Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Brother Long spoke hesitantly, pointing at them. “You students, study the good things and leave the bad ones!”

“Study?” Xia Zhiqi stepped forward and seized his collar.

“Whom are you insulting?”

He glared at Brother Long ferociously. “I will say it once, remember it.”

“Delinquents! Don’t! Study!!!”

The voice resounded loudly, commanding attention!

For half a month in the classroom, it felt like torture.

When the word “study” escaped the other’s lips, Xiao Pang’s heart skipped a beat.

He thought the other person knew about their studying in the classroom.

After all, they worried every day that their delinquent peers would mock them for their dedication to learning. The mention of those two words, “studying” and “learning,” struck a sensitive chord within them.

The opposing party actually dared to say they were studying!

They couldn’t tolerate such remarks.

Brother Long was yelled at, causing his head to shrink back, revealing three layers of chins. He looked at the innocent young man who had already gone to settle the bill with the boss lady.

He knew that brat was their leader.

Sheng Yuan took out his phone. “Boss lady, how much is it? We’ll pay together.”

“Pork bone noodles, 8 yuan. Chicken thread noodles, 7 yuan. Total is 170.”

He lowered his head to transfer the money.

Although the knowledge they gained from studying belonged to themselves, the reason these delinquent youths took the first step was for him.

Sheng Yuan also knew about the strange hierarchy of contempt within the delinquent group.

Treating them to lunch was only appropriate.

After all, they had called him “big brother” for so long; he couldn’t let them call him that for nothing.

If the prize money from the knowledge competition results arrived, he would treat them to a nice meal.

[System: How can you be certain that you will definitely receive prize money from the competition?]

“Actually, there’s something I’ve been hiding from you. I am a seer.”

The system looked at this dog-like person and could tell without thinking that it was a lie, intentionally teasing him.

[System: I don’t believe it.]

“It’s okay, you will believe it in the future.”

Looking at Sheng Yuan’s calm and confident expression, the system held back for a few seconds, but finally couldn’t help it.

[System: Really?]

In the next second, the corner of Sheng Yuan’s straight mouth trembled.

[System: …]

‘What a deceptive scoundrel. Laugh if you want to.’

Sheng Yuan settled the bill and turned around, only to see Brother Long glaring at him with resentment.

Coming out acting arrogantly, but ended up hitting a steel plate.

“Aren’t you afraid that I will tell your parents about this?”

Sheng Yuan pondered for a moment. “Go ahead, it can be considered filial piety on my part.”

Brother Long: ?

Sheng Yuan: “I’m carrying on my father’s legacy in this profession.”

Brother Long: “…”

Damn it!

In the education Sheng Yuan received, using violence to counter violence was not advisable, and he also held opposing thoughts on the matter.

But when dealing with gangsters, justice might not be the answer.

He could also be a gangster even more cunning than the gangsters.

Sheng Yuan looked at Brother Long and his few lackeys. “I can let you go, but there’s a condition.”

“What condition?”

“Protection fee.”

“What the hell have you protected for me?”

“Why do you think they didn’t lay a hand on you?”

Brother Long’s heart skipped a beat.

“How much do you want?”

Sheng Yuan pondered and said with difficulty, “Not much, just 20,000.”

“You…” Brother Long pointed at him, his eyes shifting anxiously around. He couldn’t refuse; clearly, he couldn’t leave today.

He took out the money he had collected from his bag. “I don’t have 20,000, this is all I have.”

Sheng Yuan said, “Your phone.”

‘Damn it.’ Brother Long gritted his teeth, took out his phone, and transferred the remaining money.


Xia Zhiqi said, “Pay attention to your tone.”

Brother Long: “…I’ve transferred everything.”

Sheng Yuan: “Let’s go.”

The delinquents released the three individuals and quickly left the street.

Sheng Yuan said to his little brothers, “You’ve worked hard.”

Even if the other party ended up refusing, Sheng Yuan would never allow these juniors to resort to violence and fights.

