Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Wang Xiaoming: “Ah?”

Yu Zuojin glanced sideways while wearing the dragon costume.

Wang Xiaoming: “It’s possible! Of course, it’s possible, Boss Yu. No one in No.1 Middle School is more suitable for this role than you.”

Flattery came naturally to him.

He took a deep breath, observing the scene in the dance studio. Who would have thought that Dance Studio 507 appeared no different from the other classrooms but housed three delinquent bosses inside?

Although he had initially decided to feature a delinquent as the protagonist to ride on the trend, at this rate, he was practically making a gang hideout.

The students in the dance studio were not very familiar with the three of them, but Sheng Yuan was different from the other two. He was carefree and relaxed, like a bird in the sky. Compared to the fear of approaching Yu Zuojin and Chu Weitian, Sheng Yuan was much easier to get along with.

Most of the students only approached Sheng Yuan for a group photo; they didn’t dare to ask the other two.

Sheng Yuan seemed to be a mediator between Yu Zuojin, Chu Weitian, and the other students. He would convey things that others didn’t dare to say.

The stepmother trio still couldn’t show a cruel gaze towards Chu Weitian. Whenever their eyes met, there was a hint of fear.

Wang Xiaoming couldn’t do anything about it and had to consider replacing them, but hardly anyone among the internal staff wanted to take over.

Sheng Yuan: “I can recommend two people.”

Wang Xiaoming was overjoyed. “That’s great! Are there any other classmates you can recommend? They can bring their friends to try.”

Silence filled the dance studio.

Suddenly, a sound came from a distance.

“Boss Yu, you can also recommend some!” Wang Xiaoming’s eyes sparkled.

Yu Zuojin: “…”

He had trouble moving around with the big tail and accidentally hit a water bottle nearby.

But as he looked at the curious gaze from Sheng Yuan beside Wang Xiaoming, Yu Zuojin awkwardly took out his phone while wearing the clumsy dragon costume.

Five minutes later, Xia Zhiqi, Cun Tou, and Qi Sheng coincidentally met outside the dance studio.

They had rushed over as fast as they could when the Big Brother called.

Neither side paid much attention to each other. Qi Sheng, with his red hair and blowing bubble gum, opened the side sliding door of the dance studio.


The bubble burst, and the three at the door almost had their eyes pop out of their sockets.

Nothing special outside, but inside was so fascinating.

Qi Sheng looked at Yu Zuojin wearing the dragon cartoon costume with a wooden face, and he felt an impact from the depths of his soul.


Xia Zhiqi and Cun Tou looked at Sheng Yuan, a slightly wicked smile forming on their lips.

At least their Big Brother was still normal.

Heh, they won this high-end setup.

Xia Zhiqi glanced triumphantly at Qi Sheng and approached Sheng Yuan. “Brother Sheng, what’s up?”

“Nothing, I just thought you were suitable for a role, so I called you over.”

Xia Zhiqi grinned, showing his teeth. “What role?”

Ten minutes later, Xia Zhiqi appeared on stage wearing a stepmother’s fluffy dress, and Cun Tou couldn’t escape either, as he was now wearing a pink fluffy dress.

Qi Sheng looked at their appearances and laughed so hard that he bent over. “Damn, hahaha! It’s so ugly Brother Yu, take a look.”

He turned around to call Yu Zuojin but saw a meaningful gaze from him.

Qi Sheng swallowed and pointed to the pink dress on Cun Tou, voicing his resistance. “ Brother Yu, I absolutely won’t wear it!”


Qi Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Zuojin said, “Yours is blue.”

Qi Sheng: “…”


The vicious trio assembled, each of them having had some conflict with Chu Weitian, so their venomous gazes came naturally and effortlessly.

However, as they looked at each other, their expressions were a bit too harsh.

Qi Sheng: This damn thing is definitely an occupational injury.

He silently turned his head to look at his imposing Big Brother, Yu Zuojin, who was expressionless and wearing the ridiculous dragon headgear, exuding an air of foolishness.


As expected, Sheng Yuan was also here.

Recently, his Big Brother no longer went out with them, and their usual encounters had become less frequent. Every time they met, Sheng Yuan was always by his side, as if he had been enchanted by him. No one knew what kind of spell he had cast on his brother, but Sheng Yuan seemed to follow him wherever he went.

Now, the princess, the prince, and the dragon from the script had gathered together. Wang Xiaoming and the members of the literary committee discussed and arranged the scenes involving the three of them first, before doing the scenes with the princess and the prince. After all, Yu Zuojin was unpredictable, and who knew when he would appear again in the dance studio.

Since only Wang Xiaoming had interacted with Yu Zuojin, the committee unanimously pushed him out to discuss the script with Yu Zuojin.

Familiarity breeds ease.

Wang Xiaoming looked at Yu Zuojin with a smile on his face, his legs trembling more skillfully.

“Brother Yu, can we now arrange the scene where the dragon abducts the princess from the prince’s side? What do you think?”

Yu Zuojin didn’t answer him. Instead, he took a step toward Sheng Yuan, the tail behind him swaying back and forth in a somewhat comical manner.

Unexpectedly, the other party was so cooperative that Wang Xiaoming almost shed tears of joy on the spot. “Prepare for the narration!”

The narrator cleared his throat. “Just as the prince was holding the princess, gazing at the stars, the dragon made its entrance.”

Sheng Yuan, with an expression of disdain, circled behind Chu Weitian, while Yu Zuojin appeared with a black face.

“Wonderful emotional expression, Brother Yu!” Wang Xiaoming exclaimed.

Qi Sheng: “…”

No, he could clearly see that Brother Yu was genuinely angry.

Qi Sheng recalled that ever since he walked into the dance studio, Yu Zuojin had been angry.

They hadn’t seen each other for a few days, yet why was Brother Yu so irritable?

Although he had a bad temper in general, it was usually provoked by someone who didn’t know any better. But at this moment, no one had provoked him.

Could it be…

Qi Sheng’s gaze fell on the bizarre outfits in the room. Could it be that he was visually overwhelmed?

The narrator continued, “The dragon, seething with anger at the couple’s happiness, raised its strong arm and slapped away the prince.”

Yu Zuojin looked at Sheng Yuan and lightly pushed him.

Sheng Yuan took a few steps back in response. The first rehearsal didn’t require realism; the main focus was on the flow of the movements.

The narrator continued, “The prince was knocked unconscious, and the dragon approached and abducted the princess.”

Yu Zuojin raised his arm and captured Chu Weitian by the nape of his neck, as if catching a pig.

The force he used was almost lethal, completely different from the gentle push from earlier.

“Clap!” Wang Xiaoming clapped his hands to stop them. “Brother Yu, you’re mistaken. Your emotions are off. You need to be much more gentle with the princess, the kind of gentleness that makes you afraid she’ll melt in your hands. The dragon’s feelings toward the princess stem from love turning to hatred, but we haven’t reached the hatred part yet. Right now, you should only show abundant love for the princess, love! Love! Do you understand?”

Wang Xiaoming danced with enthusiasm.

Lin Xiaoyuan stood by, anxiously sweating for him. How dare he teach Yu Zuojin?

Math Book, you wield such great authority.

Lin Xiaoyuan looked at Yu Zuojin’s cold expression and then at the sturdy and imposing princess.

Loving this princess is truly challenging.

What is there to love about the princess?

At this moment, Yu Zuojin’s gaze was fixed on Sheng Yuan.

Loving his husband.

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