Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

‘Fruits of labor?

All this mess?’

When he stepped into Room 408, it was indeed a sight to behold.

The other person had tidied up the room, leveling the hills and mountains and restoring the original landscape.

He thought it was a hardworking young man.

Sheng Yuan looked down at the small hills on the floor.

It turned out Yu Zuojin gad just moved the hills and mountains.

“Is this the fruits of your labor?”

Yu Zuojin still had that wooden expression on his face, not answering, but his face remained impassive.

His eyes stared straight at him.

His eyes were too lifeless, gloomy, and staring at them for too long made people feel uneasy.

Only when he derived pleasure from violence did a hint of delight appear.

From his meticulous expression, it was clear that he had determined that Sheng Yuan had ruined his messy hand work.

This classmate had a decent appearance, but was thick-skinned indeed.

“It was an accident.”

[System: How come you are so quick to apologize?]

Sheng Yuan: “I mean, his fruits of labor were accidentally messed up.”

[System: …]

If you say he tidied up, but the items and clothes were piled together in a hodgepodge. However, if you say he didn’t tidy up, as far as the eye could see, there was no mess.

Yu Zuojin’s tone was strange as usual. “Pay attention next time.”

He was truly giving him a lesson and Sheng Yuan found it rare.

“Oh, you’re so formidable. You can even lecture people.”

Yu Zuojin paused in his footsteps, didn’t say anything, and walked to Sheng Yuan’s side. He bent down, his large and sturdy arm scooped up the hills on the floor, and then he was about to stuff everything into the wardrobe.

Regarding this project, Sheng Yuan looked at it with a throbbing headache, grabbing his arm and tossing the clothes onto the bed.

Then he used a hanger to hook out the things under the bed.

“Tidying up clutter doesn’t mean hiding it away.”

The true form of Room 408 was revealed.

Sheng Yuan pointed at the hangers in the wardrobe. “Hang the frequently worn ones on the hangers and put them in the closet. Fold the ones that are not often worn and place them underneath.”

“Do you know how to fold?”

Yu Zuojin looked at the clothes without speaking.

Well, it was unnecessary to ask this question.

If he knew, he probably wouldn’t rely on stuffing them in.

Sheng Yuan: “I’ll teach you once. Learn it seriously.”

The clothes on the bed were a jumble of various seasons. Sheng Yuan took a short-sleeved shirt that he wouldn’t wear now and swiftly folded it in front of Yu Zuojin.

“No matter the length of the sleeves, fold them like this.”

[System: On TV shows, they demonstrate folding clothes with long sleeves and short sleeves. Why are you only teaching him this one way?]

Sheng Yuan: “This is the only way I know.”

[System: …]

Goodness, he was imparting all his life’s knowledge.

Sheng Yuan placed the neatly folded short-sleeved shirt under the wardrobe.

“Do you understand?”

Yu Zuojin didn’t speak, and Sheng Yuan directly handed him a shirt.

“Fold it.”

Yu Zuojin was tall and robust, and his hands were not small. Folding clothes was as clumsy for him as handling an embroidery needle. Since he had never done it before, he naturally appeared clumsy.

Sheng Yuan didn’t rush him; everything had a first time.

He sat directly on the floor and helped Yu Zuojin fold the rest.

After a thorough tidying up, over half an hour had passed.

Sheng Yuan lay back on the bed, and Yu Zuojin didn’t linger much, getting up to leave directly.

Sheng Yuan remembered last night’s autumn breeze. “Take a jacket with you.”

The door clicked shut as Yu Zuojin closed the opened door, heading back inside and going to the wardrobe to grab a jacket.

It seemed a bit small.

Sheng Yuan: “When did you get this jacket?”

The latter didn’t look at him and walked out of the door.

The jacket was from his first year of high school. At that time, he wasn’t as tall, only around 1.7 meters.

In the evening, when Sheng Yuan went to pick him up, the clothes on the other person seemed tight.

Yu Zuojin was tall, and his frame was not small.

Sheng Yuan didn’t mention the matter of the jacket and directly brought him back to school.

The next day, before leaving home, he didn’t forget to bring the book he had promised Jin Anzhu.

Upon arriving in the classroom, he handed it directly to him.

“Here’s your book.”

Jin Anzhu accepted it excitedly.

His forcible and passionate love scenes!

As he held it in his hands, he looked at the title of the book, “Camel Xiangzi.”

*Rickshaw Boy or Camel Xiangzi is a novel by the Chinese author Lao She about the life of a fictional Beijing rickshaw man. It is considered a classic of 20th-century Chinese literature

Jin Anzhu: “…”

Sheng Yuan sat in his seat, ready to take out his textbook, and his hand touched the desk hole.