The dangers and harms brought about by such behavior were unpredictable.

Society is bound to change, but the reckless actions of youth cannot be undone.

It could be a physical disability or a dark criminal record.

These things wouldn’t change with the shifting tides of society.

One of the little brothers spoke up, “Big Brother, what should we do with this much money?”

“Yeah, let’s go have some fun!”

Sheng Yuan held his phone and money and distributed some to each person.

“All right, everyone take some and distribute it to the vendors on this street who paid protection fees. Go quickly and come back quickly.”

Someone was dumbfounded.

“Big Brother! What is this supposed to mean?”

“We’re just giving away the money like this.”

Xia Zhiqi slapped himself on the head, “If you have to return it, then return it. Why so much useless talk? You dare to question Brother Sheng’s words?!”

Indeed, Sheng Yuan’s casual attitude as the big brother had made them forget the rule of not questioning him in the circle.

“Big Brother, we’ll go now.”

Sheng Yuan waved a white tissue at them and sat at the food stall, waiting.

[System: Why don’t you go yourself to return the money to the vendors?]

Sheng Yuan: “The money wasn’t mine to begin with.”

[System: Wasn’t yours?]

Sheng Yuan: “Do you think it’s my achievement if the money is returned? Who should get the credit, me or them?”

At first, Brother Long and his gang thought it was just Sheng Yuan and one other person, so they were ready to attack with a broken bowl. But when the underlings stood up, the opposing party didn’t dare to act.

Sheng Yuan said, “Some things don’t solely depend on one person’s effort. If it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t have been able to recover the money. Let them handle it…”

He squinted as he looked at the pancake stall in the distance, where a bald-headed teenager was being praised by the shop owner’s little girl, making his heart flutter.

“Big brother, you’re a great hero!”

The bald-headed boy felt like he was about to twist into a pretzel.

“I’m just so-so.”

There was a reason to let them handle it.

Soon, the group returned after distributing the money.

They chatted and laughed along the way, habitually using foul language, but their faces couldn’t hide their smiles.

“Damn, do you know what that lady called me? She called me a good kid, hahaha!”

“She said the same thing about me. I’ve never been called that, even after growing up like this.”

“The guy next door called me the pillar of the nation.”

“You didn’t see it, but a group of school kids at the cold noodle stand said they wanted to become sworn brothers with me.”

“The little girl said I’m a great hero.”

Xia Zhiqi returned last, sporting a big lipstick mark on his face.

Sheng Yuan: “…”

Xia Zhiqi: “The auntie was quite enthusiastic.”

The pockets on both sides were filled with roasted melon seeds, bulging.

Sheng Yuan stood up and said, “Let’s go back to school.”

“Here, Big Brother.”

After returning to school, Sheng Yuan went directly to Dormitory Building A, planning to take a nap.

Just as he reached the fourth floor, he bumped into Zheng Zilu coming out with a book, apparently going to study.

As they passed each other, Zheng Zilu cast a sharp glance.

“I won’t lose in tomorrow’s monthly exam.”

Sheng Yuan smiled. “I believe in you. Keep it up.”

Walking past him, Sheng Yuan opened the door to Room 408 and went in.

Surprisingly, Sheng Yuan even encouraged his opponent.

[System: I didn’t expect you to be so kind-hearted.]

It thought Sheng Yuan had lost his conscience a long time ago.

Sheng Yuan: “How do you know I was telling the truth?”

[System: …]

He had lost it, indeed.

Sheng Yuan entered Room 408 and frowned at the mess on the floor.

With human assistance, the Level 5A scenic area had been restored to its original state.

The wardrobe was left open, and none of the neatly hung clothes remained.

Looking at the open wardrobe, he pouted.


After self-study and school at night, Sheng Yuan didn’t go through the gate, but chose to climb over the wall.

[System: Why are you climbing over the wall?]

Sheng Yuan: “To avoid encountering the gang from No.3 Middle School.”

