Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 3

After evening self-study, Sheng Yuan slung his backpack over one shoulder and left the classroom.

As he passed by the alley where he rescued someone, he glanced inside and then walked away.

The end time of night self-study at No. 1 Middle School and Senior Three class is 10:00. Sheng Yuan arrived home at half-past ten, which was the curfew set by his family.

“Why are you coming home at this time?!”

Sheng Chenggong wore a displeased expression as he looked at Sheng Yuan changing his shoes at the doorstep.

Sheng Yuan blinked twice. “It’s only half-past ten. What’s the matter?”

“It’s his curfew which is at half-past ten, not yours. What are you doing coming home?”

Sheng Chenggong pointed at five-year-old Sheng Wang who was playing a game of ambush on the ground. The two locked eyes, and the boy rushed forward to capture Sheng Yuan.

“Don’t move, you’ve been captured.”

Sheng Yuan pointed at the boy and said to Sheng Chenggong, “I came back to be his captive.”

Sheng Chenggong: “…”

Sheng Chenggong was exasperated. “At your age, you should be out in the wild, having fun, and staying out all day.”

Most parents hope that their children will grow up to become dragons and phoenixes among people, but Sheng Chenggong was different. He aspired to raise his child to be a delinquent, inheriting his own youthful charisma and becoming a dreg among people.

Sheng Yuan had long accepted the trend of this world.

[System: So you’re going to accept it?]

Sheng Yuan said, “This system thinks beautifully.”

[System: …]

Ignoring Sheng Chenggong’s delinquent declaration, Sheng Yuan picked up Sheng Wang from the ground. “I’ll take him to bed.”

“It’s only 10 o’clock. Why go to sleep? Let me tell you, some things need to be nurtured from a young age. And I haven’t even mentioned your hair and those glasses…”


The “wronged” brother slammed the door, leaving behind his resentful father.

The Sheng couple ran a small noodle shop. Their family was not wealthy, but they lived comfortably. In a big city where housing prices were high, their home consisted of two bedrooms and a living room, with the two brothers sharing one room.

After taking care of Sheng Wang, Sheng Yuan finished showering and lay down on the bed. Even if he felt as tired as a dog, he woke up punctually at half-past five the next morning. With a disheveled hairstyle, he brushed his teeth at the sink.

Yesterday, his delinquency value was only 5, but now it had skyrocketed to 250.

He could see the delinquency value floating above each person’s head, like his classmates in the classroom and the delinquent youths at the alley entrance.

The average value ranged from 100 to 200, while normal people had a value of around 1 to 5.

Sheng Yuan glanced at the mysterious 250 hovering above his head lazily and continued brushing his teeth.

[System: Don’t you have anything to say about this?]

Sheng Yuan said, “This number doesn’t seem very auspicious.”

[System: …Aren’t you surprised at suddenly receiving so many delinquency points?!]

A smirk appeared at the corner of Sheng Yuan’s lips.


“Throughout my life, I have performed good deeds and accumulated virtues. These few delinquency points are well-deserved.”

[System: …]

‘Truly shameless!’

After washing his face, Sheng Yuan’s mind gradually cleared. He took a piece of bread from the dining table, slung his backpack over his shoulder, and left the house.

The system watched Sheng Yuan rushing around early in the morning and shook it’s head in disapproval.

[System: Why bother? Education isn’t necessary, is it?]

Sheng Yuan said, “You don’t understand.”

[System: Isn’t learning for the purpose of getting a good job in the future?]

Sheng Yuan folded the bread and stuffed it into his mouth. “It’s about broadening my horizons.”

[System: ?]

Sheng Yuan said, “To strive for the rise of the Chinese nation.”

[System: …]

It was inexplicably inspired early in the morning.

Sheng Yuan arrived at the school and saw an elderly man distributing flyers about a two-year anniversary celebration for a barbecue restaurant, offering a 50% discount with the voucher.

There were quite a few students around the elderly man, collecting vouchers.

As Sheng Yuan passed by, the old man said to him, “Young student, why don’t you take one as well? This voucher is valid until the end of this year, anytime you want to come is fine.”

The old man had white hair, but he was in good spirits.

Sheng Yuan didn’t refuse and reached out to take it, tucking it into his pocket.