He pulled out an envelope.

He picked it up and brought it closer to his eyes.

Xia Zhiqi leaned over, “Fuck! Brother Sheng, this is a challenge letter from Chu Weitian!”

Chu Weitian?

[System: The bitter melon of the headmaster’s house.]

Sheng Yuan recalled, “Oh.”

Then, as if he hadn’t seen the letter, he casually turned back to the desk hole.

He wouldn’t fight back; as long as he pretended not to have seen it, the challenge letter would cease to exist.

He had never liked the reckless fights of delinquent youths because they were pointless.

Xia Zhiqi exclaimed, “Brother Sheng! What should we do?”

Sheng Yuan replied, “What should we do?”

“Chu Weitian will come to find you.”

“We’ll deal with it when the time comes.”

Sheng Yuan was indifferent, but his little brothers were excited.

Chu Weitian, the current delinquent leader of No.1 Middle School.

If Brother Sheng won, then the current leader of No.1 Middle School…!

On the school forum:

“Did you hear?! Chu Weitian challenged Sheng Yuan!”

“Didn’t Chu Weitian get suspended? He’s back?”

“He came back yesterday afternoon. It’s said that Sheng Yuan showed up while he was away and said he wanted to teach him a lesson.”

“Sheng Yuan has been too arrogant recently.”

“Sheng Yuan has the capital to be arrogant. Remember how he handled the delinquents who came to the school? Chu Weitian’s brothers didn’t do anything.”

“First it was Wu Di, then the Wolf King. Sheng Yuan is no ordinary person.”

“But I think Chu Weitian is stronger.”

“I heard they’re meeting at the small grove tonight at ten.”

“Are they betting on the position of the school boss this time?”

“Of course! Haven’t you seen all those posts saying Sheng Yuan wants to become the boss No.1 Middle School? Can Chu Weitian endure?”

“I bet on Chu Weitian.”

“I’m with you.”

“Sorry, I bet on Sheng Yuan.”

“Don’t just bet here. There’s a voting booth set up by the small grove on the east side. Go there and vote directly.”

“Wow, there’s even a voting booth? They’re taking it seriously.”

“Oh, then I must participate. I’ll go after class.”


During class, Xia Zhiqi was slacking off and scrolling through his phone when he came across a post showing Chu Weitian’s brothers holding a vote in the small grove on the east side. Immediately, his fighting spirit ignited. If others had it, then Brother Sheng had to have it too.

He found a large cardboard box and set up a voting spot in the small grove as well.

He and Xiao Pang each held a small red flag.

“Please support Brother Sheng!”

“Brother Sheng, the legendary bro!”

They stood in front of the voting booth all morning. However, most of the students who entered the small grove went to Chu Weitian’s side.

Only a few sporadic individuals came to vote for Sheng Yuan.

Xiao Pang looked at Jin Anzhu, who was casting his vote on the other side.

Xia Zhiqi: “…”

They were supposed to be on the same side.

This was unreasonable.

They were already losing from the beginning with this attitude!!

At noon, Cun Tou ran over.

“Boss, I went to the other side and checked. Anyone who votes for Chu Weitian can get a bottle of coke directly.”

Xia Zhiqi: !

Is this still a voting process?!

This is clearly bribery!!

“Come on, let’s go and see! I want to mock them thoroughly. They actually resorted to such tactics.”

The group walked confidently and proudly towards the vicinity of the opposing voting booth.

Sure enough, there were several boxes of soda behind the ballot box.

Chu Weitian came from a wealthy family, so buying these was nothing to him.

Just as Xia Zhiqi was about to approach and inspect, a familiar figure appeared.

The person stood with hands in pockets, wearing a baseball cap, and wrote Chu Weitian’s name in bold letters on a piece of paper before depositing it into the ballot box.

“Here’s your coke.”

Sheng Yuan: “Thanks.”

Xia Zhiqi: “…”

Everyone else: “…”

Sheng Yuan turned around and saw them.

A few minutes later, each member of Class 6’s delinquents received a bottle of coke.

Xia Zhiqi chugged it down.

‘Fuck, it tastes so good.’

Watching Sheng Yuan finish his coke and prepare to go back to studying, Xia Zhiqi quickly caught up to him.

“Brother Sheng, aren’t you angry about how Chu Weitian wrote about you in the challenge letter?”

Chu Weitian had a knack for insulting people, and there were so many vulgar words in the challenge letter that even they, who often used foul language, couldn’t stand it.

Sheng Yuan was indifferent, “Why should I be angry?”

“He insulted you in the challenge letter.”

“Do you think I am the kind of person described in the challenge letter?”

“Of course not!”

Brother Sheng was brilliant beyond compare!

