Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

In the group chat led by Xia Zhiqi and his followers:

“Fuck! What’s going on? Someone dared to mock our big brother!”

“Who is it? Who is it?”

“He mocked our big brother, which means he mocked all of us! We’ve been laughed at!”

“Who is it? I’ll go confront him tomorrow.”

“Knowing who it is won’t help. Big brother made a bet with him. If we beat him up, it’ll make big brother look like he can’t afford the bet.”


There was silence in the group for a few minutes.

“No, what do we do? We’re actually studying. It’s embarrassing if it gets out.”

“I don’t want to study either. I get a headache just looking at books.”

“Me too…”

“You guys don’t study! I will! Big brother is always so good to us. Now he made a bet, and we can’t even do this small thing? Who used to brag every day, saying that he was just too lazy to study, and if he started studying, eight hundred top students couldn’t catch up with him!”

“I’ll study too. Big brother never asks us to do anything, doesn’t boss us around, and doesn’t ask us for money. What’s wrong with paying a bit of intellectual tax!”

“Big brother has his reasons for making the bet. I’ll study too!”

“Damn it, study, study, study! Fine, I’ll study!”

“If you’re all studying, then I’ll study too.”

“That guy better be ready to kneel and apologize to our big brother!!!!”

“But even if big brother marks the key points, there are some that I don’t understand.”

“Same here.”

“Why don’t we ask big brother?”

“Big brother also has a bet with Zheng Zilu. We shouldn’t disturb him. How will he review?”

“What do we do then?”


That night, Yu Zoujin decided to return to the classroom to take a nap since he finished work early.

Due to the presence of Yu Zoujin in Class Ten, many parents came to the school to request that their children be transferred to other classes, and the delinquent students were almost never present during evening self-study, so Class Ten was quiet and peaceful, perfect for napping.

He opened his eyes to the sound of the evening self-study dismissal bell. Those eyes, as dark as ink spilled on rice paper, had an uncanny depth.

He walked out of the classroom, intending to return to the dormitory.

The playful crowd fell silent as he appeared, and they scattered to avoid him.

Because of the surrounding silence, the Northeastern accent sounded particularly loud.

“Yu Zoujin! Where is your school uniform?!”

The students looked towards the source of the voice.

Sure enough, it was Iron Head.

The head teacher stormed through the crowd and approached Yu Zoujin with an imposing presence.

“Where is your school uniform? Don’t you know the proper dress code and the requirement of a standardized school uniform?”

Yu Zoujin couldn’t be bothered and nonchalantly walked away on his long legs.

But the head teacher didn’t give up and followed closely behind Yu Zoujin.

“I’m asking you about your school uniform! Why aren’t you wearing it! It seems like you don’t respect me as the head teacher.”

Yu Zoujin felt annoyed and raised his hand to remove the earpiece.

The head teacher immediately jumped and put it back on for him.

“You must give me an explanation today!”

Yu Zoujin: “…”

The head teacher persisted in chasing him, and Yu Zoujin grew impatient. His voice, like a saw scraping against wood, emitted two disdainful words, “It’s washed.”

“Washed?” The head teacher was skeptical. “You’re not tricking me, are you?”

Yu Zoujin had no interest in entertaining him.

The head teacher had no intention of letting him off easily.

“Fine, I’ll go with you to the dormitory now. I want to see if you’ve really washed it or not!”

The people around them couldn’t help but worry. Won’t Yu Zoujin shut the door and beat him up?

Yu Zoujin had transferred to this school at the beginning of the first year, and the reason for the transfer was because he had physically assaulted a teacher.

To transfer schools right after entering high school due to assaulting a teacher indicated that he had some serious issues.

Yu Zoujin’s expression grew increasingly gloomy.

He hated people who incessantly nagged in his ear, their words delivered in an irritatingly correcting tone, constantly chattering beside him.

The head teacher followed Yu Zoujin back to the dormitory.

If he found out that Yu Zoujin hadn’t washed his school uniform, the lecture would last at least half an hour!

However, even before they reached Room 408, as they passed by each male dormitory, smoke billowed above their heads.

“Who allowed you to smoke in the dormitory!”

“Pornographic books! How old are you to be reading pornographic books!”

“Your dormitory is like a trash heap!”

“Yue~~yue~~~ Who piled up a basin of stinking socks!!!”

