Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

“Brother Sheng is the perfect fit for the role!”

“If it’s not Brother Sheng, I will even compete for the role.”

“We need several sets of clothes. Fox Nick needs to have a green shirt and a uniform.”

“Brother Sheng, please take on the role. I want to see it!”

“Brother Sheng!!! I beg you, on behalf of all the sisters in the school!”

The voices continued, and Sheng Yuan placed his vocabulary book on the desk.

The literary committee member attempted moral coercion.

“Classmate Sheng, as a member of the class, you have an obligation to make an inevitable contribution to the class.”

Once the words were spoken, the classroom fell into silence as if a switch had been flipped.

The usual subtle sounds of breathing and minor objects rubbing against each other became the dominant force in the classroom’s soundscape.

Anticipation on one side, lingering fear on the other.

Sheng Yuan usually didn’t put on airs in the class. He didn’t exert authority and was easygoing. Over time, his classmates gradually lost their fear of his delinquent identity.

They would even joke with him in a lighthearted manner.

The desks and chairs in the classroom were in disarray due to the intense discussions in groups, crowded and pushed to the side. But there was a large empty space next to Sheng Yuan’s seat, devoid of desks and chairs.

Xia Zhiqi and his brothers stood behind him.

It really looked like a pack of fierce beasts following behind a fox, exuding a strong sense of oppression.

The presence couldn’t be ignored.

As long as the big brother didn’t speak, they wouldn’t participate in the commotion.

Jin Anzhu consciously kept quiet, although he really wanted it too.

Brother Sheng, the dream lover of the small group of 0s in No.1 Middle School. They would share whatever fantasies they had in the group.

Sheng Yuan didn’t put on airs usually, his invisible aura was assertive but not ostentatious.

But he had climbed up to become the leader of No.1 Middle School with his fist.

Not to mention Class Six, whatever he said goes in the whole school.

Now, they were forcing him to perform. If they angered him, nobody knew the consequences.

After all, the last time he got angry was when Xia Zhiqi got beaten up, and the result was that the former Boss of No.1 Middle School, Chu Weitian, was overthrown.

The literary committee member also felt that she had misspoken, feeling fearful and trembling.

Sheng Yuan looked at the quiet classroom.

Why wasn’t anyone speaking?

He raised his mesmerizing eyes and looked at the literary committee member. “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

The literary committee member trembled, “Sheng…Classmate Sheng, if you don’t want to perform, it’s fine. We won’t force you. We just think that this role suits you well, it’s just… it’s just that you are a perfect fit, but we don’t mean to coerce you…”

The literary committee member’s words were incoherent.

Looking at her fidgeting hands, it was evident how helpless she felt at this moment.

“After all, it’s a popular role, also the protagonist, so we need to choose carefully, you know…”

Sheng Yuan looked at her with a smile that wasn’t really a smile, his tone rising at the end, “You know you love me.”

Fox Nick’s classic line.

The literary committee member’s heart was struck hard, and her face flushed red.

Sheng Yuan wasn’t wearing glasses, his eyes gazing at her with tenderness, yet his tone was flirtatious.

Even a dog would get affected.

Class Six exploded again.

“Yes! Yes! That’s the feeling!”

“Ah ah ah ah, Brother Sheng, please perform!”

“Brother Sheng, I knew you could do it!!! No one is more suitable than you!!!”

“I want to play Judy!!!”

“I’m the rabbit police officer!!!”

The literary committee member covered her heated face and quickly walked back to the podium, frequently glancing back at Sheng Yuan several times.

He was really handsome.

“Our class will assign roles to everyone. If you have any preferences, you can come to me to sign up. The school has agreed to allocate one class period during the next week’s evening self-study sessions each day for rehearsal.”


“This is such good news!”

“But… there’s a catch!” The literary committee member was afraid they would get too excited and lose control of the situation.

“What’s the catch?”

“We need to apply for an empty classroom in the Arts Building in order to skip that evening self-study session and use the time for rehearsal.”

If they couldn’t secure a classroom, they wouldn’t be able to allocate time for evening self-study.

It wasn’t just their class that needed to practice, and the Arts Building had a limited number of unused dance studios. Plus, they could only apply for one day at a time and couldn’t monopolize the space indefinitely.

They would have to snatch it every day on a first-come, first-served basis.

“I’ve already discussed with Teacher Xiao Tao. Tomorrow afternoon, a few students from our class will go with me to rent stage props and costumes. So it would be best if everyone decides on the roles they want to play by tomorrow noon and register with me.”


The enthusiasm in Class Six soared.

During the evening self-study session, everyone buried their heads in their desks, scrolling through their phones.

“I want to play Mr. Big.”

“I’ll be one of Fox Nick’s buddies. Can you rent a baby stroller for me?”

“Wow! There are so many characters in uniforms. So handsome.”

“I want to dress up nicely. I’ll play Gazelle Shakira.”

Sheng Yuan’s role had already been collectively decided by Class Six, and the rehearsal wasn’t scheduled for that day. He held a pen and worked on his physics workbook.

The bell rang.

A new face appeared outside the door, looking for Jin Anzhu.

Jin Anzhu ran out, “Did you get them?”

“I did, but I can only give you one.”

“Give me a few more, and I’ll bring them tomorrow too.”

“I can’t. When I went to the supermarket, there were only three of these patterns left, and I grabbed them. I’ll keep the other two for myself.”

Jin Anzhu wasn’t discouraged, “One is enough.”

After bidding farewell to the person, Jin Anzhu returned to the classroom with a satisfied smile. He took out a small mirror from his desk and tore open the pink candy-patterned Band-aid. He gestured near his ear a few times before applying it.