“So, what he says doesn’t matter. Sometimes it’s best to ignore unnecessary people and unnecessary words and not act rashly out of anger. Why bother with someone who is not worth it?”

Xia Zhiqi still felt stifled in his heart.

Sheng Yuan patted his back straight, “Why be angry then? We didn’t come back empty-handed.”

They had drunk nearly twenty bottles of coke from the other side.

It was almost time for class, so Sheng Yuan didn’t linger.

“Let’s go, Ambassador of Diplomacy.”

Xia Zhiqi quickly followed, “Wait for me, Brother Sheng!”

On the other side, one of Chu Weitian’s brothers informed him about Sheng Yuan coming over to take the coke.

“How did he come over?”

“He came alone, voted for your name in the ballot box, took the coke, and left.”

Chu Weitian held the cigarette between his fingers and exhaled the smoke.

It was almost an open provocation.

One of the little brothers quickly asked, “Did that kid read the challenge letter this morning?”

“He did. He found it as soon as he arrived this morning.”

Little Brother: “What was his expression?”

The person hesitated.

Little Brother: “Speak up! Do you want Brother Chu to ask you a question?!”

“He… had no expression. He finished reading and immediately put it back.”

He didn’t take the challenge letter seriously at all.

Chu Weitian flicked the cigarette butt to the ground and crushed it.

His eyes fixed on the ants scavenging on the ground.

“Does he think I’m not qualified?”

The person beside him trembled in fear, “He dares! He should know who you are, Brother Chu! This kid just climbed up when you weren’t around. If you hadn’t been suspended, he wouldn’t stand a chance!”

Chu Weitian laughed, “I didn’t realize he was so bold.”

“This kid is quite arrogant.”

“Brother Chu, what should we do now?”

“What do you mean, ‘what should we do’?” Chu Weitian’s eyes turned sinister. “Since he doesn’t take it seriously, let’s give him a warning.”

In the second period of the afternoon, when the class ended, Xia Zhiqi stretched lazily and got up.

“I’m going to the supermarket. Does anyone want anything?”

“Get a bottle of water.”

“I want a loaf of bread.”

“Grab me a bucket of instant noodles.”

“Did you forget the rules? Eating instant noodles is not allowed during class hours!”

“I know, I know. I’ll have it during the 6 PM dinner period.”

“Xia Zhiqi, what about you?”

“Just a bottle of water.”

Sheng Yuan handed him the money, and Xia Zhiqi leisurely left the classroom.

There were two buildings in the senior year teaching complex, but there was no supermarket nearby, so they had to go around to the gymnasium.

“Hey, you’re Sheng Yuan’s little brother, right?”

Xia Zhiqi turned around with his hands in his pockets and saw Chu Weitian in the crowd. His previously carefree expression turned serious.

“Yeah, what’s up?”

The leading lackey stepped forward. “Then come with us.”


“You were so arrogant just now. Why aren’t you cursing now?”

One of them kicked Xia Zhiqi hard in the abdomen, and he immediately fell to the ground, clutching his stomach and vomiting.

Blood mixed with tears flowed from his face. His eyes were swollen and bruised, his cheeks were swollen and distorted. Xia Zhiqi clenched the soil on the ground with his fingers, the intense pain causing him to break into a sweat and tremble uncontrollably.

“Lift him up, I’ll give him another punch.”

Two or three people lifted him up, and the sound of fists hitting flesh echoed as he was once again thrown to the ground.

His nosebleed smeared half of his face, and the blood from his gums stained his teeth red.

He lay on the ground with his mouth open, motionless.

Chu Weitian made a hand gesture, and his lackeys stopped.

He walked over, grabbed Xia Zhiqi by the hair, and lifted him up.

“I’ll give you a chance.”

He spoke mockingly, “You say Sheng Yuan is my dog, and I’ll let you go.”

As long as he said it, he would be set free.

The intense pain made his consciousness blurry.

It felt as if a serrated blade was cutting down his spine, leaving no part of his body untouched by pain.

As long as he said it, this act of brutality happening to him would come to an end.

—“Xia Zhiqi, I trust you the most.”

—“I, Sheng Yuan, have you, what’s so great about it?”

—“Don’t be discouraged, great diplomat.”

He was in so much pain that tears flowed involuntarily.

His voice was hoarse, “You…”

Xia Zhiqi’s fingers twitched, and his swollen eyes slowly turned to Chu Weitian.

“How about it? Tell me.”

“What the fuck are you…bastard talking about?”

His Brother Sheng truly believed he could become a diplomat.

Chu Weitian’s pupils contracted.

“Chu Weitian,” Xia Zhiqi smiled through the numbing pain on his face, “you can just wait to become my Big Brother Sheng’s dog.”

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