Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

“Brother Sheng!!!”

“Fuck! Let me catch up with the times. At the end of the summer before the senior year, and within a month, he eliminated the notorious figures from No.2 and No.3 Middle Schools, and in another half a month, toppled Chu Weitian to become the leader of No.1 Middle School. Sheng Yuan, you’re crazy!!!”

“Sheng Yuan has always been crazy!”

“Goodness, it just occurred to me: a thousand-word self-criticism, nine hundred words for establishing rules, and the remaining one hundred words for self-introduction.”

“You can’t say he is crazy, yet craziness prevails in every aspect.”

“While at school, no fighting or bullying fellow students, no oppressing the weak with strength! My Brother Sheng said it! Damn it, I dare anyone to bully me from now on!”

Sheng Yuan and Chu Weitian both finished their self-criticisms. The headmaster handed the microphone to the school leader and they walked down together.

The two of them took on the task of sweeping fallen leaves. It was autumn, and the golden leaves on the trees trembled, falling like hair loss, one handful after another. It would continue for more than two months before they were completely gone.

The headmaster led the way. “You two can start sweeping this afternoon.”

They were led to an area near the school library.

Maple trees were abundant, ablaze in fiery red.

“I’ve informed the sanitation department that this area will be your responsibility for cleaning.”

His gaze lingered on the two of them.

After all, a conflict had occurred just yesterday, and youthful fire still burned within their hearts.

“During the cleaning, make sure you get along well and avoid arguments, understood?”

Sheng Yuan responded promptly, “Understood.”

The headmaster smiled warmly. “Sheng Yuan, the teacher believes in you.”

Then he turned his head, his expression changing drastically as he glared at Chu Weitian. “Those words were meant for someone else!”

Someone: “…”

‘Who exactly is the relative?’

The cleaning time was concentrated in the afternoon, during the break between classes. They familiarized themselves with the assigned areas and Sheng Yuan planned to return to his classroom.

His presence garnered a 100% turnaround rate.

Wherever he went, all eyes were fixed upon him.

Like super glue, impossible to shake off.

[System: Will you be uncomfortable?]

Sheng Yuan: “Doesn’t matter, I’ll experience a different flavor of life.”

[System: Which flavor?]

“The life of a monkey in the zoo.”

[System: …]

Sheng Yuan arrived at the floor where his class was located and spotted Xia Zhiqi, who was shuttling through the corridor like a social butterfly.

The swelling on his face had subsided, but it still displayed patches of purple and blue, more colorful than a painter’s palette.

Someone asked about his injuries.

“Brother Dog, how are your injuries?”

Xia Zhiqi turned around. “What? How did you know that Brother Sheng became the leader of No.1 Middle School?”

Sheng Yuan: “…”

That person: “…”

‘Loudspeaker, with you around, it’s not difficult for the whole nation to know.’

Seeing Sheng Yuan return, Xia Zhiqi hurried over, “Brother Sheng!”

Sheng Yuan: “Did you go to the school clinic to change your bandages?”

“Finished it today.” He grinned widely. “Brother Sheng, you were so awesome on the stage just now! It moved me to tears!”

At that time, Xia Zhiqi was in a pitiful state in the audience, and Sheng Yuan had seen it.

“Brother Sheng, I received compensation for medical expenses. I’ll treat you to a meal, a lavish one. Let’s go have French cuisine!”

This morning, Chu Weitian’s parents rushed back from out of town and came to offer compensation to Xia Zhiqi.

Now he had a full 100,000 yuan in his hands.

For an average high school student who had just come of age, it was undoubtedly a huge sum.

“No need. Keep the money for yourself.” Sheng Yuan rejected him outright without hesitation.

Xia Zhiqi was determined. Brother Sheng had been so kind to him, so what was wrong with treating him to a meal?

“I have nowhere to spend it…”

“Save it in the bank, earn interest, and use it for university.”

Xia Zhiqi was taken aback.

He had never considered such things before.

