Don’t Try To Corrupt Me

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

After meeting at 408, Yu Zuojin disappeared without a trace once again.

Two days passed like this, and Sheng Yuan woke up groggily in the morning. The first thing he did was reach for his phone on the bedside table. Muscle memory from repeated operations allowed him to dial Yu Zuojin’s number with his eyes closed.

“Sorry, the number you have dialed is not available…”

Sheng Yuan opened his eyes and stared at the call interface on his phone screen.

[System: Could it be that you broke up?]

Sheng Yuan: “…”

Why are you speaking such explosive things early in the morning?

But Sheng Yuan was now a bit angry.

They didn’t see each other, and he couldn’t find Yu Zoujin on phone. On that day, he had already thought about the future.

He wanted to ask if Yu Zuojin would be willing to come home with him.

But before he could say a word, Yu Zuojin left.

This couldn’t go on like this.

He had to get Yu Zuojin’s home address.

[System: Wow, so thrilling.]

Sheng Yuan was puzzles, “What messy things are you messing around with?”

[System: Just doing morning exercises.]

As the mechanical voice spoke, the background music for morning exercises started playing.

Three circles to the left, three circles to the right, twist the neck, twist the waist…

Sheng Yuan: “…”

So noisy.

Sheng Yuan got out of bed. It was Saturday today, so Sheng Wang didn’t have to go to kindergarten. The boy was sound asleep in his small wooden bed. Sheng Yuan left his room and headed to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth before going to school.

Just as Sheng Yuan finished washing his face and came out, he saw Sheng Chenggong.

“Hey, didn’t you say your boyfriend was coming? Why hasn’t he come for so many days?”

Sheng Yuan squeezed toothpaste onto his toothbrush. “There was a bit of a situation.”

Sheng Chenggong said, “Oh, you broke up, huh.”

Sheng Yuan: “…”

Why open a pot you shouldn’t open?

Sheng Chenggong hummed a little tune and left. Sheng Yuan finished his morning routine, grabbed a slice of bread from the dining table, and left for school.

Iron Head’s had a roster of the senior students that they filled out at the beginning of the school year. It had the students’ photos and personal information, such as ID numbers and home addresses.

Once he obtained the roster, he would know Yu Zuojin’s home address.

[System: You’re going to steal it!]

Sheng Yuan corrected, “Borrow.”

[System: Then why are you speaking around?]

He was crouched outside the office and observing the door.

Good question, he didn’t know either, it just happened naturally.

He straightened his posture, walked with dignity, and when he said he was borrowing, he meant it.

He listened attentively, but there was no sound inside. Iron Head should not have arrived yet.

He quietly opened the door, but there was a loud noise from inside.

Sheng Yuan:!

There was someone inside!

It was too late to close the door. When he pulled it open, he came face to face with the person inside.

Sheng Yuan: “…”

Chu Weitian: “…”

Both of them frowned, “Why is it you?”

Seeing their adversary, each harbored disdain.

Chu Weitian asked, “Why are you in my uncle’s office so early in the morning?”

Sheng Yuan replied, “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”

Chu Weitian said, “Can’t I look for something? What about you?”

Sheng Yuan walked in and closed the door. “I’m also looking for something.”

They exchanged looks.


Time was pressing, and they had no time to argue. They began searching the office.

Chu Weitian watched the busy Sheng Yuan and asked curiously, “What are you looking for?”

“The senior year roster.”

Chu Weitian responded, “It’s in the right drawer of the desk.”

Sheng Yuan asked, “How do you know?”

“I saw it earlier.”

“What are you looking for?”

“My game console.”

“Behind the flower pot.”

“How do you know?!”

“I helped your uncle hide it.”

“…” Chu Weitian went to check behind the flower pot. “Damn! It’s really there. Sheng Yuan, you’re a true bro.”

Meanwhile, Sheng Yuan also found the roster. He quickly turned to Yu Zuojin’s page, took a photo with his phone, and then put the roster back exactly as it was.

As far as the record showed, he had never been there.

They both found what they were looking for and walked towards the door. However, just as they reached the entrance, the door handle moved on its own.

Sheng Yuan: “…”

Chu Weitian: “…”

Iron Head entered and saw these two door guardians.

Years of teaching experience told him that these two must be up to no good.

“What are you doing in my office?” he asked.

Chu Weitian replied, “I just came to take a look.”

Sheng Yuan pointed at him and said, “He came to find the game console.”

Chu Weitian: !!

He looked at Sheng Yuan incredulously, his eyes cursing him: Nimma! What happened to being brothers?

