Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Shen Fangyu went over the words several times in his mind, made various permutations and combinations, and finally became convinced that although each of Jiang Xu’s words were in standard Mandarin, together, they made a long and difficult sentence that he could not understand.

He looked at Jiang Xu and began to wonder if he had finally suffered the repercussions of staying up all night and had become so mentally disturbed that he was having auditory hallucinations.

Jiang Xu was still fiddling with the timer that had stopped long ago, his face was expressionless, so he couldn’t see any clues.

Shen Fangyu did not want to believe that he had gone mad at such a young age and could not help but repeat: “Did you just say that you …… are pregnant?” He didn’t even dare to say the word “pregnant” out loud, fearing that he would be taken away as a mental patient.

Jiang Xu gave a faint “mmm”.

Shen Fangyu gulped and repeated with difficulty, “And the baby is mine?”

Jiang Xu’s hand on the timer pauses, and after a long moment of silence: “Yes.”

Shen Fangyu stretched out his hand to touch Jiang Xu’s forehead.

“What are you doing?” Jiang Xu lowered his head and looked at him inexplicably, but then quickly withdrew his gaze.

“You don’t have a fever either, is today April Fool’s Day?” Shen Fangyu withdrew his hand, the slightly cool touch of Jiang Xu’s forehead still lingering on his fingertips. He glanced at the calendar on the table in wonder; but, today wasn’t the first of April.

“It’s not April Fool’s Day either,” Shen Fangyu said to himself, denying his conjecture and asking in a puzzled voice, “Is this some kind of new trick you thought up?”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Jiang Xu suddenly raised his eyes and met Shen Fangyu’s. His gaze was icy, like it contained a storm, but it inexplicably made Shen Fangyu’s heart burn.

“Shen Fangyu, I’m not joking with you.” Jiang Xu’s fingertips, which were pinching the timer, were faintly white from the excessive force. He thought he would be relieved after he finished speaking, but he wasn’t. Looking at Shen Fangyu’s face, the fire in his heart grew hotter and hotter.

He took a deep breath, glanced at the closed door of the doctor’s office, and the next moment, he punched Shen Fangyu directly in the face.

“Fuck!” The attack was so sudden that Shen Fangyu didn’t have time to dodge. He covered his face and looked at Jiang Xu in accusation, “Don’t just hit people in the face, Jiang Xu, why are you so fierce?”

Jiang Xu slammed a pile of examination reports into Shen Fangyu’s hands, “Read them all in five minutes.”

Shen Fangyu retracted his hand in pain, “Why do you like giving people a time limit, I’m not your subordinate you know.”

Jiang Xu’s hand didn’t move, still maintaining the posture of handing out the report. His eyes were fixed on Shen Fangyu, as if he could remain like that for the rest of his life if Shen Fangyu didn’t take them.

The latter was inexplicably a little guilty under such a gaze. He closed his eyes and took the examination reports with a grimace. At first, Sheng Fangyu read them casually, but then his reading speed became slower and slower, and his eyes grew wider and wider, and even his face, which had been burning hot just now, could not feel the pain anymore.

“Jiang Xu, don’t tell me these are your examination reports…” His voice was a little unsteady.

Jiang Xu didn’t make a sound.

“Damn……,” Shen Fangyu looked at Jiang Xu with disbelief on his face and quickly flipped through the examination reports again.

He had been doing case analysis questions in obstetrics and gynecology since his sophomore year, and in his career over the years, he had seen countless examination reports like this, and every time, Dr. Shen had been able to calmly and rationally judge and analyze the diagnosis.

However, this time, Shen Fangyu read the reports over and over for so long that his eyes could have burned a hole in the black-and-white words, but he still did not dare draw a conclusion.

It took him a long time to finally comprehend the diagnostic opinion written by the imaging physician, and his gaze turned from bewilderment and shock to panic, then his eyes finally fell on the examiner’s signature, “Tang Ke?”

He instantly found a reason for himself and this absurd series of events, “I see, you and Tang Ke colluded to lie to me didn’t you.”

Shen Fangyu put the examination reports back on Jiang Xu’s desk like a hot potato, “Jiang Xu, you’re not making any sense, I just got a spot at the conference, do you have to go so far?”

Jiang Xu took a deep breath and pressed the man directly against the wall, “Do you think I’m idle?”

“No,” Shen Fangyu saw how serious he looked and became frightened, “You ……you have to think about the basic science, even if you have a special physique, we… we haven’t slept together, how would the baby come about?”

At these words, Jiang Xu bit his lower lip and said in a low voice, “Jihua Hotel, you can check the room opening records if you don’t believe me.”

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