed forward a few steps by the other person. “I’ll lure him here. Where should we meet?”

“In the small forest behind No.1 Middle School.”

“Alright, make sure you wait for us. It might take me some time since I’ll need to confuse him with some words first.”

“Understood, go ahead.”

“Wait for me.”

“Wait, we’ll wait.”

Sheng Yuan took a few steps and turned around. “You must wait, alright?”

“We know, we know!”

With a satisfied smile on Sheng Yuan’s lips, he embarked on his quest to find himself.

The system watched the “clever” individuals behind as they visually followed Sheng Yuan’s departure, and was burdened with a sense of heavy guilt.

‘Damn it, this is just deceiving the ignorant.’

Initially, it thought there was only one Xia Zhiqi, but little did it know there were countless Xia Zhiqis in this world.

No matter how many people it observed, when it turned around, they were all the same.

It looked at Sheng Yuan’s annoying face.

[System: Aren’t you the least bit remorseful?]

“I am.”

As he spoke, he raised two fingers and crossed them.

[System: …]

That was the last remaining shred of conscience in Sheng Yuan.

Those delinquent teenagers didn’t seem very bright. After all, ordinary people wouldn’t ask Sheng Yuan to find Sheng Yuan.

They hadn’t bothered to figure out what Sheng Yuan actually looked like before coming here. The posts about Sheng Yuan on the forums of both schools had dominated the rankings for three days, filled with countless photos.

[System: Do you think they’ll really wait for you in the small forest?]

Sheng Yuan looked at the rustling leaves on the branches. “With their wit, it’s hard to say.”

After a moment of silence, he continued, “But there’s no harm in waiting.”

[System: What do you mean?]

Sheng Yuan replied, “When their parents fail to teach them, I’ll step in and teach them a lesson.”

[System: ?]

“They should learn not to trust strangers.”

Damn it, you just want to deceive people into waiting for you.

The system exposed him on the spot: [You’re not that kind-hearted.]

Sheng Yuan said, “Didn’t I say it? I have a kind heart.”

[System: …]

‘Doesn’t your conscience ache?’

Sheng Yuan walked along the avenue and continued straight at the intersection where he usually turned left to go home.

[System: Aren’t you going home?]

Sheng Yuan said, “I’ll buy some things before going back.”

Sheng Yuan’s figure disappeared completely from the surroundings of the school.

At eleven o’clock at night, a group of delinquents waited in the small forest behind No.1 Middle School.


“Why are there so many mosquitoes?”

“What time is it, Brother Wang? Is that kid coming or not?”

“Eleven o’clock. Just wait.”

“What if he’s deceiving us and doesn’t show up?”

“He dares!”

An hour later.

There were still no signs of human presence at the entrance of the small forest.

“Brother Wang, that kid seems to really dare.”


“Damn it!” One of the delinquents exclaimed in frustration, “That kid must be in cahoots with Sheng Yuan!”

“He dared to play us! He’s done for!”

While the delinquent teenagers were frustrated, Sheng Yuan was sleeping peacefully in bed.

The joys and sorrows of humans cannot be understood by others.

The next day, Sheng Yuan opened his eyes to the sound of the alarm clock. With a mind still foggy from sleep, he went to the bathroom.

Today, he didn’t see slices of bread on the dining table.

“Juanjuan, no bread today?”

Juanjuan was the nickname for Feng Juan.

Sheng Chenggong would call his wife like this at home, and Sheng Yuan would call his mother the same way.

“No, take a slice of steamed buns with you.” Her voice was soft and gentle, like the call of a little bird.

Who would have thought she used to be a delinquent in her youth?

However, Feng Juan didn’t have as radical ideas as Sheng Chenggong did.

She just had some peculiar thought processes from time to time.

Feng Juan emerged from the kitchen, holding a pair of chopsticks with golden-brown slices of fried steamed buns. Wisps of steam rose from the surface, indicating they had just been taken out of the frying pan.

She extended the chopsticks.


Just like now.

[System: If you take it now, you might lose a limb.]

Sheng Yuan: “…”

After it cooled down a bit, Sheng Yuan finally took the steamed bun.

Feng Juan rubbed her hands on her apron and reached out to touch the sleeve of Sheng Yuan’s school uniform, feeling that it was a bit thin. “Autumn is approaching. Shouldn’t you take a jacket to school?”

Sheng Yuan stuffed the bun into his mouth. “Let’s wait a few days. It doesn’t feel cold yet.”

“Take care of yourself and don’t catch a cold.”

At that moment, Sheng Chenggong’s voice came from the bedroom. “Juanjuan! I can’t find Xiao Wang’s socks.”

“I’m coming.”

Feng Juan entered the bedroom, and Sheng Yuan stepped out of the house and headed to school.

Walking along the tree-lined avenue, the system in his mind issued a delinquent mission.

[System: Delinquent mission. Provoke the target. Completion reward: 50 life points, 500 delinquency points. Failure penalty: Deduction of 500 delinquency points.]

The mechanical voice abruptly stopped.

Sheng Yuan: “Is it over?”

[System: It’s over.]

Sheng Yuan was surprised. “For a failed mission, no deduction of life points?”

[System: This mission is special, so life points won’t be deducted this time.]

Sheng Yuan: ?

[System: The target will make the deduction himself.]