[System: Then just confront them directly.]

“The curfew is at ten thirty.”

Not only did he have to pick up Yu Zuojin, he also had to return home before ten thirty, he had no time to argue with those people.

[System: You’re just scared.]

“Yes, I’m very scared.” Sheng Yuan crossed the wall smoothly as he spoke.

He felt no burden on his conscience.

Not a single word of defense.

The barbecue shop had already closed its rolling shutter. Just like yesterday, Sheng Yuan went around to the alley behind the barbecue shop.

A few meters away, he could already hear the screams coming from the alley.

The wailing of begging for mercy, the agonizing cries of violence, were heart-wrenching.

Sheng Yuan furrowed his brow and quickly walked over, only to find several people lying helter-skelter in the alley, with a group of hooligans cheering.

And now, Brother Long, whom Sheng Yuan had encountered at noon, was in Yu Zuojin’s hands.

His face was covered in blood, a large patch of black and red, a horrifying sight.

His arm couldn’t move, clearly dislocated.

He was begging and crying, tears and snot streaming down his face.

“Please, please spare me… please… please…”

He seemed as though he would be scared to death the next second.

Those black eyes only showed unfulfilled pleasure and mockery.

“Please, I beg you, please, I was wrong!”

His emotions gradually collapsed,but Yu Zuojin had no intention of letting him go.

He looked at the man writhing in pain as if he were a god.

At this moment, Brother Long saw Sheng Yuan, as if grasping the last straw.

“Save me! Save me!! I beg you to save me, please save me!!!”

His throat felt like a sickle was lodged in it, and his voice was directly cut off.

Trembling, he pleaded for Sheng Yuan’s help.

Yu Zuojin turned his head and saw Sheng Yuan. He loosened his grip, causing Brother Long to fall to the ground.

He was completely limp, almost crawling towards Sheng Yuan using all his limbs.

Yu Zuojin stared straight at Sheng Yuan, those deep black eyes like an unfathomable abyss.

Taking a step forward, Yu Zuojin lifted his leg and stomped on the crawling man.

He looked at Sheng Yuan, gradually increasing the force.

The cries from beneath him grew more piercing, the cries of despair striking the soul.

He was demonstrating, warning.

He was telling him about the cost of provoking him.

Sheng Yuan’s face was livid.

“That’s enough!”

He gritted his teeth, stepped forward, and forcefully pushed Yu Zuojin away.

“Do you even know what you’re doing?”

“Are you crazy or what?”

Yu Zuojin let Sheng Yuan shove him, his eyes filled with delight at Sheng Yuan’s expression.

It was something Sheng Yuan had never seen in his eyes before.

Only when he was inflicting violence would Yu Zoujin fell an uncontrollable pleasure.

“Call 120!” Sheng Yuan looked at the person on the ground, then at the indifferent delinquents.

The indifference was terrifying.

“I told you to call 120!”

He roared in the darkness.

Amidst the mocking gazes of the onlookers, he didn’t budge an inch.

Sheng Yuan was like the embodiment of heroism.

Yu Zuojin blinked in response to the shouting, looking at Sheng Yuan with a bewildered expression.

As if he didn’t understand why the other party was so angry.

He even appeared somewhat innocent.

Logically speaking, the other party should be scared out of his wits and crawling away in retreat.

But he didn’t.

He was only angry.

Sheng Yuan had never experienced such a scene, so bloody and violent, where even closing his eyes revealed a dark, bloody color.

He had never seen such a person, someone whose every appearance brought him an indelible impact.

He looked at the cold and indifferent eyes that lacked any sense of guilt.

Sheng Yuan wished…

He wished he could slap him hard across the face.

Author’s Note:

Brother Sheng is heroic, Yu Zuojin, enjoy your hidden pleasure.

Otherwise, who would see through you, know that you’re a pervert, and willingly date you?

Yu Zuojin who was shouted at: Innocent, wronged, confused…

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