He walked into the teaching building just like yesterday, but today was slightly different. As soon as he stepped into the building, the surrounding gazes converged on him like arrows, drawing their bows to focus on him.

The eyes surveyed him, and the classmates whispered and murmured in excitement.

“It’s him.”

“He’s the one who saved Xia Zhiqi yesterday, right?”

“I heard he fought against six people yesterday.”

“Didn’t they say that he scared them away just by standing there?”

“What nonsense! I heard he beat up those guys from No.2 Middle School and made them call him ‘grandpa.’”

Those who saw Sheng Yuan on the road even made way for him, avoiding his path.

Sheng Yuan wasn’t deaf. Although he didn’t know the details, he knew he was being slandered. No wonder his delinquency points skyrocketed this morning. He wondered who the loudmouth was.

He approached the entrance of his classroom, and the chubby boy guarding the door straightened up as soon as he saw him. Without waiting for Sheng Yuan to make a move, he opened the door for him.

“Big brother.”

Sheng Yuan: ?

The chubby boy nodded and bowed to Sheng Yuan. “Big brother, please come in.”

Sheng Yuan squinted his eyes and stepped into the classroom.

“When I fell to the ground yesterday, I thought my life was over. But right at that moment, guess what? Brother Sheng appeared, like a divine being descending from the heavens. Those weaklings from No.2 Middle School couldn’t match up to my Brother Sheng’s training. He dealt with them in just a few moves…” Xia Zhiqi stopped halfway through his words when he saw Sheng Yuan enter and immediately stood up.

“Brother Sheng!” My long-lost blood brother!

Sheng Yuan knew that this person in front of him was the loudmouth.

Of the 250 delinquency points, 200 of them were blown out by him.

Sheng Yuan had no intention of getting involved in the delinquent youth group’s antics. He ignored the other party and returned to his seat.

Although Xia Zhiqi’s fame in No.1 High School was not as high as Chu Weitian and Yu Zuojin, he had many loyal followers in fights, and he was somewhat known in the delinquent circle outside of school.

Previously, when the lackeys of the leader from No.2 Middle School provoked people at the entrance of No.1 Middle School, Xia Zhiqi found out and retaliated by taking his own people to No.2 Middle School. Afterward, the other side issued a challenge.

Xia Zhiqi asked the student in front of Sheng Yuan to give up their seat, and he sat down in front of Sheng Yuan.

“Brother Sheng, thanks to you yesterday. You have no idea, those No.2 Middle School guys challenged me to a 1 on 1 fight but tricked me into an alley for an ambush. Luckily, you arrived in time and saved me.”

At that time, Xia Zhiqi was struck on the back of his head and lost consciousness. Before losing consciousness, he heard those guys from No.2 Middle School planning to stuff him into a trash can. When he woke up, he found it was Sheng Yuan waking him up.

At the hospital, he discovered that only twenty minutes had passed since the scheduled fight. Such a short time wasn’t enough for the guys from No. 2 Middle School to vent their anger. There was only one possibility: Sheng Yuan had saved him from those people.

Alone, like a hero.

Xia Zhiqi: “Brother Sheng, you have no idea that those guys from No.2 Middle School spread rumors about you.”

Sheng Yuan looked at Xia Zhiqi, the loudmouth.

Who was spreading rumors about him?

Feeling bored, he asked, “What rumors?”

Xia Zhiqi: “They said you scared them away by calling the police. It’s a complete fabrication and an outrageous accusation against you. How dare they say such things? Reporting to the police, how shameful.”

Sheng Yuan: “…”

[System: …]

“Fortunately, no one believed them. Now everyone is laughing at the guys from No.2 Middle School for spreading rumors when they couldn’t win a fight.”

Xia Zhiqi’s eyes had a touch of unruliness, with a crew cut and a scar on his forehead. “Brother Sheng, you saved me, and I have no way to repay you. From now on, I’ll follow you. From this day forward, your little brothers are my little brothers, and you are the big brother.”

*Little brothers are like the underlings. I don’t know whether I should change the term to “underlings” and Big Brother/Brother to “boss”. Guys, tell me the better term.

“No need,” Sheng Yuan replied.

Xia Zhiqi insisted, “Brother Sheng, I’ll treat you to a meal after school today. What would you like to eat?”