Taking advantage of the situation, Sheng Yuan slipped away and raised his eyebrows at him, as if saying, “Who said we were brothers?”

Reveal the culprit, divert attention. Sheng Yuan smoothly made his way out of the office.

With the address in hand, Sheng Yuan didn’t linger and made his first-ever class skip since his high school days.

The address was in the quiet downtown area. It would take over an hour by public transportation, but he didn’t waste any time. He quickly calculated the fare and hopped over the school wall.

The young man ran away.

Sheng Yuan, who couldn’t be corrupted by the delinquent system, did his first rebellious act because of Yu Zoujin.

He took a taxi to the quiet downtown area. It was still early in the morning, with birds chirping happily in the trees. He walked to the villa residential area and looked at the magnificent buildings inside, searching for the house number.

The environment was pleasant, with great landscaping. There was a cobblestone path in the distance leading to a large outdoor fountain. Sheng Yuan circled around it and continued his search, finally stopping in front of a villa gate.

Sheng Yuan looked up, truly looking up.

[System: Wow, it’s so grand. You may have found yourself a rich second generation.]

Sheng Yuan: … Who said he didn’t?

His father is even the mayor.

[System: Do you feel inferior?]

“Inferior about what?”

[System: His family is so wealthy, what if you don’t measure up?]

Sheng Yuan now felt annoyed when he thought of Yu Zuojin.

“Don’t measure up to him?” Sheng Yuan said, “It’s him who can’t match up with him.”

Truly Ambitious: “…”

He rang the doorbell, and soon, a maid in a black dress came over. Outside the door was an unfamiliar young face.

Maid: “Who are you looking for?”

Sheng Yuan appeared natural and stated his purpose, “I’m looking for Yu Zuojin.”

“I’ll inform Madam. Please wait.”

[System: I didn’t expect there would be such a process.]

Sheng Yuan waited at the door for two minutes, and the maid hurriedly returned to open the door for him.

Her eyes looked at him curiously.

Tang Jing sat on the sofa, her brow furrowed.

“Sorry for the disturbance.”

A clean and brisk voice sounded, and she abruptly opened her eyes, only to see a well-groomed young man entering. His eyes twinkled with youthful spirit, and his eyes were particularly beautiful and bright.

He held a large fruit basket in his hand, which he had bought on the way, as it would have been inappropriate to come empty-handed.

Tang Jing looked at him for a while, feeling complicated in her heart. She knew that the person in front of her was her son’s boyfriend.

Seeing the prolonged silence from the other side, Sheng Yuan spoke again, “Sorry for the disturbance.”

Tang Jing’s face appeared somewhat haggard. “Let the child come in.”

The maid helped Sheng Yuan with his slippers, and after he thanked her and changed into them, he walked in.

He greeted Tang Jing and then got straight to the point, “I’m here to find Yu Zuojin.”

Tang Jing looked at him, and once again went silent, as if lost in thought. Tang Jing realized her gaffe, but still spoke her mind.

“You are Zuojin’s boyfriend, right?”

Sheng Yuan replied, “Yes.”

Huang Anchong rushed to tell Yu Zuojin’s parents about the two of them, and the fact that the other party knew who he was didn’t surprise Sheng Yuan.

[System: Will there be a plot where they offer you five million to leave their son?]

Sheng Yuan said, “Are you looking forward to it?”

[System: It’s my cup of tea.]


It will only burn you.

Tang Jing looked at the determined young man in front of her, feeling complicated in her heart. But no matter how complicated it was, what could she do? Yu Zuojin is already like this, can she force him to break up?

She couldn’t accept it, but she had to accept it.

Sheng Yuan was smart and could see Tang Jing’s thoughts.

It’s only human nature. He had no intention of forcing Tang Jing to accept, but a breakup between the two was also impossible.

Both sides remained silent for a long time and Tang Jing let out a sigh, “Go and see Zuojin.”

Her voice was filled with sadness and powerlessness. “He locked himself in his room for two days, refusing to see anyone or eat.”

Sheng Yuan:!

Truly Ambitious:!

Not eating!

With his appetite, wouldn’t he starve to death if he missed a meal?

Tang Jing led Sheng Yuan upstairs to the door of Yu Zuojin’s room. The maid brought a tray with breakfast on it.

Sheng Yuan stared at the food on it, looking a bit troubled.

Tang Jing noticed and asked, “He doesn’t like these?”

Sheng Yuan shook his head, “These aren’t enough for him.”

Tang Jing: “…”

Maid: “…”

Is that so?