The head teacher’s eyes turned red with anger. “Clean up all of this! I will come to inspect the hygiene every night!”

Amidst the clamor, they arrived at Room 408.

Yu Zoujin pushed open the door to the dormitory, paying no attention to the head teacher behind him, and went straight to the bathroom, lifting up his black short-sleeved shirt.

There was a lingering smell of barbecue smoke.

Noticing that the laundry detergent was finished, his mood worsened, and he kicked over the nearby dirty laundry basket.

“Huh, it’s really washed!”

The school uniform hung neatly on the small balcony, emanating a faint fragrance of laundry detergent.

Yu Zoujin emerged with his upper body bare and when he caught sight of the washed and hung school uniform, he was momentarily stunned.

His deep gaze scanned the entire dormitory. The other bed, once piled with miscellaneous items, was now empty.

The head teacher was in his forties and would usually empathize with the students. After all, even children this young cared about their reputation.

He took the initiative to lower his tone. “I made a mistake this time, and I apologize for suspecting you. However, you must wear the school uniform. I hope that next time you wash it, you choose a more suitable time.”

Seeing Yu Zoujin’s expressionless face and silence, the head teacher wasn’t angry. At least the student hadn’t lied to him.

“Well done, young man. The clothes are washed nicely. Just tidy up this room, and it will be even better.”

The head teacher left with a smile.

Yu Zoujin looked at the school uniform hanging on the balcony, lost in thought.


The next morning, when Sheng Yuan got up, he received a message about the successful completion of his mission.

[System: Do you have anything to say?]

Dressed in his school uniform, Sheng Yuan stepped out of the room. “I, Sheng Yuan, are not inferior to Xiao Zhiqi.”

[System: …]

Miss Xiao Tao stood at the entrance of Class 6, holding her Chinese textbook.

It was her first class after returning to work.

The thought of facing a classroom with no discipline made her tear up from the bottom of her heart.

She wanted to enforce rules, but the students simply wouldn’t listen. She felt powerless.

Trying to reason with them for their own good, but they didn’t want to listen.

Class 6 was the first class she taught after becoming a teacher, and she had put in a great deal of effort.

She stood outside the classroom, brainwashing herself.

Why couldn’t her students be like the countless others in the world?

Then, she pulled open the classroom door and walked in, standing at the podium. She found the classroom silent, and pairs of eager eyes seeking knowledge turned to her.

Miss Xiao Tao: ?

Had her illness really not improved?

After experiencing auditory hallucinations, now she was having visual hallucinations?

It was truly insane.

“Xiao… Oops, I mean, teacher, hurry up! It’s been two minutes into the class!”

“Yes, are you going to teach or not? We’re waiting to listen!”

Miss Xiao Tao widened her almond-shaped eyes, but finally regained her composure. “Okay, okay, everyone, turn to page 37 in your textbooks.”

She picked up the chalk and wrote down “In Praise of Learning” on the blackboard.

After class, Miss Xiao Tao left, feeling a bit elated. It was the most normal class she had taught in over a year.

A group of unruly students from Class 6 gathered at the back of the classroom, murmuring to themselves.

“I can’t memorize it. Seriously, I can’t.”

“Even if you can’t memorize it, you have to! You have to!”

“Chinese is fine, but I have no idea about math and physics. The physics teacher won’t possibly go over the topics he taught before.”

“How about I explain it to you?”


As Xiao Pang raised his head, he collided with Sheng Yuan’s gaze.

‘Big brother!’

They quickly stood up.

“No need, big brother. You focus on your studies. We can handle it ourselves.”

“Big brother, you rest. Take a break.”

Sheng Yuan raised an eyebrow. “You don’t need me?”

“No, we don’t.”

If they didn’t need him, Sheng Yuan was happy to have some free time. He planned to go out during lunch break to print some study materials and distribute them when he returned.

On the other side, Qi Sheng woke up and got up from the table.

“Brother Qi, why didn’t we see Brother Yu today?”

Qi Sheng yawned, “He’s in the dormitory.”


“Don’t know what he’s doing. He sent a letter saying he was busy in the afternoon.”

“If only I had come to school in the afternoon.”

At noon, Sheng Yuan finished lunch, carried his pocket money, and walked out of the school gate. He arrived at a photocopying shop and handed over his well-organized notes. “Boss, make twenty copies.”

Then he remembered something. “Make it twenty-one copies.”