Sheng Yuan clarified, “What I meant is…”

Interrupting him, Xia Zhiqi asked, “Barbecue or hot pot?”

Sheng Yuan: “…”

Xia Zhiqi completely disregarded Sheng Yuan’s refusal. As long as he didn’t listen, Sheng Yuan couldn’t reject him.

Meanwhile, Sheng Yuan’s delinquency points soared to 500.

[System: Your new little brother is quite enthusiastic.]

Sheng Yuan replied, “Just like you.”

[System: Equally cool?]

Sheng Yuan: “He doesn’t listen either.”

[System: …]

Sheng Yuan reluctantly took Xia Zhiqi as his little brother and leaned his chin on his hand, observing him.

Even though Sheng Yuan wore glasses, his eyes were exceptionally captivating.

Feeling a bit embarrassed under Sheng Yuan’s gaze, Xia Zhiqi scratched his head, not knowing how to react.

“Brother Sheng, is something wrong?”

Sheng Yuan’s tone was meaningful as he said, “You have some authority in this class.”

Ten minutes later, the morning self-study bell rang.

Xia Zhiqi stepped onto the podium and pounded the blackboard with his fist, making a loud noise.

“Everyone, be quiet! I have something to say.”

The noisy atmosphere gradually subsided, and dozens of pairs of eyes fixed on Xia Zhiqi on the stage.

“Listen carefully, from now on, during class, keep your voices down and don’t make any noise.”

“Why don’t you just say we can’t breath?”

Xia Zhiqi chuckled, “Looking for trouble, huh?”

“Just kidding, just kidding!”

“I don’t care how you behave during break time, but you better be quiet during class time. My big brother wants…” Xia Zhiqi paused, “Big brother, what was it you wanted to do?”

Sheng Yuan replied, “Listen to the lesson.”

“Oh, oh,” Xia Zhiqi said, “My big brother wants to listen to the lesson!”

As soon Xia Zhiqi’s words fell, he felt that something was amiss.



Not only him, but the entire class was filled with question marks.

Listen to the lesson?!

Was he out of his mind?

What’s so great about listening to the lesson? Can it be as interesting as bragging?

Xia Zhiqi looked at Sheng Yuan in disbelief. “Brother Sheng, you…”

Sheng Yuan lifted an eyebrow. “Mind your own business.”

Xia Zhiqi swallowed his words. His big brother was so cool, and he loved it.

Only this kind of person who didn’t care about him could be his big brother.

As Sheng Yuan suspected, Xia Zhiqi did have some influence in the class, and it became much quieter during lessons. It was as if he was a deaf person and could finally hear sounds again.

However, it startled the subject teacher, who, faced with the silent classroom, thought he had walked into the wrong one.

But, it was indeed Class Six. It was so quiet. Had all the students fallen ill together?

While Sheng Yuan listened to the lesson, the system questioned in his mind.

[System: How do you know Xia Zhiqi’s words would be effective? Is it because he has many little brothers?]

“Did you see his seat in the classroom?”

[System: What’s wrong with the left side of the podium?]

Sheng Yuan explained, “That’s the position of the Left and Right protectors, it is not something an ordinary person can sit in.”

*Sheng Yuan is referencing the Left and Right Protectors that are regarded as supernatural beings or deities assigned to protect the Buddhist teachings (Dharma) and provide assistance to practitioners.

[System: …]

After a quiet math class, the students in the class were suffocating. When the dismissal bell rang, they planned to skip school in groups. It was better to play outside than to stay quiet in the classroom.

The student in the front row, who complained about his mother nagging about boys wearing skirts yesterday, turned back to look at Sheng Yuan with admiration in his eyes. Compared to other boys his age, his voice was somewhat soft. His fair hand made various small movements. “I heard about your deeds. Can you tell me about how you fought off six people yesterday?”

Sheng Yuan looked up from his textbook.

The student was filled with excitement upon seeing Sheng Yuan acknowledge him, “My name is Jin Anzhu, but you can also call me by my nickname, Wildfire.”

Sheng Yuan asked, “Why Wildfire?”

The student’s desk mate quietly chimed in, “Because he’s untamed.”



Author’s Note:

Delinquency points increase or decrease based on others’ impressions and one’s own actions.

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