The maid quickly went to the kitchen and brought a few more portions. Tang Jing didn’t want to upset Yu Zuojin further, so she had the maid leave the food and they left together, leaving only Sheng Yuan in front of the door.

She wondered whether Yu Zuojin would see him.

For the past few days, she said she would take him to meet Sheng Yuan, but there was no response from the other party.

Sheng Yuan knocked on the door.

“Yu Zuojin.”

The person inside heard his voice and suddenly got up from the bed. Almost subconsciously, he wanted to open the door, but he came back to his senses. His dark eyes lowered, and he lay back on the bed.

There was no sound coming from inside.

[System: It seems like he really doesn’t want to see anyone.]

Forget about opening the door, there wasn’t even a sound.

[System: Should we go back then?]

Sheng Yuan squinted at the door. “I’m giving you three seconds Yu Zuojin. If you don’t open the door, we’re breaking up.”

This time, a rattling sound came from inside, and the door opened instantly.

Truly Ambitious: “…”

Here he is, the big drama king.

Yu Zuojin’s mind went blank upon hearing the words “break up.” It was almost an instinctive reaction that made him rush out of bed to open the door.

He looked at the clean Sheng Yuan outside the door, whose nose was slightly wrinkled, and his beautiful eyes narrowed in anger.

Yu Zuojin had bandages on his hand and avoided looking at him.

“Bring the breakfast in yourself.” Sheng Yuan chided Yu Zuojin, took a step into the room, and pulled the blackout curtains, plunging the room into darkness. He was afraid that Yu Zuojin’s eyes wouldn’t adjust, so he left a small opening for them to see the scene inside.

Yu Zuojin came in with breakfast and closed the door.

As he sat down, he felt a sense of grievance under Sheng Yuan’s scrutinizing gaze.

His voice was hoarse. “We’re not breaking up.”

His eyes were slightly swollen and bloodshot, but it did not diminish the handsomeness of his face. With sword eyebrows and deep-set eyes, he glanced down at Sheng Yuan.

[System: He looks so pitiful. Comfort him a bit.]

Sheng Yuan ignored Yu Zoujin in anger.

[System: Why are you challenging him?]

Sheng Yuan remained silent.

When Yu Zuojin saw that Sheng Yuan was ignoring him, and reached out to hug him. Sheng Yuan didn’t avoid him, but he also didn’t respond. Yu Zuojin pulled him onto his lap and embraced him, hesitating to touch him too much, but afraid of really breaking up.

He wanted to kiss him, but Sheng Yuan turned his head to avoid it.

“We’re not breaking up.” His body was hot and he repeated it in a hoarse voice before falling silent.

After two minutes, a sniffing sound could be heard.

Sheng Yuan:!

Truly Ambitious:!

Sheng Yuan’s eyes widened, and he turned his head to look.

Yu Zuojin looked back at him with bloodshot eyes.

Oh my, he’s really crying!

The level of shock from Yu Zoujin crying was no less than shock from rain in the desert. Sheng Yuan hurriedly raised his hand to wipe his face.

Yu Zuojin’s voice sounded like a withered tree. “We’re not breaking up.”

Sheng Yuan: “Of course not.”

Yu Zuojin leaned in, and Sheng Yuan kissed him.

“Okay, don’t cry.”

Yu Zuojin held onto him and silently shed tears.

The tall figure of 1.89 meters silently shedding tears, and the scene was shocking.

Truly Ambitious emerged from the shield.

[System: He’s different from before. Comfort him properly.]

Truly Ambitious unexpectedly felt a sense of worry as well.

Sheng Yuan got up from Yu Zoujin’s lap, and when Yu Zuojin tried to pull him, he didn’t resist but didn’t let him pull him either. He walked to the side of the bed, kicked off his slippers, and lay down.

He called him, “Come over, let me hold you as you sleep for a while.”

The other party seemed like he hadn’t had a good rest in a long time.

Yu Zuojin got up, his eyes still red. When he heard the mention of sleep, he raised his arm and took off his shirt, leaving only a pair of long pants hanging around his waist. He had a muscular upper body and his strong arms lifted the hem of Sheng Yuan’s clothes, making Sheng Yuan’s abdomen and chest to get a cool sensation.

Sheng Yuan was startled, and before he could even put down his clothes, Yu Zuojin had already buried his head in them, creating a large bulge below Sheng Yuan’s clothes.

The previous worries were blown away by a gust of wind.

Truly Ambitious: “…”

Seeing that he can still think of touching tofu, I can rest assured.

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