Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Chu Weitian exploded like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, immediately rising up with anger. His emotions were in turmoil, and his movements were intense, even flipping over the chair.

“Hey! What do you mean by this? With a wife like me, you must have been blessed in your past life!”

Sheng Yuan’s face showed disgust, and he even took half a step back in refusal. “Are you suggesting I should curse myself?”

“Don’t you know how to appreciate what you have?”

“I do know, and you are what I have.”

“With a princess like me, what time do you think you’ll come home?”

“I consider the whole world my home!”

As the two school tyrants, they were constantly at odds with each other. Whenever they met, conflicts ensued. This animosity had been established during the battle for school leader and it had escalated when they held hands under the maple tree.

They despised each other to the extreme.

Even a single glance caused excruciating pain to the eyes.

Chu Weitian’s mind was filled with his adolescent dreams. In the two years of high school, he had never participated in any group activities, lacking any sense of involvement in high school. Since his last conflict with Sheng Yuan, he had become much more obedient and hadn’t engaged in any fights at school.

The head teacher believed he had become well-behaved and wanted him to experience high school life properly during his remaining year in the third grade, to be a normal high school student.

Little did they know that Chu Weitian wasn’t adhering to school rules but rather to the rules set by Sheng Yuan.

He was willing to accept defeat, as the other was now the boss at the school. According to the unspoken rules of delinquents, Chu Weitian had to abide by the rules set by Sheng Yuan.

He couldn’t engage in fights or cause trouble at school anymore.

However, at this moment, the two were having a heated argument in the Literary Arts Department, disregarding any concerns.

At any time and any place, the two would quarrel angrily.

Dozens of senior literary committee members trembled like newly hatched chicks, fearing that the two would start fighting and destroy the Literary Arts Department.

They would be the ones to suffer if the two of them started fighting.

Chu Weitian’s face turned red with anger. If it weren’t for his uncle coercing him with a new game console, forcing him to experience some sense of the high school atmosphere during the school anniversary, and shoving him into the grade’s performance, he would never have come.

“So, you think you’re tough!”

“I’ll teach you how to spell the word ‘father’ today!”

Literary Arts Department: “…”

Someone please save them.

Finally, both sides sat on opposite sides, refusing to look at each other.

Sheng Yuan asked a question that was crucial to him.

“Is the script good?”

Lin Xiaoyuan replied, “Yes, it has a happy ending.”

Sheng Yuan also smiled and said, “Really? That sounds joyous.”

“That’s right. What do you think?”

“The ending is pretty good, quite nice.”

“That’s right. Will Brother Sheng play the prince?”

Sheng Yuan smiled faintly. “No, I won’t.”


If he really played the prince with Chu Weitian, the content of their nightmare for the next year would be predetermined.

Chu Weitian’s role had been assigned by the head teacher, and naturally, he vehemently opposed and refused to participate. However, it was futile. The princess had already been decided, and they didn’t need to gather their courage or argue further.

But for Sheng Yuan, it was a bit more challenging.

Most students were afraid of him, and only Lin Xiaoyuan, his classmate, could talk to him.

“Sheng Yuan, your participation is crucial for us.”

Lin Xiaoyuan’s expression became serious, and her lips pursed, as if she had an indescribable dilemma. “Sheng Yuan, we’re already in our final year of high school. This school anniversary can be considered our last major event in One High School.”

“Yes, yes.”

“High school life passes by in a hurry.”

“It’s so sad, truly sad.”

“I cherish this wretched school.”

The Literary Arts Department was enveloped in a melancholic atmosphere.

Chu Weitian opened his mouth, “Isn’t there still the sports meet after this?”

The sentimental atmosphere instantly dissipated.

Lin Xiaoyuan: “…”

Everyone: “…”

You really don’t get it, do you?

For the glory of the senior Literary Arts Department, for the reputation of the senior class, for the tribe!

A male classmate bravely sacrificed himself, throwing himself at Sheng Yuan’s leg, blocking him.

“Brother Sheng! Brother! If you act, I’ll give you my life!”

Sheng Yuan never expected the other party to be so crazy, resorting to such a melodramatic plea. He wanted to lift the person up, but someone else threw themselves at him.

“Just act!”

“Brother Sheng!!!”

“Sheng Yuan! It’s all up to you for the Literary Arts Department to survive.”

“Do you really want the freshmen and sophomores to trample all over us?!”

“Brother Sheng, you’re the boss, aren’t you?”

Sheng Yuan’s ears went numb for a moment, and everyone forgot to be afraid. After all, they had been preparing for the grade-level performance for so long. They couldn’t afford to fail in the casting process.

It had already been decided that Sheng Yuan and Chu Weitian would have the lead roles, no matter what.

The current trend in the school was the delinquent culture, and there were quite a number delinquents in No. 1 Middle School, not to mention the students who secretly admired and idolized delinquents.

Sheng Yuan and Chu Weitian were good-looking and popular, with many followers. If the two of them played the lead roles in the grade-level performance, they would definitely beat the freshmen and sophomores and win the championship. It wasn’t just a matter of glory for the Literary Arts Department, but for the entire senior class!

That’s why the head teacher had pressured Chu Weitian to join the Literary Arts Department, and though they reluctantly accepted on the surface, in their hearts, they were ecstatic.

Accepting Chu Weitian’s participation was as easy as pie.

Chu Weitian’s acceptance as the lead role and Sheng Yuan as the prince were predetermined.