“Sure, I’ll make them compact for you to save money.”

“Thanks, boss.”

In total, it cost more than fifty. The freshly printed papers were warm. Sheng Yuan carried the bag and headed towards the school.

As soon as he entered the teaching building, he saw Zheng Zilu running into the building in a fluster, accidentally stumbling along the way.

Sheng Yuan lifted Zheng Zilu by the collar. “Hey, are you okay?”

Zheng Zilu saw him and shook him off. “Tell me, what did you guys do to Guo Gang?!”

“Guo Gang?”

“That’s right!”

Sheng Yuan put his hand to his mouth, appearing thoughtful. “Who is Guo Gang?”

Zheng Zilu: “…”

“Don’t act ignorant!” He gritted his teeth. “Who else could Guo Gang be? Your little brothers took him away in the cafeteria. I dare you to say you don’t know!”

“I don’t know.”

Zheng Zilu: “…”

Very well, he really dared to say it.

At that moment, the head teacher came downstairs, planning to go to the cafeteria for a meal. Zheng Zilu rushed over to him as if he had seen a savior.


“Fuck! What’s the matter? Scared me.”

The head teacher was startled, and swore without thinking. He quickly covering his mouth. “Sorry, I got startled just now.”

Zheng Zilu didn’t pay attention. “Teacher, something bad happened!”

Seeing his flustered demeanor, the head teacher became serious. “What happened?”

“Just now in the cafeteria, the delinquents from Class 6 claimed that Guo Gang drank their milk tea and took him away.”

“Another incident!”

“Guo Gang was with me the whole time. There’s no way he went to drink their milk tea. It’s just an excuse they made to take him away. They took him to the equipment room in the gymnasium.” Zheng Zilu spoke without taking a breath. “It’s been a while since they took him away. Teacher, please go and check quickly.”

The head teacher couldn’t afford to delay. Without listening to the rest of Zheng Zilu’s words, he hurriedly headed towards the gymnasium, feeling anxious, fearing something might happen to the student.

Zheng Zilu turned around angrily and said to Sheng Yuan, “I will repay you for what your little brothers did to Guo Gang, tooth for tooth, eye for eye!”

With those words, he also ran out.

[System: What did Xia Zhiqi and the others do to the person named Guo Gang?]

“I don’t know.”

Sheng Yuan was also curious and leisurely made his way to the gymnasium.

The door of the equipment room in the gymnasium was half open, occasionally emitting profanities and muffled sounds of Guo Gang’s mouth being covered.

The head teacher broke out in a cold sweat and kicked open the door.


A group of delinquent youths all lifted their heads from the exam papers. They were sitting on the floor, and it was covered with science test papers. The air in the gymnasium seemed to freeze for a moment, with only the sound of Guo Gang slurping his milk tea as he sat in the middle.

“Gudong, gudong…”

The people around looked at him.

Guo Gang was dumbfounded.

Why were they all staring at him?

Iron Head only said to stop, not to stop talking.

The head teacher twitched at the corner of his mouth, feeling somewhat embarrassed. He had never expected a group of troublesome students to gather together to study. He scratched his head and neck in confusion, stumbling over his words, “No, why did your Class 6 bring a student from another class to the gymnasium?”

Xia Zhiqi replied, “Teacher, is it not allowed to have a passion for learning?”

As they say, actions speak louder than words. Guo Gang spoke up, “Teacher, I came here to teach them.”

In the cafeteria, just after finishing his meal, he was surrounded by a group of delinquents who asked if he was the top student in the grade. He dared not lie and tremblingly admitted it. Then they wanted to take him away, saying they wanted to treat him to milk tea.

How could he trust them? He ran as fast as he could, but they caught up with him.

He thought he would get beaten up, but to his surprise, they really wanted to treat him to milk tea and, incidentally, have him teach them.

Zheng Zilu was dumbfounded by the scene.

At that moment, Sheng Yuan walked over, humming a tune.

“An eye for an eye?” he asked.

Zheng Zilu: “…”

Sheng Yuan continued, “A tooth for a tooth?”

Zheng Zilu: “…”

Sheng Yuan added, “I’ll have a large cup of milk tea.”

Zheng Zilu: “…”

Author’s note:

Sheng Yuan: Today, I must commit this crime.

Brother Yu, who had been waiting for the snail girl in the dormitory all afternoon: “…”

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