Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Thoughts intertwined like countless silver threads, tying a knot in his mind that even scissors couldn’t cut.

Yu Zuojin looked at Sheng Yuan, who stood in the center of the crowd, radiating brilliance. His pitch-black pupils revealed no emotions.

Sheng Yuan was very popular in the school, and there were countless posts about him on the school forum every day. Wherever he went, people would secretly watch him or quietly take out their phones to snap pictures. With his outstanding appearance and pleasant personality, even those who didn’t know him thought he was just like any other delinquent youth, someone capable of all sorts of mischief. But they were equally attracted to his appearance.

He was a gem that couldn’t be hidden among the sand, shining brightly.

What is it that he cared about deep down in his heart?

Was it because he wanted to possess the beauty of the gem or simply because he liked it?

Yu Zuojin had a rebellious answer in his heart from the beginning. He didn’t like him.

Even now, although he couldn’t figure it out, he had already given himself an acceptable result in his heart.

He does not like Sheng Yuan.

He does not like men.

After the rehearsal of the ballroom scene, Chu Weitian and Sheng Yuan almost instantly separated.

They exchanged glances, their eyebrows furrowing tightly.

It was just a few minutes, but it would take a lifetime to heal.

Because Yu Zuojin was temporarily assigned the role of the dragon, he didn’t have time to complete his math paper.

The papers and stationery were scattered on the floor.

“When you leave, take the math paper with you.” Sheng Yuan walked up to him and couldn’t resist pinching the dragon’s tail a few times.

Well, it felt quite good in his hands.

The answer just now gave Yu Zoujin a psychological suggestion. He intentionally kept a small distance of less than half a meter from Sheng Yuan, and he felt that he had gone too far.

But looking at Sheng Yuan’s expression, the latter didn’t seem to notice anything and urged him to change clothes.

“Don’t you have Chinese class in the first period this afternoon? Go change your clothes. You can’t take off this outfit easily, or you’ll be late.”

Lately, Yu Zuojin would go to Chinese class at school every day. Even when he was working outside, he would rush back in a dusty state. It had become a habit, and he knew exactly when the Chinese class was scheduled during the week, so he would return to school on time.

He worked at the furniture factory for only two days, and once the workload was completed, the factory no longer needed external workers. However, Yu Zuojin received a small reward of nearly a thousand yuan. In the following days, he tried to find work elsewhere, but due to his age and disability, no one dared to hire him. Even the construction site didn’t want him to carry bricks. He would turn eighteen in the spring next year.

Finally, an old lady from a vegetable shop allowed him to work as a part-time helper. He peeled potatoes in the small kitchen and helped with unloading the vegetables when they arrived. But he had to wake up early, arriving at the shop at five in the morning and leaving at seven.

Yu Zuojin dragged his large dragon tail and walked out of the dance studio to the men’s changing room. The changing room was about a hundred square meters, and there were two hundred storage lockers inside, making it spacious. But at this moment, there was a queue in front of the changing room because Chu Weitian was changing clothes inside.

It wasn’t that he scared others away, but rather that others didn’t dare to enter. This was the only men’s changing room on the fifth floor, and several classes from the first to the third year had rehearsals on this floor. There was a considerable flow of people, but they all had a deep fear of Chu Weitian. Troublesome and ill-tempered delinquent youths who were feared by everyone would be avoided by others, let alone someone with such a notorious reputation. They were afraid of accidentally provoking him and getting beaten up.

Unlike the conflicts between delinquent youths and their classmates that could be resolved with a few fights, they would beat each other to death.

“It’s so scary. I didn’t expect Chu Weitian to be in the performance.”

“I accidentally laughed when I saw him wearing a dress just now. Do you think he noticed?” The anxious male classmate from the second year expressed his concern.

“He probably didn’t see it. Don’t worry,” reassured the classmate.

“He’s really scary.”

As they quietly discussed outside the changing room, a two-meter tall dragon clumsily pushed the door open and walked in.

The crowd: “…”



“I must have been seeing things. That dragon looks just like Yu Zuojin!”

“It really does look like him!”

“Yu Zuojin is also in the art building?!”

“I can’t take it anymore. I’m not queuing here. I have spare clothes underneath my costume. I’ll go to the restroom to change.”

“I’ll go too. Wait for me.”

“I’m not queuing either.”

The line that had formed in front of the changing room instantly scattered as soon as Yu Zuojin entered.

They had heard about how he once threw someone off the third floor.

He almost killed someone.

Those who left grumbled with dissatisfaction about not being able to use the changing room because of the two individuals, but fear was the prevailing emotion. Even their complaints were murmured softly, with frequent glances over their shoulders, afraid of being overheard.

The problems that delinquent youths brought to regular students at school went far beyond this.

Chu Weitian’s princess gown was elaborate, with a shoulder wrap, a waist belt, and a sash. It took him a while to remove one piece.

When he heard someone enter, he turned his head and saw the infamous dragon, Yu Zuojin. Suddenly, his calf cramped in pain. They didn’t have much interaction in ordinary times, so he continued to focus on taking off his own clothes, keeping his head down.

Yu Zuojin’s dragon costume was no better. The two towering figures above 185 centimeters clumsily twisted and turned.

After considerable effort, they finally freed themselves from the constraints of their garments. Both shirtless, they each took clothes from their respective lockers.

Unfortunately, their lockers were next to each other.

An inexplicable desire for superiority welled up between the two men. Chu Weitian looked at Yu Zuojin’s well-proportioned and solid physique, then lowered his head to glance at his own.

He had the same abdominal muscles, oblique lines, and back muscles, but Yu Zuojin’s appeared more toned.

A hint of dissatisfaction flashed in Chu Weitian’s eyes.

Meanwhile, when Yu Zuojin saw him, he recalled the image of the other person placing his hand in Sheng Yuan’s palm earlier.

He didn’t like Sheng Yuan.

The voice in his heart repeated, dispersing the images in his mind.

With cold eyes, Yu Zuojin retrieved his clothes from the locker. However, the flames of his impatience burned higher, and the smoky haze refused to dissipate even with the wind.

He stood in the dance studio wearing that ridiculous attire, watching the two of them interact intimately for half an hour.

As soon as Chu Weitian took out his clothes, he met Yu Zoujin’s cold side gaze.

In the backlight, those pitch-black eyes resembled a ravenous hound, with a dignified neck contour and broad, well-trained shoulders. Even if someone specifically went to the gym to train, it would still take considerable effort and endure some hardship to achieve such a physique.

This gaze reminded Chu Weitian of the look in Yu Zuojin’s eyes when he burst into the room and kicked him.

He became cautious even though he hadn’t done anything to provoke him today.

Chu Weitian was accustomed to having a fiery temper, and with people catering to him, no one dared to provoke him. But evidently, Yu Zuojin had an even bigger temper.

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