Although there was someone even more formidable than them, Yu Zuojin, they were mere mortals and didn’t dare.

Under various persuasions and pressures, Sheng Yuan finally relented.

He was genuinely surprised.

[System: You actually agreed.]

Sheng Yuan: “Brother has a soft heart.”

Truly Ambitious imitated their wailing: [Brother Sheng, I want to be a delinquent boss too.]

Sheng Yuan: “Brother doesn’t always have a soft heart.”

[System: …]


Both sides straightened their collars and sat down. Wang Xiaoming, the head of the Literary Arts Department, also known as the Math Book, took out the printed script and handed it to the two of them.

“The leads are set as Brother Sheng and Brother Chu. I hope both of you can actively participate and enjoy the joy of this school anniversary. Let me briefly explain the script to you—it’s a medley and adaptation of fairy tales.”

Sheng Yuan sat with proper posture, while Chu Weitian rested his chin on his hand.

Being stared at by the two school tyrants, Wang Xiaoming felt a little nervous and swallowed nervously.

“The script is called ‘Invincible Love.’”

“The princess, the female protagonist, is known by her beauty and grace, and she can communicate with small animals. At the beginning, she is mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters, but with the help of small animals and fairies, she ends up with the prince. However, on the day of their wedding, the princess accidentally talks to an evil dragon using her ability to communicate with small animals. The evil dragon kidnaps her and takes her to the castle, wanting her to stay and chat with it. But because the princess is too talkative, the evil dragon can’t stand it and poisons her with an apple. Then the prince arrives, defeats the evil dragon, and despite the princess sleeping and not washing her face for many years, true love conquers all as the prince kisses her awake, and they live happily ever after.”

Wang Xiaoming finished speaking, his eyes filled with anticipation as he looked at the two.

“What do you think? Is it okay?”

Sheng Yuan: “…”

Zhu Weitian: “…”

What a miserable life for this cursed princess.

And why is there a kissing scene?

The two glanced at each other and shivered instantly.

The thought was enough to make them vomit for three days and three nights.

Wang Xiaoming: “The ending might be altered, it’s not completely settled yet, but the general direction is for the two of them to live happily together. Usually, the ending is the prince awakening the princess with a kiss. It adds a marketing gimmick, and everyone will be even more excited.”

Seeing the disgusted expressions of the two, Wang Xiaoming put down his pride.

“Please, pretty please.”

Sheng Yuan and Chu Weitian felt as if they had been fed a mouthful of shit.

You understand marketing.

As soon as the list of actors for the senior class performance in the third year was announced, the school forum exploded.

“What the fuck! What the fuck! What the fuck!”

“Can I really watch this?”

“Sheng Yuan and Chu Weitian?! How on earth did they convince them?”

“You know what, the Literary Arts Department has something going for them.”

“I heard it’s a fairy tale! Will there be a scene where the prince kisses the princess awake?!”

“So exciting!!!!!!”

“Will Chu Weitian wear a princess dress? Hahaha.”

“It’s in the script, but who knows if they’ll change it.”

“Two guys kissing? Oh my.”

“Brother Sheng is in it? I must support this show.”

“I really want to watch it toooo! Can’t wait! It’s a male-male couple!”

On the other side, the old man carried the tray back to the kitchen, and there was a crisp sound as Yu Zuojin accidentally dropped the plate in his hand.

He stood by the sink, with his phone placed beside it.

The old man was startled, “Little Yu, don’t move, I’ll get the broom.”

Before the old man could return, Yu Zuojin had already picked up the broken pieces from the floor and disposed of them in the trash bin.

“Deduct it from my salary.”

He turned around and continued washing the dishes.

He washed the dishes vigorously, as if wanting to shatter them, causing the entire sink to shake.

During the evening self-study session, Class 6 carved out one class period to rehearse in the vacant dance studio of the art building. The corridors of the art building were filled with a medley of popular music, and every class was preparing for their performances.

Sheng Yuan walked into the men’s changing room carrying Fox Nick’s police uniform. He quickly changed into the top, with the tail of the shirt connected to the pants. However, attaching the ears to his head proved to be a bit challenging. Instead of being a single piece, they were designed for authenticity, so he had to wear each ear separately. Sheng Yuan spent quite some time adjusting the position of each ear on his head until they harmonized, and then he walked out.

As soon as Sheng Yuan entered the dance studio, everyone gasped in unison.

A few people couldn’t take their eyes off him.


Damn perfect!

Since he was the lead character, his appearance had to be outstanding. Fox Nick’s uniform, provided by the photography studio, came in only one size, making it quite selective.

Sheng Yuan had a slender waist and long legs, and the black police uniform accentuated his waistline perfectly. His face was exceptionally well-suited, especially with those beautiful, almost bewitching eyes. His eyebrows and eyes seemed to be drawn with precision.

His head was lowered as he wore gloves, and his hands, with distinct joints, were wrapped in black fabric, displaying slender fingers.

But most importantly, he possessed an innate aura, the kind that exuded a rebellious spirit. The furry ears on his head added an indescribable touch of color to his overall image.

It was Impossible to look away.

Sheng Yuan adjusted his gloves and lifted his head.

“Why are you all staring at me?”

“Brother Sheng, you’re fucking perfect!!!”


Author’s Note:

Brother Yu: Courtesy, integrity, modesty, and righteousness. Also…home address.

Chu Weitian, beware of a broken leg!

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