Today, Sheng Yuan’s goal was simply to enter the school campus in one piece and then leave in one piece after school.

After all, Yu Zuojin’s delinquency points were almost unrivaled by everyone else.

Whether Sheng Yuan succeeded or failed in provocation, he probably wouldn’t leave unscathed.

Sheng Yuan didn’t pay too much attention to it, just brushed it off. Upon reaching the teaching building, he noticed a group of people gathered around his seat.

Xiao Pang noticed Sheng Yuan at the door. “Big brother, you’re here.”

The people around the seat quickly dispersed, and Sheng Yuan looked at the challenge letter placed on the desk.

Xia Zhiqi: “Brother Sheng, it was sent by the Little Brother of the Wolf King of No.3 Middle School.”

Every time Sheng Yuan heard this modern-sounding name, it made his scalp tingle.

Without even looking at the challenge letter, he tossed it into the depths of his desk and took out his books to start studying.

After having lunch, Sheng Yuan headed towards Dormitory Building A.

[System: When do you plan to find the target?]

Even though autumn was approaching, the midday sun was still scorching. Sheng Yuan draped his school uniform jacket over his arm and wore his summer uniform with white fabric and blue cuffs.

“Let fate decide. After all, I don’t like to force things.”

[System: Speak in plain language.]

Sheng Yuan: “Not going.”

[System: …]

As expected.

As usual, Sheng Yuan walked into Dormitory Building A and pushed open the door to Room 408.

Just as he took a few steps inside, his gaze fell on a dark shadow on the floor.

That shadow didn’t belong to him.

Sheng Yuan blinked.

The shadow completely enveloped him from behind.

It seemed like fate had arrived on its own.

Sensing the movement behind him, Sheng Yuan swiftly sidestepped to dodge the attacker’s assault. He intended to deliver an elbow strike to the opponent’s arm, but his forearm was suddenly grasped as if clamped by an iron chain, and the momentum of his strength vanished.

Frowning, Sheng Yuan turned in the direction his arm was restrained, only to have his knee tripped up by a long leg.

A chill ran down his spine as the other party lifted the back of his summer school uniform, attempting to cover his entire head with the fabric.

He exerted all his strength to turn around, and the two instantly wrestled.

Their school uniforms were being tugged and deformed, and the fabric was completely lifted, obscuring his vision, turning it into a pure white view tinged with sunlight.

The opponent possessed immense strength. Amidst the chaos, Sheng Yuan’s punch landed on the other’s face.

The air stood still, freezing the movements in that instant.

Yu Zuojin was struck by the punch, causing his face to turn to the side. His eyes, which had been silent like still water, slowly moved and landed on Sheng Yuan.

Sheng Yuan’s previously restrained arm regained freedom, and he struggled to tear away the fabric covering his eyes.

In the next moment, a tremendous force pressed firmly against the back of his neck, pinning him down on the bed.

It happened too suddenly, and Sheng Yuan couldn’t dodge it.

His arm was bent behind his back, wrists crossed and locked at his waist. The opponent’s knee pressed between his legs, forcing his legs apart.

Sheng Yuan was forced to lie prone on the narrow single bed.

His face was covered by the cloth and pressed into the mattress. He struggled fiercely, and the thin air gradually escaped from his lips and teeth.

His upper body was completely exposed in the air, his waist was tense, and his chest against the bed rose and fell violently.

Yu Zuojin coldly swept his gaze over the pale expanse of Sheng Yuan’s back, one hand restraining Sheng Yuan’s wrist, while the other readjusted the suction cup that had shifted from its position. Then, he lifted his hand and pulled off the fabric covering Sheng Yuan’s face.

The action was rough, scraping Sheng Yuan’s cheek and leaving a red mark.

As the opponent pulled the fabric, it gave Sheng Yuan the freedom to raise his head momentarily. He turned his face to the side, resting his cheek on the mattress, taking deep breaths. The previously thin and almost nonexistent air made his face flush.

Disheveled and tousled strands of hair fell haphazardly onto his forehead, and his chest rose and fell not so smooth, causing even his lower back to tremble.

All the fabric piled up around his neck, and his back expanded with each breath.

Yu Zuojin had originally intended to grab his hair and lift him up, but upon seeing his face, he couldn’t help but pause for a moment.

This face, he had just seen it a few days ago on the main road. It was the boy who confessed to him.

Quickly, disgust appeared on his face, and the hand that was already entangled in the other person’s hair twisted, gripping Sheng Yuan’s neck tightly.

That hoarse voice pierced heavily into his ears.

“It’s you.”

This statement was flat and didn’t sound like a question.

Sheng Yuan knew the other person was referring to his washed school uniform and tidy dormitory.

He tried to move his wrist, but it was firmly held by the other person.

‘Damn it, he’s surprisingly strong!’ Sheng Yuan cursed inwardly.

His chin grazed against the fabric piled up around his neck, and his posture was almost unbearable.

He managed to catch his breath and uttered, “Could you please release me first?”

Yu Zuojin didn’t speak and didn’t let go either.

Sheng Yuan: “You’re pushing the boundaries here.”

Author’s Note:

Brother Yu: This boundary-man, are you trying to seduce me?

Brother Sheng: Give me a more dominant gong.

Brother Yu is really violent, but he will change in the future.

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