Sheng Yuan asked, “What’s wrong? Have you seen any high-ranking diplomats who didn’t go to university?”

Xia Zhiqi rubbed his head sheepishly.

“Okay, Brother Sheng, I won’t spend it recklessly. I’ll save it.”

Xia Zhiqi’s grades weren’t high, just a little over 400 points. Most of it was thanks to English, while Chinese was a pitiful sight. However, there were still over eight months left until the college entrance exam. He would study hard and strive to improve.

Being a diplomat was both a dream and a goal.

Since Sheng Yuan had cleaning duties in the afternoon, he quickly had lunch and planned to rest in the dormitory to recharge for the afternoon.

As soon as he entered Room 408, he spotted a figure sitting on the left wooden bed.

Their gazes met as expected.

In the confined space, Yu Zuojin kept staring at Sheng Yuan.

It was difficult to describe his gaze.

It was fixed and unwavering.

Sheng Yuan looked at Yu Zuojin and casually remarked, “You’re back early today.”

Yu Zuojin stared at the cut on his lip.

He had taken a punch from Chu Weitian yesterday, resulting in a minor bruise, but it didn’t affect his overall appearance. Instead, it added a touch of charm to Sheng Yuan’s face, enhancing his usual air of charisma.

No.1 Middle School provided each dormitory with air conditioning, and the temperature inside the dormitory was balanced despite the unpredictable autumn weather.

Sheng Yuan took off his coat upon reaching the bed, intending to rest.

When Sheng Yuan turned around, Yu Zuojin was still sitting there, staring at him motionlessly.

Sheng Yuan narrowed his eyes.

“Why are you staring at me, do I have flowers on my face?” he asked.

Yu Zuojin’s eyes shifted downward slightly, but his gaze remained fixed on Sheng Yuan’s face.

Sheng Yuan raised an eyebrow. “What? Did you see something on my face that made you feel sorry for me?”

Yu Zuojin kept a straight face and said nothing.

Finding it amusing, Sheng Yuan walked over and sat down beside him. “You really don’t feel sorry for me?”

As he spoke, he showed his injury to Yu Zuojin.

The wound was small, located at the corner of his mouth. The swelling had already healed under Feng Juan’s crazy operation last night.

Compared to the bruise on Chu Weitian’s neck and Xia Zhiqi’s face, Sheng Yuan’s injury was considered minor.

Yu Zuojin looked at Sheng Yuan’s face as he suddenly leaned closer, and his fingers on the bedsheet curled up.

Seeing no reaction from Yu Zuojin, Sheng Yuan acted playfully. “Little Yu, it hurts.”

“My mouth hurts.”

“Look at my face, it’s all ruined.”

Yu Zuojin’s eyes darkened.

Just as Sheng Yuan was thinking about whether to sell misery a bit more, Yu Zuojin suddenly stood up, and without looking back, left Room 408.

Sheng Yuan: ?

Had he annoyed him to the point of running away?

Without the persistent gaze fixed on him, Sheng Yuan got up from Yu Zuojin’s bed and returned to his own, covering himself with the thin blanket he brought from home to take a nap.

Surprisingly, the corner of his mouth didn’t hurt as long as he didn’t pay attention to it.

But all that yapping with someone earlier, his mouth was now slightly sore.

“Truly Ambitious.”

[System: What’s wrong?]

Sheng Yuan: “Does your system have any special functions, like healing injuries?”

[System: No.]

“I heard other systems have them.”

[System: Don’t believe rumors or spread them.]

[But what you said is true.] Truly Ambitious nodded.

“So what is the function of your system?”

[System: My main purpose is companionship.]

Sheng Yuan: “…”

That’s very thoughtful.

Indeed, it could be considered companionship. Sheng Yuan chatted with the system for a while, then closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Just before the end of the afternoon nap time, Sheng Yuan was awakened by the system.


[System: Companionship is my main focus!]