Sheng Yuan supported his chin, watching from behind.

The two looked at each other in the mirror.

Jin Anzhu opened his mouth.


Brother Sheng’s gaze seemed somewhat tender~

Sheng Yuan looked at the Band-aid on his ear.

“Is your ear injured too?”


Jin Anzhu didn’t understand why he used the word “too” and shook his head, “No.”

Sheng Yuan didn’t understand, “Then why are you wearing a Band-aid?”

Jin Anzhu explained shyly, “It’s a trend.”

A trend?

Jin Anzhu found it hard to express.

In his heart, Brother Sheng would always be the coolest.

But they followed the trend of wearing Band-aids because Yu Zuojin also wore it on his ears.

Although Yu Zuojin didn’t care about school matters, he was a legend in the delinquent circle.

Everyone feared him, but everyone idolized him.

Who wouldn’t want to become a strong person with absolute authority?

The power of a legend made Yu Zuojin have a large hidden fan base.

With his prominence in the delinquent circle, every move he made attracted attention.

The baseball jacket he wore last time was gradually being bought by others these days.

Today, a series of pictures of him were secretly taken.

The Band-Aid on his ear, combined with his intimidating presence, created a rather strange chemical reaction.

In less than half a day, the pink candy-patterned Band-Aids sold in supermarkets were sold out.

It’s unbearable. Really unbearable.

He was truly fierce, but that face was so handsome.

The pink Band-Band-Aid he worn on a mad dog was hard to resist.

Coupled with his appearance, broad shoulders, and long legs.

He was a handsome beast that couldn’t be overlooked.

Most of the delinquents in Class Six followed Sheng Yuan, and they didn’t oppose the trend.

After the evening self-study session ended, Sheng Yuan slung his backpack over one shoulder.

Walking out of the teaching building, large groups of students walked along the campus’ night road.

The streetlights illuminated above.

Red and green baseball jackets, pink Band-Band-Aids…

Just by glancing at any crowd, you could easily find at least ten people dressed and wearing Band-Aids in the same way.

Everyone dressed like this.

This damn aesthetic.

Xia Zhiqi and Xiao Pang followed behind Sheng Yuan, their faces filled with disbelief.

They even doubted themselves.

Whose taste was the problem?

Could it be that Brother Sheng’s taste is actually normal?

It’s hard to say.

[System: Sheng Yuan, this is the flourishing era you wished for.]

Sheng Yuan: “…”

His eyes flickered.

“I didn’t expect Yu Zuojin to have such influence.”

[System: How could the king of the delinquent circle have little influence?]

The delinquent circle was not to be underestimated, and it was inevitable for them to follow and idolize trends.

“So, as long as Yu Zuojin does something, there will be people imitating him?”

Truly Ambitious felt a sense of unease.

This damn bastard must have bad ideas.

Sheng Yuan rode his bike to the back door of the barbecue restaurant, encountering green lights all the way.

He leaned against his bike, waiting for someone to come out, and looked down at his phone.

There were quite a few posts on the campus forum about Yu Zuojin.

If he led the delinquents in studying, the delinquency rate should decrease even faster.

A cunning look appeared in Sheng Yuan’s eyes.

Yu Zuojin, you really are this brother’s treasure.

Yu Zuojin came out from the back door and saw Sheng Yuan waiting for him at the alley entrance.

When he saw him, his eyes brightened with anticipation and joy, as if there were stars from the night sky, wanting to say something to him.

Yu Zuojin’s hands were in his pockets, and his fingers curled inside.

“You’re out.”

Sheng Yuan stepped forward.

Yu Zuojin stared at him, his gaze scanning from his eyes to his nose, and then to his lips, piercing through his collar.

Sheng Yuan: “I’ll return home later today. There are some things I want to talk to you about.”

Yu Zuojin’s black eyes slowly shifted.

“To be honest, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, but I didn’t know if you would be willing.”

“You know the small grove on the east side of the school, where there are few people?”

He spoke slowly, each word resonating distinctly.

His lips moved, meeting and parting, colliding together.

There was hesitation mixed with probing.

Yu Zuojin stood stiffly, his tall figure overshadowing Sheng Yuan.

The small grove on the east side.

Few people.

“If I were to say it, would you agree?”

Those slightly raised eyes were like hooks, captivating him.

Yu Zuojin’s tongue licked his lips.

He didn’t know.

He wasn’t a good person, often getting into fights, lacking academic pursuits, indulging in whatever was bad, and of course, he had seen explicit content.

At seventeen or eighteen, he understood what he should and shouldn’t understand, and he understood it all too well.

His coarse and hoarse voice struggled to find an answer.


But he couldn’t bring himself to say it.

Even if a gun was pressed against him right now, he couldn’t speak.

He didn’t know why.

Just last month, he felt repulsed by the signals of affection this same-sex individual was giving him.

But now, he felt a hint of longing.

He didn’t refuse, but he didn’t give his consent either.

After all, he still instinctively resisted being with a man.

“The dormitory could also work, but I think the small grove would be better.”

“If you agree, I would be happy.”

Sheng Yuan, like a fox, deliberately enticed first.

“Will you agree?”

Yu Zuojin swallowed his saliva, every word from the other person stimulating his nerves.

He hesitated for a while before saying, “It’s cold in the evenings.”

“We’ll go at noon.”

Yu Zuojin frowned, “At noon?”

“Yes, after having lunch, we’ll go to the grove to do our homework.” Sheng Yuan continued, “It’s the time when the weather is warm.”

Yu Zuojin: “…”

Fox Nick (Nick Wilde in Zootopia)

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