Sheng Yuan smiled, put on his school uniform jacket, and walked out of Room 408.

After the first class in the afternoon, he got up to clean the area.

The tool for sweeping leaves was a half-height bamboo rake.

As Sheng Yuan walked to the tool storage area, he saw Chu Weitian limping towards him.

His eyebrows were furrowed, and he occasionally winced in pain.

Sheng Yuan looked at him. “What happened to your leg?”

Chu Weitian scowled. “What’s it to you?”

“Did you fall down the stairs?”

“I’m not that clumsy.”

“Then how did it happen?”

Chu Weitian remembered the distorted and ugly threat.

“…I fell down the stairs.”


The two of them managed to get along harmoniously.

Following the instructions of the headmaster, they carried out the cleaning work amicably.

The cleaning area was divided in half, with neither more nor less for anyone.

After sweeping for two class breaks, they saw a small path in front of the main entrance of the library. The fallen leaves on it were mixed with the grass, making it extremely difficult to handle.

Chu Weitian gestured. “That path is from your side.”

Sheng Yuan shook his head. “It started from your side.”

“But I have a lame leg.”

“I don’t discriminate against disabled people.”

Chu Weitian’s blond hair fluttered in the wind. “You want to duel, huh!”

Sheng Yuan: “A real man should speak with his fists.”

They locked eyes, sparks flying between them.

“Rock, paper, scissors!!!”

Sheng Yuan chose rock, while Chu Weitian chose paper.

Sheng Yuan remained calm. “Best two out of three.”

Chu Weitian scoffed. “Who’s afraid of whom!”

Sheng Yuan won the second round, and then the third round.

Chu Weitian said, “Best three out of five!”

Sheng Yuan replied, “I’ll let you have it.”

In the end, they were tied. With hands hidden behind their backs, they contemplated their next move.

“Rock, paper, scissors!!!”

Sheng Yuan won.

Chu Weitian exclaimed, “You cheated by going last!”

Sheng Yuan retorted, “You changed your paper to rock!”

“You’re playing dirty!”

“And aren’t you as well!”

[System: …]

Looking at them, both were shameless.

“You won’t clean, so I won’t either!”

“Fine, then nobody cleans today!”

“I told you it’s your area!”

“It’s clearly your area.”

As they argued, their hands inexplicably reached for each other’s heads.

Sheng Yuan had set a rule against fighting in school.

Chu Weitian followed the rules too.

The two top delinquents ended up tugging each other’s hair under the maple tree.

“I said it! You clean!”

“I won’t clean! It’s yours!!”

Sheng Yuan said, “I’ll count to three, and we’ll let go together.”

Chu Weitian shouted, “Fine! Whoever doesn’t let go is a dog!”

“Three, two, one!!!”

Their hands were still tightly gripping each other’s heads.

“You piece of shit!”

“Are you any better?!”

“What are you two doing?!”

They turned their heads, still gripping each other’s hair, and saw the headmaster with an exasperated expression.

He had originally come to talk to Sheng Yuan about the upcoming joint knowledge competition among the three schools in a few days.

He didn’t expect to witness the two of them pulling each other’s hair and hurling insults.

‘How vulgar! Too vulgar!’

Five minutes later.

“Hold hands! Don’t let go until you make up!!!”

Sheng Yuan and Chu Weitian stood beneath the tree, holding hands, their faces more displeased than if they had been killed.

Both sides were repulsed.

But their hands remained clasped together.

Sheng Yuan whispered softly, “I want to amputate my limbs.”

Chu Weitian muttered, “Do you think I want this hand?”

Head master: “What are you two talking about?”

Sheng Yuan and Chu Weitian: “…”

The two stood beneath the tree, peacefully coexisting.

During the break time, students came and went, sneaking glances at them as they passed by.

Then they would giggle and run away.

Sheng Yuan: “…”

Chu Weitian: “…”

“It’s all your fault.”

“How dare you accuse me.”

Yu Zuojin who was passing by not far away: “…”

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